View Full Version : What Trigger Frame

11-12-2006, 06:37 AM
What do u guys think would be the best / cheapest, easiest way to go

Booyah Electro Frame


Pneumag (might already be getting all the parts needed other than a frame)

Spydermag ??

plz get back to me on what each ywould cost, maybe ever a positive negative feedback on all.
by this friday i will chose 1 and started my project

11-12-2006, 04:35 PM
Booyah/Hyperframe positive: No dremel needed.

11-12-2006, 06:42 PM
are they both about the same?
can i use them on a classic valve

11-12-2006, 08:22 PM
Dont know about the use on a classiv valve. But most feel the hyperframe is much better then the booyah.

11-12-2006, 09:50 PM
Having tried BooYahs,Hyperframes, and Emags, I would say you would be better off
getting a used Emag.
Much better and you can upgrade the software to the Xmod and its as fast as an Ego.
I got rid of my 06 Ego when I got the Xmod on my Emag.
You can pick an Emag up for fairly cheap now and you will be much happier with it
over an add on electronic frame.

11-12-2006, 11:42 PM
well i fouind a hyperframe for 200
nd booyah for 175
cheapest emag lowers i have found is like 350
am i just looking int he wrong place

also doing a pneumag would cost around 130$# just take some time

11-16-2006, 08:46 PM
i like the hyperframe over the boo-yaah. just because you can get the hyperframe with a 20bps, which is nice. both will need a ult for your valve. neither are up-grade-able (sorry, is that a word??). yes the emag lowers are nice, i've just never had any. pneumags haven't gotten that far into paintball yet either. so i don't have an opinion on those two.

11-17-2006, 02:55 AM
i like the hyperframe over the boo-yaah. just because you can get the hyperframe with a 20bps, which is nice. both will need a ult for your valve. neither are up-grade-able (sorry, is that a word??). You can upgrade at least the Hyperframe with a new aftermarket board, which is a significant upgrade. That also opens up the possibilities of buying an older Hyperframes with the semi only 13 BPS boards, and upgrading it.

the electrician
11-17-2006, 05:58 PM
the hardest but cheapest way:

use a cocker hinge frame, bolt pattern lines up perfect and plenty of room. I bought one for $15!

buy a used lpr, and the rest of the components, throw it in the mill and make it work.

like I said, cheap but not easy.

11-17-2006, 10:17 PM
i wish there were pics of the hyperframe and part numbers

would like to try putting the stuff in a gutted eblade frame

or i would like to do a Mini/emag style fore grip with the battery and board and wire that to the noid in the frame and then have the air go through the grip as well....oh dream mag

11-18-2006, 12:23 PM
i was thinking about using a eblade
using a cocker hinge frame or something tho is not gunna get the speed needed in todays speedball, buying a chimera frame and all the required parts for a pneumag is the cheapest but one of the hardest ways to make FAST mag

11-19-2006, 01:13 AM
i was thinking about using a eblade
using a cocker hinge frame or something tho is not gunna get the speed needed in todays speedball...
NEEDED!!?!?!!1! in today's paintball? C'mon! I play pump in speedball and it's not that hard! Speed is not a necessity!

...buying a chimera frame and all the required parts for a pneumag is the cheapest but one of the hardest ways to make FAST mag
What a load of BULL! (Joe, feel free to chime in with a few of your vids :D )
And you don't need a Chimera...

11-21-2006, 07:05 AM
bull? bud you can get the pneu kit for around 50 bucks used lpr for 30 and a frame for 60
150$ and its FAST marker

what do u suggest thats better than that for cheaper?

and also, i;d love to play u with your pump on the speedball field, i'll rip a string all over yer back

11-21-2006, 01:04 PM
bull? bud you can get the pneu kit for around 50 bucks used lpr for 30 and a frame for 60
150$ and its FAST marker

what do u suggest thats better than that for cheaper?

and also, i;d love to play u with your pump on the speedball field, i'll rip a string all over yer back
If you reread what I had quoted, you said it was hard to build a pneu to be fast. Or at least that's what I got out of it. Have the frame widened, drill a few holes, set some screws, fine tune your LPR and your done! Your gun is now mechanically fast. It's really not that hard.

