View Full Version : Attention fellow Canadians. looking for some info, please help

MAD 705
10-13-2006, 01:48 PM
I am new to this site and hoping some fellow canadians can help. Has anyone bought a mag from the AGD store site, if so have you had problems getting it through customs and how long did it take to arrive ?.

I ask because I am thinking about getting one.

Thanks: MAD705

10-17-2006, 09:09 AM
Not exactly an answer to your question but...
I've never bought a whole marker from AGD, only parts (and not had any issues w/those).
I have however bought several markers off ebay from US sellers & not had any issues getting them through customs.

AGD customer service is excellent - give them a call and ask if they ship markers to Canada.

10-28-2006, 04:14 PM

I'm back after years of being off the forum but recently placed an order for a custom mag and parts etc, and had absolutly no problems with customs, only took 2 weeks to arrive and I'm very happy with my purchase. Oh yes I'm in Ottawa as well! :eek:
