View Full Version : ULT bounce pros/cons

10-26-2006, 06:14 PM
ok i know this was listed somewhere but i cant find it now ( i looked in the ULT thread already but i probably missed it if its there)

i know that the ult is not supposed to bounce but with enough shims you can get it to bounce and make it very walkable. now on my mag to get it to walk and get a slight sweet spot there is not the full distance (1/16 of an inch) between the trigger and pin but there is still some space (if i add 1 more shim to get great walk ability and a nice sweetspot but a few double shots once in a while i didnt get a chance to check the distance with the last shim added.

i know this can cause premature sear wear but can it do anything else to harm my marker?


10-26-2006, 06:40 PM
Pros: Fast as a bat outta >>>>
Cons: Wears the sear rapidly, very dangerous to the person on the receiving end..

10-26-2006, 06:46 PM
ya well the danger of the person on the recieving end i kinda guess will get null and voided by my friend with the A4 Fly that is always next to me

but so the only part that will really wear/damage is the sear?


don miguel
10-26-2006, 07:18 PM
YOU CAN WALK A ULT! i didn't know that. Mabe ill get one.

10-26-2006, 07:24 PM
ya but you have to "improperly" set it up, at least in my case, for it to be as easy as an electro

10-26-2006, 10:49 PM
Not all ULT's can be made to walk. I couldn't get mine to be walkable. All it did was short stroke a whole lot. So i made a Pneumag conversion. You can walk that the same as an electro with about the same rate of fire , but with no ramping cos it's all mech. I do however miss the bouncing trigger as the rate of fire was silly. Damn the sear and bolt wear get a short on/off pin and a retro or x-valve, it's big and clever and you too can have a larger paint bill! :D Yo know it makes sense! Or like i said, do a pneumag conversion (also) :D

10-27-2006, 03:41 AM
Bouncy triggers are definitely harsh on the equipment. In fact, the sear and bolt shreds rather quickly in my experience. I read somewhere it was described as a "malfunction" and I feel that is an accurate term. Although quite thrilling to shoot, it is not cheap to maintain.

11-12-2006, 09:22 PM
I just installed mine and had some problems with it...but when I was dry firing it I tried to see if it was walkable (Retro Valve milled to accept ULE trigger mod)...it wasn't. You could try and get it close, but all it did was short stroke. My air input is limited to 725psi, so maybe I'd have better results if I could find a better reg/tank combination.

11-12-2006, 09:28 PM
was the reason it was not walkable becasue the pull was to long? if so just try throwing in an extra shim in the ult. thats how mine was until i added a shim


11-12-2006, 09:45 PM
First, correction...825psi, not 725psi.

Second, in response to your question, the original problem was the on/off pin was too long so I had to have it shaved. I bought the Retro Valve second hand then bought the ULT second hand and when I combined the ULT with the milled retro valve, I guess the pin was just too long. But back to the question...the current situation...when I pull it, it's shorter, but it's still not fast enought to keep up with my fingers. Some people can set up their mags so the bounce will actually have the trigger come back and hit your finger again and thus it almost goes full-auto. Mine isn't that reactive...it's more reactive than before, but not that reactive. My problem is just that if I try to trat it like an electro, it short strokes. I need to work with it more so that I can get in that groove. Unfortunately shortly after getting the new gun assembled and the pin shaved, my reg piston assembly went so now I need to get back in the garage and do some work on it.

11-12-2006, 09:46 PM
So, SR_Matt how many shims do you have in the ult? I've got 7 in mine and never got reactivity. That was the max that would fit for me. Now my friend had the exact same setup and got full auto.

The xvalves differ somehow for different people. I could almost be able to walk it if my fingers were stronger. I was thinking the more they break in the more reactive they become. I don't know? but w/ the Hyperframe it's exteremly fast, and was developing double shots this weekend. I was thinking of taking a shim out of the ult since its prob finally getting broken in this past year.. I need to throw on the I-frame and see if I can get it to sweetspot now.

As for damage, I think zak vetter said that there is normal wear to parts from rapid firing. It just happens sooner because you're firing more shots in a shorter time. :cheers:

11-12-2006, 09:55 PM
i have 6 i think (didnt pull the ult appart jsut tried to count them and dint want to pull it all appart. i had 7 and could sweet spot it but was getting a double shots semi frequently. i went to 6 and can walk it with an occasional short stroke. i am using a geruilla air hp tank (i think it is "850 psi")

it might be differant becasue i have a viberblade trigger
