View Full Version : CCM Pump opinions

10-25-2006, 11:56 PM
I'm in the market for a good pump/stock marker. My knee jerk reaction is to go straight to the phantoms, but I came across CCM pumps online and they certainly caught my eye. I've searched local stores for one to get a feel for them myself and had no luck.
Anyways, what are your overall impressions or thoughts about them. Are they worth the hefty price tag?

Also: i've been away from pump for awhile, so if theres some other decent markers out there i should keep an eye out for, feel free to let me know!


10-26-2006, 12:02 AM
CCM pump kits are fantastic, smooth stroke, rugged and vary good looking. They have a bit of a steep price but the quality is worth it.

I suggest getting the return spring kit but you can make one with a cocker hammer spring or any other spring you have lying around.
I also would shy away from mini its they cost more and from my experience. (goes for all pump kits in my opinion)

10-26-2006, 12:16 AM
The SS-25 is IMHO the pinnacle of pump performance.

It has the SMOOTHEST pump stroke out of any gun I have ever shot (sans the sterling). Smoother thn my phantom.

CCM makes all their stuff to exacting specifications. Great guns

10-26-2006, 12:25 AM
I have a phantom, and I love it... bt it all comes down to style.

If you want the lightest/smallest and most efficient... the phantom is your best bed. infinately custamizable, monotube, and super quality.

If you want all out best performer.. the CCM ss-25 sis for you. It's a bit more complex and not idiot proof, but It's smoother, a bit beefier for steady shots, and oh so quiet. Just plain secks if cockers/snipers are your thing. I would only reccomend the HPA setups for this beauty.

If I had more money to pony up for a CCM pump and an HPA tank I'd get a CCM... but my phantom is a stealy litle beast and love the dropout's efficiency. If your going stockclass, go with the phantom for the efficiency (40 shots/12 gram)

10-26-2006, 12:31 AM
It has a very smooth pump stroke, and has a very thin body. It comes in a vert feed configuration but you can get the stock class feed from wevo paintball. It's a great gun. I've had mine since april and I tend to break it out more often now.

Basic maintennance is easy, remove field strip pin inspect bolt. If it's dirty clean it. Put it back together, put some oil in the asa dry fire it a few times and it's ready to play. Thats my general routine with this marker.

The auto trigger is sick if you have it in the vert config. Practically a semi if you have it set up right. I went trough 1600 rds playing in the Logans Run Pump Scenario. :tard:

Asides from that customer service with ccm is great. Any problems you have with the gun they're more than willing to help you out, even if you're not the original owner.


10-26-2006, 12:46 AM
CCM pump = best pump.
end of story.

10-26-2006, 09:03 AM
i appreciate the info guys!

10-26-2006, 09:20 AM
Neppo and Pneumagger have both shot my SS-25
thems some good testimonials.

If i had to suggest somnething to you, it'd be this:
Buy a cheap cocker off some moron on PBN (i've scored ones for 45-50 bucks before.)
Then, take off the pneus, slap on a CCM kit (or hell, any pump kit... WWA makes some good ones too.)

All snipers are going to be about the same. The SS-25 has bells and whistles, it looks good, it shoots good, its comfy as hell, smooth as hell, and just all around amazing. I've shot snipers that were nice too, and all they were were a stock 2k2 autococker, with a pump kit, and a delrin bolt.

10-26-2006, 09:21 AM
The auto trigger is sick if you have it in the vert config. Practically a semi if you have it set up right. I went trough 1600 rds playing in the Logans Run Pump Scenario. :tard:

I cant stand the thing. I took it off.

10-26-2006, 09:34 AM
I cant stand the thing. I took it off.
I swapped out the vert feed and slapped on the SC feed so I wouldn't kill as much paint. I find the vert config with the auto trigger is nice when I play in the rec fields. If I know I'm playing speedball I use the stock class, Nearly impossible to auto trigger more than twice in that config unless you were pointing down.

10-26-2006, 09:36 AM
I swapped out the vert feed and slapped on the SC feed so I wouldn't kill as much paint. I find the vert config with the auto trigger is nice when I play in the rec fields. If I know I'm playing speedball I use the stock class, Nearly impossible to auto trigger more than twice in that config unless you were pointing down.

i have the feedneck and AT in the gearbox, its normal state is with the 10rnd

I put a revvy and the AT on it ONE TIME.

I wasnt into it. at all.

;:edit;: just to be a pic whore:

<img src="http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/922/picture065av3.jpg" width="800">
(before i got the SC tube.)

10-26-2006, 10:01 AM
If you want a stockclass gun - Get the phantom. An SS-25 will never be as effifcient on 12-grams as a phantom or any other nelson based gun.
If you're looking for an open class pump - I've never shot an SS-25 but my sniper with CCM pump kit is great. I would recommend buying a cheap cocker and slapping a pump kit on it for half the price of an SS-25.

10-26-2006, 12:21 PM
If you want a stockclass gun - Get the phantom. An SS-25 will never be as effifcient on 12-grams as a phantom or any other nelson based gun.
If you're looking for an open class pump - I've never shot an SS-25 but my sniper with CCM pump kit is great. I would recommend buying a cheap cocker and slapping a pump kit on it for half the price of an SS-25.

If you have ever shot one you wouldnt say get a cheap cocker w/ pump
The CCM is beyond smooth. Its the same idea as a cocker but the internals are diffrent, and make it SOOOOOOOOOO SMOOTH. Its like BUTTA!

I have a cocker...
Its no where near possible to get the same feel. Its like the diffrence between a VW 1300cc and a Porsche 911.

10-26-2006, 12:56 PM
If you have ever shot one you wouldnt say get a cheap cocker w/ pump
The CCM is beyond smooth. Its the same idea as a cocker but the internals are diffrent, and make it SOOOOOOOOOO SMOOTH. Its like BUTTA!

