View Full Version : zork, zirk (sp?)

11-27-2006, 08:09 PM
i just had the idea. how do you think it would work to thread a greasefitting (zirk) onto the body of a marker and used synthetic greases in it? i know in general ur supposed to have seals and stuff for grease but i dont thing that much grease would be used and it would work allright

11-28-2006, 01:52 PM
its a zerk fitting. you were close. there is no real need for that kind of thing in a marker cause most areas that need grease in markers do not need the grease to be applied in a fashion in which it is filling up a cavity ( like it does in auto U joints and so forth). the zerk fittings allow grease to fill piece without dismantling the piece and dont do much more. then there is the fact that people have to buy a grease gun and subsequently learn to use it to maintain their marker.
not the worst idea ever, but i dont see it comming soon.


11-28-2006, 05:01 PM
Most of the cavities in a paintball gun are used to hold air. If you fill them with grease, you lose air volume. In areas that move, where grease might get worn away, too much grease could increase friction and actually slow down the action rather than keep things smooth and quick, plus you would require tighter tolerances so the orings don't ride on the grease.

A good idea about zerk fittings but I don't think it would apply here. I could be wrong though.