View Full Version : Emag draining within a few seconds.

shoot m up
10-23-2006, 10:31 PM
Hey everyone. I have an EMAG that doesn’t work in emode. I bought it a while back in supposedly working shape. But it was a total scam. So it’s finally getting cold in Texas and I was wanting to bust it out. Well the problem is when in emode the freshly charged battery drains completely down in less than 30 seconds. I have an original battery that came with it and it did the same thing so thats why I bought a new one. I played once with the new battery and it worked totally fine. Second time I brought out the Emag it started again. When I charge the battery I checked it with a voltmeter and it read the standard 18v. I don’t know if the charger isn’t charging it right or if the board is fried and just draining the battery.
I am only posting on here to see if I can get any response before I send it to AGD. It needs a few things fixed as well since it was in such crapy shape when I got it. Well thanks for looking at my thread. Hope you can make some sense of it for me.


10-24-2006, 10:49 AM
I was having a similar problem with my e-mag. My problem ended up being that my charger was not functional, once i got a new charger the old battery worked well, course this is also after I bought a new battery as well...... Both are expensive fixes, but I would check your wiring with a voltmeter to make sure nothing is grounding first, then start with a new or borrow a friends charger.

10-24-2006, 12:21 PM
sounds like the batt is going to ground to me. check your wires for knicks or cracks. I dont have an Emag I'm just giving you this with my electrical experience

10-24-2006, 12:43 PM
Check your wiring, including the inside of the battery case. Check the screw that holds the circuit board in the grip frame. This is where the board gets its ground. A bad ground here can cause problems.

shoot m up
10-26-2006, 03:18 PM
All right guys I checked the wires. They are in perfect shape. No nicks or slices. I checked everything and can’t seem to find grounding. The urethane ring and piece are there and completely normal. Umm if anyone can check the voltage that is being put out on their charger and could tell me it would be appreciated. Same with the solenoid. Well guys if you can think of anything else let me know.


next guess is the charger. After that it is the noid and then the board.

10-26-2006, 03:48 PM
you need 26+ volts coming out of the charger when it is pluged in. The battery should read 18-20 volts fully charged.

10-26-2006, 04:14 PM
As metioned earlier chek the screw holding down the board is snug and if re annoed recently make sure its clean with a little aluminium showing around the mounting face. Also make sure the trigger magnet on the trigger is not to close. If its to close the marker will think its being constantly being held back and the screen will be blank simulating a dead battery

shoot m up
10-26-2006, 04:50 PM
Hey guys thanks...The charger reads 26.6v and the batteries say 18v. The gun hasnt been annoed and the trigger magnet is sitting flush with the trigger. I get a responce from the board. It shows a normal boot up and then after a couple of seconds it shows low battery. And underneatht the board the mounting hole is covered with paint so should I shave the paint off of it???

10-26-2006, 05:32 PM
Does the battery actually GO dead or does it just say low battery? If it just says low battery but the battery still has a full charge then the board is toasted.

shoot m up
10-26-2006, 06:06 PM
the battery drains and then it starts to trickle back up. I still get the normal boot up. AGD 1.37. (I havent upgraded software because of this problem. Didnt want to invest until it is working.) When i got the new battery it worked totally fine like it should but after the first play with the battery it did the normal stuff as i said earlyer. I am sending it off within the next week so if it is the board then i will probably just get a Pred board.

10-26-2006, 06:45 PM
You can sand a little off of the bolt mounting face until a bare aluminium shows. Also its best to answer Tuna's question. He is one of the best AGD techs around....

shoot m up
10-26-2006, 07:08 PM
I think the board is dead... i am recharging the battery to make sure. It does say low battery. SO if one of yall have a spare board laying around or even a pred board i will be happy to take it off your hands.

shoot m up
10-26-2006, 09:52 PM
Alrighty i charged the battery and just hooked it up. I got a normal boot up strong pull on the noid and i let it sit for a sec and it showed the period. Then i pulled the trigger a few more times and stopped. I got the Low Battery indicator again. Well if it is a dead board just tell me if that sounds like it. I mean the board works fine as of what i can see. If need i can post a video tomorrow. Just say the word and i will do so.

10-27-2006, 12:41 AM
you know what, my angel G4 is doing the exact same thing, hmmmmm :mad:

10-27-2006, 11:01 AM
Did you actually remove the board mounting screw and clean the threads inside of the hole? Even if the gun has never been annoed, it can have this problem. Mine developed it after a couple of years of use and was all original. The aluminum gets a bit of corrosion and the electrical connection goes bad. Clean it and see what happens.

10-27-2006, 01:12 PM
Also give the battery a full charge and then read the battery voltage. Install the battery and boot it up and wait for it to die. Once it goes dead pull off the battery and take a reading on its voltage right then. You seem to have determined the charger isnt the problem. It doesnt sound like the battery is it either. I would just do a before and after test on the battery voltage and if it is still where it should be you know you have a board problem.

shoot m up
10-27-2006, 03:00 PM
I didi the meter test last night and many other times. It read 18v and then i would plug it up and when it said low battery i would take it off and test it and it would be at 10v. This was all in about 60 secs off the charger. I need to clean the inside of the threads now. I sanded a lil off the top of the mounting hole underneath the board last night. So i will try the thread thing this time. If it doesnt work i will just let AGD handle it. Thanks again

10-27-2006, 03:32 PM
It really sounds like you got a short in the wiring or in the board itself since the battery drains that fast. The battery pack must get very hot when discharged that quickly. As for the Pred board its a lonshot on when they will be available and if their will be any left for sale. The DIY pred II board may be a better alternative, although rare to find also.....

10-27-2006, 03:32 PM
Best bet to send it to Tuna and have him take a gander at it..

shoot m up
10-28-2006, 10:56 PM
I think its the Positive terminal. The metal ring is oblong, so i put some solder on it to feel in the extra space and it seems to be working now. I only tryed it with a battery that had just turned green. It held alot longer and I was able to shoot it for about 2 minutes non stop. That is with short pauses to see if the Low battery or the period would come up. So now I am going to let a battery fully charge this time to see what hapens. I hope this works. Well Guys thanks very much for all your help.


Still need a check up from AGD so I will be sending it in shortly

shoot m up
10-29-2006, 10:36 AM
NVM guys the battery just lasts longer now. I was able to shoot on it for about 5 minutes. SO off it goes this week.