View Full Version : Wiiping in frustration.

11-18-2006, 09:34 PM
Wiilease is so close yet so far! This wait time is wiidiculous! Good thing I wiiserved my Wii at ebgames so I dont have to wait in line all night. I dont think I'll be getting much rest and wiilaxation tonight. MUST... WIISTRAIN... WII... OBSESSION...


11-18-2006, 09:56 PM
:rofl: i wonder how there sales will do

11-18-2006, 10:07 PM
a) Nintendo is in the stoneage, enough said
b)stop with the wii'ing already. Do you realize how gay that sounds? "I'm gonna go play with my Wii"(insert dodgy here)
c) Yeah, you'll have fun with it, if you like TV remote shaped controllers.
d) Only way Nintendo will fully be able to pull it off is if they come out with 1) a new Mario Kart, 2) a new mario party 3) a new mario world, 4) a new resident evil and 5) a new Donkey Kong. And even then, they wont be able to compare to the ps3 and xbox 360

11-18-2006, 10:15 PM
a) Nintendo is in the stoneage, enough said
b)stop with the wii'ing already. Do you realize how gay that sounds? "I'm gonna go play with my Wii"(insert dodgy here)
c) Yeah, you'll have fun with it, if you like TV remote shaped controllers.
d) Only way Nintendo will fully be able to pull it off is if they come out with 1) a new Mario Kart, 2) a new mario party 3) a new mario world, 4) a new resident evil and 5) a new Donkey Kong. And even then, they wont be able to compare to the ps3 and xbox 360
a) I don't see anyone else with their accelerometer based system. They chose to go a different route, to capture a different part of the market. The fact that their system "technically" is inferior to the x360 or ps3 is moot. The selling point is that it's different.
b)Are you homophobic?
c)Who cares if it's tv-remote shaped. A large part of the appeal is the idea of two small controllers, one in each hand. Now explain to me why you shouldn't just make a tv remote comfortable to hold, and to press buttons on, instead of having a remote+2 separate controllers.
d)Or a new Zelda :rolleyes:
e)Wii I believe is going to do very well. It's a completely new idea, and I believe nintendo will capture a large share of the market this console generation.

11-18-2006, 10:28 PM
And even then, they wont be able to compare to the ps3 and xbox 360
That basically shows your ignorance to the whole concept of the wii. The wii isn't meant to be compared to the ps3 and 360. Its an entirely new way to play video games. Sure, the specs aren't up to par with the 360 and ps3, but I guarantee you it will be a hell of a lot more fun to play.

Game consoles have been the exact same thing since they were first invented, and each generation brought basically one major thing. Graphics. I mash buttons on my friends x360 just like I mashed buttons on my NES and SNES. Nothing has changed at all, and frankly it's gotten old. It's about time for a step in another direction, and the Wii is the first one.

Anyway, the Wii is going to sell incredibly well no doubt about it. Your posts on this message board wont change the innovation and sexiness that is the Wii.

Oh, and for the record, I am not a Nintendo fanboy. The gamecube sucked ***, and I stopped buying gameboys after the color. I own a sweeeet modded xbox :D

11-19-2006, 12:34 AM
i want a wii too.
even though i love my xbox

11-19-2006, 04:24 AM
OMG is it released yet???

/pointedly does not run to the store.
//going to wait til a) can get one conveniently b) price drops

11-19-2006, 05:59 AM
been waiting for 6 hours..

I have been beaten out on the following sites:
-Toys r us

and damn circuit city still has not released the sale of the wii despite their page saying "avaible as of 12:00am"

11-19-2006, 09:14 AM

Head knight of Ni
11-19-2006, 09:30 AM
Twilight Princess is being heralded as the best Zelda ever. Any truth to that?

Archangel Kid
11-19-2006, 10:39 AM

What games did you pick up with it? I heard WII sports is a lot of fun, did it come bundled with your console? My local Wal-Mart got 30 and I was to lazy to wait for one this time. I waited there for the 360 during a winter freeze w/ rain and winds =\ My bro is up in Times Square so I had him do a look out for me but he said the lines were literally wrapped around the buildings.

