View Full Version : everyones first thought upon use of the xvalve

10-15-2006, 05:14 PM
So im getting an xvalve, and i never shot one or saw one fire in person, and im wondering what im gonna think after i put it in and tune it up, i find myself wondering, i the trigger will be the same pull and just bounce back faster and i`ll be shooting the same bps unless get the ule or will i just get a slight improvment, from what i read i wont be able to walk it just stock xvlave thats a ule only thing, so i was just wondering what everyone thought after the fist time shooting one, in comparison to the 68 classic was it what they expectd better or just completly diff from what they thought it would be :D

10-15-2006, 05:32 PM
So im getting an xvalve, and i never shot one or saw one fire in person, and im wondering what im gonna think after i put it in and tune it up, i find myself wondering, i the trigger will be the same pull and just bounce back faster and i`ll be shooting the same bps unless get the ule or will i just get a slight improvment, from what i read i wont be able to walk it just stock xvlave thats a ule only thing, so i was just wondering what everyone thought after the fist time shooting one, in comparison to the 68 classic was it what they expectd better or just completly diff from what they thought it would be :D
I love mine and was actually able to walk it for a medium string w/o the ult. The ult is great, but you will love the new valve without it. It will yield a higher rof for you. It is a great valve.

10-15-2006, 05:45 PM
Its got an emag on/off in it, which means super-bounce.

You're not going to have to worry about speed ;)

10-15-2006, 05:47 PM
one other thing that was corssing my mind i forgot to include in first post, i have a nitroduck 68/3k fixed output 850, is this sufficient to run this valve, or should i get an adjustable, altho the ones ive seen only go to like 900 psi anyway, ttyl

10-15-2006, 05:50 PM
Adjustable is better, but 850 will work if that is what it is actually outputting.

It will be noticably different than a classic valve. You probably won't be able to walk it. I can shoot mine two fingered pretty damn quick, I couldn't give you an exact BPS but I'm pretty sure I can sustain somewhere between 8 and 10bps or so with it. That's just guessing though.

10-15-2006, 08:55 PM
one other thing that was corssing my mind i forgot to include in first post, i have a nitroduck 68/3k fixed output 850, is this sufficient to run this valve, or should i get an adjustable, altho the ones ive seen only go to like 900 psi anyway, ttyl
I run a preset at ~850 psi and it works like a champ, you'll be fine.

10-15-2006, 09:00 PM
its deffinitally worth the money, you will love the increase of rof.

10-16-2006, 08:40 PM
"Holy crap, I just out ran my revy." was my first thought
"holy crap, I just out ran my egg." was my second 5 minutes later
"holy crap, I just out ran my halo, this thing can bounce....." was my third 3 minutes later
of course, I didn't have a great halo, just a regular b, and had Tunaman build and tune my gun, so my thoughts were really unpoluted with thoughts of tuning.....

10-16-2006, 10:14 PM
well, the tuning to me doesnt sound like a huge set back to me i think id enjoy tuning everything myseld, so incase of somthin, i dunno what exactly but somthin happened i would feel confident tinkering with the thing, yeah well since i dont have 100+ bucks to spend ona new hoper i shelled out 49 for a ricochet apache led which was on sale fro 90 says it gets 19 bps..we`ll see and then if i end up out shooting the hopper, i`ll be happy i have ahopper that keeps me from wasting all my paint just because i can :-)

10-17-2006, 06:38 PM
Man, I can't wait to install the ULT.

Without it, it was much faster than my Classic Valve and since I ordered one right after the other, I couldn't wait to get the ULT in... :shooting:

10-17-2006, 08:38 PM
i know what you mena i just orderd a bunch of stuff, cause i took a long break from pb a ew years and all the foam on my mask dryed and fell off, hopper for whatever reason doesnt work, not that a 12v revvy will be good witht eh xvalve ( i hope) altho i went the cheap route and bought a rocochet apache (says 18 bps and reveiws support that probably not the case but im sure its good ) 90 on sale for 40 at paintballgear bought proto f/s switch mask (also on sale at pbg, apparntly still on sle for labor day for 35 bucks) and a few other items shipping got messed up tho cause i used my girls card so the shipping and billing adress where difernt and it casued a problem but everything shipped today and i shipped my classic today for the x so hopfully agd will get it by thrusday i used like 2 or 3 day selcect from ups and i`ll get tit monday
and i cant wait for any of it gonna start playing every weekend like its supposed to be

10-17-2006, 09:21 PM
well, the tuning to me doesnt sound like a huge set back to me i think id enjoy tuning everything myseld, so incase of somthin, i dunno what exactly but somthin happened i would feel confident tinkering with the thing, yeah well since i dont have 100+ bucks to spend ona new hoper i shelled out 49 for a ricochet apache led which was on sale fro 90 says it gets 19 bps..we`ll see and then if i end up out shooting the hopper, i`ll be happy i have ahopper that keeps me from wasting all my paint just because i can :-)

You'll out run it, I've been able to outrun my boosted vlocity. Then again I have a dynaflow hooked up to this bad boy.

BTW also have an apache, might wanna get a long feedneck, the stock feedneck on a ule body is so short you'll get at the most 3-4 round bursts on the apache.

10-17-2006, 09:26 PM
my first thoughts when i got the xvalve ...was

holy crap im not blending paint

10-17-2006, 10:45 PM
BTW also have an apache, might wanna get a long feedneck, the stock feedneck on a ule body is so short you'll get at the most 3-4 round bursts on the apache.

i have p/f :-)

10-17-2006, 11:58 PM
And still no one shooting a legally set up meg mag will outshoot a halo/eggy/Vlocity/etc.

/zomg ramping is bad!

10-18-2006, 11:22 AM
My mag shoots 34 BPS!!1BBQ!1one!

10-18-2006, 05:10 PM
well xvalve is legal no? just when your ading ult, it gets ify i thought

10-20-2006, 09:25 PM
did you ever purchace your xvlalve if not contact me please

10-20-2006, 09:57 PM
my first thoughts when i got the xvalve ...was

holy crap im not blending paint

my first thought, this is way lighter then the SS valve but was it worth the extra $$$$.