...And if we ever meet, I'll take you on vs. my pump. Just don't start thinking that because more paint's in the air, you're suddenly going to hit me. If you think that way, you've already lost.

an lern 2 use some punctuation and capitalizet hings sometimes
myt help u sound smarter
and the dollar sign goes in front of the 150 by the way


11-23-2006, 02:52 AM
ok bud your hot **** eh real cool guy
how about you go play with your pump gun on the kiddy field and leave the paint sprayin to the big boys, YES pump guns are accurate, but to win a fire fight the key is lots of balls and accuarcy, your 1 ball will get shot down with my string and then what u doin? look around for a 12 gram
i really don;t give a rats behind about punctuation because this is the internet and i am not writing a damn paper i am in a forum where casual chat is not fround apoun , i put the $ at the end cause thats were i like it one hundred and fifty dollars 150$ sound it out smart guy. if looking smart mattered so much to youm then i would suggest getting a face lift
ALSO this is my thread and since u cant read i will spell it out for u

Tell me about your pump gun and how it isn;t hard to make a pneumag

so if you wanna have a cock fight, go some where else, cause this thread is asking what people think is the best trigger frame
anything else is un acceptable

just so everyone knows i am getting a Dragoon LCD spymag frame

11-23-2006, 04:28 AM
ok bud your hot **** eh real cool guy
how about you go play with your pump gun on the kiddy field and leave the paint sprayin to the big boys, YES pump guns are accurate, but to win a fire fight the key is lots of balls and accuarcy, your 1 ball will get shot down with my string and then what u doin? look around for a 12 gram
i really don;t give a rats behind about punctuation because this is the internet and i am not writing a damn paper i am in a forum where casual chat is not fround apoun , i put the $ at the end cause thats were i like it one hundred and fifty dollars 150$ sound it out smart guy. if looking smart mattered so much to youm then i would suggest getting a face lift
ALSO this is my thread and since u cant read i will spell it out for u

Tell me about your pump gun and how it isn;t hard to make a pneumag

so if you wanna have a cock fight, go some where else, cause this thread is asking what people think is the best trigger frame
anything else is un acceptable

just so everyone knows i am getting a Dragoon LCD spymag frame
Dude, you're a moron. Notice that you said pneumags are a great deal. I agreed. So why are you arguing a subject upon which we have already mutually agreed?

And dude, speed really isn't everything. And where did I ever say I'd win? Where did I claim pumps are greater? Learn to read.

And to further prove your stupidity, some fun quotes from your last post!

how about you go play with your pump gun on the kiddy field and leave the paint sprayin to the big boys - That was just stupid.

but to win a fire fight the key is lots of balls and accuarcy, - That was just plain stupid also.

your 1 ball will get shot down with my string and then what u doin? - Then what I doin'? I don't know what I doin'!

look around for a 12 gram - Ahh, yes. Because we all know that playing pump is guarenteed to include these! Not just stock class! :rolleyes:

in a forum where casual chat is not fround apoun - Fround apoun? Lern 2 speel.

i put the $ at the end cause thats were i like it one hundred and fifty dollars 150$ sound it out smart guy. - Actually, if you put it in front, I'd still read it as "one-hundred fifty dollars," not as "dollars one-hundred-fifty." And a neat little tid-bit: dollars aren't actually the name of our currency. They're called FRN's, or Federal Reserve Notes. Dollars simply corelate one FRN to it's proper backing of gold (or, used to, before we stopped backing our bills with gold).

if looking smart mattered so much to youm then i would suggest getting a face lift - Hmm... This was a tricky one. First, why would a face lift make me look smarter? Second, what is "youm?"

ALSO this is my thread and since u cant read i will spell it out for u - Evidentally, I'm not the one with a literacy and coherency problem. In fact, I was at a college reading level at eight years old. I also scored 136 points on an IQ test over the summer. That's 16 points above average. My Midas test also shows I am good with linguistics and kinesthetics.

Tell me about your pump gun and how it isn;t hard to make a pneumag - I did. Refer to my last post.

so if you wanna have a cock fight - No thanks. I prefer taco over sausage. :cool:

anything else is un acceptable - You do realize "un acceptable" is one word? And, assuming your diction was indeed correct, I think this phrase calls for a "Yes, Mommy" in return.

Now, if you're going to argue, at least argue intellectually. You guys make it all too easy...