11-19-2006, 01:02 PM
answer me this.
why would you wait in line overnight for a wii when there are these 2 condidtions:
1.there are 99 confirmed wii's at the store
2. you pre-ordered it.

yup, some of my friends were waiting in line at best buy last night. i stopped in and made wii jokes. there were about 40 people there. i wish i could find the quotition but even nintendo execs have been quoted saying that the wii is just a redone cube. silly nintendo fan boys. they love to buy multiple versions of the same thing, gba, gbasp; ds, ds lite. :tard:

11-19-2006, 01:25 PM
i wish i could find the quotition but even nintendo execs have been quoted saying that the wii is just a redone cube. silly nintendo fan boys. they love to buy multiple versions of the same thing, gba, gbasp; ds, ds lite. :tard:

Sony and Microsoft do the same with the Xbox and Playstation, and besides, the Wii is a lot more innovative than the PS or Xbox. Think about it, all 3 generations of the Playstation use a VERY similar controller, and are basically just faster and have better graphics than the gen. before. The Xbox and 360 are alike too. I respect Nintendo for thinking outside the box.

Archangel Kid
11-19-2006, 02:34 PM
answer me this.
why would you wait in line overnight for a wii when there are these 2 condidtions:
1.there are 99 confirmed wii's at the store
2. you pre-ordered it.

If you can find me a Wii withing 20 miles of 08758, then I'll agree with Number 1. Number 2, I'm not really sure where you're coming from. I'm pretty sure anyone that pre-ordered and were told they were getting a system. Wouldn't be waiting online anywhere to get one. Went to my local wallyworld just for poops and giggles. They got 30 in and had a person in line over night for each of them.

11-19-2006, 03:18 PM
a) Nintendo is in the stoneage, enough said
b)stop with the wii'ing already. Do you realize how gay that sounds? "I'm gonna go play with my Wii"(insert dodgy here)
c) Yeah, you'll have fun with it, if you like TV remote shaped controllers.
d) Only way Nintendo will fully be able to pull it off is if they come out with 1) a new Mario Kart, 2) a new mario party 3) a new mario world, 4) a new resident evil and 5) a new Donkey Kong. And even then, they wont be able to compare to the ps3 and xbox 360

a) The Xbox has better technology than the PS2, but it didn't exactly kill the PS2 in sales.
b) This is an issue for you?
c) There's also a classic controller.
d) Every game you mentioned is in the works, or will be avialable, and let's not forget Zelda

At a third the pricepoint of the other consoles, and with Nintendos reputation for gameplay and kid friendliness, I think it'll do a lot better then you think. We'll get one for just those reasons before either of the other consoles, and that's with us owing a nice HD set.

11-19-2006, 03:58 PM
I got wii sports (bundled)
trauma center
and nfl
and i have splinter cell preordered

zelda is pretty sweet, i havent played it much yet. wii sports is ALOT of fun.

anyway i have to get back to my wii, im starting to twitch from withdrawl

11-19-2006, 05:01 PM
I got wii sports (bundled)
trauma center
and nfl
and i have splinter cell preordered

zelda is pretty sweet, i havent played it much yet. wii sports is ALOT of fun.

anyway i have to get back to my wii, im starting to twitch from withdrawl
I hate you.

11-19-2006, 05:36 PM
I hate you.
I hate me too :(

my arms are totally killing me.
I cant wait until I get my 2nd controller on tuesday. :)
Can anyone say 4 player madden nfl = MADDNESSS??
p.s. two of my friends got wiiz too

11-19-2006, 10:44 PM
I want one. :(

11-19-2006, 11:32 PM
I played my bro-in-law's today and all I can say is: wow.

Are the graphics stunning? No. But that isn't the point. This is truly an innovative game system. And I think people who don't go for the standard console type play (up up down down left right left right b a start) will have a ball playing it.

11-20-2006, 12:15 AM
And I think people who don't go for the standard console type play (up up down down left right left right b a start) will have a ball playing it.
Controllers haven't been like that since PS1 came out aeons ago. Newsflash... if you dont like controller or keyboard play... chances are you're:
a) too young have to played any modern games and to afford a wii
b) just don't play videogames and wouldn't shell out mad $$$ for your fist console

The fact that their system "technically" is inferior to the x360 or ps3 is moot.
:confused: :tard: Are you st00pid... or just wiitarded? When a company comes out and says a console is basically a rebuild of an old one (that wasn't a blockbuster hit anyways) with basically a different interface, how can people call it the best?

Woohoo... it has controllers you can wave in the air and 90% of it's keystone games are cartoon based. If people LOVE the controller thing soo much and it ends up being a smashing hit... 360 and PS3 will certainly make a few aftermarket controls like that, as thier controls can be wireless also and game patches can be revised via the HDD functionality.