I have a cocker...
Its no where near possible to get the same feel. Its like the diffrence between a VW 1300cc and a Porsche 911.

Jesus, if done right, its not THAT noticeable.

And for a first time pumper, a 'cocker with a kit on it is a good start.

(coming from a ss-25 owner, as well as a sniper II owner)

10-26-2006, 01:11 PM
An SS-25 is no different than a well setup sniper. Some of the parts are incompatible but there's no reason you can't get a sniper working just as well for half the price if you know what you're doing. I don't and I still managed to pull it off.

Another gun to look out for if it ever becomes widely available is the re-released sterling.

10-26-2006, 01:14 PM
An SS-25 is no different than a well setup sniper. Some of the parts are incompatible but there's no reason you can't get a sniper working just as well for half the price if you know what you're doing. I don't and I still managed to pull it off.

Another gun to look out for if it ever becomes widely available is the re-released sterling.

a VERY well setup sniper :p

(also, you cant beat the 86* slider :cool:)

10-26-2006, 01:51 PM
Before you go deciding what gun you want, figure out what kind of gun you want.

If someone were to say, "Hey guys, what's the best semi- I can get under $500?" you'd laugh. Mech or electro? HPA/CO2 preference? Feed system? Trigger system? Do barrel threads matter to you? How reliable do you need it to be? How much paint do you want to shoot? What's your normal playing environment? And so on... It's not hard to imagine that similar questions can be posed to a pump purchase.

The SS-25 is a constant-air gun. 12-grams work, but relatively poorly. Personally, I think the SS-25 is best set up with a hopper. I think the stock feed on it is a poor compromise and sacrifices too much. With a 12-ounce tank and a revvy, the SS-25 is a semi-shooter's pump. It's easy to pick up and play with, has a similar feel to a semi and is easy to shoot quickly, especially with the AT (though I'm not personally a fan of autotriggers). If you want a pump to use in pump games or occasionally for fun and don't want to adapt your game too significantly from semi- play, the SS-25 is your choice.

Phantoms excell as stock guns. While they perform well as direct-feed and/or CA guns that's not where they shine, IMO. The Phantom is lighter, smaller, more efficient on 12 grams and more reliable with a better warranty. That's not to say it's the better gun though. If you want to be a stock player, the Phantom should be your first pump.

Oh, and a sniper can be just as smooth and just as fast as any SS-25 if you know what you're doing. Arguably, they can be better since the SS-25s non-standard construction eliminates the use of certain aftermarket parts like valves. Snipers need to be tuned and you need to adjust the springs accordingly. If you take a 'cocker that's properly set up as a semi- and the only thing you do to it is slap on a pump kit, it's going to be a poor performer.

10-26-2006, 02:13 PM
Well said.

(i love the spaceman valve in my SS :))

10-26-2006, 02:28 PM
i can only give an oppinion on the pump kit, which is that they are awesome. for a return spring just use a cocker sear return spring that you streach out a lot, very soft and smooth. over all CCM is an awesome company (i had a lot of issues when i ordered my pump kit due to a lot of confusion at the shop, they were switching systems over or something and were behind becasue the demand was up a lot. this was about a year or so ago and they have fixed all teh problems a long time ago) but they fixed every issue i had and i feel did an awesome job of making me happy and making up for the problems.

very good company

10-26-2006, 05:06 PM
Behemoth, If you do have one of my valves in your gun, then you do NOT have a "from the factory" SS25. I set those guns up to be more like the snipers I build.

10-26-2006, 05:11 PM
Behemoth, If you do have one of my valves in your gun, then you do NOT have a "from the factory" SS25. I set those guns up to be more like the snipers I build.

Oh, Hi there.

I bought the gun from Fred, used.

I love the thing. Also, pardon my ignorance but, what snipers do you build?

Well kids, maybe i am biased, my SS25 is better than yours, neener neener!

10-26-2006, 05:15 PM
I build snipers for me and a couple close personal friends. none for selling.

Ah, freds gun, wondered if he did sel it since he never plays with it ;)

And your may be better than theirs, but mines better than yours :dance:

10-26-2006, 05:22 PM
I build snipers for me and a couple close personal friends. none for selling.

Ah, freds gun, wondered if he did sel it since he never plays with it ;)

And your may be better than theirs, but mines better than yours :dance:

atleast we can agree on our beer.

Pints of Guinness make you strong!

10-28-2006, 09:45 PM
Well said.

(i love the spaceman valve in my SS :))

I bought a CCM SS25 and havent had a chance to use it yet.
Been trying to make it to a pump day.
Dont want to face the kiddies with the Ions with a pump seeing how I've never
played pump before.

Where do you get a spaceman valve for the SS25 and why is it better than the stock valve ?

10-28-2006, 10:51 PM
You probably wont get one. I dont make them anymore. But the drawing is on my website so K&P or Punishers could do the work (amung others).

"better" is subjective.

the newer stock ccm valves dont have as many issues as the original ones. I like my guns set up a certain way and my valve allows this. I only did a handful, and they were for special people.

10-29-2006, 07:28 AM
You probably wont get one. I dont make them anymore. But the drawing is on my website so K&P or Punishers could do the work (amung others).

"better" is subjective.

the newer stock ccm valves dont have as many issues as the original ones. I like my guns set up a certain way and my valve allows this. I only did a handful, and they were for special people.

Ok thanks. I have had my SS25 (bought new) for about 6 or 8 months now.
I saw on threads something about the valve burping but after dry firing and firing with
paint, I havent had mine do that. Hopefully mine has a newer one like you said.
And whats the url to your website ?

10-29-2006, 07:54 AM
Spaceman613.net ;)