View Full Version : E-MAG don't shoot

10-22-2006, 05:07 PM

i really need help on this....few days ago i was able to lose my E-MAG's on/off.
Well i asked another one to AGD and assembled it.
But now the E-MAG don't shoot either in mechanical or eletronic mode....i can hear the Mag arming when i turn on the gas, the triger moves ok...but i have no shoots.
I am using an E-MAG with XMOD 1.7 and a MAX-FLO inline set to 1000psi.

I made some maintenance, changed all the orings of the valve, also checked the wiring of the solenoid(it is OK, according to the compass test).
Does anybody have an idea of whats going on with my E-MAG?
Thanks, so much. :D


10-22-2006, 05:09 PM
I forgot...i also looked for something similar in the old topics...but could not find any.

don miguel
10-22-2006, 06:19 PM
Is it a new, used, or just old emag? Mabe that will narrow it down.

10-22-2006, 07:59 PM
I bought it used, but was working fine until i lose the on/off, after i replaced the on/off it just can't shoot, as i described above. Also tried make it work by lubricating the on/off pin.

10-22-2006, 08:20 PM
Did you replace it with the right one?

is the safety off? :D

10-22-2006, 08:40 PM
The on/off pin MUST be .712 I had the same problem, and ended up sanding down one of my spare .748 rt pro pins. Pm me if you need one as I just ordered 2 extras from tuna, and will probally not need them now

10-23-2006, 06:17 AM
Hello Mann,

i ordered a complete new ON/OFF from AGD, an asked according their online catalog, this is the ON/OFF i bought:


and it is informing it is the .712 pin.
I also tried to shoot after full load the battery, i left it the whole night to recharge. But with no results yet.

10-23-2006, 11:11 AM
If you have a level 10 you may have to retune it because of specific tolerences. It may also be that you need to change the springs in the level 10. I had this happen to my emag and witha quick tune of the level 10 and putting in a new level 10 spring it was up and shooting again without any hiccups. Tunaman suggests that you get new springs every year. Try that and see if it works. Also check to make sure that it is a .712 pin

-Mike Brothman

10-23-2006, 11:15 AM
Also for some reason some emags can not function with reliability on the longest spring. Usually the medium spring works the best. I luckily can use the large spring. It all basically comes down to tolerances whether it be the level 10 the new on/off or even the software. Hope that helped if not I would suggest emailing tunaman as he has helped me through some of the wierdest things with my mags most revolving around the level 10.

-Mike Brothman

10-23-2006, 04:06 PM
Also for some reason some emags can not function with reliability on the longest spring. Usually the medium spring works the best. I luckily can use the large spring. It all basically comes down to tolerances whether it be the level 10 the new on/off or even the software. Hope that helped if not I would suggest emailing tunaman as he has helped me through some of the wierdest things with my mags most revolving around the level 10.

-Mike Brothman

Thanks Mike,

i will try these changes.
Also i found in another forums that add 1 more shim can be helpful...

As soon as i have the results i will post it.


10-23-2006, 08:42 PM
Thanks Mike,

i will try these changes.
Also i found in another forums that add 1 more shim can be helpful...

As soon as i have the results i will post it.


Well, just tried everything you guys sugested...however the EMAG continue not to fire.
I changed every o'ring possible to replace and also tried with the shortest spring with no results. When i gassed up the marker you can hear and feel the trigger getting ready. But when pull the trigger theres no effect, but you can feel the sear is armed.
Well i am just about to destroy my EMAG and throw it by the window... if you have any more sugestions ....



10-23-2006, 08:45 PM
Try loosening the field strip screw to the valve, you could have over tightened it.

10-24-2006, 09:16 AM
Yeah it could be the field strip pin, it also maybe a problem with your emag on/off and pin. Check the orings on the on/off also check to see if the pin may have been bent. There small and with a little deflection in the pin it will most likely not fire. Also drop some oil on the on/off and some in the macro by the valve. After you try all that put the gun in mech mode air it up and make sure your first trigger pull is hard if it fires then your on/off just needs a little working in. Hopefully this helps

-Mike Brothman

10-24-2006, 10:57 AM
Remove the valve and body use your fingers to hold the sear in a position that will allow it to cycle. Then attempt to fire the marker and feel the amount of pull the solenoid is causing on the sear. It should be very very very strong, well enough that with it in one place i got blisters and almost felt as if my fingertips were gonna be crushed :D Also check to make sure the Solenoid section of the sear moves freely in the solenoid, binding and incorrect lenghts of the solenoid pull section of the sear can cause similar issues. The instruction manual on X-Mod is very usefull for diagnosing this with detailed instructions.

10-24-2006, 12:37 PM
I assume it fired properly before you lost the pin. If your mag won't fire in manual mode, then the problem is a mechanical tolerance issue. If you have access to a set of calipers, measure the length of the pin to verify that the correct one was sent. Make sure the sear moves freely. Make sure the velocity is set high enough. With the grips off, manually pull the sear far enough to guarrantee that the sear is allowing the bolt to move. Make sure the level 10 is properly tuned. Don't worry about level 10 shims right now. They won't affect the ability of the gun to fire a shot.

10-24-2006, 05:02 PM

you're correct, before i lose the ON/OFF the EMAG was shooting normally.
I will try the things you said and let you know.



10-24-2006, 06:17 PM
If you can't get it fixed just speak up and we will git her done fer ya. ;)

10-24-2006, 09:01 PM

thanks....but the main problem is that i don't live in the US, so i don't know how to proceed and how much it would costs.

10-26-2006, 07:12 AM
If you haven't already tried it, turn up the velocity adjust a bit and see if you can get it to cycle.

10-26-2006, 01:23 PM
Are you using a high pressure output tank 850 psi and up, made sure the sear axle pin is inserted, both safetys are in the off postion, changed anything else springs carriers bolts detents etc, made sure the bolt is fully rest by pushing on the front when aried up, over tightened the frame screw, have you messured your sear or plunger lengths?. All of these items can affect your marker not shooting.

Sear/plunger spec can be found here: http://www.niedtech.com/index.php
log on then download the user guide.

10-26-2006, 07:56 PM
Hi guys,

just fixed my EMAG.
Now it is shooting like hell, i just increased the sear lenght.

Thanks so much to everybody.
