View Full Version : hallowicked

Soopa Villain17
10-24-2006, 04:43 PM
the 27th in worcester mass , anyone from here goin ? probly not just wonderin cuz im goin

10-24-2006, 04:48 PM
Black Mass or Regular Mass?

10-24-2006, 06:26 PM
Oh, man.

10-24-2006, 08:20 PM
...i went in dallas.....you wont be dissapointed.

10-24-2006, 09:01 PM
I'm in Worcester, what's this?

10-25-2006, 12:15 AM
ICP's halloween concert extravaganza. It is guaranteed to be a crazy madhouse of Faygo.

Not going, I haven't been to a concert in years.

10-25-2006, 02:27 AM
Egads, must we go through this juffalo crap again? Didnt you learn better from last time?

Soopa Villain17
10-25-2006, 07:15 AM
Egads, must we go through this juffalo crap again? Didnt you learn better from last time?

dude u aint never gunna learn me so u should stop tryin. but yea im goin got a car full of ninjas , gunna try and find my old house , its probly been torn down by now, christ that was years ago, i think in the few months we lived there we were robbed problay half a dozen times , crazy ppl in worecster. ill make sure to get pics for you guys :p

10-25-2006, 09:35 AM
dude u aint never gunna learn me so u should stop tryin. but yea im goin got a car full of ninjas , gunna try and find my old house , its probly been torn down by now, christ that was years ago, i think in the few months we lived there we were robbed problay half a dozen times , crazy ppl in worecster. ill make sure to get pics for you guys :p

For GOD'S SAKE, I don't think you spelled a SINGLE THING IN THAT ENTIRE PARAGRAPH correctly. Christ, if you don't stop being such an absolute moron, I think you may forget to breathe and keel over from the sheer idiocy of your existence. If I remember correctly, you're about 18ish. It's apparent that your first, oh, TWELVE/THIRTEEN YEARS of schooling did you no good. How do you manage to not drown in the bathtub?

10-25-2006, 09:59 AM
lol, Soopa Villian is fat and stupid.

/Yes I went there.
//There is proof!
///The mods just delete it really quick.

10-25-2006, 11:52 AM
For GOD'S SAKE, I don't think you spelled a SINGLE THING IN THAT ENTIRE PARAGRAPH correctly. Christ, if you don't stop being such an absolute moron, I think you may forget to breathe and keel over from the sheer idiocy of your existence. If I remember correctly, you're about 18ish. It's apparent that your first, oh, TWELVE/THIRTEEN YEARS of schooling did you no good. How do you manage to not drown in the bathtub?

I'm thinking the same thing, and then i scroll down a bit, and lookie what i find...

10-25-2006, 12:28 PM
3 Whly?

10-25-2006, 12:55 PM
3 Whly?


10-25-2006, 01:03 PM
3 Whly?


10-25-2006, 01:35 PM

only post if you have something inteligent to add to the convorsation.

(do as i say, not as i do.)

10-25-2006, 01:47 PM
rotfolcopter? :confused:

Soopa Villain17
10-25-2006, 02:02 PM
ill b 20 in december, as for me being a moron yea i know. didnt want this to turn into a soopa bashing thread like most of my others but ohwell, so i guess no1 is goin ok

10-25-2006, 03:08 PM
ill b 20 in december, as for me being a moron yea i know. didnt want this to turn into a soopa bashing thread like most of my others but ohwell, so i guess no1 is goin ok

fattie, as you refer to yourself, any thread you post in turns to a 'soopa bashing thread'

Havent you learned?

10-25-2006, 05:57 PM
Soopa, there's no way for you to avoid bashing if you post on AO or any forum the thorde has connections to.

/fatty, stupid-face
//neener neener neener
///BTW: work on your grammar please.

10-25-2006, 07:38 PM
ICP's halloween concert extravaganza. It is guaranteed to be a crazy madhouse of Faygo.

