View Full Version : Paintball and TV

10-23-2006, 02:55 PM
Im sorry but If domino's, texas hold'em, omaha poker can all be on espn all the time how is it that paintball hasn't exploded of in a great tv watching game... what do we need to do to be accepted as a sport... im not saying we need to be but it would help out the whole realm of paintball if we had some large exposure... if there was paintball on once a week I feel like new plays would want to play which then more shops could stay open and/or new shops could open... more fields opening... Its a large domino effect and we need to do something because even though we are getting some exposure it still seems like paintball is in kind of a slump

10-23-2006, 03:00 PM

somewhat similar topic

10-23-2006, 03:05 PM
Paintball isn't the only sport/hobby that's not isn't shown on ESPN that's worthy of a time slot. Unfortunately, the number of people who are interested in say...texas hold'em, is more than there are paintballers. More interest means more money through advertising for the network.