View Full Version : Nosebleeds...

11-27-2006, 12:50 AM
I seem to get them yearly (late fall/early winter) I use those salt water moisturizing thingies often and chug down at the very minimum 8 glasses of water. I take vitamins every day and occasionally drink tea (though I don't know why that's important).

It seems no matter what I do they just don't stop. I typically crouch over on my knees and hang my head over a bowl or the toilet/shower stall while pressing right below the bridge of my nose. They usually last about 6-10mins.

So, since I'm pretty well guarenteed to have one everyday until after the new year, I was wondering, what do you guys do to help them stop quicker? Any home-brewed remedies?


11-27-2006, 12:58 AM
The little girl I was a nanny for this summer got nosebleeds awfully. It was pretty much daily or every other day. She swears by blowing her nose as hard as she can until the "clot" comes out-- her words, not mine. All I know is that she'd spend ~2 minutes over the sink, blowing her nose until this big wad of snot, blood, and God-knows-what-else came out. If she couldn't get it out, she'd shove tampons or toilet paper up her nose.

11-27-2006, 01:03 AM
i get them alot from the dryness, expecially early in the morning.

for me, i was told to just keep your head straight and dont touch the nose that way the platelets will form quicker (and that by touching it, you are prologing the time it will take to stop it)

other than that, i havent heard of anything that works

11-27-2006, 01:06 AM
I don't get nosebleeds :dance:
Sorry dude...

11-27-2006, 01:09 AM
I don't get nosebleeds :dance:
Sorry dude...

heres a quick procedure guarenteed to work:
1. Go up to female
2. As for a sandwich
3. Ask her to hurry up "woman"
4. Learn your lesson
5. Forget lesson in 10 minutes
6. Rinse, lather and repeat

11-27-2006, 01:17 AM
Lol, the funny thing is, my friend does that all the time, and he never gets slapped... Why???

11-27-2006, 01:18 AM
The little girl I was a nanny for this summer got nosebleeds awfully. It was pretty much daily or every other day. She swears by blowing her nose as hard as she can until the "clot" comes out-- her words, not mine. All I know is that she'd spend ~2 minutes over the sink, blowing her nose until this big wad of snot, blood, and God-knows-what-else came out. If she couldn't get it out, she'd shove tampons or toilet paper up her nose.
I have noticed after the clot comes out it does stop... Kind of gross, though. Like a long bloody loogie...

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

heres a quick procedure guarenteed to work:
1. Go up to female
2. As for a sandwich
3. Ask her to hurry up "woman"
4. Learn your lesson
5. Forget lesson in 10 minutes
6. Rinse, lather and repeat
Hmm... Might I add one correction? When ordering a woman to make you food, you should never pronounce it "sandwich." It should always be pronounced "sammich."


11-27-2006, 01:35 AM
I used to get them all the time.

Save yourself the greif and just get your nose quarterized. The number of nosebleeds that I get has drastically decreased since I had mine done.

11-27-2006, 08:25 AM
I get them sometimes in the winter. I doubt it matters how much you drink, the dry cold air just dries up your nasal linings and then they bleed pretty easily.

You are the first person I've met who leans forward though. Seems unnecessarily messy. Swallowing blood isn't going to hurt you, tilt your head back and pinch the bridge of your nose. As long as you dont jam it up your nose, use some cotton or tissues to keep from bleeding all over yourself.

As for blowing your nose, it doesn't stop the bleeding, but it does get rid of a lot of excess blood from your sinuses. There isn't a "clot" that comes out, but the blood seems to loosen a lot of mucus from your sinus, so if you blow your nose when you have a bloody nose, a huge gob of bloody mucus will come out along with the blood that was just pooling in your sinus. So then theres less blood to drip out your nose.

6-10 minutes does seem excessive though, so you might want to see a doctor. When I get them, they don't last more than a minute and generally aren't very serious.

11-27-2006, 09:07 AM
I get nose bleeds all the time and have for the last 34 years. When I was young I would get my nose cauterized 2 times a year.

If you get a nose bleed, take a wad of cotton or paper towel and push it up under your upper lip. Press hard. The vain that supplies blood to the nose is there and it will stop your nose bleed almost instantly.

I feel for you man. I know what it is like.

11-27-2006, 10:12 AM
Take a piece of toilet paper, kleenex, or shop rag and twist a corner into a tight wad and shove it up your nose. Let it sit for awhile until you think it may be stopped, or until the wad soaks through. Roll up another wad, quickly pull the old one out over a trashcan or sink or something like that and see if it's still bleeding or not, if it still is then shove the next wad in, and so on and so on.

Then when it stops blow your nose to get that nasty bloody snot clog out.


11-27-2006, 10:38 AM
Lol, the funny thing is, my friend does that all the time, and he never gets slapped... Why???

