View Full Version : Dual ASA Mag

11-22-2006, 11:03 PM
well if anyone had seen my last post looking for a circa 1994-1996 Dual ASA (Vertical and Horizontal) you might had known we couuld find one. So i made a bracket tonight to make it work, feast your eyes please:


i need to make a run to the PB Store for some 90* and some macroline, and i need to find an old Proline Expansion Chamber for the vertical. lastly, i just need to get my remote and a double finger trigger then i will be back to old school teaching of those little punks. oh BTW i added an RT On/Off may i say mahahahaha!!!!

11-24-2006, 10:03 PM
somone might be able to custom make one as well

lukescustoms ?

--looks fine on your own btw, just hope it holds(not that it wouldnt) :D

11-24-2006, 10:23 PM
Whats the point?

two expansion chambers/stabilzers or whatnot to run Co2?

11-24-2006, 11:00 PM
i dont get it either, but didnt want to ask, but now that you asked, ill ask too..whats it for?

11-25-2006, 12:12 AM
this is very tongue in check:
well back in the old days pre-HPA (1994-1996) we paintballers used CO2 as our power source to shoot paintballs. as you guys should know, (cause you are on Automags.org) that mags don't like liquid CO2, so short story longer: we used a little thing called an expasion chamber this helped take care of most problems with the liquid. then regulators became more and more prevelent and we added those - sure the stainless steel uni-reg was heavy but the weight was of no concern. chambers and regs where the standard issue for top of the line equipment. our sponsor (sandana - yes i has the green and brown venom wear uniforms tops and bottoms - ha ha) had this dual asa adapter for our mags i had one and this is my revised version to try to get these old school mag shooting like i had it back in the day. when i get this don't i will find a VM-68 and recreate my first wmd.

that is why, i am looking for a pro line expasion chamber to go in the vert and a unireg for the hortz could find an old SS uni so i found this vigelante in its place. yes i an old, yes this gun is old but YES i will shoot many kids in the head!

11-25-2006, 12:19 AM
I've heard this word several times associated with 'mags and I have no idea what it is...

So, what's a unireg?

And nice mounting bracket by the way. A little crooked, but it gets the job done I'm sure.

11-25-2006, 12:39 AM
so the whole point in this so so that u can run co2 via the verticle asa with an exp chamber and HPA through the horizontal?

11-25-2006, 12:43 AM
so the whole point in this so so that u can run co2 via the verticle asa with an exp chamber and HPA through the horizontal?

i dont know, im still confused..like im sitting in class or something.. :tard:

Temo Vryce
11-25-2006, 05:40 AM
The idea is to run C02 into the expansion chamber and then through the Reg. It's old school and you're showing your age in Paintball Years if you know whats he's referring to.

11-25-2006, 06:58 AM
if you know what the air america black ice reg is then you will know some what as to what i am talking about - the uni-reg was the same just made of stainless steel (i will try to find a pic). when i started playing ('91) regulators were only dreamed of and if you had one then you were way serious about the sport. as a point of reference i paid about $100 for a Uni-Reg and and thought that an expansion chamber at $45 was a good deal - but of course i had just paid $125 for a case of paintballs.

Ok so here it goes:

CO2 in the tank connected to the expansion chamber via a remote (cause all teh cool guys used remotes) the output of the X-Chamber went to the reg input then output to the Mag.

Sorry if that last post was messing with your brain. i was trying to make a joke.

wjr: your are right i am using a 1/8x3/4 alum bar stock the screw is too long and bottoming out in the ASA, so it is a little loose - i couldn't find a 1/4 washer in my jar of leftover bits so i guess i will take my wifes brake lines apart in her car to find the part i need - too bad for her - hahaha just kidding i will have to go buy a 1/4 washer and it should take care of that.

11-25-2006, 08:37 AM
if you know what the air america black ice reg is then you will know some what as to what i am talking about - the uni-reg was the same just made of stainless steel (i will try to find a pic).

Kinda like this one (http://cgi.ebay.com/Air-American-Black-Ice-Uni-Reg-Paintball-Regulator_W0QQitemZ230055660565QQihZ013QQcategoryZ 87119QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) but made out of stainless steel.

If memory serves me correct. Isn't uni-reg basicaly same design as AIR valve and uses same parts?

11-25-2006, 09:04 AM
remote + xchamber + black ice reg

Why not slap a palmers sideline stabilizer on there and have even more fun with your c02 :cool: :D ;)

What was the old quote?

"The c02 molecule turned to the next c02 molecule and said 'where are we?'"

Scott Hudnall
11-25-2006, 09:24 AM
Kinda like this one (http://cgi.ebay.com/Air-American-Black-Ice-Uni-Reg-Paintball-Regulator_W0QQitemZ230055660565QQihZ013QQcategoryZ 87119QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) but made out of stainless steel.

If memory serves me correct. Isn't uni-reg basicaly same design as AIR valve and uses same parts?

Some of us are just too dang old......like you Spectre...... :rofl:

I, too, remember when Air America was the new kid on the block, and their line of expansion chambers was all the rage. Then they came out with the Uni-reg, which was more geared toward paintguns like the autococker, and allowed for quantum leaps in the AC's performance. Paintballers found the unireg wasn't needed for the automag and simply starved the Air valve.

and yes, the uni-reg was more or less a clone of the AIR valve....less the air chamber and bolt.....right down to the thread size, etc. You can use the back half of the uni-reg interchanably with the AIR valve's back half. The uni-reg used a harded disc between the two halves, though.

