View Full Version : What is the truth behind Non-Threaded Barrel issue?

12-28-2001, 01:03 AM
Sorry to anyone who wants to yell at me, but I did a search for it here and didn't find much about it and I was looking at getting a mag. I've heard people say the non-threaded barrels can wiggle ever so slightly in place and a tiny, tiny wiggle translates to a couple inches or more down field. Is there any truth to this or do mag barrels fit snuggly enough not to be an issue. I like the idea of being able to remove it so quickly, I just don't want inferior performance as a result.

12-28-2001, 01:59 AM
They fit well enough to not be an issue....I think someone was filling you full of BS....I could understand if the barrel didn't have the o-rings on that hold the nubbins in place....than it could be loose, but with o-rings on....it is very snug.

12-28-2001, 02:14 AM
People are just blowing smoke up your axis. This explaination is pure BS that cocker/angel/other owners spew to make mags sound like a lesser gun.

If you do the mathamatical derivations IF there is a one milimeter gap there will only be a few inches of deviation at maximum range. At this point the paintball is so far down range than any gun you shoot will produce a random grouping. And will probably exceed youre capacity to aim.

This is an extreme case, you will only have a 1mm gap if you neglect to put in the barrel o rings. For the most part there is no gap at all.

12-28-2001, 09:13 AM
If you keep fresh o-rings in there and oil them frequently you'll be fine. And Mags are accurate as.......well you get the idea.

12-28-2001, 10:04 AM
Even if the barrel did have a little wobble, it's all about the accuracy by volume anyway isnt it? At least thats what I use the high ROF for anyway.

12-28-2001, 11:33 AM
The barrel wobble (which is minor to begin with) occurs after the ball has left... it's a non-issue.

12-28-2001, 11:40 AM
i have noticed a barrel wobble when I fire my mag but no difference in accuracy at all. My mag is as accurate as any gun on the field.......

12-28-2001, 11:04 PM
When i got my 3rd mag i noticed some wobble, but added an extra o-ring and this fixed the problem. What you guys fail to realize as that most, if not anyone, uses an AGD barrel, so design/ machining could be a variance/factor in the wobble. Not trying to flame anyone but some companys dont exceed at standards like AGD.

12-29-2001, 10:16 AM
Hey, thanks everyone, it was very helpful and devoid of flames which is fantastic.

In light of this, I've purchased PF mag with the centerflag frame for $325 (not too shabby eh?). So we'll see how it works out, don't think I can dump my cocker just yet though, too much heart and soul in it, prolly get 50% playing time each. :)

Thanks again guys