View Full Version : I killed a Kid was I wrong?

10-13-2006, 11:53 AM
Well not literally took his life away but something close I guess. Last weekend I went to play and I didn't take my mags because they are being annoed so instead I took my ancient Tippmann SL68 2. Anyway I was in the middle of a scenario game war and my team was losing. I made a daring move with the help of some of my team mates cover fire and moved really close to the enemy in the middle field. They were closing in on us and as I looked back only 6 of my team mates were keeping the fight alive. As I peeked though the holes of the tiny broken down bunker I saw a head sticking out every once in a while shooting at my team. I just remember a red mask and a silver DM6 and being about 30 to 40 feet away. I waited and as he stuck his head out a third time, I aimed and BAM!! nailed him right in the side of the head.
Right after I was eliminated from another sniper I noticed the person I shot had not eliminated himself, so I walked up to him and it was a 13 year old kid holding his ear and sort of crying. :( The ref immediatly walked up to the kid and helped him up and asked how far I had shot him from and the kid said from really close point blank close. The kid also said that he could not hear from his left ear. The ref then went up to me and told me I should be more careful :confused: As the ref walked him out I remember him asking if I was really close and kid kept nodding his head. They checked my chrono and it was 280 fps which was 5 fps more than the limit. For some reason I ended up feeling bad about the whole thing even after I saw the kid I shot playing gleefully the second game right after :tard:

10-13-2006, 11:57 AM
eh, if he was fine the next game, than don't feel to bad. Be sure he would have ripped on you if he was that close, and probably put 4 or 5 to your head. You only shot him once, and your gun was not hot.

/ how close were you?

10-13-2006, 11:58 AM
Of course you where wrong..you were playing paintball and shot someone..what the hell were you thinking? :rolleyes:

10-13-2006, 12:00 PM
eh, if he was fine the next game, than don't feel to bad. Be sure he would have ripped on you if he was that close, and probably put 4 or 5 to your head. You only shot him once, and your gun was not hot.

/ how close were you?

about 30 to 40 feet away.

10-13-2006, 12:02 PM
about 30 to 40 feet away.

lets see you go for a bunkering nex time ;)

10-13-2006, 12:07 PM
about 30 to 40 feet away.

yeah, just saw that :p

in that case, no way should you feel bad. In fact, you probably did what 99% of this forum would feel good about doing. You shot a kiddie (shooting a gun his mommy bought him) with one shot, sniper style. The only down side it wasnt with a mag. :argh:

I accidently shot a kid after he called out, put to balls on him from all the way across the field, had to arch them to get them to him. He was standing behind a tree watching the rest of the game, wasnt in our designated dead zone. Easy mistake, but I walked up to him to apologize. I said sorry, and than he started crying saying he had called out, and why did I shoot him. pfftt...if you can't take hits from 30-40 feet without crying, than dont play the game.

10-13-2006, 12:14 PM
30-40 feet? He should pay better attention, his whining was from the shock of getting smacked from out of nowhere.

10-13-2006, 12:18 PM
yeah, just saw that :p

in that case, no way should you feel bad. In fact, you probably did what 99% of this forum would feel good about doing. You shot a kiddie (shooting a gun his mommy bought him) with one shot, sniper style. The only down side it wasnt with a mag. :argh:

I accidently shot a kid after he called out, put to balls on him from all the way across the field, had to arch them to get them to him. He was standing behind a tree watching the rest of the game, wasnt in our designated dead zone. Easy mistake, but I walked up to him to apologize. I said sorry, and than he started crying saying he had called out, and why did I shoot him. pfftt...if you can't take hits from 30-40 feet without crying, than dont play the game.

Yeah I am sure if it was my mag it would of hit him in the same spot 3 times. I love my mag, I just use the ol SL because it is indestructable. Reminds me of my mag.

