View Full Version : bolt stick issue

10-24-2006, 05:14 PM
hey guys i have a slight issue that i am not sure if it is related to me adding 2 ult shims in my ult or not

i have a ULE bodied, Xvalve, inteli frame, wingless tac rail, built and tuned at AGD and ive only used it at one scenario game (i think thats all that matters).

i had 5 shims in my ult and it worked perfectly no problems but i couldnt walk the trigger with out getting short strokes in. i added 2 shims and have pretty much no short strokes (i have 1 or 2 double fires some times so i might pull 1 shim out and see how it goes). the tanks i was using were around 700-1100 psi about and it seemed like when the psi got lower the problem got worse. i got bolt stick some what. i had it stick half way forward, all the way fforward but mostly just enough to need to push it back like 1/16 of an inch at most. i tried throwing some oil through it but it didnt seem to fix it.

is it just low air? do i need to oil more?


don miguel
10-24-2006, 05:22 PM
I know you have an xvalve but did you say you had a lvl7 or a lvl10? most likely lvl 10 because of xvalve. Mabe it's your oring carrier. Thier could be a problem with the oring. Mabe change the carrier. good luck.

10-24-2006, 05:36 PM
lvl 10, thats kind of what i was thinking but it was working fine a week ago and its new from factory so they have broken in the valve so idk im confuzeled


don miguel
10-24-2006, 05:41 PM
sorry cant help you then. Call them, they no what to do. Ask for Roman, he is good at that stuff.

10-24-2006, 06:00 PM
Check sear for a wierd sort of wear. check the bolt bumper. Check for proper screw tension. If all that fails it could be the carrier/spring selection or really dirty.

Be sure to clean the bolt and breech out after playing with it and having relations with it.
When "stuff" dries in the breech it coulds cause the bolt stick.

egb groupie
10-24-2006, 07:22 PM
I remember your mag, the green annoed one right? I would definitely make sure that your field strip screw and your grip frame screw are as close as possible in tightness, I've heard that ule bodies are alittle sensitive to that. Also, I would pay attention to your lvl 10 as well. I would make my own personal judgement on wether or not the lvl 10 is tuned and not solely rely on "It was tuned at the factory" If you are getting bolt stick, try going up a carrier size and see what it does. Make sure you use the same carrier o-ring though that you have in the carrier that's already in there. Not super important, but I also make sure that oring goes in the exact same way it came out of the carrier (the same side is facing out, etc.). Also as you put it together, make sure you apply a decent amount of marker oil to all the o-rings in the lvl 10 kit.Sometimes just blowing oil through the valve isn't enough to get oil everywhere it needs to go.

10-24-2006, 07:49 PM
yep yep the same mag. ya i wiped out all the breach and all. if it helps at all when i have to push it back to set it feels like i have to push the bolt back past soemthign it is catching on almost.

on screw tightnes i put the frame screw about 1/4 turn past when it it easy to screw it in (bascialy like if i could really get a good grip and hand tighten it jsut 1/4 tunr past that) and about 1/4 turn past the hand tighten point.

can the extra shims affect this at all? i could see it affecting a few of the sticks where it vented for a second (but i had liek 2 of those when it got low so im not positive if it was just being finiky).

im going to try to go down and get air/ work on my gun at teh shop to have an air supply, just depends on who is in there casue one guy lets me get free air so i might have to have a fun little visit if hes there.

o ya i remembered my friends mag seemed to be having the same issue last weekend and we swaped out the bumper becasue it was black and like melted to the valve but mine still looks almost new so im not sure it thats it but i think it might be sliping off or sticking to the bolt which i could see catching. i think i might just go in and drench it in oil and see if that works

thanks guys

egb groupie
10-24-2006, 09:33 PM
Ahh I see you mentioned shims. I had the 2 shims that AGD recommends for the lvl 10 in there for quite some time. Problem was, it made my trigger alittle too sensitive. I would barely touch the trigger and it would start to leak out of the power tube. Took my shims out, and problem solved. Much snappier and responsive trigger. You also might want to consider changing out bolt springs as well. go to the shortest spring (gold) and see what happens.

10-25-2006, 04:58 PM
the problem was the carrier size needed to be at at 1 as apposed to .5. i swaped that out and it seemes to have done the trick, im gona have to play with the ult more becasue i got it to the point that i can walk the trigger (i do get a double fire once in a while but meh it doesnt runn away. i might add another shim in the ult becasue it was getting the same amount of double shots but i could sweet spot it better and walk it a little better, ill figure that all out)