View Full Version : HPA question....

12-29-2001, 07:19 PM
When I bought my Minimag, I was looking for something that was high quality but small. So I have been using a coiled hose in conjunction with my c02 tank because of that reason, and because it keeps the gun from freezing. But naturally, I want to get HPA. If I were to use the thick coiled hose with the HPA, would that affect the performance of it much? I just remember hearing that it would, and I have noticed that pros never use them. If it does, how much a difference would there be if I didn't use the hose?

12-29-2001, 07:44 PM
yes you can use hpa with a remote, i use a remote with mine because i dont like to have that bulky tank on the gun. i also found that i can get lower to the ground using one. but to some a cradle is more comfortable. pros dont use remotes beacause they play speed coarses and it prob would get in their way. although i have seen a few with them.

12-29-2001, 08:06 PM
im no pro but i play a lot of speedball. I go remote unless i have a 47ci tank. otherwise its too much weight to be toting the 114 apocs around all day. and all my hits are in the gun or mask... so a bigger body target doesnt bother me. as for manuveribility its great. unless you have a short remote.. which sucks in woodball also.

12-29-2001, 11:24 PM
I ran a remote for awhile, combined with a gas thru stock, it was nice until it got hung on to a limb and slammed me to the ground, that was it for me. Be extremely careful with remotes in the woods guys.

12-30-2001, 12:26 AM
I'm not sure if I worded the question right. So what I meant was, does the overall performance decrease using coiled hose vs. the hpa tank directly mounted? I heard that since the air has to travel farther thru a hose than if it was directly on the gun, the gun won't recharge as fast, creating a less consistent air flow, or a drop in velocity as your bps climbs. Is this true?

12-30-2001, 01:38 AM
No, it will run your gun just fine. The pressure will remain constant until your tank gets low.

12-30-2001, 12:33 PM
one thing. make sure your hose has a slide check. or you will have to empty your hose every time you set the gun down or work on it or what ever and that will waste a bit of pressure.