View Full Version : Cheap method to eliminating short stoking

12-01-2006, 10:11 PM
okay, i need an innexpensive solution to the problem of short stroking. all us classic maggers kno all to well what im talkin about. i dont want to spend upward of $200 on a new/used valve so does anyone know how to fix or improve this problem? like maybe a reg or something?.... and dont say "just dont shoot as fast, dummy!"..... no, im a mid/ sabre and i need to shott as fast as my finger can go. ill be getting a warp and intelliframe and link them so im all set on that...

if i keep lobbing a ball every so often im gonna get screwed, pardon my english. SOME ONE HELP! :bounce:

thanks in advance

12-01-2006, 10:28 PM
I'll state the obvious first.........don't get to mad yet........learn to pull the trigger correctly. :D If that does not work you can try using a emag valve on/off because it will give just ever so slightly more bounce back to a classic valve. (so I've heard) To my knowledge there isn't any reg on tank or off tank that will solve any short stroking problems on a classic.

12-02-2006, 12:01 AM
Buy a BooYah, hyper frame, or Emag lowers. I got 20bps off a classic valve with a RT on/off .750 pin without drop off..

12-02-2006, 12:16 AM
ohhhh. Double post :rofl:

12-02-2006, 07:40 AM
Short stroking is not caused by pulling the trigger too fast, it is caused by not completely releasing it after you fire a shot.

A regulator will only add an airline restriction and increase your problem. The mag already uses a two reg system (one on the valve and one on the bottle).

Keep a fresh bolt spring in your gun at all times. It will keep the bolt return speed as high as it can be and actually helps reduce short stroking. The bolt spring is a consumable item that needs regular replacing anyway. Most people neglect this part of their regular maintenance.

Put a couple of level 10 shims in your on-off between the top and bottom. It will effectively shorten your on-off pin and reduce the distance you have to release the trigger before the valve can recharge.

12-07-2006, 07:04 AM
okay, so ive invested in a booyah frame, so we'll see how that goes

12-07-2006, 09:25 AM
I'll state the obvious first.........don't get to mad yet........learn to pull the trigger correctly. :D If that does not work you can try using a emag valve on/off because it will give just ever so slightly more bounce back to a classic valve. (so I've heard) To my knowledge there isn't any reg on tank or off tank that will solve any short stroking problems on a classic.
This is false. Any sort of rt on/off makes it easier to short stroke the classic valves. True, the emag on/off will have the least likelihood for short stroking of all the rt's, but it is still way easier to short stroke than the classic on off.

12-07-2006, 09:27 AM
okay, so ive invested in a booyah frame, so we'll see how that goes

be suer to use an RT style on/off with a suitable pin length, or a ULT on/off. The electronic frames seem to have a tough time pulling a standard classic on/off.

12-07-2006, 05:02 PM
be suer to use an RT style on/off with a suitable pin length, or a ULT on/off. The electronic frames seem to have a tough time pulling a standard classic on/off.I agree. Users of the Hyper frame have found that using the ULT increases the chances of consistent operation. I assume this will be the same on the Booyah frame.