View Full Version : cphilip's Leather fetish...

Ole Unka Phil
11-19-2006, 06:52 PM
Having some leather made for my concealed carry guns. Some picts of it so far.

One is a tan set with a snap on Holster for my M85 revolver with a speed loader pouch.

And then another set of Black goods with a Pancake holster for both the revolver and my Glock G27 and a belt for those two.

This will be my primary carry stuff. If I like the snap on Tan I might even go back and have him make me a Snap on Tan for the G27 for that set as well.

Sort of a "dress up" set in Tan Leather and a Black "serious daily work" set.

Seriously nice work it appears to me.

The Black holsters (no pict of Belt at this time but similar the Tan one)


The Tan set:



These are being done by Rhome at Desbiens Gun Leathers out in Madera California


Nothing like the smell of fresh leather and gun powder. :shooting:

11-19-2006, 06:57 PM
I have to say, that title made me briefly reconsider my application to clemson :p

VERY nice holsters you've got there!

11-19-2006, 07:38 PM
is it just me, or does that belt look too thick to be remotely comfortable?

Ole Unka Phil
11-19-2006, 08:13 PM
is it just me, or does that belt look too thick to be remotely comfortable?

that is a "Gun belt". Specific purpose belt. Required to be double thick like that to prevent twisting and sagging of the belt while supporting the holster.

No difference in comfort... same as any other belt when worn normal fashion.

In fact a regular thickness belt will become uncomfortably twisted and sag down eventualy from trying to support the constant weight of a holster and gun. A thick one like that distribtes the weight along its length and does not allow the weight to sag into one spot. It resists twisting and sagging. So it's actualy more comfortable for it's purpose. A common mistake carrying is trying to use a normal single thickness belt. This not only causes sag but movement including squeeking and rocking back and forth of the holster and allows it to rotate out from the body rather than stay tucked in tight.

Sagging and weigth distribution is one of the reasons Police use a very wide thick outer duty belts as well.

In this case you do it all with one belt for combining that function. But you have to make it real thick and wide. That one is 1 1/2 inches wide. Which is the full length of the loop on a pair of Jeans or Cargo pants.

11-19-2006, 08:15 PM
that is a "Gun belt". Specific purpose belt. Required to be double thick like that to prevent twisting and sagging of the belt while supporting the holster.

No difference in comfort... same as any other belt when worn normal fashion.

In fact a regular thickness belt will become uncomfortably twisted eventualy trying to support the constant weight of a holster and gun. A thick one like that distribtes the weight along its length and does not allow the weigth to sag into one spot. It resists twisting and sagging. So it's actualy more comfortable for its purpose. A common mistake carrying is trying to use a normal single thickness belt. Which is one of the reasons Police use an outer duty belt as well. In this case you do it all with one belt for combining that funtion. But you have to make it real thick and wide. That one is 1 1/2 inches wide. Which is the full length of the loop on a pair of Jeans or Cargo pants.

makes sense.

Ole Unka Phil
11-19-2006, 08:20 PM
Ooops Sorry I edited for some spelling and added a few more points. Yea its a must if your going to carry all the time to double up like that. Works nicely. Is thick as heck though isn't it?

11-20-2006, 01:31 AM
The pic loaded really slow for me and thought "OMG, what the hell did you just post!" Then the speed picked up and loaded the picture. Scared me for a second!

11-20-2006, 02:06 AM
Personally, I was wholly dissapointed with teh contents of this thread. :(
Boo to cphilip the tease...

/nice gun belt BTW.... ;)

Ole Unka Phil
11-20-2006, 08:26 AM
Hehe.... sorry to disapoint. :D

I really do love nice gun leather though! Wish I could have afforded to have him do some trim in Shark skin. But these are suposed to be daily use stuff more or less and concealed so it makes little sense to pay a bunch more for just looks.

But here is an example of one that was trimmed in shark skin:


11-27-2006, 07:09 PM
you don't just tuck them into your waistand?

they do in the movies.... :shooting:


11-27-2006, 07:13 PM
How much is the shark skin/leather combo belt and holster? I was looking for a nice set, and those look very nice.

Ole Unka Phil
11-29-2006, 05:54 PM
Thats some of Delfatti's work. I believe, but don't quote me on it, that it would run around $150 or better for something like that. Just the holster! Probably another $100 for a belt.

I know of at least four makers that can do that besides him and do it as good of work. But they would all be in that neighborhood price wise I think. Might get lucky though. I did see a Mildly shark skinned one second hand but new go for $100 on ebay this past week. I think it was one of Milt Sparks works of art. I was tempted to bid on it. But I had just spent over $350 on holsters and belts in the last month already and X Mas is coming up so I let it go.

If you need some of these guys web sites let me know. THey can discuss it with you and quote you by email.