10-13-2006, 12:25 PM
As a ref I would say that the first thing wrong here is that nobody called him out. I dunno about you guys, but where I ref we don't wait for somebody to call themselves out, if we see the hit we'll call it ourselves. This is in my view a lack of a a good ref to player ratio.

You did everything right, you one-balled him and made him cry like the little girl he is. I recently got my 12 year-old brother out on the field for the first time. I made sure that he understood he was gonna get shot and it was gonna suck that first time, but he will get use to it! We practiced a bit first, he had a full hopper and I had a 10-round tube ghetto rigged into the feed of my Mag. We did a snap shooting drill and I shot him square in the forehead! He took it like a champ, and we went and played a few games later.

These young kids who are just handed an excellent marker rely on that great gun to the point that with it they think they are invincible, and cry when they take a goggle shot!? The goggle has got to be the least paintful place to take a hit! He was lucky you gave it to him at 30-40, I like to get a little closer :rolleyes:

10-13-2006, 12:26 PM
We call that a run through.... It happens in almost every game of paintball.. So what the kid was crying boo hoo hes 13 and should get some stones.

10-13-2006, 12:49 PM
dude... don't feel bad.

Last Sunday, we were playing attack the fort. I was on offense. Long story short... I made it to the doorway of the fort and stepped in. I signalled the ref at which point the ref declared this was an elimination game and I proceeded to hunt the players inside after 2ms of deliberation.

Everyone was upstairs in the fort and had NO CLUE I was down there. I stuck my pneumag up over the railing of the stairs into the one room "balcony" and could've touched the little noolets I shot. Shootin fish in a barrel :argh:

I felt sorta bad and winced a little bit each time I pulled the trigger... cause I sure as heck was not missing. At least I wasn't aiming for heads you ***hole.

I chronoed the pneumag after that... 305fps.

10-13-2006, 12:52 PM
...At least I wasn't aiming for heads you ***hole...

If heads are all they give ya... :shooting:

10-13-2006, 12:57 PM
I was joking about the heads thing and the ***hole part. All's I know is if somebody shot me with a 305fps gun from 0.75 feet away... there would some fighting.

On a side note... We once played outlaw ball back in the day with the guns chronoed @ 400 fps (Tippmann Prolite). One of my my budies got knocked out from a noggin shot like 15 feet away. I'll never forget... he just dropped like a tree. :rofl:

10-13-2006, 01:02 PM
dude... don't feel bad.

Last Sunday, we were playing attack the fort. I was on offense. Long story short... I made it to the doorway of the fort and stepped in. I signalled the ref at which point the ref declared this was an elimination game and I proceeded to hunt the players inside after 2ms of deliberation.

Everyone was upstairs in the fort and had NO CLUE I was down there. I stuck my pneumag up over the railing of the stairs into the one room "balcony" and could've touched the little noolets I shot. Shootin fish in a barrel :argh:

I felt sorta bad and winced a little bit each time I pulled the trigger... cause I sure as heck was not missing. At least I wasn't aiming for heads you ***hole.

I chronoed the pneumag after that... 305fps.

that story is why I rarely hole up in a house. 90% of the time you're the last one to get out, and getting out normally means getting shot from 10ft away or less.

We have played SWAt before. We even had shields, 50 gallon plastic drums we cut in half. We also had grain carts you could push and advance behind. There's nothing to get your adrenilin pumping in a game of paintball than tryng to clear a dark room. :ninja:

10-13-2006, 01:03 PM
Well the head is all I had to shoot. I see it more like a rough introduction to the Nelson Valve ;)

A couple of games later the kid walked up to me and said "Hey buddy did you shoot a kid in the ear?" I replied "Yeah, from far away." Then he gives me the dirtiest look and switched teams along with his other friends. They had nice guns I give them that. I was sort of funny to me when he kept looking at my gun with with a disgusted/confused look wondering what the hell was that thing that made him cry LOL.

10-13-2006, 01:04 PM
Not for nothing aiming for heads is all that these kids give you half the time...

The kids that play at the field I work at wear 2 sweatshirts in the middle of the summer to play. It is so bad the regulars know to A) shoot them in something hard or B) Shoot enough paint at them so you break paint on the paint that hit them and bounced off.

I made some kids head hurt with the way I played in the indoor I work at during the summer.. He was rocking out the two sweat shirt motif and long pants... I was rocking out in a t-shirt shorts and a pair of Teva sandles...

10-13-2006, 01:06 PM
Well the head is all I had to shoot. I see it more like a rough introduction to the Nelson Valve ;)

A couple of games later the kid walked up to me and said "Hey buddy did you shoot a kid in the ear?" I replied "Yeah, from far away." Then he gives me the dirtiest look and switched teams along with his other friends. They had nice guns I give them that. I was sort of funny to me when he kept looking at my gun with with a disgusted/confused look wondering what the hell was that thing that made him cry LOL.

you can probably find a post about it on pbnation. something to the effect that he got bunkered by some guy with an ego after he shot you, while he was holding off all 16 of your teamates. You shot him 10 times in the ear and he passed out. Than the next game he bunkered you and bonus balled the heck out of you for shooting him in the ear. Than he went home and had sex with your mom.

Temo Vryce
10-13-2006, 01:07 PM
You played it right and that's the game. If I can surrender younger players I will, otherwise it's 1 shot unless more are required.

For the rest of you. Yes the googles is one of the least painful (No T AGDRetro :) ) places to get hit but you have to relise that this kid didn't get hit in the Googles, he took it in the side of the mask and very likely in the ear which, mask or no mask, hurts like (Words I can't say here). 12 years old isn't that tough. I have seen 8 years that could take a couple hits and suck it up and I've grown men who couldn't really take a hit. Age has nothing to do with it. Getting hit hurts there is no two ways about it. You and I can stand up to a couple of hits but not everyone can. The kid was ok in the end and it doesn't sound like there was any lasting damage other than the kids ego. Maybe he'll learn to pay more attention to what's happening arround him next time.

10-13-2006, 01:11 PM
The kids that play at the field I work at wear 2 sweatshirts in the middle of the summer to play. It is so bad the regulars know to A) shoot them in something hard or B) Shoot enough paint at them so you break paint on the paint that hit them and bounced off.

I played against some kid who was wearing one of those puffy michelin man jackets at an indoor place. He said he couldn't feel a thing with it on, so it was perfect...

10-13-2006, 01:13 PM
What goggles these days offer no ear protection, and its not gonna be some old one. Its gonna be some trendy new thing if he was toting a DM6! I take shots to the head all the time, never once have I had any "ear issues"...

10-13-2006, 01:15 PM
What goggles these days offer no ear protection, and its not gonna be some old one. Its gonna be some trendy new thing if he was toting a DM6! I take shots to the head all the time, never once have I had any "ear issues"...

if he was alittle behind him, than maybe it missed his mask, or if he was looking to his left and he got shot from the right, but otherwsie yeah...mask should have taken the impact

bare ear shots and neck shots def hurt the worse though :cry:

10-13-2006, 01:33 PM
Of course you where wrong..you were playing paintball and shot someone..what the hell were you thinking? :rolleyes:

And using aq 10 year old pump gun to boot. You lousy cheater :D


10-13-2006, 01:51 PM
first off don't be comparing a 13 year old to a grown up... lots of brain cells still intact in the 13 year old since he hasn't been subjected to alcohol and drugs yet (hopefully) ... therefore his pain sensors are greater than that of an adult... there's also puberty and what not...

secondly a SL-68 uses cO2 does it not? if you had liquid sitting in the gun the first shot will kill and any chrono afterwards wouldn't completely/correctly reflect this...

any ear covering would have holes for listening so although the majority of the shell is stopped fragments of the shell and some of the liquid will still penetrate through the listening holes at a reduced but still potential painful velocity...

10-13-2006, 02:03 PM
[QUOTE=astroboy] will still penetrate through the listening holes QUOTE]

Thats it!! I will call it the PENETRATOR!! :clap: :headbang:

10-13-2006, 02:05 PM
Thats it!! I will call it the PENETRATOR!! :clap: :headbang:

You're no better than Micheal Jackson! HEE HEE!

10-13-2006, 02:06 PM
Yeah, Don't feel bad.

Did I run to the deadbox crying when I got shot 6 times in the mask/neck/head during a bunker move over the top of my carwash?

10-13-2006, 02:11 PM
Yeah, Don't feel bad.

Did I run to the deadbox crying when I got shot 6 times in the mask/neck/head during a bunker move over the top of my carwash?

but you're not 13, so your pain sensors arent as sensitive. apparently you feel pain less and less when you get older. Can't wait till I'm 90, I will be able to get hit by a car and not feel anything.

10-13-2006, 02:20 PM
The ear is sensitive to pain. As a 13 year old, it will be even more sensitive. He played the game and got shot in a sensitive area, don't worry about it.

It is only becuase you saw his reaction that you feel bad.

10-13-2006, 02:46 PM
but you're not 13, so your pain sensors arent as sensitive. apparently you feel pain less and less when you get older. Can't wait till I'm 90, I will be able to get hit by a car and not feel anything.

I LOL'd big time

don miguel
10-13-2006, 02:55 PM
You shot him in the ear? wasn't his ear protected by his mask? if not, shouldn't it have been?
Most masks protect the ear so it shoulden't be your fault he was hit there.

10-13-2006, 03:10 PM
You should have shot him in the junk, then proclaimed how you took his mind off of his painfull ear. Ask for a donation too.

10-13-2006, 03:17 PM
You shot him in the ear? wasn't his ear protected by his mask? if not, shouldn't it have been?
Most masks protect the ear so it shoulden't be your fault he was hit there.

All I know is that he had a fancy JT mask with a thin foam padding in the ear part.

10-13-2006, 03:24 PM
Shoot 'em enough that they don't come back. Paintball and unrelated-to-me 13 year olds suck.

don miguel
10-13-2006, 03:24 PM
All I know is that he had a fancy JT mask with a thin foam padding in the ear part.

he should have thought about that before playing, I have a vforce profiler and it has rubberized padding at the ears. I have had ear shots and they bounce right off. That kid should buy a mask that protects the ears. it's not your fault don't worry about it.

10-13-2006, 06:19 PM
"shoot him, he needs to learn"
(that is what I told the players at OGD when they said they didn't have the heart to shoot my 7 year old.)

10-13-2006, 08:05 PM
"shoot him, he needs to learn"
(that is what I told the players at OGD when they said they didn't have the heart to shoot my 7 year old.)

thats one badass kid!!! :shooting:

10-13-2006, 08:35 PM
no... you nailed someone with a DM6 fron 30-40 feet away with a PUMP!!!!! be proud.....further proof that speed and expensive guns dont help you THAT much :shooting:

keep up the good work :hail:

10-13-2006, 08:50 PM
I once felt bad for shooting a younger teen at an in door field. Nailed him in the head while he was moving up my right side, was getting close to being even with me on the other side. I even hesitated to shoot him in the head... then I realized he would have done the same thing to me and maybe he will learn something from it. Always keep your head down and be aware of the other teams location.

10-14-2006, 02:00 AM

I saw this new promotion thing the other day thats rubber balls that squirt paint on low impact. Shot out of what looks like a pop gun or something. Made for kids that don't want to get shot. Should carry ads and pass them out :)


10-14-2006, 07:23 AM

I saw this new promotion thing the other day thats rubber balls that squirt paint on low impact. Shot out of what looks like a pop gun or something. Made for kids that don't want to get shot. Should carry ads and pass them out :)


Just pass out flyers for local ballet lessons instead.

