View Full Version : bolt not resetting properly everytime... could it be wear?

10-31-2006, 08:23 AM
I was dry friring my gun a bit last night and noticed it no quite resetting crisply. Sometimes it require me pushing backwards with my finger... other times it would take a second for the sear to click up and lock. It also cycled normally some to.

I took the bolt off the valve and noticed it was a tad rounded but not chipped or flattened anywhere. The sear is brand new (maybe 3000-4000 shots on it) and shows zero wear. however when I run my finger along the bolt catch edge... a nice amount of silvery dust comes off my finger. I think this is a level 10 bolt problem... are these sypmtoms consistent with a level 10 bolt problem, or can I hope it's something else?

More info...
preset 850psi crossfire
level 10 with long spring
ULT with an unbelievable amount of shims in it
Pneumatic frame

10-31-2006, 08:29 AM
I had a valve that the dump chamber wouldnt fill and the bolt would be pushed all the way back, and wouldnt catch until there was enough air pressure to move it fwd a little. Where is the bolt hanging up? In front of the sear or behind it?

Try the stock size mainspring just to see if it helps. I know that on one of my pneumags I tinkered with if I didnt release the trigger fully the bolt would hang up sometimes too.

10-31-2006, 08:32 AM
I'll give it a look tonight... hopefully it's something simple like that because I only have 1100psi left.

10-31-2006, 10:58 AM
How old is your bolt spring? They do wear out. A properly fitted level 10 carrier usually doesn't just start having bolt stick after it has been working properly. Leaking yes, bolt stick no. A worn bolt or sear would cause misfires, ie; extra shots, but resetting would not be a symptom of wear on these parts.

10-31-2006, 03:41 PM
i would guess carrier issue first off, second choice would be the bumper needs to be replaced.


10-31-2006, 03:50 PM
the bumper is in great shape, and the carrier and oring are working perfectly, no leaks.

10-31-2006, 03:54 PM
well just becasue there are no leakes doesnt mean that the carrier hasnt gotten to tight. my mag was sticking in a similar way (if i understand your description correctly) and i needed to jump up a carrier size. heck you wont use much air trying it so might was well try
