View Full Version : Beyond messed up what this girl said to a soldier...

10-10-2006, 02:21 AM
Story: Girl is upset because her boyfriend moves her from #2 to #8 on his top 8 on MySpace. Guy (who is also in the Air Force and recently found out he is being called back into active duty) laughs at the triviality of this matter which is infact very trivial. The rest is the conversation WORD FOR WORD that the two had... it is appalling, disgusting, and tasteless.

Girl- go die in the war

Soldier- I'm absolutely speechless.

Girl- good lets keep it that way.

Soldier- I mean, it's not as though it's just being mean. You actually WANT me to get shot. You think your plight is more important then people dying in combat. You're a *EDITED*. No way around it.

Girl- shot, beheaded. w.e

Soldier- My gut actually hurts. I mean, I seriously don't let most of that bother me. But I didn't sign up to have someone say that to me..over something so m'kaying trivial. I'm absolutely stunned.

Girl- Hm bummer.

Soldier- I think I know the harsh causes of war. My Dorm chief from Basic already got his leg blown off.

Girl- bummer.

Soldier- Eugene, Oregon. I'll remember that. [noting where the girl lives]

Girl- ok. you do that. but im sure you wont make it here.. after the war and all.

After reading this I think to myself that this guy is willing to put his *EDITED*life on the line to save our country, and this is how a girl acts towards him. Disgusting.

And if you want to tell his girl how you feel about what she said, feel free to PM me, I will give you her E-mail and AIM.

I feel like giving you a one week ban for blatant cussing. See you next week! Army

10-10-2006, 04:21 AM
:eek: wow... just wow.
Some times I just dont know if some of the people in this country are worth serving for. But you just have to have faith that the stupidest are just the loudest.

10-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Oh come on. She is, as the fellow said, a Missed one - voluntary recall. My appologies for saying it in the first place.. What do you expect?

Anyone who validates their existence based on whose top 8 they're on and in what order they fall isn't exactly someone whose esteem is particularly valuable. Like most Americans under the age of... well, whatever age people are when they get a "real job" and have to start taking care of themselves... she's self-centered and thinks more highly of temporary glamor and chintz than long-term safety and security of life.

Surprise? No, it shouldn't be. She is a *EDITED* after all.

If you know this airman, pass on your support.

Something about women = garages, right?

10-10-2006, 10:45 AM
If you are going to get upset when a stupid person does something stupid, you are going to be upset all of the time.

There is a functionally unlimited supply of stupid people. Those people naturally do many stupid things. Even smart people do many stupid things. Accept that there is a lot of stupid in the world and move on.

Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.

10-10-2006, 11:00 AM
Yea she’s a complete *EDUTED*! I might not support the president and his policies. But I sure as hell support the troops. Every time I see one in Uniform I try to shake there hand and tell them thank you. Thank you for doing something I am not able to do my self. Who ever that twat is, I hope she gets hit by a *EDITED semi!!

No cussing or circumventing the filter. This is your only warning. Army

10-10-2006, 11:24 AM
Wow, the newblars sure do love that filter. :rolleyes:

But overall, Hexis wins, thread over.

/of course, "they're new"

10-10-2006, 12:33 PM
See, lots and lots of stupid:

10-10-2006, 12:37 PM

/Agreeing with Hexis
//lots and lots of stupid

10-10-2006, 01:13 PM
umm, you people do realize that 1) this is a personal matter between two people that has nothing to do with the war, politics, or any of that and 2) what you see is a very small excerpt of everything that happened between them. there is not enough of a basis to make any judgement.

10-10-2006, 01:14 PM
umm, you people do realize that 1) this is a personal matter between two people that has nothing to do with the war, politics, or any of that and 2) what you see is a very small excerpt of everything that happened between them. there is not enough of a basis to make any judgement.

No.. we're to stupid to notice that :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 01:17 PM
No.. we're to stupid to notice that :rolleyes:
funny, because half the people in this thread seem to be missing that :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 01:34 PM
funny, because half the people in this thread seem to be missing that :rolleyes:

Theres not a lot that someone can do that makes it ok, at least in my mind, to wish them dead.

/Wishes my ex dead

10-10-2006, 05:07 PM
How stupid are all of you. Its Myspace for crying out loud. There is nothing in the world more important than your status on someone's top 8. :tard:

10-10-2006, 05:30 PM
How stupid are all of you. Its Myspace for crying out loud. There is nothing in the world more important than your status on someone's top 8. :tard:

10-10-2006, 05:48 PM


10-10-2006, 06:00 PM

So it sucks that she's a [insert variant term for "female dog"], and that he's in a position where he might die (oh, and that I might die in a fire). Maybe if I click my heels together three times and wish real hard, the war will go away and everyone will get along and become instantaneously smarter and not care about trivial things like Myspace.

But I don't think so.

10-10-2006, 06:01 PM
No.. we're too stupid to notice that :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 06:01 PM
What are you trying to prove with this story...?

Was this a friend? A loved one? You personally?

Or did you just read it on myspace?

Oh wait...never mind...I don't really care anyway...

/Pissed I took the time to type this...

10-10-2006, 06:03 PM
How stupid are all of you. Its Myspace for crying out loud. There is nothing in the world more important than your status on someone's top 8. :tard:
*sniff*, my exgirlfriend took me off her top 8 on myspace... :cry:


10-10-2006, 06:32 PM
*sniff*, my exgirlfriend took me off her top 8 on myspace... :cry:


Its how all the cool kids break up these days.

10-10-2006, 06:40 PM
you are all missing the point, it has nothing to do with politics or anything like that, it is the morality of the issue.
someone is putting his life on the line to protect your country, and you tell them to die.

10-10-2006, 06:41 PM
you are all missing the point, it has nothing to do with politics or anything like that, it is the morality of the issue.
someone is putting his life on the line to protect your country, and you tell them to die.

You act like it's a new concept...

10-10-2006, 06:46 PM
you are all missing the point, it has nothing to do with politics or anything like that, it is the morality of the issue.
someone is putting his life on the line to protect your country, and you tell them to die.
umm, and youre missing the point. its not some girl walking up to a random guy in the airforce and saying "i hate you for serving in the military, i hope you get shot. in the FACE!" its 11, yes, only eleven lines of a conversation, which is part of a conflict between two people.

Its how all the cool kids break up these days.
/score, at least im cool :(

10-10-2006, 06:54 PM
umm, and youre missing the point. its not some girl walking up to a random guy in the airforce and saying "i hate you for serving in the military, i hope you get shot. in the FACE!" its 11, yes, only eleven lines of a conversation, which is part of a conflict between two people.

/score, at least im cool :(
So you see nothing wrong at all with that she did..

10-10-2006, 06:58 PM
You're new to this whole intartubes thingie, aren't you spinny?

/"moral side of things" indeed

10-10-2006, 07:01 PM
So you see nothing wrong at all with that she did..
i see it as a personal conflict between two people, and anything she did wrong is based on that conflict. shes mad at HIM, not at soldiers in general, and she expressed her anger through the topic at hand, him leaving for duty.

again, its a personal conflict. she could very well be in the wrong, or be any of the names people called her, but its no different than any other trivial conflict between two people you dont know and never will.

/in other words, this entire thread is pointless and useless.

10-10-2006, 07:04 PM
ugh, why did i even bother replying?

this thread should die.

along with most of the people in it, for various political and war-related reasons. :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 09:13 PM
This is just one of the results of too many years of allowing people to be emo and alive at the same time. If we would just kill anyone emo the moment they start turning that way, everything will be better.

/martha :nono:

10-10-2006, 11:24 PM
You guys are funny. This isn't her boyfriend she's talking to. This is just some guy who called her out on being an idiot about what her boyfriend did. The way she responded was retarded and out of control. Then again, she's obviously just some 16yo ditz who doesn't understand that life extends beyon myspace. It's not like people like that are going to make it in life so who cares.

BTW, he's an airman not a soldier. A soldier is in the Army. An airman is in the Airforce. A sailor is in the Navy. A Marine is in the Marine Corps. Just letting you know.

10-10-2006, 11:30 PM
No, no, no. Seamen are in the navy. Seamen. The navy is full of seamen.

Really though, one of my coworkers was a seaman. In the navy they call a hallway a p-way. Then the seaman was telling a story in which he said "the seamen were blocking the p-way". Poor guy.

10-10-2006, 11:33 PM
A seaman is a rank in the Navy. We say the "Sailor's Creed" no matter what rank you are though. We are sailors, not seaman. Don't tell an O6 that he or she is a seaman. An O6 is a Captain, but still a sailor. And yes, we call hallways P-ways. The walls are bulkheads, the floor is the deck, the bathroom is the head, the bed is the rack, etc...

10-10-2006, 11:50 PM
So technically, he could have done even better and said "the seamen were clogging the p-way to the head, so I couldnt pee". And navy people wonder why they get made fun of. :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 11:57 PM
So technically, he could have done even better and said "the seamen were clogging the p-way to the head, so I couldnt pee". And navy people wonder why they get made fun of. :rolleyes:

Yup lol. Hey we don't care. We have the Airforce to make fun of. Those freakin country-clubbers. Navy and Marine Corps all the way. O yea, the Marines say the same things we "navy people" do. So just remember that the next time you think the "head" sounds silly. Haa!

10-11-2006, 05:20 AM
Oh dont worry, I make fun of jarheads too. Heheh, stupid jarheads.

10-11-2006, 07:17 AM
No, no, no. Seamen are in the navy. Seamen. The navy is full of seamen.

Really though, one of my coworkers was a seaman. In the navy they call a hallway a p-way. Then the seaman was telling a story in which he said "the seamen were blocking the p-way". Poor guy.

Finally something worth reading in here...

10-11-2006, 10:53 AM
So technically, he could have done even better and said "the seamen were clogging the p-way to the head, so I couldnt pee". And navy people wonder why they get made fun of. :rolleyes:

sheer beauty...

10-11-2006, 11:28 AM
Two pilot jokes:

Q: How do you know when a pilot enters the room?
A: He tells you.

Q: What's the difference between God and a pilot?
A: God doesn't think he can fly a plane.

10-11-2006, 12:52 PM
You guys are funny. This isn't her boyfriend she's talking to. This is just some guy who called her out on being an idiot about what her boyfriend did. The way she responded was retarded and out of control. Then again, she's obviously just some 16yo ditz who doesn't understand that life extends beyon myspace. It's not like people like that are going to make it in life so who cares.
okay, so some random guy decides to talk to this girl he doesn't know for the sole purpose of calling her an idiot, and the girl is a *insert name here* for getting mad at him?

seriously, you dont know enough to make a judgement on the situation. you really don't. end of thread.

10-11-2006, 04:17 PM
okay, so some random guy decides to talk to this girl he doesn't know for the sole purpose of calling her an idiot, and the girl is a *insert name here* for getting mad at him?

seriously, you dont know enough to make a judgement on the situation. you really don't. end of thread.

Oh cmon if a stranger gets in your grill about something you really shouldn't get that crazy about it. Just ignore them, it's not like you have a relationship with them that you may be worried about. They're just a stranger. People just need to learn to sort out their priorities.

Oh, another Airforce joke Ricker:

You can tell the different branches of the service by how they define securing a building. The Army sets up barbed wire around the perimeter, MG's in the windows, and sends out troops to patrol. The Navy sets up communications, intelligence, planning, etc inside. The Airforce puts in a hot-tub and books the first two floors. Zing!

10-11-2006, 04:19 PM
Oh cmon if a stranger gets in your grill about something you really shouldn't get that crazy about it. Just ignore them, it's not like you have a relationship with them that you may be worried about. They're just a stranger. People just need to learn to sort out their priorities.
so why is everyone in this thread getting so worked up about what some person they dont know said to another person they dont know?

/again, end of thread.

10-11-2006, 04:38 PM
so why is everyone in this thread getting so worked up about what some person they dont know said to another person they dont know?

/again, end of thread.

Just making a social commentary on modern youths. It's quite allowed.

10-11-2006, 04:59 PM
so why is everyone in this thread getting so worked up about what some person they dont know said to another person they dont know?

/again, end of thread.

nothing better to do at the time? just tryin to give the most logical answer i can

so anyway, what kind of a :cuss: would wish death on a defender of our nation. they put their lives on the line in order for ignorant *EDIT's like that to have free speech, i think some respect is in order... yeah, that girl needs some nice, hard respect right across her face.

*edited because for some reason the mods think that the human anatomy is a blatant swear*

10-11-2006, 05:10 PM
Maybe she needs someone to spit on her face. Some people are just ignorant of what our military personel sacrifice and do for us.

However, all is not lost. I was back home in my SDB uniform for the Columbus Day weekend buying some o.j. at the local supermarket. I used to work there and was just showing off in front of my friends with my gf haha. Well, when I was leaving, a woman (about 40) stopped me and shook my hand and said thank you. I was so taken back I didn't even know what to say. All I could think to say was "No problem ma'am, thank you ." So don't fret, there are people who show their appreciation and it feels damn good. For every dumb twat there are 10 respectful people who appreciate it.

10-11-2006, 05:14 PM
i'm just trying to get the irony here :tard:

which is more ironic, that people are saying she can't say that because he's a soldier defending her freedom(of speech), or her saying that to someone who's defending her freedom, or..oh never mind, my head hurts

10-11-2006, 06:32 PM
How stupid are all of you. Its Myspace for crying out loud. There is nothing in the world more important than your status on someone's top 8. :tard:
I'm not even on Myspace . . .

10-19-2006, 11:40 PM
I love how I was banned for cussing twice, yet another user used the exact same swear words twice and got a warning.

10-20-2006, 12:20 AM
I love how I was banned for cussing twice, yet another user used the exact same swear words twice and got a warning.



10-20-2006, 12:09 PM
which is more ironic, that people are saying she can't say that because he's a soldier defending her freedom(of speech), or her saying that to someone who's defending her freedom, or..oh never mind, my head hurts

Whatever, American Freedom hating libtard.

10-20-2006, 12:20 PM
Whatever, American Freedom hating libtard.

:cry: where did that come from? why? :cry:

10-20-2006, 02:56 PM
I expected to see this thread die a long time ago... but since it's still around, I'll say this:

First off, appologies to Army for any inconvenience I might have caused him. Thank you for your trouble.

Second, I thought the thread was pretty much over as soon as MySpace was mentioned.

Lastly, on the subject of sailor vs. seaman, I figure I should point out that the Air Force uses 'airman' interchangably as both a profession and a rate. At any rate, I wouldn't get my undies in a twist if someone called me a seaman. It would likely either be in jest or out of ignorance so what's the big deal?

10-20-2006, 05:29 PM
:cry: where did that come from? why? :cry:

I think your sarcasm meter may be malfunctioning. ;)

10-20-2006, 06:10 PM
I think your sarcasm meter may be malfunctioning. ;)

kinda figured that, but I've been over on pbnation more than usual, I think that threw it out of whack :p