Perhaps he is rich or attractive. Or perhaps he's just not worth noticing, let alone expending the energy to slap.

11-27-2006, 10:45 AM
Or she puts Butt Phlegm in the Samich

11-27-2006, 10:52 AM
I get nose bleeds all the time and have for the last 34 years. When I was young I would get my nose cauterized 2 times a year.

If you get a nose bleed, take a wad of cotton or paper towel and push it up under your upper lip. Press hard. The vain that supplies blood to the nose is there and it will stop your nose bleed almost instantly.

I feel for you man. I know what it is like.

This works great for me. I get them bad, and also play hockey so its sorta a double whammie. If its during a game, or at home on the couch this method words great for me.

11-27-2006, 01:11 PM
Buy a humidifier and keep it running.

11-27-2006, 01:11 PM
You are the first person I've met who leans forward though. Seems unnecessarily messy. Swallowing blood isn't going to hurt you, tilt your head back and pinch the bridge of your nose. As long as you dont jam it up your nose, use some cotton or tissues to keep from bleeding all over yourself.

I lean over something, so I don't get any on me. For the amount of time some of them last, the blood will either upset my stomach or just burn my throat. By leaning forward I'm able to just spit it out.

I get nose bleeds all the time and have for the last 34 years. When I was young I would get my nose cauterized 2 times a year.

If you get a nose bleed, take a wad of cotton or paper towel and push it up under your upper lip. Press hard. The vain that supplies blood to the nose is there and it will stop your nose bleed almost instantly.

I feel for you man. I know what it is like.
I never knew that. I'll have to try it. I also add a wet old rag to my neck. I've always been told it helps but I've never been told why. I'll have to add this to the list of tips. Thanks man.

11-27-2006, 02:01 PM
I seem to get them yearly (late fall/early winter) I use those salt water moisturizing thingies often and chug down at the very minimum 8 glasses of water. I take vitamins every day and occasionally drink tea (though I don't know why that's important).

It seems no matter what I do they just don't stop. I typically crouch over on my knees and hang my head over a bowl or the toilet/shower stall while pressing right below the bridge of my nose. They usually last about 6-10mins.

So, since I'm pretty well guarenteed to have one everyday until after the new year, I was wondering, what do you guys do to help them stop quicker? Any home-brewed remedies?


Sleep with a humidifier, my wife had the same issue, the humidifier helped a lot.

11-27-2006, 02:07 PM
i used to get them all the time. no reason for them either. like i'd be doing my homework and bam, wtf!
i get them frequently when i'm sick, or during the winter. any time when i am blowing my nose alot too.

what is quarterizing? frankly i'm tired of nosebleeds.

11-27-2006, 02:16 PM
cauterizing is a way to seal off the blood vessels in the nose. it is not fun.

Think of it like this.

They take a hot flaming stick, blow out the flame and shove it up your nose...


11-27-2006, 03:09 PM
omg...Id rather bleed to death than have them fry my nose insides.

11-27-2006, 03:12 PM
omg...Id rather bleed to death than have them fry my nose insides.

It really isn't that bad.

Unless you're a wuss.

Then it's bad.

11-27-2006, 03:22 PM
I am kind of a Whiner...I donno I have a Deviated Septon and the Doctor stitched this splint into my nose and it wasnt the kind of stitches that dissolved so he had to cut them/ pull them out and that was one of the worst things I ever felt. Plus I hate getting hit in the Nose that and the balls is one of the worst places to get hit IMO.

11-27-2006, 03:47 PM
Oh yeah and you can put vicks up your nose to help the dryness... watch out, you'll get hooked on the stuff! It's like crack! :)

Oh and for the cauterizing of your nose, can't they use that silver nitrate stuff to cauterize it?

11-27-2006, 04:10 PM
Oh yeah and you can put vicks up your nose to help the dryness... watch out, you'll get hooked on the stuff! It's like crack! :)

Oh and for the cauterizing of your nose, can't they use that silver nitrate stuff to cauterize it?

yeah, they used silver nitrate for mine. It really wasn't that bad at all.

don miguel
11-27-2006, 05:32 PM
my friend did this once, just cut a tampon in half and put it in your nose. not only do you look rediculous, but there is a chord for easy removal.

11-27-2006, 07:24 PM
my friend did this once, just cut a tampon in half and put it in your nose. not only do you look rediculous, but there is a chord for easy removal.
Ha ha. Anyone remember that episode of Beavis and Butthead? Ah... the pre-sucky-MTV memories... I actually thought about that the other day at work. It wouldn't stop and it was so tempting to do this.

Another thing I've noticed: I only bleed out of my right nostril. Weird...