10-14-2006, 08:13 AM
The only thing I need to tell you is congrats for being able to hit someone with a pump. That's a lot better than I can usally do. :D (no need to feel bad; just make sure you velocity is where is should be at)

10-14-2006, 02:37 PM
Man you are such a nicer person than me! I'd have kept shooting at him till I heard someone scream "OUT!" and wave their marker in the air not walk over their.

K Wolf
10-14-2006, 05:03 PM
I'd have been mad at the ref for coddling the lyin lil bastage and assuming you to be guilty of shooting at too close range. Then again, I've been known to be a "dead" man who "accidentally" shot a teammate (newb in padding, scared to get hit) in the bum to encourage him to advance. (ref saw my "accident", so he wasn't eliminated by me)

captian pinky
10-14-2006, 06:44 PM
dont feel bad i shot a kid in the nuts last weekend and he thought it was someone else and not me that shot him i felt bad i even applogized to his mom and everything

10-14-2006, 07:04 PM
Wrong? Not really...

People who play should know that some hits hurt more than others, and 13jr old or not is no exception to the rule. You said you hit him within a 30-40 feet range, thats kinda normal to hit someone, and i really would complain if somebody i hit from that range states i shot him point blank. I really don't care what age the player is, if he is lying to a judge about the range i'd tell my side of the story and let the ref decide...

And i think kids of that age shouldnt play paintball... just too young if you ask me...

10-15-2006, 03:34 AM
i was plaiyn at liberty a woodsball feild, litle kid it runin aorund shooting i see him and i didint know he was like 9
so i shoot him, musta bounced ff or somthin kinda long range but instead of contuing to hide behind the bunker the kid walks out and look around scratching his head like whred that come from, so i let him be, but i think he actually called himself out aftwards not knowing it didnt break, meanwhike he friends only lasted one round b4 thye told there parents, we dont wanna play anymore whre gonna shoot the rest of the paint over there (the chrono)

10-15-2006, 12:21 PM
ouch. poor kid.

hes playing paintball, as you said you were 30-40 feet away (right?) and if thats the case you eliminated him and have no reason to feel bad. however, you should make him feel better, because the object was to eliminate him not hurt him...

10-17-2006, 05:40 PM
I wince when i watch the d3 teams play at my loca field. One dude taking his time, walks up to a guy in the snake looking inside and shoots him square on the head from<1 foot away. No hat/beanie, just a shaved head..../shivers/ I know people who when bunkering(usually the last man) purposely aim for the back of the head and more often than not at least 3 shots. crazy d3 players. Oh well, i gues they're #1 in d3 nppl for a reason.

another point. I dont think proflex masks offer enough protection in the ear area. Ive gone deaf for a few seconds after being shot there. Ive taken the liberty to fix this problem by punching holes in plastic credit cards, covering it in wristbands and attactching it behind the regular soft ear.

/end random rant.

10-17-2006, 05:55 PM
I wince when i watch the d3 teams play at my loca field. One dude taking his time, walks up to a guy in the snake looking inside and shoots him square on the head from<1 foot away. No hat/beanie, just a shaved head..../shivers/ I know people who when bunkering(usually the last man) purposely aim for the back of the head and more often than not at least 3 shots. crazy d3 players. Oh well, i gues they're #1 in d3 nppl for a reason.

another point. I dont think proflex masks offer enough protection in the ear area. Ive gone deaf for a few seconds after being shot there. Ive taken the liberty to fix this problem by punching holes in plastic credit cards, covering it in wristbands and attactching it behind the regular soft ear.

/end random rant.

Yup that is sure what it was. It was a proflex the kid learned that cool isn't always the way to go.

10-18-2006, 07:05 AM
I love shooting kids in the head, he should understand the concept of the game before playing, I've been bunkered really bad a few times, and seen a kid his same age get lit up from closer and tough it out. this kid is a moron

10-18-2006, 07:37 AM
I love shooting kids in the head, he should understand the concept of the game before playing [...] this kid is a moron


concept of paintball is to give kids a concussion? he isnt the only moron.