View Full Version : Getting caught drinking on campus (damn u facebook!)

10-24-2006, 03:48 PM
apparently, someone had pictures of me and friends drinking in a dorm room on facebook with no tag on it, so i never knew the pictures were there.

lo and behold, a month later me and my friends have to go to a "college court" hearing.

i was thinking of wearing slacks and a nice shirt (realizing all i have is jeans then).

any suggestions on this topic?

10-24-2006, 04:03 PM
ohhhhhh sorry :(. Can they prove that the pics were in their dorms? Maybe say you were at a different college??

I would defiently reccomend that you dress nice, and act as mature/proffesional as you can.

I know that almost all campuses are "dry" campuses however usually they dont care as long as you arent causing trouble. Where do you go?

10-24-2006, 04:04 PM
Geez, what is college for if not drinking?

/get off my lawn, etc ;)

10-24-2006, 05:06 PM
I have some experience in this regard.

The key is not to admit to anything.

Some people in this world are for whatever reason highly opposed to the consumption of alcohol, legal or otherwise. Most of them are simply teetotalers and are polite enough to leave the rest of us alone. Some, however, really get *excited* at the prospect of punnishing other people for daring to enjoy a substance that's been around for thousands of years, is the most prescribed drug in the history of mankind, has been proven to have health benefits, is used in religious, political and social context and so on...

Furthermore, you must remember that punnishment at institutions or within social or extra-political groups such as a university is NOT subject to certain rights and courtesies you as an American citizen would logically assume that you should have. You seldom have the right to an appeal, almost never have the right of representation, probably do not have the right to confront your accuser, do not have the right to make a claim on the chain of evidence or any other such nonsense. Get it out of your head right now that you can beat the system because the system makes their own rules. Often they make them up as they go. Don't fight the system.

Next, chuck your dignity out the window. Forget that, you gotta survive. If you feel that you must hold to certain ethical principles (don't rat out friends, etc.) then by all means do so but do not try to be cool, maintain your dignity or anything of the sort.

Above all, don't argue. The tougher you make this for them, the tougher they're going to make it for you. Be cooperative but stay short of self-incrimination. Be polite but admit to nothing. Let them think that you're trying to help them as much as possible. Fein ignorance or memory loss if you must but at all times smile, be courteous and admit to nothing.

Lastly, they will offer you a sort of plea bargain. The way these things go is that they try to break you down by showing you all the 'evidence' against you and more than likely will mention that other people have dropped your name. They will back you into a corner until you finally give up. At that point, they'll try to show you how compassionate they are and 'make a deal' with you. "Well, ok... we won't kick you out IF..." (give up names, do extra work, go to therapy, sign on the dotted line, etc.) DO NOT take that offer! That is a bargaining chip and it will be in their favor. However, they want to get out of this as quickly as you do. They don't want a potential lawsuit on their hands and you have to remember that this whole thing is a CYA for them.

This is where what you have comes into play...

What do you have in your favor?

1) Demand confidentiality. You are correct in demanding that none of this ever reaches public ears. They will agree. Why? They don't want this in papers any more than you do. Such-and-such school has a drinking problem!!! That's just bad for business and they don't want to have that. You, in return, don't want your name anywhere because it hurts your career opportunities. Secondary effect, the university wants to see you get a good job so that you will be more likely to give them money in the future. Again, demand confidentiality. If you can get it all done off the record, even better. Don't have any recording devices or transcripts if possible. This also helps your chances for an appeal, if you are allowed one.

2) Know that you are wasting their time. This is a hassle for them and you need to remember that. Say things like, "Look, this seems like a misunderstanding. I know you don't want to waste your time on this, so I want to help as much as I can."

3) Know that if they have pics from a myspace page that it was another student who turned you in. Ignorance is your ally. If you had a "party cup" (Solo or the like), deny that there was alcohol in it. Sure, other people were drinking but you're not going to be the party pooper. Plus, it would be wrong for you to turn your friends in, right? Identify any people in pictures but don't recall any other names. Since it was another student who turned you in, speculate that hey, maybe someone is just trying to be a jerk about all this. Who might it be? You don't know. You didn't think you had any enemies. Perhaps someone else in the picture made someone else mad... And you don't really remember that night - it was so long ago - but you guess that if there's pictures then it MUST have happened, right?