11-23-2006, 04:57 AM
alright u tool do u not have a life
get off my thread, you probably don;t even play paintball your just some geek that likes to run his mouth where he isn;t wanted
i am canadian its spelled apoun , your a complete idiot, "look at me, i can start **** on the internet cause i am such a skinny loser i can't do it in real life"
and to further prove your stupidity , your just plain stupid, and stupid is as stupid does
you know nothing about speedball and you probably don't even play. i have seen people go onto the feild with a pump gun and get gunned down before the get to there second bunker
maybe u should go to school become a grade 4 teacher, teach them all about grammar and punctuation, cause i obviously don;t get a rats *** about what u think
in high school i scored a 141 on my iq test and had all advanced coarse in math english metal and wood working, my lowest average was 70% and that was because i didn;t give a rats *** about art
so why the **** do i care about some nerd that likes to sit on his computer all wekk and pretend he plays paintball
you need a face lift cause you look so damn stupid with your glasses buck teeth and crooked smile
youm is short form for YOU MORON

actually why am even feeding into your ignorance
fighting on the internet is like winning the special olympics , even if u win your still retarded
and then u would still get bronze


11-23-2006, 07:04 PM
alright u tool do u not have a life
get off my thread, you probably don;t even play paintball your just some geek that likes to run his mouth where he isn;t wanted
i am canadian its spelled apoun , your a complete idiot, "look at me, i can start **** on the internet cause i am such a skinny loser i can't do it in real life"
and to further prove your stupidity , your just plain stupid, and stupid is as stupid does
you know nothing about speedball and you probably don't even play. i have seen people go onto the feild with a pump gun and get gunned down before the get to there second bunker
maybe u should go to school become a grade 4 teacher, teach them all about grammar and punctuation, cause i obviously don;t get a rats *** about what u think
in high school i scored a 141 on my iq test and had all advanced coarse in math english metal and wood working, my lowest average was 70% and that was because i didn;t give a rats *** about art
so why the **** do i care about some nerd that likes to sit on his computer all wekk and pretend he plays paintball
you need a face lift cause you look so damn stupid with your glasses buck teeth and crooked smile
youm is short form for YOU MORON

actually why am even feeding into your ignorance
fighting on the internet is like winning the special olympics , even if u win your still retarded
and then u would still get bronze

get off my thread - Yes mommy dearest! :rolleyes:

you probably don;t even play paintball your just some geek that likes to run his mouth where he isn;t wanted - Actually, I've been playing for eight years. I'll be playing this Saturday as well with Behemoth, Pneumagger, Neppo, and Molls, and a few others from AO and MCB.

i am canadian its spelled apoun , your a complete idiot - Entschuldigen. Ich bin Deutsch und Amerikaneren English gesprachen. Stupid Canadian, eh?

"look at me, i can start **** on the internet cause i am such a skinny loser i can't do it in real life" - Yeah, because I forgot we've met before. That surely shows you know thoroughly what I looks like.

and to further prove your stupidity , your just plain stupid, and stupid is as stupid does - Ok, so to prove that I am stupid, you call me stupid? You are gay. There, that proves you are gay. Ok Forest?

you know nothing about speedball and you probably don't even play - Hmm... I don't know anything about speedball... That's why my teams have won a series of local tournaments, right? Because I don't know anything.

i have seen people go onto the feild with a pump gun and get gunned down before the get to there second bunker - Yeah, happens with the "AGG" kiddies sometimes, too. Those kinds of people are called "bad players."

maybe u should go to school become a grade 4 teacher, teach them all about grammar and punctuation, - Actually, I'm majoring in Secondary Education so I can teach high school English. Thank you for the positivce words for my future! :)

cause i obviously don;t get a rats *** about what u think - Hmm... I'm going to let you reread that before I comment. Think very hard about what's incorrect about what you said.

in high school i scored a 141 on my iq test and had all advanced coarse in math english - Ok, I doubt the 141 IQ results. You just haven't proven that to me. And if you are so advanced with the English language, why don't you try and show off some of your skills. They seem to be lacking.
Also, while on the topic of English, "your" is possessive. I think you mean to use "you're," which is a contraction for the words "you are."

my lowest average was 70% and that was because i didn;t give a rats *** about art - You pansey! Art is beautiful! This statement simply shows your ignorance to culture.