11-27-2006, 09:27 PM
Ha ha. Anyone remember that episode of Beavis and Butthead? Ah... the pre-sucky-MTV memories... I actually thought about that the other day at work. It wouldn't stop and it was so tempting to do this.

Another thing I've noticed: I only bleed out of my right nostril. Weird...

Thats cause the wound that keeps getting re-opened is in your right nostril. It never gets a chance to heal properly cause of the dryness/whatever.

11-27-2006, 10:26 PM
I thought i was the only one! wow. i havent got em much this year yet (knock on wood) but last year it was daily thing. I got it cauterized and it helped for like 2 weeks, then right back to where i was. Id put petroleum jelly up my nostrils with my pinky finger and that keeps you moist for a while. however once i got one i just lean forward with my finger just closing the right nostril. The way i figure it, it helps the blood pool in there and form a clot quicker. Once i think its stopped i blow the clot out and wipe. once i had a bleed infront of some friends. You shoulda seen their reaction as i pushed in the left nostril, blew, and a big ole ball of bloody mucus came out of my nose :eek: that was interesting. Now that ive grossed everyone out, Gl with it man. I hope i do better this year.

11-28-2006, 11:48 AM
...once i had a bleed infront of some friends. You shoulda seen their reaction as i pushed in the left nostril, blew, and a big ole ball of bloody mucus came out of my nose :eek: that was interesting. Now that ive grossed everyone out, Gl with it man. I hope i do better this year.
That's what happened at work. I was outside by our dumpster with a rag against my nose. The clot/thingie came out and all the blood that pooled behind it and up my sinus passage emptied right onto the concrete. It made a smack noise like chucking a wet towel would. Everyone just happened to be huddled around me and saw it. Fantastic reaction! Now there's a huge blood stain on the concrete. Oh well...

(I'm kinda surprised I didn't get a new nickname after that...)

11-28-2006, 12:11 PM
I thought i was the only one! wow. i havent got em much this year yet (knock on wood) but last year it was daily thing. I got it cauterized and it helped for like 2 weeks, then right back to where i was. Id put petroleum jelly up my nostrils with my pinky finger and that keeps you moist for a while. however once i got one i just lean forward with my finger just closing the right nostril. The way i figure it, it helps the blood pool in there and form a clot quicker. Once i think its stopped i blow the clot out and wipe. once i had a bleed infront of some friends. You shoulda seen their reaction as i pushed in the left nostril, blew, and a big ole ball of bloody mucus came out of my nose :eek: that was interesting. Now that ive grossed everyone out, Gl with it man. I hope i do better this year.

I'll say it again. Go get a humidifier and sleep with it at night. My wife gets nosebleeds in the winter from the dry air and this was the best solution we found short of cauterizing.


11-28-2006, 09:24 PM
I actually know quite a bit about this type thing. I have actually had to hospitalized for nosebleeds :eek: I also have a problem with my blood not being able to clot in a timely manner. I have had to have my nose packed a few times (they wad gauze up your nose til they cannot fit more without considerable effort, then add a few sheets for good measure. Then they tell you to wait a few days and not get it wet. Then they pull it out after a couple days. This is not fun :( ) Once I lost so much blood that I needed IV fluids.
I have also had several cauteries (too many AgNO3 cauteries to count, and two electro-cauteries. These can both hurt a lil bit ;) ). These examples are extreme, but they work wonders, especially the electro-cautery (I have been "bleed free" since I got mine).

When I am able to stop them myself, which is most of the time, I get it under control at around the 15 minute mark. My doctor actually gave me this clip to pinch my nose for me so I can go about my business. It is not comfy, but it works better than manual pinching for some reason. Wadding TP or the tops of tampons also worked well for me when I used these tricks. I also used to ice the bridge of my nose, that always seemed to help. I have heard that you should lean your head back, however I opt to lean forwards because I hated the blood going down my throat. Another thing that I liked to do (I do not know if it actually worked or not, but it made me feel like it did) was in addition to pinching under the bridge of the nose, use the thumb from the other hand to apply upward pressure on the septum (be gentle though). That is what helped me.

11-29-2006, 01:11 AM
when i was younger i got nosebleeds all the time. if i got the slightist bump on the nose it would start to bleed. i got my nose cauterized and it helped for about 3 years then it started to happen again. i then got it cauterized again and havent had any porblems. i would go see an ear, nose, and throat doctor and see if cauterizing as an option to stop them. if it is bleeding because of getting dry you can also try putting a small amount of petroleum jelly on the inside of your nose when you sleep to keep it moist.

11-30-2006, 12:20 AM
I've been doing the Vaseline up the nose thing and I haven't had one in a few days (actually, since the night I started the thread).

Thanks everyone!

12-03-2006, 01:12 PM
You could always stick 2 bullets up your nose holes, Strange Brew style!