WOW their still alive? I'd rather be sitting next to a screaming baby in a airplane then to listen that crap .... again.

But seriously isn't music suppose to relate to like real issues/people/emotions. Not just a fat guy, and the skinny one on stage taking about stabing my dad in the ear with a broken bottle of beer? It don't make sense dude.

10-26-2006, 12:02 AM
WOW their still alive? I'd rather be sitting next to a screaming baby in a airplane then to listen that crap .... again.

But seriously isn't music suppose to relate to like real issues/people/emotions. Not just a fat guy, and the skinny one on stage taking about stabing my dad in the ear with a broken bottle of beer? It don't make sense dude.

Then you've missed the message entirely.

What I like most about ICP is the fact they don't rap about all the normal stuff (bling and crap). I mean what other artists has a rhyme about f'ing a beehive and how can you not find that funny. The line you've quoted also has more behind it then stabbing some dad in the ear. It is about the man who beats his wife, beats his kids, and how for his actions he should be taken out to the pasture and let GOD, yes GOD, decide his fate before more harm is done.

BTW, music is about whatever the artist wants it to be about and they do in fact rap about "real" issues just not in every song.

10-26-2006, 12:38 AM
I've not missed the messege entirely I'm just voiceing a opinon, a opinon which was fought for by our brave men in arms, by my brothers, and my family. Even with how stupid I was in the past, I still deserve that.

I'm not saying ICP themself is horrible, wrong or bad. But there voice that they sound is idiotic. Look at their age group they target, and now tell me if you had a 13 year old daughter or son want to know how to kill their parents? What if it was your son driving a broken bottle in you, not because you were a bad parent, but just because you were their parent. Now isn't that a little messed up?

You'll find that with "rap" that they do take more about bling, which gangsta they killed, or which girl they did the nasty too. Because then if you think rap is like that then listen to rock, its the same, how about country? the same and take a look at classical. Do you know what Beethoven's Moonlight Sonota is about? I'm not singling you out Road Dawg or Soopa Villian

Edit BTW i'm drunk as :cuss: and I don't know how good my grammer is right now

10-26-2006, 09:15 AM
Well I am singling out you juffalos/juffahos. Youre retarded. The juffalo concept is even more retarded than emo, and thats hard to do. ICP is the biggest bunch of talentless hacks Ive ever heard. Again, thats darned hard to do. The fact that enough idiots buy this stupid idea makes even more idiots emulate it, knowing theres enough stupid people to buy their stupid crap also. Stop making America worse.

10-26-2006, 09:43 AM
Well I am singling out you juffalos/juffahos. Youre retarded. The juffalo concept is even more retarded than emo, and thats hard to do. ICP is the biggest bunch of talentless hacks Ive ever heard. Again, thats darned hard to do. The fact that enough idiots buy this stupid idea makes even more idiots emulate it, knowing theres enough stupid people to buy their stupid crap also. Stop making America worse.

Kosmo is apparently having faygo withdrawls.

10-26-2006, 11:01 AM
If I didn't have an all day off-site, I'd be trolling Juggalo forums for great, long-winded defenses of how real and authentic the ICP is.

/hint: start at somethingawful

10-26-2006, 11:06 AM
If I didn't have an all day off-site, I'd be trolling Juggalo forums for great, long-winded defenses of how real and authentic the ICP is.

/hint: start at somethingawful

skip your off-site.

juffaloes are more fun.

10-27-2006, 12:13 PM
Uh, we had the entire AT&T park to ourselves. As in, taking batting practice where the Giants play.

/once I've got pics, I'll start a thread
//really cool day

10-27-2006, 10:25 PM
I like ICP up until fans like Soopa find the need to randomly post a topic on them at a place that is known to hate ICP. Im not amused by his ignorance.

10-27-2006, 10:29 PM
Do you know what Beethoven's Moonlight Sonota is about?

its about a pupil whos name escapes me atm, who he has supposedly in love with.

OMG thats amazing. Im a juggalo....but whats this? Not only am I not a dumb sack of crap, but im also open minded to other music as well? This must be documented......

and its spelled Sonata.

10-27-2006, 10:42 PM

Isn't that a car?

Ba Dum Bump...I'll be here all night.

10-27-2006, 10:44 PM
its about a pupil whos name escapes me atm, who he has supposedly in love with.

OMG thats amazing. Im a juggalo....but whats this? Not only am I not a dumb sack of crap, but im also open minded to other music as well? This must be documented......

and its spelled Sonata.

See, every once in a while you'll come across a non-mentally challenged juggalo.

Such as my friend Chris, or Derek (Not the Derek)

I think we may have found one here.

Soopa would be more comparable to say Kyle, or That kid with the spider on his head...

(Funny story actually: My friend Brad was...under the influence..., and he saw some juggalo kid, wearing makeup, and had his hair in that stupid 'i shave the sides, and let the top grow long, the braid it, and let it hang' kinda deals... anyways, brad goes over to him, and yells "DONT MOVE! YOU HAVE A HUGE SPIDER ON YOUR HEAD." the kid gets pissy and goes "Oh, really funny." at this point brad whips out his switchblade and goes "DONT WORRY, I GOT IT!' and proceeds to grab one of the braids, and pretend like hes going to cut it off, at which point the eyeliner wearing juffaloe screams and runs away.)

10-27-2006, 11:30 PM
and its spelled Sonata.

Thanks for the spelling, I'm not against ICP followers really, But stating the fact that people like soopa are a little on the stupid side. Most that I meet are smart enough to have sex with a toaster, or put a baby in a paint shaker.

10-27-2006, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the spelling, I'm not against ICP followers really, But stating the fact that people like soopa are a little on the stupid side. Most that I meet are smart enough to have sex with a toaster, or put a baby in a paint shaker.

yeah...my cousin walter was a juggalo.....we found him dead with a broken neck in his room from tryin to lick himself :p

10-27-2006, 11:40 PM
yeah...my cousin walter was a juggalo.....we found him dead with a broken neck in his room from tryin to lick himself :p

Don't talk to me about dead people. :mad:

10-27-2006, 11:44 PM
Don't talk to me about dead people. :mad:

i type this as the clerks reference soars over ones head.......

and btw, dont think your the only one whos lost loved ones. lighten up.

10-27-2006, 11:53 PM
I understand now and I'm sorry for blowing up warpig. Its just was my first reaction.

10-27-2006, 11:54 PM
I understand now and I'm sorry for blowing up warpig. Its just was my first reaction.

no problem.
we call it the friendly corner for a reason :p

Soopa Villain17
10-29-2006, 07:35 AM
Kosmo is apparently having faygo withdrawls.

apparently. btw thw show was great , worcester was packed, musta been 1500-2000 people it was a friggen madhouse. first was wolfpac , subnoise soljaz , boondox then icp ,it was gret but i was pissed becuase i had to pay 20 bucks for parking , the hotel had a 8x8 4feet deep pool. the courtyard it sucked for 170 dollar room. and the little quick e mart , non of them bastards spoke a word of english. i bought a c ouple sodas , give the women a ten, she hands me back almost 15 dollars , i was like SWEET free money left. btw you massachusets people suck at driving. on the way back to maine yesyerday in the hurricane you people were doing like 80-90 mph. i was doin 65 havin troubles keep my little car on the road.

10-29-2006, 09:28 AM
Bahahahaha, good one soopa. Now you can move on to stage two: attempting to think of your own insults. But seriously though, it is pretty crappy when a 170 dollar motel doesnt have a pool you can fit in without displacing all the water in it.

10-30-2006, 12:58 PM
we found him dead with a broken neck in his room from tryin to lick himself :p

Dante: My neck always got in the way.