View Full Version : ACI Bulldog

Mav D MagMan
12-29-2001, 01:55 PM
Okay just got my Minimag and am lookin to run HPA cause I never liked CO2, even on my F4.

If I go with a new Bulldog will it have the recharge rate to keep up or is the consitancy going to be a real let down? For now I'll be stock trigger. Thanks guys!

12-29-2001, 02:39 PM
I have a 68CI 3000 PSI ACI adjustable Bulldog, and ive cursed it every day, I have yet to find a drop that works well with it, and its stupid square reg is really irritating... though, it seems to work fine, once you get it on at least.... I plan on getting a flatline one of thse days, make sure you know how you want your 'marker setup with drops and stuff, it'll cause you alot less headaches in the future when you find out the 'cheap' tank you bought wont work with the setup you want.

Mav D MagMan
12-29-2001, 04:12 PM
The square reg causes what kind of problems? And I never worried about the drop, I'm plannin on a CP Flame (and I know the tank ain't gonna interfere with the drop because I have a friend runnin a bulldog on his) Just more interested in it performance wise. But if you say it works well then I'll look into them some more. Once again, ty for the input.