so why the **** do i care about some nerd that likes to sit on his computer all wekk and pretend he plays paintball - All wekk? What's a wekk? And yup, that's what I'm doing right now: pretending to play paintball. Yup. Uh huh. Sure.

you need a face lift cause you look so damn stupid with your glasses buck teeth and crooked smile - Going back to that "because we've never met" thing... Are you really that gay? The way you speak about my appearence makes it sound like you've been stalking me. And I don't have buck teeth or glasses. I'm actually 15/20 in my left eye and 13/20 in my right (dominant) eye. So, you might want to recheck who you're stalking.

youm is short form for YOU MORON - Not in the context you used it in...

actually why am even feeding into your ignorance - Hmm... My ignorance? I'm not the one arguing a point you already agreed with me on. And you strict feelings about pump play, that's not ignorance? You need a dictionary, man. And bad.

fighting on the internet is like winning the special olympics , even if u win your still retarded - Old. That saying's been around forever. And I'm not even arguing; I'm simply presenting to you how much intelligence you're lacking (notice the "you're" and not "your"). At least throw some new and original material at me. Please.

and then u would still get bronze - Uh huh. Sure. I've already shown my intelligence is greater than yours. So I would dub that a false statement.

GET OFF THIS THREAD! YOUR NOT WANTED HERE! PUT DOWN YOUR BOOK AND GO GET LIT UP ON THE FEILD BY SOME KID WITH A RENTAL - I believe you mean "I don't want you here!" Because you're the only person (beside sorry ol' Miguel) that I have a problem with.
And there's nothing wrong with reading. Books contain all knowledge, and knowledge is power. Ever read "Paradise Lost" by John Milton? Very good. Highly recommended to anyone. Along with "The Apocalypse of the Fifth Epoch" written by an unknown author. Two very good reads right there. Just friendly recommendations.

*Sigh* Please argue me with intelligence. It works in your favor alot better. And learn to keep cool as it helps your thought processes. And, lastly, reread your writings. Please.

And I'm not sure if you Canadians celebrate it (I doubt you do), but Happy Thanksgiving!

11-23-2006, 07:21 PM
That dialogue is really in the context of the workshop section... great job guys :rolleyes:. When will one be smarter than the other and stop arguing?

11-23-2006, 07:51 PM
That dialogue is really in the context of the workshop section... great job guys :rolleyes:. When will one be smarter than the other and stop arguing?
Actually, if you would notice, we are no longer arguing. We in fact already agreed. He just feels the need to tell me how dumb I am, so I simply return the favor by breaking down his posts.

And really, this whole thing started because I said pneumags are not expensive and are not hard to make fast and he agreed. :tard:


11-24-2006, 08:27 PM
Hello gentlemen I have been playing paintball for a long time now. I have a warp feed left tac one and now I am ready to upgrade the trigger frame. If you can post links to where i can buy them? thank you. i don't have time to build my guns i just want to purchase the part or send the gun in get the worked done and play. worse case i just buy a emag lower body. i just don't like the battery. its to big for todays paintball times.

11-25-2006, 10:26 PM
Hello gentlemen I have been playing paintball for a long time now. I have a warp feed left tac one and now I am ready to upgrade the trigger frame. If you can post links to where i can buy them? thank you. i don't have time to build my guns i just want to purchase the part or send the gun in get the worked done and play. worse case i just buy a emag lower body. i just don't like the battery. its to big for todays paintball times.
Well, you can pick up Spyder frames anywhere. Luke will modify them to work on any ULT'd 'Mag. (www.LukesCustoms.com)

Hyperframes can be had here in the B/S/T's and are pretty common on eBay.

And Pneumagger is basically THE guy for pneumags. Try PMing him. (I must add, he and I play together, so I've first hand seen and shot his works. Absolutely stellar!)

Angle Healer
11-26-2006, 05:31 AM
If you reread what I had quoted, you said it was hard to build a pneu to be fast. Or at least that's what I got out of it. Have the frame widened, drill a few holes, set some screws, fine tune your LPR and your done! Your gun is now mechanically fast. It's really not that hard.