That's the history lesson. now back to my bowl of geritol shredded wheat. :cheers:

11-26-2006, 06:02 PM
actually i did end up going to a vert stab in 98, but i am just recreating what i had back in 95-96 just for the fun of it. i have decided to go old school no i am going medevil on these kids. no i just got to hardline all that stuff and squeeze into my old camo and i will be good to go. heck i remember when common belief was to get a 10" steel hose and coil it around the power feed to "reduce" liquid. good thing i had my ensure drink today. :)

11-26-2006, 08:39 PM
actually i did end up going to a vert stab in 98, but i am just recreating what i had back in 95-96 just for the fun of it. i have decided to go old school no i am going medevil on these kids. no i just got to hardline all that stuff and squeeze into my old camo and i will be good to go. heck i remember when common belief was to get a 10" steel hose and coil it around the power feed to "reduce" liquid. good thing i had my ensure drink today. :)

i think your asking for an Air America Violator like this one in the pic:

11-26-2006, 08:56 PM
If you run a remote do you really need an expansion chamber? The tank is upright and the hose whould take care of any liquid that might enter. Right?

11-26-2006, 09:28 PM
for the most part. As pissy as old mags could be abut liquid, i always ran an Xchamber with a remote...

11-26-2006, 09:33 PM
actually i did end up going to a vert stab in 98, but i am just recreating what i had back in 95-96 just for the fun of it. i have decided to go old school no i am going medevil on these kids. no i just got to hardline all that stuff and squeeze into my old camo and i will be good to go. heck i remember when common belief was to get a 10" steel hose and coil it around the power feed to "reduce" liquid. good thing i had my ensure drink today. :)

oih, thats only worked if you stood the coils vertical. Dont ell them these lies;).

You think he kids btw, as recently as three years ago my mag still had a 12 inch piece going from the asa to the reg, coiled it twice sticking strait up....

Bad part was, it usualy helped...

11-26-2006, 09:44 PM
Kinda like this one (http://cgi.ebay.com/Air-American-Black-Ice-Uni-Reg-Paintball-Regulator_W0QQitemZ230055660565QQihZ013QQcategoryZ 87119QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) but made out of stainless steel.

If memory serves me correct. Isn't uni-reg basicaly same design as AIR valve and uses same parts?

Some of us are just too dang old......like you Spectre......

I, too, remember when Air America was the new kid on the block, and their line of expansion chambers was all the rage. Then they came out with the Uni-reg, which was more geared toward paintguns like the autococker, and allowed for quantum leaps in the AC's performance. Paintballers found the unireg wasn't needed for the automag and simply starved the Air valve.

and yes, the uni-reg was more or less a clone of the AIR valve....less the air chamber and bolt.....right down to the thread size, etc. You can use the back half of the uni-reg interchanably with the AIR valve's back half. The uni-reg used a harded disc between the two halves, though.

That's the history lesson. now back to my bowl of geritol shredded wheat.

I'm intrigued by this "uni-reg". Is it the same quaility as the automag regulator? I think I might by the one in spectre's ebay auction for my Blazer.

11-27-2006, 01:20 PM
whole lotta dead weight for nothing if you ask me but what ever floats your boat. There are WAY easier ways to run a Mag on CO2.

If your going for Dinosaur and dead weight why not just hit the field with an 'Ol VM ? :D

11-27-2006, 02:14 PM
EAD WEIGHT?!? hahaha i upgraded to a mag from a VM68 after lugging that bad boy around 100+ acres at a big game - that 68 killed me! so i got a mag and found every piece of heavy metal to slap on it. the fun of it is just being about to have this demon on the end of you arm destroying the dude in front of you - ahh the good old days. if i want light weight i will use my nme or my 05speed but shoot what every knows is not what i am all about anymore. matter a fact i am selling my speed to a buddy cause i only shoot non-traditional guns upgraded my way so people won't know what i am driving. plus with all the money i will be saving from buys a gun very 6 months cause it is new i will be able to build my sandrail kart (big game tank - dont tell my wife).

hey purodragon: was it called the violator??? all i remember calling it was the uni-reg maybe you are right - i am to old i need a soft banana and a nap! hehehe

11-27-2006, 05:45 PM
there is a Uni reg on ebay.ca guy is taking $100 obo.

Air America Unireg (http://cgi.ebay.ca/AIR-AMERICA-UNIREG-VIOLATOR-RARE-AUTOCOCKER-AUTOMAG_W0QQitemZ170054406875QQihZ007QQcategoryZ87 119QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

11-28-2006, 10:59 AM
haaa i am not getting old and crotchity - vendicated hahaha

thanks wow that sure is pricing for a old reg - good thing those are bullet proff :shooting:

11-28-2006, 11:36 AM
Why not just go back the VM instead. Just think what the little buggers with their Egos and Ions would think if you came on the field with this little puppy


or this one with the two CO2 tanks. Mine had the 20 oz at the back and the 9 oz on the front.


11-29-2006, 11:39 PM
Wait... did someone say UNIREG (http://cgi.ebay.com/AIR-AMERICA-UNIREG-VIOLATOR-RARE-AUTOCOCKER-AUTOMAG_W0QQitemZ170054406875QQihZ007QQcategoryZ87 119QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)?

Hopefully that makes you smile :D

12-02-2006, 10:33 AM
i still wish i had my vm68 magnum = 20oz in the back and 9 in the front witha 10" j&j stright rifled brass barrel - that is my new project, to get my original paintball gun back. the kids now days do not realize where we have been with those beasts. heck when i moved to northeast arkansas in 1994 i was the only person with a semiauto that vm68 blew their minds.