View Full Version : R.T valve mods

12-27-2001, 11:44 PM
I need to know if there are any mods that can be done to the R.T valve . I know most of the one's for the stock valve .But you all know that the game of speed ball ,you need the rate of fire (that the stock valve can't give you).
Now don't get me wrong the R.T valve is working great ,but the gas flow seams to be restricted.

Load SM5
12-27-2001, 11:49 PM
Considering the Retro-valve's amazing recharge rate (26 shots a second with no shootdown) I would say there are'nt any flow resrictions.

12-27-2001, 11:50 PM
i know of no mods to an rt valve, but gas flow being restricted?? i have a retro valve and dont have ne problems, i dont know whats wrong, maybe u need to turn ur velocity up??

12-27-2001, 11:50 PM
If you want a higher rate of fire, try upping your input pressure.

12-28-2001, 03:42 AM
The RT valve has the fastest recharge in the business!!! If you are having gas flow shortages, look at your air system!!! Turning up the pressure will probably help!!!

12-28-2001, 04:26 AM
What the hell!?!? Now where did you hear that the flow was restricted, from you're local field idiots?
The rt valve is the fastest recharging valve on the market. No valve can compare with it. Try turing up your velocity or turn up our output pressure on your tank...

12-28-2001, 06:18 AM
Most complaints come from shortstroking the trigger. Practice pulling and releasing the trigger all the way.

In a perfret trigger stroke. The stock AIR has been shown to cycle 16 bps without shootdown. Go to www.odesseypaintball.com check out the halo section and see a normal mag fire at 16 BPS.

The RT/Retro valve system can fire 26 bps without shootdown.

This is currently the fastest in the industry, nothing even comes close.

In both cases it well exceeds anybody's ability to pull the trigger.

Question how does airflow seem to be restricted? The fastest person can only pull about 13 bps consistenly.

Check youre trigger stroke.

12-28-2001, 11:50 AM
Ok I guess i have some fine tuning to do ,both on my mag and air system .
thanks again
:) kato

12-28-2001, 12:01 PM
Now there is no reason to get that way .
To call people that ask ? an idiot , well lets just say
if you don't ask ? about things you will never learn :)


the JoKeR
12-28-2001, 01:14 PM
* chant along *

FooTemps got yelled at,
FooTemps got yelled at,
FooTemps got yelled at...

Don't make me pull this car over, you two!:D

12-28-2001, 03:48 PM
just chech the airway and valve for flow restrictions, once a guy some how got teflon lape in his valve that caused flow problems/shootdown

12-29-2001, 01:56 PM
I didn't call you an idiot... I was just thinking maybe you heard some spoiled rich players saying the rt valve sucked...

12-29-2001, 06:52 PM
so now that the air is clear on the name calling :)
By the way i need to know what psi everyone is running with the rt valve ?
Some reviews say between 650 to 750 psi. But you know one of the best ways to find out is to ask players .

12-29-2001, 07:59 PM
I'm running my Retro off of my PMI 4.5k psi preset tank at 850 psi.

12-30-2001, 10:57 AM
ive tried 900, but the trigger "breaks" too strongly...try 800-850 or so...having an easily adjustable tank (like a max-flo) makes it nice to tweak the reactiveness

ive also noticed that my max flo will leak through the reg when the tank pressure drops below the output pressure...duh!