View Full Version : what makes people think this is ok?

10-31-2006, 09:03 PM

The person that filmed the video is a K-9 officer on the Tempe Arizona police force. :tard:

10-31-2006, 09:22 PM
awww, I kinda wanted to see the kid get lit up... but I guess its a good way to get over the fear of being hit at an early age.

10-31-2006, 10:22 PM
Oh. My. God.
:mad: :cuss: :mad:
If the kid wants to see what a paintball feels like, give him 5 sweatshirts to wear the first time, then take off 4 of them, then shoot him once. ONCE. Only if he wants to, and only once, just so he knows what it feels like. Then if the kid wants to play paintball, let him. Don't just shoot him for fun.

That guy was CLEARLY not teaching his kid what it felt like. He gave him a motorcycle helmet, and a bulletproof vest. Other than that, the kid was wearing a thin T-shirt and shorts. The kid was nervous, and trying to hide his arms behind the vest.

I'm just sorry the kid has that kind of dad...

Edit- I see he's smiling, but I still don't agree. Also, if he's just having fun with his kid, why is he taking a video of it?

10-31-2006, 10:29 PM
poor kid.....at least he had a vest and cycle helmet. and at least the dad was aiming for the padded parts. i hope his dad didn't FORCE his son to do that
no harm no foul?

edit: as Toll pointed out, i just noticed that you CAN see him smiling, so i no longer think theres anything wrong with this situation since hes obviously enjoying it.

10-31-2006, 10:31 PM
I agree if the kid was forced to do it taht would have been terrible, but maby the kid thought it would be "fun" and the dad figured he give him a life lesson.

10-31-2006, 10:34 PM
You can see him smiling.

10-31-2006, 11:32 PM
umm arent motorcycle helmet lenses kinda weak? but then agian maybe not if they might have to take that odd hit from a rock or possibly bird?

10-31-2006, 11:34 PM
My dad used to hold me by my heals and see how close he could get my head to the ground. Some people have said that was an aweful thing to do as a parent but even my mom admits I giggled for hours and loved it. That kid looked fairly well protected. Also he always seemed willing to be there and never forced. If the kid wants to see what its like what the heck. Its not like it was going to kill him.

11-01-2006, 04:14 AM
should have given him a JT full head mask, I'm not so sure that Motorcycle helmets are considered "safe" for this sport, and he could have had his kid put on a few extra layers to protect his arms and legs. but hey he looked like he was having fun, a little nervous, but still.

11-01-2006, 01:51 PM
Wow, I would think that to be very dangerous. Get a cheap paintball mask next time! :argh:

11-01-2006, 03:46 PM
I get the feeling this kid has gone through this many times. Look at all the shots that have been fired to the left and right of the kids midsection. (on the wall)

To be honest this is boarder line abuse in my book because of the kids age. It is quite obvious by the way the kid was moving that he has been shot before.

I dont think that the face shield is adequate eye protection either, especially with that area being specifically targeted.

I'm not one that is against toughening up our boys so they become strong men, but this is pushing it. I went through a right of passage with the men in my life and it made me tough as hell. In hind sight I wouldn't have had it any other way, but this really leaves a sour taste in my mouth... :mad:


BTW, Just because he is smiling does not mean he is having fun. People smile when they are scared or nervous, he probably doesn't want to piss his dad off if you know what I mean. ;)

11-01-2006, 03:57 PM
the kid was smiling. sure he is nervous and didnt want to get hit in the arms, but who would want to? i dont see a problem with it aslong as the kid wanted to and wasnt forced. if the guy was unloading on the kid it would be a different story

11-01-2006, 11:30 PM
i was waiting for him to get shot alot. funny stuff

11-01-2006, 11:41 PM
What an idiot. Many motorcycle visors will NOT withstand a paintball impact. I've shot a few. :cuss:

11-02-2006, 12:02 AM
What an idiot. Many motorcycle visors will NOT withstand a paintball impact. I've shot a few. :cuss:

Finally, Thank you Simon!

a cop {trained in gun safety} Hopefully knowing the dangers and risk in Paintball, shoot at his kid with a mere Motorcycle Visor for eye protection. :tard: :mad:

11-02-2006, 01:43 AM
Motorcycle helmet visors are pretty tuff (can withstand a rock and debris kicked up off of vehicle tires). I would be more worried of shell and paint getting around the visor.

