View Full Version : Pro owned marker....

11-05-2006, 10:17 AM
Why is it that peole selling used markers want to make a big deal out of it being team owned?
Has anyone ever payed attention to how pros treat their gear? They got it free so generally don't care about it. Play hard and slam it around, toss it in a gear bag uncared for until something breaks.
If anything it seems like team owned would make it worth less.

I want to buy mine from some broke kid that takes extreme measures to protect it, cleaned after every game and really appreciated.


11-05-2006, 10:28 AM
In the tiny world of paintball , it's like owning a stray pro football or something.Cool by association ? :D

There's also the conception the the 'pros' gear may have something that us shlubs in the public don't get in our version. ;)

11-05-2006, 10:37 AM
Best way of buying a used marker would be driving over there and look/test yourself... But that's not always an option when the seller lives on the other side of the country. Usually i look at the pictures the seller is posting, and the background in them.. If his home is a mess, chances are he is not taking good care of his markers either. (not always the case tho) Also detailed hi-res pictures can tell you alot. If you see paint gunk on the marker, he didnt even bother to clean it before making pictures for the sale. Also corresponding with him trough email, phone or PM can also give you an idea of what person you are dealing with. If my gut feeling tells me there's something out of order, or red flags go up, i pull out of the deal.

Team/pro owned does'nt mean anything. Even if it was, the seller could just be telling you this to give it a increased value or someting. Oh, this gun was owned by ollie lang? I don't care. Only thing i'm interested in is: Is it working ok? Is anything wrong with it? All i need to know.

Also feedback on that person will tell you alot... If he has none, then you should be cautious, but if he has loads of positive feedback and is a active user on the forums, well in most cases you cant go wrong. (MOST CASES THAT IS)

11-05-2006, 10:52 AM
as ive said before

owned by so and so or shot by so and so is usualy just a gimmick to help sell the marker. nothng else

if it was of true rarity or value it wouldnt be for sale at all.. :tard:

11-05-2006, 12:53 PM
I find it a gimmick as well, I mean how can you really prove it? I am sure in some cases its possible, but I mean all my markers were pro owned before I bought them (kidding) but how can you prove me right or wrong?

11-05-2006, 02:31 PM
I have owned more than one marker which i got from Pro's and, honestly, alot of these markers really do perform better than most other markers of the same make/model I have owned/used. I have a lasoya intimidator I got from infamous a while back that is just amazing, and a Strange shocker from team strange that has performed better for me than any of my other shockers. I know they were pro owned, because, I got ti from the pros personally. And, while this may or may not mean anything to someone else, the markers work, and, exceptionally well.

Oh, and, just because they get them for free dosent mean pros dont take care of their markers. Hell, my team gets our markers for free, but, that dosent mean we dont care for them. Now, I cant argue with teh fact that most pro owned markers are pretty beat up on the outside, but, I have never gotten a marker form any pro that wasnt set up well or wasnt taken care of well.

Ole Unka Phil
11-05-2006, 03:07 PM
This is sort of like purchasing a Police issue firearm. You should consider it well used, poorly treated and pay much less for it.

Unless of course it was the gun that killed Al Capon... :D

11-05-2006, 03:31 PM
well im not sure if i would say that pros treat they geat badly, i know a few guys that play pro, ya some treat them like junk but others i know q-tip the entire thing after every day of playing no matter how dirty it is (and this guy has been playing pro for a long time and all of the markers that have gone through him are soem of the best mantained guns i have seen).
