View Full Version : Statement made on non paintball forums about paintball

Ole Unka Phil
11-20-2006, 07:45 PM
Do you guys/gals run into these from time to time? I mean people will say things on other forums because they believe no one else is going to challenge them on the facts. they say all sorts of weird things. Do you guys and gals challenge them or just ignore them when your on another type of forum and somehow, some weird way, paintball comes up. Every so often it does on things like Scooter and Motorcycle forums, gun forums and even Bee forums!

Here is an example of one I am just ignoring for now...

"... My Karnivour is capable of firing at 32 balls per second, which translates to firing as fast as I pull the trigger."

Now there is so much wrong with that in some ways. But its contradictory in some ways. He goes out on a ledge but then pulls himself back... And he probably does not know that there may be someone out there thats capable of going into detail on that that might be reading it... But I dunno... I normaly do not even bother anymore. I just wondered if any of you do bother or care. If its blatant I sometimes do address it. If its a fudge like above I just don't anymore.


11-20-2006, 07:52 PM
Heh. I'll post in fark threads from time to time. Usually makes the people I find frustrating here at AO seem like pb gods, though.

/lots of 'snipers'

11-20-2006, 08:30 PM
Do you guys/gals run into these from time to time? I mean people will say things on other forums because they believe no one else is going to challenge them on the facts. they say all sorts of weird things. Do you guys and gals challenge them or just ignore them when your on another type of forum and somehow, some weird way, paintball comes up. Every so often it does on things like Scooter and Motorcycle forums, gun forums and even Bee forums!

Here is an example of one I am just ignoring for now...

"... My Karnivour is capable of firing at 32 balls per second, which translates to firing as fast as I pull the trigger."

Now there is so much wrong with that in some ways. But its contradictory in some ways. He goes out on a ledge but then pulls himself back... And he probably does not know that there may be someone out there thats capable of going into detail on that that might be reading it... But I dunno... I normaly do not even bother anymore. I just wondered if any of you do bother or care. If its blatant I sometimes do address it. If its a fudge like above I just don't anymore.


I know exactly of what you speak but in this specific case it's a tough call out of context.

The Karni could probably cycle in the 30s and possibly shoot balls there if feed fast enough , and it would be true that it means nothing more than it is as fast as his fingers.

Whether he's stating he can shoot that fast , or his Karni had gone that fast is hard to determine.

Regardless , I try and let the vast majority of those go even on PB forums :wow: most of the time as in any case , it's a pointless place to try and make a point that's an uncomprehendable point to most. ;).

So what's the point. :p

Ole Unka Phil
11-20-2006, 08:38 PM
Yep... he seems to want to IMPLY that both he and his Cocker can fire at 32 bps. At least thats what he is trying to get the audience to assume. But we know its pushing either of them to even do it. For that matter to even come close. We seen these empty claims many times before. Why bother? I give up.

11-24-2006, 09:53 AM
whats wrong with what he said? he said his gun is capable of firing 32 BPS, which it very well may be capable of doing. he said it translates to firing as fast as he pulls the trigger... which it does, when he walks his gun at 12 BPS, his marker shoots 12 BPS. the only thing he really left out is that pretty much any electro on the market can do that, so his marker is nothing special.

i dont know what the rest of his post was, but ive seen much worse claims on paintball forums.

11-24-2006, 10:17 AM
whats wrong with what he said? he said his gun is capable of firing 32 BPS, which it very well may be capable of doing. he said it translates to firing as fast as he pulls the trigger... which it does, when he walks his gun at 12 BPS, his marker shoots 12 BPS. the only thing he really left out is that pretty much any electro on the market can do that, so his marker is nothing special.

i dont know what the rest of his post was, but ive seen much worse claims on paintball forums.


11-24-2006, 12:31 PM
why do people insist on adding "discuss" to the end of their posts? isnt the purpose of a forum to have discussions?

11-24-2006, 05:30 PM
why do people insist on adding "discuss" to the end of their posts? isnt the purpose of a forum to have discussions?

I thought the purpose was to rant... :confused: