View Full Version : adjustable reg and my xvalve ?`s

11-11-2006, 10:51 AM
i know these sound like stupid ?`s to most despite the old theres no such thing as a stupid question saying (whihc i think is lie) lol but either way here we go

1) i just purchased a agd flatline on a 68/4500 tank im pretty sure i can crank these to 1200 psi.. is that safe for my xvalve?

2) what would the efects be of having such a high psi going thru my gun alot of bounce i would imagine

3) what is the higest reccomended psi to turn it to becuase 1200 sounds to me liek it`d be bad for anyhting i gues that cause im use to just the 800 never shot anyhting higher

4) whats the max rating for macro line?

sorry for the ?~s i know i should know the answers but i searched and nothing specific came up, and ive never need to look indepth b4 since i had a fixed output tank

11-11-2006, 10:58 AM
i know these sound like stupid ?`s to most despite the old theres no such thing as a stupid question saying (whihc i think is lie) lol but either way here we go

1) i just purchased a agd flatline on a 68/4500 tank im pretty sure i can crank these to 1200 psi.. is that safe for my xvalve?

2) what would the efects be of having such a high psi going thru my gun alot of bounce i would imagine

3) what is the higest reccomended psi to turn it to becuase 1200 sounds to me liek it`d be bad for anyhting i gues that cause im use to just the 800 never shot anyhting higher

4) whats the max rating for macro line?

sorry for the ?~s i know i should know the answers but i searched and nothing specific came up, and ive never need to look indepth b4 since i had a fixed output tank

when i had my x-valve i cranked it to about 1000 psi but i don't think 1200 would hurt it ( correct me if i am wrong)

yes u will have alot of bounce and possibly full auto

and as far as the other 2 q's i dunno but i hope that helped a lil

11-11-2006, 10:58 AM
the valve can take alot of pressure.actually if you search for zak vetter youll find that he put 2200 psi into his gun and it shot at 34 bps.so the 1200 will be fine.the more pressure going in the more reactive it will be.

11-11-2006, 11:00 AM
1) Yes it is safe with steel braided hose. Also the xvalve has an overpressure protection, so if you overpressure the input, it will start leaking out of the back untill you lower the pressure.

2) The responciveness of the RT will be adjustible with the input pressure. More pressure means more responciveness.

3) Start with 900 psi and adjust to your liking.

4) Depends on quality, but running pressures above 800 psi you really want to think about getting Steel braided hose.

11-11-2006, 11:17 AM
I run exactly 925 psi to my x-valve. The macro lines have not shown me a problem. I would not go over 1000 with the macros, though.


11-11-2006, 11:39 AM
Never had any probs with macro either, but then again i hardly use pressures above 900 psi. I've read a post here claiming the macro will hold it, but over time can fail due to the pressure. The safest thing would be getting SS hose, since those are rated for higher pressure.

Then again, i never had problems and even ran 800 psi (preset) trough macro that was rated at 500 psi. But for ease of mind i'll upgrade to SS hose soon.

11-11-2006, 11:44 AM
thats what i thought, but needed a little reassurance to settle my nerves i supose wanted to be sure before i tried messin aroudn
thanks alot

11-20-2006, 02:48 PM
This guy seems to think they have a tensile strength of 9425 psi


ive personally used them at ~1,350 psi

11-20-2006, 02:55 PM
tensile strength Does NOT equal pressure rating.

Its similar to how concrete can be pushed on 10 more than it can be twisted.

You can calculate the pressure rating, but need more than just the tensile strength.

I will try to look it up in my parker/swagelock books

11-20-2006, 03:11 PM
here is a link to a commonly used tubing known as nylon 11


notice the working pressure rating is only 450 psi. I am sure that it can go higher however please be careful if you do. Having a microline smack you/blow up might hurt

11-20-2006, 04:08 PM
500 working psi and 1500 burst psi at 70 degrees F

thanks for the info

11-20-2006, 06:53 PM
It is called working pressure for a reason :D

11-21-2006, 02:22 AM
Tunaman has top quality macro. I have used it with varios markers and can attest to its flexibility and its ability to run at 'high' pressures without any issues. With his macro I have run pressures in excess (though slight) of 1000lbs without a hitch. Sure makes the Mags reactive :) .
I'll send you a foot or so if you would like. Shoot me a pm with your address and I'll mail you some. Send me a buck or two when you receive it. How's that for customer service? If you want/need more contact Tuna for a geat price.