Again, be cooperative but admit nothing. Be courteous and helpful but don't give them any useful information. Identify people in photographs but you don't think there was anyone else there.

As for dress, wear the nicest thing you have on hand. Shake hands, make eye contact, smile and pretend that this all must just be a misunderstanding and that you really have nothing to hide.

And again, even if they have you nailed, admit nothing. Bargain for a better deal.

Let us know how it turns out.

/ Anyone else with a MySpace really should delete it. There are reasons other than this that they're bad news.

10-24-2006, 05:32 PM
When I had my college hearing... the only thing they needed for a conviction was... "If they feel more than likely than not you did it, then you did". (straight from the handbook) College judicial boards make up their own rules and know each one there. I hate to be pessimistic, but there are little to no loopholes. Don't try to "beat" them, just dodge them.

Well, being that you are 18yrs old... My advice to you is to NOT ADMIT TO IT! Forget, tell a white lie, "I like driking Coke out of Bud cans", change the subject, etc... Listen to PumpPlayer, that's good advice. Don't sweat it, you more than likely will only have to make a few don't drink posters and be put on housing probation warning.

When I went to my hearing for us being on the roof of the 5 story dorms (don't ask) my 4 roomies and I pulled through unscythed. :D We had a buddy with us that said he went to school there and lived with us put in a statement saying he was the only one on the roof... a full confession so to speak. Naturally, he goes to another college and doesn't live with us. His name just popped up in the system and checked out because he "used" to live with us before he transferred. It was like something straight from a movie.
Jon Lim... where ever you are, Apartment #5 room 314 loves you always. :headbang:

In the future... Always use coozies or solo cups and claim you were drinking "sprite", "Coke", "apple juice", etc based on the color of the contents. Then say their information is mistaken, that you are under 21 and would never happen, and whenever you do consume alchohol, you do so in a private property setting under "mature" conditions.
If you have this going for you they cant prove anything.

People should not fear their governments, governments should fear their people. :p

Gitaroo Man
10-24-2006, 05:41 PM
Wow, that's kinda messed up. It was either a teacher or student who did it obviously....and if it were a student that's seriously not cool. Future reference....only let friends take pictures of you drinking in the dorms and when doing it....do it IN NON LABELED CUPS. Therefore, they can't prove anything. I dunno about you but I got to University of Puget Sound (small private school in WA) and in order for the RAs to get you in trouble is they have to see the alcohol. So if there were a plasic red cup on the desk when they open the door you're safe (unless you and your room reak of alcohol) because it could be anything. Same thing with pictures.

So I know this doesn't help your current situtation but it's for the future. Just put the stuff in red cups or glasses.

10-24-2006, 05:58 PM
I had somthing similar happen. We were doing somthing which I will not mention. A friend of mine took a picture and posted it on myspace. Someone then saw it and a whole big thing ensued. Be carefull who you trust, some people are just plain dumb.

10-24-2006, 06:02 PM
Just say it was O'douls. Then your safe!

Gitaroo Man
10-24-2006, 06:33 PM
Just a sidenote...heh...you still have to be 21 to buy and drink non alcholic beer (at least in California) because it has small trace bits of alcohol in it.

10-24-2006, 07:07 PM
the "theres no alcohol in it" doesnt work because were not allowed to have open/empty alcoholic themed containers, and we were told we would be charged when we got here despite whats in it.

i wont dispute that it was a smirnoff ice (easy to see ;) ) to try to make it as easy on them as possible i guess.

ill tell them i know it was wrong, but it was in the safest possible enviroment, just a few friends in a dorm room, rather than much more dangerous possibilities that are done every day.

[ rant ]

ive been told it was a student who did this by the department of res-life, and i cant explain my contempt for people who taddle on people for drinking in a safe enviroment, where noone else is being affected just because they dont have the balls to pal around with some guys and girls.

[ /rant ]

10-24-2006, 07:22 PM
Wait, Smirnoff Ice?!

Smirnoff Ice?!?

You should have your alcohol priveledges suspended on principle!

10-24-2006, 07:37 PM
Wait, Smirnoff Ice?!

Smirnoff Ice?!?

You should have your alcohol priveledges suspended on principle!

OFT!!!! :rofl:

10-24-2006, 07:52 PM
hahaha, smirnoff ice. Just tell them you thought it was candy.