11-02-2006, 02:05 AM
I know some guys in Tempe PD... Ill get to the bottom of this and let the idiot know just how stupid he really is.

11-02-2006, 09:06 AM
Motorcycle helmet visors are pretty tuff (can withstand a rock and debris kicked up off of vehicle tires). I would be more worried of shell and paint getting around the visor.

A paintball travels at approx 200mph, assuming this idiot chrono'd his gun. The mass of a paintball is 3.2g (ish), that would equate to a pretty decent sized rock on the road...

I ride bikes, I'd be worried about getting hit in the visor at 200mph by a 3.2g rock... heck, a big bug rocks you hard enough at 150mph. :tard:

Yes, I would also be very worried about shell getting around the visor. Most visors are not designed to seal against such things.

11-02-2006, 10:02 AM
the kid is only smiling when he realizes it doesnt hurt. otherwsie he looks really scared.(either that or he has to go to the bathroom) at the end he gets hit in the arm or something and yelps...and than the video cuts out..hmmmm

Temo Vryce
11-02-2006, 12:38 PM
I don't how many times I have ignored this thread thinking it was some stupid stunt done for TV or bunch of kids fooling arround. I can't express my feelings right now after watching this video because I know that by the time I'm finished I would have recieved a life time ban. I know a lot of really good cops. I like cops even if they are pulling me over for speeding, again. As a father and paintball player this video sickens me. Sure the kid is smiling because he knows that Dad or who ever is shooting is trying to hit the padding, but he's still scared about getting hit in a soft place because he's wiggleing. He knows it's going to hurt like the dickens because it's happened before. I can't say this is child abuse as I'm not privy to enough information. What I can say is that it is wrong and the person doing it should be made to think about his actions. It's one thing to shoot someone on the field, because they are there to be shot and shoot back. That kid is just there to be shot and that's wrong. You can put any spin on it that you like it's still wrong. Give the kid the "proper" safety equipment and a marker. Take him out on the field and go 1 on 1 with him. Chrony 250s to start and slowly work your way up to 280s. The high point of stupidity in this whole thing is that the guy thought it would be a great idea to put the video(s) on the net. People with this level of common sense should be taken right out of the gene pool. When my son becomes old enought to play paintball, you can be damn well sure that I'm not going to introduce him to the sport like this.

11-02-2006, 12:46 PM
When I have kids and get them into paintball, I am going to let them know what it feels like before they play. The last thing I want is for them to get all shooken up like a lot of noobs do and rip their mask off. However, I'm also gonna let the kids shoot me haha. I want them to know what that feels like too!

11-03-2006, 10:36 PM
A paintball travels at approx 200mph, assuming this idiot chrono'd his gun. The mass of a paintball is 3.2g (ish), that would equate to a pretty decent sized rock on the road...

I ride bikes, I'd be worried about getting hit in the visor at 200mph by a 3.2g rock... heck, a big bug rocks you hard enough at 150mph. :tard:

Yes, I would also be very worried about shell getting around the visor. Most visors are not designed to seal against such things.

True enough. Had a dragon fly put a large crack in my visor.

don miguel
11-05-2006, 08:53 AM
Thats kind of sickining. Where the hell do you get videos like that from? You sicko.
Mabe the video would make you look less psycopathic if it showed the kid saying that he wanted to get shot with a paintball gun first, but thats just wierd. Way to be a psyco. :mad:

11-05-2006, 09:10 AM
Good idea poor judgement? My son wants to play but he does not know how hard a paintball can hit. The thought does cross my mine about taking him out back and shoot him a couple of time. Just to let him know that paintball can sting a little.