Heck, with wii's inferiority, I'll bet the PS3 or 360 could outright emulate the wii. :nododgy:

11-20-2006, 01:17 AM
Controllers haven't been like that since PS1 came out aeons ago. Newsflash... if you dont like controller or keyboard play... chances are you're:
a) too young have to played any modern games and to afford a wii
b) just don't play videogames and wouldn't shell out mad $$$ for your fist console
c) sick of all games being the same, with absolutely no innovation in the gaming industry at all

I choose c :)

Have fun with your ps3 and 360, I sure as hell am having fun with my Wii :D

11-20-2006, 01:50 AM
I'm not saying wii or nintendo is stupid at all. I'm just irratated at all the fanboi's on the internet acting like it is the end all of video consoles just because it came out the most recent.

Nintendo does have some good titles, and it will be a nice solid console. I just refuse to accept it as "better" than either the PS3 or 360 in any capacity category other than different... which does not make it better by a long shot.

11-20-2006, 09:32 AM

c'mooooooooooooon..... c'mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon...

11-20-2006, 12:44 PM
:rolleyes: Ok, you guys seem to actually know something about the Wii, I've grown up a bit and really only pay attention to the system I invested in (360)... Heres my question, I know the Wii is going to be the "uniter" it's features will make it more like the family game consol then little Jimmys box of death and sound, do you think my girl firend will like it? She likes playing the online puzzle and basicly fun easy to pick up games and my 360 has the arcade and she's learning to use that would. Would she like it, what games? I'm getting Zelda becuase I loved that game (first one) on the 64, that's how a game should be made...

11-20-2006, 01:59 PM
Did anybody besides me read the title as "Wiping in frustration" and think that the post actually had something to do with paintball? :D (I know its in friendly corner but I read the title wrong and got all hyped up over a debate about cheating) :(

Fuzz :bounce:

Dark Side
11-20-2006, 03:29 PM
Another good point is....

You will be able to play nearly every Nintendo game ever made (from downloading). Along with many Sega ones as well. So people will think I'm weird when they look into my window while playing Zelda. wwwooooo. I got news for you, they already do.

11-20-2006, 03:39 PM
I'm not saying wii or nintendo is stupid at all. I'm just irratated at all the fanboi's on the internet acting like it is the end all of video consoles just because it came out the most recent.

Nintendo does have some good titles, and it will be a nice solid console. I just refuse to accept it as "better" than either the PS3 or 360 in any capacity category other than different... which does not make it better by a long shot.
I dont think it's better... but I think it's a lot more fun.

You may be irritated at all of the fanboys, but I'm irritated at all of the people who automatically classify anyone who says something positive about the Wii as a fanboy.

For Armory, I'd say that the Wii really is a console that everyone can enjoy. Wii Sports is simple, fun, and easy to pick up on. It's a great game and Nintendo was REALLY smart packaging it with the console. Rayman is also a great game for just casual gaming, and I've heard really good things about Super Monkey Ball.. all titles that your girlfriend might like. Although I have no idea what your girlfriend likes or doesnt like so I cant say for sure :p

11-20-2006, 04:00 PM
I have yet to get a Wii. Patience, young padawan...

On the subject of "Will my girlfriend like it?":

I've heard plenty of stories so far about how girlfriends, parents and even little kids have played the Wii and loved it. Interestingly enough information on its own but I recall an article I read some time ago.

On the subject of girls and video games, the stereotypes are generally incorrect. Women, according to survey groups and studies, don't mind violence or attractive women in video games at all. They object to explicit or suggestive dress and fashion but characters like Lara Croft really don't bother the average woman. Puffy lips, no bra, exposed underwear or tan lines, on the other hand, are objectible. Makes sense to me. I don't mind playing a physically "desirable" character like, say, Superman... but I really wouldn't want him flying around in a man-thong.

Second issue is that women generally dislike failure much more than men do. Whereas a male player generally doesn't mind his character dying in the same spot on a boss or level over and over again until they get it right, women will generally give up after they die just a few times - they'll still play for hours on end yet quit if they die just a few times.

Lastly, women do not want to pick up a game and perform poorly until they "get the hang of it." They want detailed instructions and on-screen demonstrations so that once they get to the actual game they can begin at a higher level of proficiency. They don't mind a tutorial but they generally refuse to "practice" at the actual game until they can get good.