You should be grateful to the person who found the picture of you drinking smirnoff ice on the internet. Now you can take it down to hide the shame.

+1 on revoking your alcohol priveledges for drinking smirnoff ice, geez.

10-24-2006, 07:59 PM
hahaha, smirnoff ice. Just tell them you thought it was candy.

You should be grateful to the person who found the picture of you drinking smirnoff ice on the internet. Now you can take it down to hide the shame.

+1 on revoking your alcohol priveledges for drinking smirnoff ice, geez.

ouch ;)

to our credit though, we also had corona, real limes (though we lacked a cutting board, so bloody fingers ensued :p, Yeung-Ling, and coors light (piss)

but yes, the pictures were indeed of smirnoff rasperry ice :D

10-24-2006, 09:11 PM
Yuengling was your only good call, young Padawan. ;)

10-24-2006, 09:19 PM
apparently, someone had pictures of me and friends drinking in a dorm room on facebook with no tag on it, so i never knew the pictures were there.

lo and behold, a month later me and my friends have to go to a "college court" hearing.

i was thinking of wearing slacks and a nice shirt (realizing all i have is jeans then).

any suggestions on this topic?
You can m,ake it so school staff cannot view your profile via the security settings... that's what I do :cool:

10-24-2006, 09:31 PM
Calling BTK BTK!

10-24-2006, 09:38 PM
You can m,ake it so school staff cannot view your profile via the security settings... that's what I do :cool:

it was a student who ratted us out


10-24-2006, 09:41 PM
You can m,ake it so school staff cannot view your profile via the security settings... that's what I do :cool:
It wasn't through his profile, it was through somebody else's photos.

In all likelihood, worst case scenario, you'll end up getting a slap on the wrist and sent on your way. Unless, of course, you're me, and have to go through months of bull:mad: and end up on all sorts of probation and BLAAAAAAHHHHHH

10-24-2006, 09:54 PM
Digital cameras sure has brought a lot of people, a lot grief.

Wise words: No cameras.

I fear that there will be many of us that will regret so openly sharing such escapades online. Kind of scary that potential employers use facebook and myspace to comb through a potential employee's social life.

/Be like John Connor? Live off of the grid. Especially if you do naughty things to goats. :ninja:

10-24-2006, 09:56 PM
It wasn't through his profile, it was through somebody else's photos.

In all likelihood, worst case scenario, you'll end up getting a slap on the wrist and sent on your way. Unless, of course, you're me, and have to go through months of bull:mad: and end up on all sorts of probation and BLAAAAAAHHHHHH

that did suck, eh ry?

and it is spelled Yuengling....no hyphen or any of that BS.

and i think the court should find you guilty on all counts and should wash your mouth with soap. that'll teach you to drink smirnoff

10-24-2006, 10:16 PM
Tell them you pay your tuition to get an education, not be oppressed. Threaten to get the ACLU involved. Lead protests. At the very least, attracting media attention to it would get you free tuition at some wacky liberal school.

10-24-2006, 10:23 PM
Tell them you pay your tuition to get an education, not be oppressed. Threaten to get the ACLU involved. Lead protests. At the very least, attracting media attention to it would get you free tuition at some wacky liberal school.

hmm how to describe the how liberal our school is..

well i think a quote from our president discribes it all quite well:

"what do kids REALLY need? alcohol and sex"

then again, think of how much trouble a college would be in if they didnt uphold the law of the state

10-24-2006, 10:32 PM
Well then, if you go to a liberal school already, the ACLU bit should work. As far as upholding the laws of the state, if a state went snooping around facebook to get pictures of kids drinking booze, you wouldnt have to bother inviting the ACLU theyd already be throwing a fit.

Gitaroo Man
10-25-2006, 12:12 AM
You'll get a slap on the wrist. Don't worry. I was caught last year and all I got was a meeting with the resident director and him saying be careful and hide it better next time.

10-25-2006, 01:03 AM
i know a lot of teachers suft myspace and report parties from my old high school. A lot of kids kept putting pictures of them drinking or posting about parties when they were only 16. what a bunch of :cuss: idiots.

10-25-2006, 03:22 AM
I read through the thread until I reached smirnoff ice... now I say that you deserve it for drinking such a wussy drink. haha

/anyway it's just a slap on the wrist
//smirnoff ice!?

