View Full Version : Not as good as I once thought

10-29-2006, 11:26 PM
I first started playing paintball 3 years ago playing recball with a rental. I had the freaking time of my life. I decided to buy my own gear a year later with consisted of a Spyder Rodeo, 20 oz, and extreme rage goggles, which, by the way, are complete crap. It was a dicent setup back when I played recball. All my friend were playing speedball so I picked up an ESP trigger to keep up. I only played with private gropus or an a walk-on with all my friends. Nevertheless, I always played with people that had about the same amount of skill and gear in the same price range as I. I felt like I was a decent player.

This weekend,however, I played by myself with other walk-ons ay a local indoor field. It was like Ion central that day. I also saw a handfull of DM's. First game of the day was 1v1 against an 11 year-old kid with an Ion. I never got so handled before in my life. It didn't go well for the rest of the day and ended up being one of the worst paintball days I've had, and believe me, I have had many. I could have easily blamed it on poor vision due to my smugged, scrached, and just plain messed up lenses, but I know it was my lack of skill.

After that I have decided to get my Phamtom SC, 12 grams, and 10 round tubes and go back to the basics of recball. I will not show up to that indoor field until I aquire enough skill and knowledge of the game that I can hold my head up high with confidence that I can hold my own versus Ions, DM's, and other electros.

Sorry it's so long but I had to get this off my chest. Comments and questions greatfully accepted.
Thank you all at AO,

10-29-2006, 11:35 PM

10-29-2006, 11:44 PM

11 year old's are the worst. They are young, fast, haven't learned that they can break, and are about |-| that tall.

10-29-2006, 11:45 PM
Well I'm newish around here so I guess this is a welcome back for you.

Hey don't worry about the beast that speedball has become...it can be masterd. And just remember it does not matter which kind of paintgun, ion, dm, etc. etc. when a paintball hits you are out. I've been murderized by bothe rentals and the ubersupper electros. Oh yeah and don't forget play the advanced fields when you do walk-ons because you don't get better by playing people who are the same or worse then you. :shooting:

10-29-2006, 11:47 PM
Admitting it is the first step.

For the most part it's just timing. Realistically you will get better by being in there and getting your *** handed to you just because it will teach the basics. After getting bunkered 10 times a day, you will learn some instinct as to where to go/what to do/ where is a horrible bunker to move to.

10-29-2006, 11:50 PM
Indoor fields are a different breed of environment. The first time I went to an indoor field I actually had to get used to the fact that the astroturf was slippery, the humidity made the balls that much more unreliable, and your mask had a higher percentage of fogging.
Going back to stock class play ain't too bad of a choice either. I play pump more often than I play Semi. I would encourage you to go back to that local indoor field and play with your pump. Sure you'll get your butt handed to you but apparently the competition that you want to measure up to is in that field.
Pump vs Pump is fun; but pump vs semi is where the comedy is. :D Some of the Semi guys get heavily offended if they get hit by a pumper.

Good luck! :cheers:

10-29-2006, 11:55 PM
I would say I'm a pretty good player, but I just had a day like that myself (last Saturday). Exept I got my butt handed to me by Tippmann totters.

We all have bad days. Sometimes it's our gears fault, sometimes it's ours. Don't worry about it.

10-30-2006, 12:13 AM
Everyone has thier bad days, its nothing to get worked up over. I have had my butt handed to my by tippman 98's like the regular ones with the 5 pound trigger pulls. If you want to get better at speedball the best advice I can give is practice snapshooting. And with the 11 year olds i have a blast like bobing up and down watching them onload at anything.

Bottom line don't get down in the dumbs, just play for fun, and if its not fun anymore at one field try another.

mr. right-wing
10-30-2006, 02:00 AM
Yeah, saturday was my first time back in 2 years and it kickes soooooo much butt. I took out 25 guys in 8 rounds and only got hit twice. I hit 3 of em with a 40 dollar Brass Eagle and just had a good time. Im SO happy to be back, :clap: :bounce:

10-30-2006, 02:21 AM
Look, Behemoth and I are fat and play younger kids all the time. You gotta use your only advantage against them... your smarts. ---> Assuming your your indeed smarter than an 11 year old. ALL 11 yr old are arrogant, predictable, and often don't think constructively.

1) Don't shoot a whole lot. Instill a false sense of security to get him to expose himself a little more. Entice him to be bold. This could payoff with you easily laning or snapshooting him.

2) You should be looking more than shooting. Observe 1-2 times before coming out with intent to shoot the 3rd time. Most younger player pop thier heads out the same spot, post up on one side, never switch hands, hea for the same bunkers game after game, and are generally predictable, etc etc.

3) Also, you'd be surprised at how much paint a kid wastes lighting up a bunker he cant shoot through if he sees so much as a finger. Get him to waste paint. If nothing else you can teach him a lesson in economics ($20 worth of paint shouldn't = 1 kill)

4) In one on one games you can focus on him alone. Try to make moves "silently" without shooting. If he doesn't know where you've moved to... you have a huge advantage. <--- this is huge when playing pump... better learn it now ;)

5) Often kids hide when being shot rather than changing bunker postition. In a one-one game, ADVANCE while lighting his bunker up, chances are he will be busy duckin g and won't know you've moved.

