View Full Version : RT mag.. Broken?!?!?!

10-27-2006, 08:55 PM
Hey guys.. an RT mag that I just got doesnt seem to want to work properly..

When I gass it up, it leaks from the valve, untill I pull the trigger. Then it stop leaking slightly.

Here's a video to make it all a little clearer.


Any ideas? Thanks!

10-27-2006, 09:00 PM
do you have a level 10 in the gun?

it looks that your on/off orings are bad/broke/missing.

10-27-2006, 09:17 PM
No level 10..

where are the ON/Off orings?

Sorry, I'm a bit of a mag noob..

10-27-2006, 09:38 PM
No level 10..

where are the ON/Off orings?

Sorry, I'm a bit of a mag noob..
Watch this video. (http://www.jayloo.com/videos/show_vid/2533.html)

This explains the basic break down of an automag rt. Some slight deviations from the current model but this gives you an almost genius level troubleshooting regimen when having problems with the rt valve.

10-27-2006, 10:45 PM
If you cant figure it out PM me and Ill explain/ show you pics/diagrams, and try to walk you through it

11-12-2006, 11:08 AM
Now thats a handy vid i will be using that for when i redo my RT