10-25-2006, 10:20 AM
i didnt read this entire thread, but where is the pic? I wanna see it.

10-25-2006, 12:11 PM
it was a student who ratted us out

rapscallions :cuss: :mad:

EDIT: Post up the pics in the AO group I made for all to see ;) No AOer would rat you out :cool:

10-25-2006, 01:04 PM
Post up the pics in the AO group I made for all to see ;) No AOer would rat you out :cool:

plus the fact that someone already ratted....damage b done

10-25-2006, 02:33 PM
plus the fact that someone already ratted....damage b done

they were taken down, but ill scrounge some up.

expecially the ones with us wearing the "coors light box crown" ;)

i was doing just fine today until i got a care package of cookies from my rents.
talk about making you feel guilty :rolleyes:

10-25-2006, 02:43 PM
talk about making you feel guilty :rolleyes:
:rofl: :rofl: hahaha that's funny

10-25-2006, 07:29 PM
Here in the small town of Lovelock, NV (pop. 3000 or so) last year there were two seperate parties and some kids posted pictures on myspace. Got half the kids from every sports team kicked off.

/I went
//Didnt drink
///Good luck, that sucks man

10-25-2006, 07:43 PM
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't lie. The obviously have the pictures as evidence. If you admit to making a mistake, and you wish you had thought better before your actions then that will be pretty much what they want to hear anything. If you lie, they have a reason to get you in more trouble. On the other hand, if you don't, then they will push some sort of punishment on you, probably probation of some sort on campus. Most likely, if you don't lie, the college will retain you and use this as an opportunity to educate you (at least they think they are educating you) because that is a university's job. They know people make mistakes, and it probably wont end up on your record. That being said, if you go in there and act mature, take responsibility for your actions and such, they will look much higher on you than if you try to pull "The Corona bottle was full of lemonade."

Just my 2 cents...

10-26-2006, 01:07 PM
Here's the issue you need to understand:

Once it's been reported, no matter what, they HAVE to do something to you.
If they don't, they're asking for a lawsuit.

This whole issue is driven by money - that's the bottom line.

If a school administration finds out that someone has been drinking and they do nothing, all it takes is for that kid to go drink again, hurt himself or someone else and then the school can be sued for negligence. Heck, even the first time they can be sued if conditions are right (like drinking in the dorms).

They're looking to do one thing and one thing only and that is to minimize their legal liability.

Depending on the school, expect personal or group counceling, completion of an anti-alcohol course, attendance to various off-campus events such as AA meetings or anything else you could think of that might "rehabilitate" you from your problem.

It's all baloney, of course, but that's not the point. The point is that the school has to cover their arse. The only thing you can do is to play along with the game. And it doesn't matter that you would never sue the school. The point is that you might. Now you know why people make lawyer jokes.

Blame the system, hate the school admin but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Again, good luck.

And for the rest of your life you will know not to talk or joke about drinking, even if you do it responsibly and enjoy it. You'll be careful about who has a camera and what they're pointing it at and you will never allow yourself to be percieved as someone who drinks more than "socially/occasionally" and even then, not until you're 21. Our society cannot understand that alcohol can be consumed responsibly. Those of us that choose to drink must do so carefully, even those of us that are of age. Even still, we are never safe.

10-26-2006, 02:34 PM
And for the rest of your life you will know not to talk or joke about drinking, even if you do it responsibly and enjoy it. You'll be careful about who has a camera and what they're pointing it at and you will never allow yourself to be percieved as someone who drinks more than "socially/occasionally" and even then, not until you're 21. Our society cannot understand that alcohol can be consumed responsibly. Those of us that choose to drink must do so carefully, even those of us that are of age. Even still, we are never safe.

amen :hail:

it makes sense that my college should need to uphold the laws of the state, but i hope they care more about $30,000 x 5 than being being a douche

10-26-2006, 02:46 PM
30k X5 :wow: where are you at??

amen :hail:

it makes sense that my college should need to uphold the laws of the state, but i hope they care more about $30,000 x 5 than being being a douche

10-26-2006, 06:31 PM
30k X5 :wow: where are you at??

3K x 5 years :rolleyes:

my bad. they nailed me from 3 weeks ago, so i hadnt stopped till now ;)

10-30-2006, 02:12 PM
Deny everything. Always.