6) Most Importantly, when outgunned you must learn one of 2 things VERY WELL... Blind Firing, or Sna shooting. I suggest Snap shooting but it's your life.

Good luck, and know that when the 11 year old says "he's banging your mom tonight"... he's not serious.

10-30-2006, 11:55 AM
6) Most Importantly, when outgunned you must learn one of 2 things VERY WELL... Blind Firing, or Sna shooting. I suggest Snap shooting but it's your life.

I think you mean shooting blind. Blind shooting is generally not accepted at most fields, but shooting blind is just lopping paint over a bunker that you know an opponent is behind.

All very good advice, though.

10-30-2006, 12:17 PM
Remember: "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill".

10-30-2006, 01:26 PM
I think you mean shooting blind. Blind shooting is generally not accepted at most fields, but shooting blind is just lopping paint over a bunker that you know an opponent is behind.

All very good advice, though.

I mean knowing about where an enemy is and sticking the gun over your bunker and letting rip. If you get really good at it... you might be able to hit little kids. Although this is unsafe and you'll probably get a 2 for 1 penalty in a one on one game. That means you would like, lose the second game automatically or something dude. Woooaaahhh :tard:

Anyways... a little kid is not much harder if at all to hit versus a normal person. I mean... when he shoots, his mask hands and gun are showing just like any other player so it should be no more difficult to hit him than anyone else shooting properly. And if he is shooting incorrectly (as most 11 yr olds) then he's probably easier to hit.

My advice version 2.0 is just to buy an Alien... because winning is more fun. :rolleyes:

10-30-2006, 02:44 PM
Haha, thanks Pneumagger, I'm fat too so moving to different positions takes so time and makes a lot of noise. :) I think a lot of my problems can be solved by just getting better lenses because this weekend I couldn't see anything and the extra humidity form being indoor didn't help either. I like recball better so I will do that until Christmas when I can get a Paradigm. Till then pumping is it for me.

don miguel
10-30-2006, 08:21 PM
Haha, thanks Pneumagger, I'm fat too so moving to different positions takes so time and makes a lot of noise. :) I think a lot of my problems can be solved by just getting better lenses because this weekend I couldn't see anything and the extra humidity form being indoor didn't help either. I like recball better so I will do that until Christmas when I can get a Paradigm. Till then pumping is it for me.

I had a similar expierience. Last sturday I went to FOX4 in mass and got there, went unpacked my stuff. My dad had driven away already and I just realized that I had forgot my Profilers in the car. I was pissed I had to use the field rental goggles, and it sucked. I got I kill and it was by mistake, I coulden't see anything. It sucks when you can't see so if your equipment fails then so do you.
Oh yeah 11 year olds, they are usually hyper, loaded with cash money, and toting thier expensive electros. I remember playing a day at cape cod paintball, and thier was this 12 year old kid (close enough). He had just scored a brand new angel speed G7 in black, with angel air, (yes the kind with the wierd reg) and a brand new Halo B belt drive. Yes this was back in the day when they didn't have rip drives. And He was "heavy" and slow, and just unloaded hoppers full of paint at us and didn't hit anyhting. It was sad, 11 year olds are funny. Hey I think I got a picture of him actually from the event I was at when he was there: (He is the one in the red gear) Im not in the picture by the way.
Look at that angel it dosen't look like a g7.... he said it was. You would be suprised at what you can find at cape cod paintball.com.

10-30-2006, 10:43 PM
Looks like an A4 Fly to me, but then again, I don't know much about angels.

Looks to me like the one on the right has the most opportunity to become a paintball player. The left, well, his mommy bought him his gun, and the middle kid looks just a little bit cocky... Then again, with what we see in pro paintball these days, that middle kid might fit right in in a few years... :rolleyes:

10-30-2006, 10:52 PM
Looks to me like the one on the right has the most opportunity to become a paintball player.

You mean the kid with the "deer staring in the headlights" type look......thats the look of a paintballer right there :p

10-30-2006, 11:08 PM
there is a difference in skills required...i wouldnt worry about it to much, he beat you. but you where out of your element, any time i go play with a new group of players at a new field i don't do as well as i would normally.
just play to have fun.
if you like playing with your friends and private walk 0ns..more power to you.

i personally can't stand the Huge walk-on games for the most part (woods ball here and there aint so bad)

i'll stick to NPPL (Despite what everyone here seems to think, tourny players arent so bad)

don miguel
10-31-2006, 04:08 PM
You mean the kid with the "deer staring in the headlights" type look......thats the look of a paintballer right there :p
there he is again!

10-31-2006, 04:56 PM
there he is again!

FIXED! C'mon Miguel... you know better than that.

don miguel
10-31-2006, 04:58 PM
classic, I knew you would do something like that. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: lol

10-31-2006, 05:19 PM
That isn't a G7. It is an A4 or A4 fly.

Are you sure that isn't you on the right? It's kinda what I pictured you looking like...... :rofl:

don miguel
10-31-2006, 05:26 PM
That isn't a G7. It is an A4 or A4 fly.

Are you sure that isn't you on the right? It's kinda what I pictured you looking like...... :rofl:
:rolleyes: how many times must I do this. This is me in the pic: .
(pic by SHANE, taken on locaton at MVELITE home field) Okay i do own a tippmann, it's silver not black, Im not 8 years old, Im 15. I do not have glasses either.