View Full Version : compressed air/nitro???

12-28-2001, 12:23 PM
Ok whats the deal with this--everywhere I go I see nitro tanks for sale, but NEVER compressed air. At first i thought that they might be the same thing, but then i see things that say "use with compressed air OR nitrogen", so what the hell is the deal with this? They talk about compressed air but only sell nitro? If anyone knows where to buy a compressed air tank at please post it.

12-28-2001, 12:30 PM
compressed air and nitrogen are the same things....if you buy a nitro tank u can get it filled w/ either of them
nitrogen is just a cleaner more pure form of compressed air (that's what i understand)
so any tank you see for sale w/ nitrogen is the same thing as a hpa or compressed air tank

12-28-2001, 12:35 PM
Thanx, I was a little confused there for awhile. My friends always said they have compressed air tanks when all i could find were nitro tanks for sale.

12-28-2001, 01:29 PM
nope unless sumthin changed they are the same
nitrogen is a little better but compressed air is cheaper and dose the same job that's y most stores fill it w/ compressed air and it's too long to type out so most ppl just type nitro tank