Granted the "discipline" at my college when I went there was fairly lax compared to what I see today (and it was only 8 years ago, jeez), but always deny. We got caught red-handed drinking twice, but we just refused to open the door for the RA until we could hide the evidence. The room stank of booze and most of the people there were obviously drunk, but since they didn't see any open containers, all they got us with was "Suspiscion of alcohol".

Another time we got caught hurling a pumpkin out a 5-th floor window with an M80 in it. It exploded in midair over the tennis courts and basically made a huge mess. For that one we had to go see the head of Residence Life and plead our case. We just denied everything. We didn't have fireworks, and wouldn't know where to get them if we did want them. We had no clue where to get a pumpkin, and why would we have one in the dorms in the first place? We would never throw anything out of a 5th floor window, especially something as dangerous as an M80. Of course we were aware that if someone been on the tennis courts at time (2AM) they could have been injured, thats why we would NEVER do such a thing.

They booted us out of the dorms for a week, which wasn't an issue since our friends just let us in anyway (NJIT dorms were like prisons, you had to go through two metal gates to get inside). And there was no mark on our permanant record or anything like that. Which isn't bad considering an M80 is easily considered an explosive/weapon and could land you in some serious trouble even in those pre-terrorism paranoia days.

Say you picked up the bottle for the picture, you weren't drinking, you thought it would make a funny picture but you realize it was a dumb thing to do, blah blah blah. Admit to nothing. Unless you go to a super strict college, you should be fine.

11-09-2006, 02:39 AM
Okay man, here's the straight deal from a guy who's been a student justice for quite a few years.

First off, let me tell you of how it works at my school so you can have some perspective:

Our judicial board is an appealate board only. When a student recieves a disciplinary sanction (aka, punishment), he/she is given the right to appeal the verdict and/or the sanction. When they do this they generally appeal to the judicial board. Our judicial board is also weighed in favor of the student, with 2 student justices, a student chief justice, and 2 faculty/staff justices. We operate on fundamental fairness. And in the past we have slapped down the SCHOOL. We also don't make rulings, but recommendations to the dean or chancellor (who the decision goes to depends on who the university investigator is....as the final decision goes to the next person up). This measure is CYA for those of us on the board to make sure that we don't get personally sued since we only make a non-binding recommendation (as in, the dean or chancellor is not bound to actually listen to us....technically). However, it is a rare thing for our recommendation to NOT be followed.

Now, this is where I come from.

You, bud, screwed up. First off, you were drinking at an age when you shouldn't be drinking. Wait till you get to be 21 and go drink at a pub....legally, or at a friend's house. Second, you drank in the dorms. This is a NO NO! The risk of getting caught is way high, especially since people like to take pictures when others are drinking.

Now to your predicament. Your best bet is to show humility, humbleness, and repentance. This is what they're looking for in you. Most universities discipline and punish in order to teach you a lesson. If you show that you have already learned that lesson since getting caught, then they're more apt to go easy on you. As a justice, when a student comes before the board, pleads in-violation and is just appealing his/her level of sanction what I look for is "did they learn the lesson, and is their breech of conduct such that it would be fair to all if we recommend the sanction be reduced?" sometimes this is 'yes', other times it is 'no' depending on the situation. I've sat on a good number of hearings, and a simple alcohol violation pales to some of them. The university doesn't really bring down the hammer on the first alcohol violation ANYWAY unless there are other extenuating circumstances, and then the hammer is dropped due to those things, though the alcohol may have exaserbated the situation.

So, in short, take my advice: fess up, show repentance, and be totally humble when you face the 'court' and bring your case in the tone of asking for mercy. This is your best shot at getting a slap on the wrist. B/c I can tell you this: you're not going to be found innocent. They have solid proof of you drinking on campus. Don't contest this AT ALL. Also, don't be combative or defensive, as this'll put them more on edge and more apt to punish you harder since you showed what they would see as a rebellious attitude.

11-09-2006, 02:09 PM
I have to ask my fellow AOers aged 35+, have American schools always been like this? this is the second thread i have seen in the past while (different forums).

11-09-2006, 02:57 PM
Drinking has been a staple of the American university experience for most college students for a great many years.

11-09-2006, 03:51 PM
I have to ask my fellow AOers aged 35+, have American schools always been like this? this is the second thread i have seen in the past while (different forums).

Was the other thread mine?

I think my school is trying to clamp down on drinking because Princeton Review BLASTED us this year (18 on "Most hard liquor" list and 20 on "most beer", which is amazing for a school this size...)

But yeah, when we got "busted" for our beer pong table, no one really cared all that much. We were given X amount of time to turn it in, and my roommate went to the guy and was like, "it's not a beer pong table, it's a 'table extender' for when we have people over for dinner."


11-09-2006, 03:59 PM
I have to ask my fellow AOers aged 35+, have American schools always been like this? this is the second thread i have seen in the past while (different forums).

you mean underage drinking?

not too long ago the age was 18 and drinking was completely normal on college campus.

down to earth parents know drinking happens. hell, i get beer money from my aunt, who only says to make sure i stay safe.

there IS a difference between having 2 beers at a friends dorm room watching football and chugging shots for the sake of getting drunk at a party.

personally i'm a fan of the former, and have no desire (anymore) for the latter.

i know our college turned completely dry no matter what age you are after a mattress sandwich off of the 5th floor

11-09-2006, 04:16 PM
that sucks. i havent heard of any people at my school get in trouble for pics of drinking in the dorms. my brother has alot of pics of him and friends drinking in the dorms. if they have pics of you with alcohol then i dont think you can lie about not drinking. i think its lame that they are going to get you in trouble for drinking. so many under age kids drink in school. i wrote a paper for a saftey class and part of the paper was to interview your parents about their past alcohol use. and to answer the question about underage drinking in the past is it was there but not as much b/c the drinking age was 18. but if you want to drink in your room, one word "canoflauge". take a pop can cut the bottom and the top off, and cut it down the side. slide over beer and you are set. my brother and his friends walk around the dorms with beers and no one can tell its a beer if you make a good one. PM me for more details on how to make it

11-09-2006, 07:36 PM
When I was living on campus in 1998/1999, drinking on campus was rampant and largely ignored.

But it seems that its being clamped down on at a lot of universities.

11-09-2006, 08:55 PM
Jeffrey-CanCon USC was a bastion of alchohol. Don't know if it still is, but I would have to assume.

The school did crackdown a little bit on the huge Frat parties.

11-10-2006, 12:55 PM

11-12-2006, 10:54 AM
just a little thing you could fight on as well. if the pics werent tagged, how did they know it was you? sure it looks like you, but can they prove it was you? do they have some one that will stand up and say they saw you there? even if they find someone who admits they were there, id doubt that that person would say that you were there, unless they really had a reason to hate you.

11-12-2006, 11:04 AM
Whats the punishment? Have they handed it down yet?

11-12-2006, 12:51 PM
just a little thing you could fight on as well. if the pics werent tagged, how did they know it was you? sure it looks like you, but can they prove it was you? do they have some one that will stand up and say they saw you there? even if they find someone who admits they were there, id doubt that that person would say that you were there, unless they really had a reason to hate you.

the person who found it was our RA who was kind enough to have been stalking us apparently.

Whats the punishment? Have they handed it down yet?

Yep, 365 days of probation and we have to make a educational "alcohol presentation" to our floor since nearly like 10% of the floor was caught.

11-12-2006, 04:11 PM
we have to make a educational "alcohol presentation" to our floor since nearly like 10% of the floor was caught.

This reminds me of a childrens book that I had to write for english class in highschool... Mine was about "The Horrors of Alcohol" LOL. My teacher didn't appreciate it as much as everyone else did and I ended up with a B+ on it. If you can use it for your presentation go right ahead!

I now present to you... My awesome book.










11-12-2006, 04:12 PM
The second half.








And a couple of pages that I edited out, but you can use them too if you can!




11-12-2006, 05:18 PM
I... Love... You!

11-12-2006, 07:16 PM
u need to publish that book


11-12-2006, 08:05 PM
LOL... I figured you guys would like my book. Stupid english teacher said it wasn't quite "appropriate" for children. WTF?!?! It teaches a good lesson and uses loveable cartoon characters... what could possibly be better?

11-12-2006, 08:36 PM

probation. Sweet

just use solos next time.

11-12-2006, 10:47 PM
i love the book billybob