...And if we ever meet, I'll take you on vs. my pump. Just don't start thinking that because more paint's in the air, you're suddenly going to hit me. If you think that way, you've already lost.

an lern 2 use some punctuation and capitalizet hings sometimes
myt help u sound smarter
and the dollar sign goes in front of the 150 by the way


I am new in paintball... only six months. I own both angel and automag with xvalve. i did something good with automag... I do not even know how to post a new thread about it... help me.... I am new at all these things.. but when I learn I get good at it, I think. watch this video I built involving a chimera I customize. I bought the chimera on ebay and figure out how to put a board that will shoot 12 + upto 32 and I can change the board to tadao. My next project is to put a laser on it. I am buying the laser next month cause I am poor. CHECK my video. your the very first person I contact... here is the site... copy paste... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1479550359
take care. please share to somebody.

11-26-2006, 06:09 AM
Lenny I put down my green tea and raise you my set of pipes and play you Scotland the Brave

Yeah I'm going to get a ticket this morning.

11-26-2006, 02:22 PM
I am new in paintball... only six months. I own both angel and automag with xvalve. i did something good with automag... I do not even know how to post a new thread about it... help me.... I am new at all these things.. but when I learn I get good at it, I think. watch this video I built involving a chimera I customize. I bought the chimera on ebay and figure out how to put a board that will shoot 12 + upto 32 and I can change the board to tadao. My next project is to put a laser on it. I am buying the laser next month cause I am poor. CHECK my video. your the very first person I contact... here is the site... copy paste... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1479550359
take care. please share to somebody.
I know pneumags are fast. I'm friends with Pneumagger and have seen, shot, and been shot by many of his works. they are all fantastic. He has my UMF frame and ULE'd EMag rail right now to convert into an electropneumatic. It'll be nice. Though it probably won't get a ton of use (I'm on this huge pump streak right now, if you couldn't tell. :D Gotta give my Trilogy Sniper some love, too, y'know! :shooting: ), but it'll make a great tourney gun. I also plan on having another frame made pneumatic, just as a fast mech/tourney back-up. They are really nice.

Nice video too, by the way. Amazing how light a completely mechanic trigger can be, eh? God bless these modern sciences!

Lenny I put down my green tea and raise you my set of pipes and play you Scotland the Brave

Yeah I'm going to get a ticket this morning.
Ha ha. Thank you! I'm mostly of Czech heritage, but have a wee bit of proud Irish in me; so I love the bagpipes. I actually saw a bagpipe band perform Scotland the Brave at a local theater (E.J. Thomas Hall) many years ago. Fantastic performance! I even bought the bands CD promotion of it! That is music that will move you more than a stormy sea!

Yay for green tea, too!

EDIT - Do you play the pipes for fun, or as a job? If you do as a profession, I'd love to hear some recordings (if you have any) and at least know who you play with. My love is my trombone (ahh... Bach Stradavarious = love). I've played for nine years. I hope to get into a symphony or jazz/ska band. I am a lover of all musics!

Catch'ya guys later!

11-26-2006, 05:41 PM
Just for fun right now was thinking on trying to join the Marines to play in theirs.

11-27-2006, 12:46 PM
Just for fun right now was thinking on trying to join the Marines to play in theirs.
For fun... That's the best reason to play right there (though it'd still be nice to make a career out of it)

:D :cool:

11-27-2006, 10:54 PM
I prefer taco over sausage. :cool:


Sorry, just had to throw it in there :D

11-28-2006, 04:26 AM
daddy want some sausage, daddy want some sausage.

yeah I'm still buzzed

11-30-2006, 03:16 PM
did i read correctly? is that electropneumatic? if so id like one right away. ive been wonderin how to get that done.

[QUOTE=Lenny]I know pneumags are fast. I'm friends with Pneumagger and have seen, shot, and been shot by many of his works. they are all fantastic. He has my UMF frame and ULE'd EMag rail right now to convert into an electropneumatic. It'll be nice. Though it probably won't get a ton of use (I'm on this huge pump streak right now, if you couldn't tell. :D Gotta give my Trilogy Sniper some love, too, y'know! :shooting: ), but it'll make a great tourney gun. I also plan on having another frame made pneumatic, just as a fast mech/tourney back-up. They are really nice.

11-30-2006, 03:19 PM
I love my Hyperframe. I sent it to Lukescustoms to get his trigger switch and trigger installed, plus the wings milled off. It's wicked fast. Pics are in the MOTM thread for November.

11-30-2006, 03:29 PM
did i read correctly? is that electropneumatic? if so id like one right away. ive been wonderin how to get that done.

It's easy! Stencil+ION=EPMag