I look at my girlfriend and the games that she is willing to play and it makes sense - Guitar Hero, Cooking Mama and various other rhythm games - She played the Sims for a while and she spent many hours on Animal Crossing and other games of that nature. She likes puzzle games and item collection and genrally anything else that you can't explicitly "fail" at. Women have enough of an inferiority complex as it is without video games adding to it.

I have yet to get a Wii but I'm hoping that it is indeed an easier, more inclusive system to play. I like difficult games as much as anyone but I know that some people do not. I hope Nintendo does very well with the Wii and that future games will really be as uniting as they are hoped to be.

11-21-2006, 06:52 PM
I like the fact that wii thought outside the box, but i probably wont ever get one. I mean its cool to bring video games to be more interactive. But i play them usually just to kill the boredom. I play very little video games as is because frankly it is sucking the brains out of a lot of people.

11-21-2006, 06:57 PM
Gimmicky controllers, on their own, do not create a revolutionary system. I played a demo Wii at a EB and it was somewhat lame. I tried the monster truck game, and the graphics were so bad as to distract from the gameplay. I was thinking about getting one for my kids, as they like their gamecube, but I fear the novelty of the motion controllers will wear off fast.

11-21-2006, 07:32 PM
Gimmicky controllers, on their own, do not create a revolutionary system. I played a demo Wii at a EB and it was somewhat lame. I tried the monster truck game, and the graphics were so bad as to distract from the gameplay. I was thinking about getting one for my kids, as they like their gamecube, but I fear the novelty of the motion controllers will wear off fast.

Yeah, the truck game was terrible.

The ones we have ( Wii sports, Zelda, and Redsteel) are amazing.

11-24-2006, 03:20 AM
sorry for the long repost. to the person who quoted me, my friend pre-ordered a wii as soon as he could. he then proceeded to wait in line over night to get it. /shrug. :tard:

and personally, i have a computer, if i wanted to play nintendo, snes, n64 games, i'd get an emulator and play it on pc instead of buying it on wii-whatever or doing this http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2006/11/22/Emulator_on_wii/.

and personally, the whole gimmik behind the controller is lost on me. i've played wii sports, trauma center, and red steel. they aren't good games. controls are too laggy and too hard to get to control properly. i'm sick of hearing about games going from console to moblie platforms getting called ports, and now suddenly trauma center is good?

i guess there is no stopping nintendo fanboys and their closed minds.
i got my original wii right here, /pats gamecube, dust flys.

11-24-2006, 11:03 PM
My controller isnt laggy at all. You must not have adjusted the sensitivity properly on yours. I dont really like trauma center either, just because of all the dialog. The game is seriously 70% dialog, and maybe 30% gameplay. Red steel got awful reviews but Wii sports I absolutely have to disagree with you on. It's alot of fun. Rayman is also alot of fun with a bunch of people. I actually just got back from a party and we were playing Rayman and having alot of fun (yes, the girls too :p)

p.s. the gamecube sucked :D

11-25-2006, 05:32 PM
I think nintendo fans are hyping it up way too much. I understand its a cheap alternative and in that sense its good, also because they tried something a bit different. But honostly you just cant simply overlook all the other things that go into making a good video game system. I cant see how in any way you can even compare it to the fun you would have with 360 or ps3. Sure it will be fun for a bit because its something different and new, but onced it gets a little old you will be bored and find yourself with simply medicore games and a cheap system.

11-25-2006, 06:20 PM
I guess it's just one of those things that you dont quite understand until you actually play it. The kiosks arent what I'd consider a good environment to play in. The wii is fun to play with a lot of your friends.
I know a friend who's selling his ps3 to get a wii after playing mine, go figure :p

Archangel Kid
11-26-2006, 09:13 AM
Lol, I love how as soon as someone says good things about the Wii. They are automatically a fanboy :rolleyes:. I haven't had a Nintendo product since, hmm... Game Boy advanced when it FIRST came out. Not the SP version. So I am far from a fanboy. The system just looks like its going to be tons of fun.

11-27-2006, 01:15 AM
The way I see it, the commercials made it seem like a new concept, which, if it worked, would be incredibly fun. Hence me not going directly out into stores to buy one first thing. I mean, I'm skeptical of anything they show you in commercials. Hearing from friends, and from personman here, I'm sure I'd enjoy it. I mean, it's not that hard to imagine what it would be like, and assuming it works, It's what I've been looking for in a game system for a LONG time.

I mean, everybody likes duckhunt games. This has one built in. :clap: