View Full Version : nice wipe...nppl sd...kenny rosenburg

12-07-2006, 04:07 PM

watch that...what a clean wipe :wow:
:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
:hail: :hail: :hail:

12-07-2006, 04:13 PM
like I said to a friend earlier, even if you are the biggest "fair play" advocate in the world, that vid may be upsetting, but it is still VERY impressive. Kenny just stepped wiping up to a whole new level. It took him no time at all to realize he was shot, and then wipe it, and he didnt even flinch, the whole thing was fluid. That vid is an example of just how honed the skills of todays cheaters have become.

12-07-2006, 04:15 PM
sigh....leagues should suspend or ban players that get caught blatantly cheating.... :mad:

don miguel
12-07-2006, 04:16 PM
this is why i hate speedball, most of the times i have played people will even wipe direct mask shots. most of the people that say that wiping is bad, really mean wiping is bad if you get caught. but if you pull it off like that guy, then your good to go. :ninja:

12-07-2006, 04:25 PM
this is why i hate speedball, most of the times i have played people will even wipe direct mask shots. ...

shutup Don, you loved it. BTW, have we played? Sounds like we might have.

don miguel
12-07-2006, 04:30 PM
shutup Don, you loved it. BTW, have we played? Sounds like we might have.
who are you? we might have played? where then?

12-07-2006, 04:30 PM
this is why i hate speedball, most of the times i have played people will even wipe direct mask shots. most of the people that say that wiping is bad, really mean wiping is bad if you get caught. but if you pull it off like that guy, then your good to go. :ninja:

yeah, cuz there's no wiping in woodsball.. :rolleyes:

don miguel
12-07-2006, 04:31 PM
yeah, cuz there's no wiping in woodsball.. :rolleyes:
most people don't.

12-07-2006, 04:36 PM
who are you? we might have played? where then?

You said something about mask wipes, I just kinda figured maybe we played. You do Fox4 at all? I gennerally speedball/airball more.

12-07-2006, 04:37 PM
this is why i hate speedball, most of the times i have played people will even wipe direct mask shots. most of the people that say that wiping is bad, really mean wiping is bad if you get caught. but if you pull it off like that guy, then your good to go. :ninja:

I see more wiping in woodsball...

12-07-2006, 04:41 PM
yeah, cuz there's no wiping in woodsball.. :rolleyes:

Or scenarios. Those guys have a sense of honor. Speedballers are all cheats, and I've heard they have a predilection for puppy meat.


12-07-2006, 04:42 PM
I see more wiping in woodsball...
i agree.

12-07-2006, 04:48 PM
most people don't. (wipe in woodsball)

Most people don't wipe in speedball, either. We are only talking rec ball here, as there are no more tournaments in the woods. Which has a higher percentage of wipers is up for debate, but i'd bet it aint much different.

What is this, hitech sticking up for speedball. :wow: The world must be coming to an end... :rofl:

12-07-2006, 04:52 PM
sigh....leagues should suspend or ban players that get caught blatantly cheating.... :mad:

I whole-heartedly agree.

If they had the courage, they'd enforce sanctions after the fact in light of such obvious proof under either:

18.06 Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
18.07 Embarrassing, Dangerous or Destructive Behavior.

It' certainly unsportsmanlike, and embarrassing to the officiating crew...

But, no league has the courage, and the majority of paintballers are morally bankrupt and actually endorse this kind of behaviour. Everything for the win, and it's not wrong if you're not caught... :mad:

Wow. Until downloading the 2006 version, I had forgotten how badly written and organised the NPPL rules were. :tard:

don miguel
12-07-2006, 04:57 PM
You said something about mask wipes, I just kinda figured maybe we played. You do Fox4 at all? I gennerally speedball/airball more.
yeah that's where i play. do you use a mag? or if not what setup do you use? PM me please.

12-07-2006, 05:01 PM
I suggest a system of media replay after a game. Any team seen breaking the rules deliberately (wiping) gives a forfeit for that game. If both teams are caught doing it, both teams chalk up a loss, or have an immediate rematch if needed. If this rule were widely enforced... there would be no wiping in the big tourneys.

No sponsor would be willing support a team that gets DQs all the time, nor do they want to have to pay for paint for rematches.

12-07-2006, 05:03 PM
no don just likes saying stupid stuff.... like mags are the best, the ion if the worst buy for the money, woodsballers dont wipe....

12-07-2006, 05:48 PM
sigh....leagues should suspend or ban players that get caught blatantly cheating.... :mad:

Indeed. Work it like the World Cup of soccer. They can't do much if they don't catch it in a game, but they can do something when they review the tapes after.

Also why not use a system of providing one use jersies for the teams. Have a set of white and a set of yellow. Give each member a fresh pair when they start a game. Durring the game the reffs should be able to clearly see a hit or a wipe.

12-07-2006, 05:53 PM
Then theres stuff like bunker rub, paint on the ground etc.

Face the facts.. everyone whipes, theres nothing we can do. :)

12-07-2006, 05:57 PM
Then theres stuff like bunker rub, paint on the ground etc.

Face the facts.. everyone whipes, theres nothing we can do. :)

wrong. you can punish people for obvious cheating. You think people are going to wipe if they actually get in trouble for it. How about 1st offence 5 game suspension, 2nd offence banned from the league. You think wiping will still exist than? doubtful.

not everyone wipes, you may just be saying it to make yourself feel better about doing it. Sorry, but I can't stand that type of attitude.

RvB Caboose
12-07-2006, 06:00 PM
I see more wiping in woodsball...

You said it. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone wipe a hit in speedball, but woodsball is a completely story. People assume it's easier to wipe because you usually fight a longer distances, and your view is obstructed by foliage and such.

Whenever someone gets into an argument over wiping they simply dismiss it by saying "how could tell since I was so far away," or even "no, I didn't get hit, you need to get your eyes checked." It enrages me that people cheat, and I will walk over to someone in the middle of a game and tell them I saw them wipe- friend or foe.

12-07-2006, 06:10 PM
I giggled at Don, and at the spelling in the clip.

12-07-2006, 06:11 PM
yeah that's where i play. do you use a mag? or if not what setup do you use? PM me please.

This is what the meet and greet section is for Don.

12-07-2006, 07:43 PM
most people don't.

A few years ago I would have agreed with that statement. :cry:

12-07-2006, 08:20 PM
wiping in game means you werent good enough to win without cheating. /story

what they should do is catch them cheating, take away all their gear, jerseys, paint, everything, auction it off, and make them sign a 5 year contract that they will be paying double MSRP(to said league) for all new gear, jerseys, tourney fees, paint, etc and that is the only gear, paint, air, etc that they can use in game (or a 5000 a year entry fee, paint not included per wiper). make the penalty so outrageous that it would be dumb to cheat, but not eliminate all the players out there either.

don miguel
12-07-2006, 08:37 PM
A few years ago I would have agreed with that statement. :cry:
people do wipe in woodsball sometimes. but at fox4 where i play, the only woodsballers that wipe are either the agg kids that just came out of the proshop with a new shiny headband, or the speedballers. i have never seen any member of NETAG (new england tac. assault group) cheat, i don't cheat, most noobs are afraid to cheat, most common walk on recballers don't cherat. but the kids that do, get extreme direspect from the rest of us, or they return thier agg headband because it got paint on it. I have seen more kids in speedball outfits get hit and wipe it than anyone in camo. it get's bad. when you spend 8 rounds trying to get a kid to know that he is hit to a point where he can't wipe, it's rediculous. there are speedballers that have respectable attitudes, and morals, but it seems like some of them take it too sieriously, and wipe to win.

12-07-2006, 08:39 PM
people do wipe in woodsball sometimes. but at fox4 where i play, the only woodsballers that wipe are either the agg kids that just came out of the proshop with a new shiny headband, or the speedballers. i have never seen any member of NETAG (new england tac. assault group) cheat, i don't cheat, most noobs are afraid to cheat, most common walk on recballers don't cherat. but the kids that do, get extreme direspect from the rest of us, or they return thier agg headband because it got paint on it. I have seen more kids in speedball outfits get hit and wipe it than anyone in camo. it get's bad. when you spend 8 rounds trying to get a kid to know that he is hit to a point where he can't wipe, it's rediculous. there are speedballers that have respectable attitudes, and morals, but it seems like some of them take it too sieriously, and wipe to win.

:rolleyes: God I hope your not honestly that naive

12-07-2006, 09:19 PM
Or scenarios. Those guys have a sense of honor. Speedballers are all cheats, and I've heard they have a predilection for puppy meat.


Mmmm puppy meat.

Honor? Lol...
Fair Play? Lol...

Rec,Scneario,Tour etc.
Any person saying that one type of paintball has less cheating than another is Blind, a fool or insane.

As for the clip...its sad instant replay OR video proof cant be used to alter a games outcome.

12-07-2006, 09:21 PM
If a football player is found to have failed a drug test after the fact the outcome of the games he played in are not alterered. However, they are dealt with.

12-07-2006, 10:01 PM
most people don't.

lol 100% untrue.

MORE people wipe in woodsball because its a half mile hike and 10 minute wait till the next game. damned if your gonna be the only honest loser and wait ;)

12-07-2006, 10:21 PM
If a football player is found to have failed a drug test after the fact the outcome of the games he played in are not alterered. However, they are dealt with.

OOoh dont drug test a painballer for illegal substances... lol.
I know of a few that would give the late great Bob Marley a run for his $$
and thats just hippie cabbage... I can only imagine whats floating around ...

And I was more saying ...its to bad VIDEO isnt allowed to change thr outcome.
There aren't enough refs but there SURE as hell are enough cameras on a field to cover all angles.
I would imagine Tour players would play alot more ...fair...IF they knew they could get popped a day or 2 later from a vid.
If I am not mistaken in Cycling and Running you can be hung on a cheating rap several months after you make a "foul" "cheat" etc.

Not a perfect idea BUT... not a bad one.
Imagine having to watch the same match 10 times for a cheat...
No thanks...I don't like watching ANYTHING that much.

12-07-2006, 10:53 PM
^how do you cheat in cycling? push a bike over? no seriously though I'm curious

12-07-2006, 10:54 PM
If a football player is found to have failed a drug test after the fact the outcome of the games he played in are not alterered. However, they are dealt with.

what about the olympics or boybuilding/beauty pagents...

12-07-2006, 10:55 PM
^how do you cheat in cycling? push a bike over? no seriously though I'm curious
have your records stripped and given to the runner.

A 10Bando
12-07-2006, 11:19 PM
exactly, where is the quality control in players. It is just like HALO 2 on xbox live, why do you need to do super jumps or alter game files for direct headshots? I think if you cheat you are not good enough to play normally and you don't even deserve to be out there playing.

12-07-2006, 11:53 PM
people do wipe in woodsball sometimes. but at fox4 where i play, the only woodsballers that wipe are either the agg kids that just came out of the proshop with a new shiny headband, .

i love polishing my headband to that perfect mirror reflection shine :-)

12-08-2006, 01:46 AM
sigh....leagues should suspend or ban players that get caught blatantly cheating.... :mad:

Suspensions and bans don't work under the current system because there are so many leagues and divisions. Teams just get creative with names and re-enter the next event. I think we should start seeing fines levied against players and teams but that's just as complicated if not more so than our current system.

Anyways check out the first scene of this clip to see another good ninja wipe. :ninja: http://members.cox.net/donluther/twp.wmv

12-08-2006, 05:56 AM
^how do you cheat in cycling? push a bike over? no seriously though I'm curious


12-08-2006, 06:44 AM
I tend to find that there is cheating in all forms of paintball. Cheating has to do with those playing it, not the format used. If you want less cheating (or NO cheating) you need to pick those who you play with more selectively. Aside from that the best way to reduce it is to enforce the rules (more than just lip service) and do so with penalties that players can’t “live with”.

12-08-2006, 07:14 AM
Phoenix: Runs and drags vid/thread from pbn video forums and copies it.

AO: meanwhile discussing interesting things.

Phoenix: Pastes copied material to AO general paintball talk forum.

AO: OMFG.....someone cheated.....NO WAYYYYYYYY.....>ARGGGG.....

Phoenix: Grabs a cupcake from kitchen and glass of milk from fridge. Sits down and enjoys AO arguing.

Coreyander: :clap:

/new news
/close thread.

12-08-2006, 07:43 AM
actually it was cupcake and a carona :)

12-08-2006, 08:18 AM
actually it was cupcake and a carona :)

lol.....corona and lemons :cheers:

12-08-2006, 08:45 AM
That was a slick move. :wow:

Now he needs to be throttled with with Rosie Odonnels underwear.

12-08-2006, 09:41 AM
Suspensions and bans don't work under the current system because there are so many leagues and divisions. Teams just get creative with names and re-enter the next event. I think we should start seeing fines levied against players and teams but that's just as complicated if not more so than our current system.

Anyways check out the first scene of this clip to see another good ninja wipe. :ninja: http://members.cox.net/donluther/twp.wmv

uh...ban the player from the division they cheated in...if they want to cheat in the next division/league, than they can get banned in that one too. And most people carry a drivers liscense or some sort of ID. Maybe I'm naive to the registration/roster process. It shouldnt be that hard. Really.

12-08-2006, 10:07 AM
That was a slick move.

Now he needs to be throttled with with Rosie Odonnels underwear.

I mainly did a repost over here to gauge the AO response and I was going link the PBN page here --> "X" <--- for you all to see distugusting e-highfives that player was getting.

But PBN decided it didn't like that thread showing the dishonest nature of tourney paintball and decided to remove it.
Classic move PBN :rolleyes: along with deleting every other thread that shows a hint if contempt for anybody that throws money your way or benefits your pocketbook.


12-08-2006, 10:07 AM
uh...ban the player from the division they cheated in...if they want to cheat in the next division/league, than they can get banned in that one too. And most people carry a drivers liscense or some sort of ID. Maybe I'm naive to the registration/roster process. It shouldnt be that hard. Really.

if you ban ppl like this, then you are essentially going to completely end pro/tourney paintball on the national level forever. Then.......no more paintball leagues.

12-08-2006, 10:10 AM
if you ban ppl like this, then you are essentially going to completely end pro/tourney paintball on the national level forever. Then.......no more paintball leagues.

why? because there wont be any players left? i think after the first couple of people gone, players will stop. and maybe we need a 90% change in the players we have now anyway.

12-08-2006, 11:05 AM
I agree. But I think thats largely because the NFL knows its rare that individually, football players have any effect on the overall outcome of the game. Its truly a collective endevor.

On the other hand, in paintball thats not entirely the case. Alone, eliminations are worth points, as are the loss of points from any eliminations that the cheater made. But more importantly, that player who cheated can by eliminations, or single handedly win the game. And the probability of either of these happening is very high.

Olympic event outcomes are altered if a participant is found to have used steroids. Whether its a team event(like relays in track and field) or an individual event(like gymnastics or sprinting).

There is some truth there. However, dealing with it at all after teh fact (bans, etc.) would be better than what we have now. I think one of the problems is we all try to come up wiht the great solution all at once. Sometimes its steps.

A 10Bando
12-08-2006, 11:21 AM
No kidding what ever happened to the WPF refs? I was one back in the day. All we need is to have local and field refs become certified and issue fines. I think the fine should go to a charity or a scholarship fund.

12-08-2006, 12:34 PM
why? because there wont be any players left? i think after the first couple of people gone, players will stop. and maybe we need a 90% change in the players we have now anyway.

ya, because there wont be any players left......thats basically it.

Not that there wont be ANY, but events will be getting smaller and smaller, which will deteriorate them to no end. Prizes will shrink, teams will shrink, events will be smaller, then ppl will eventually figure.....why the hell do I even bother playing national events.

12-08-2006, 12:37 PM
ya, because there wont be any players left......thats basically it.

Not that there wont be ANY, but events will be getting smaller and smaller, which will deteriorate them to no end. Prizes will shrink, teams will shrink, events will be smaller, then ppl will eventually figure.....why the hell do I even bother playing national events.

you dont think people will stop cheating after a few players get suspended or banned? i think it would be the opposite. More people would play. Look at the amount of people who are sick of the tourney scene because of all the cheating.

and i thought events were getting smaller and smaller already...

12-08-2006, 12:45 PM
Ha, have you guys read the comments for the video? The future of paintball is in their hands so you better play as much as you can now.

12-08-2006, 12:48 PM
Ha, have you guys read the comments for the video? The future of paintball is in their hands so you better play as much as you can now.

:rofl: missed that part

12-10-2006, 01:06 PM
DEFINATELY a nice wipe.

don miguel
12-10-2006, 02:24 PM
i love polishing my headband to that perfect mirror reflection shine :-)

don't we all. :rofl: i like my checkered hk army headband, with "easy wipe" technology! //sarcasm// (i don't own a hk army headband).

12-10-2006, 06:20 PM
That was a slick move. :wow:

Now he needs to be throttled with with Rosie Odonnels underwear.

hehe...ok ..so what ones would we use...?

Quoteing DC.
"Rosie Odonnel wears underwear with $%>#holes"

12-12-2006, 01:19 AM
wow, he's got that down to a science. he didnt even hesitate

12-12-2006, 08:55 AM
They all have it down to a science, sadly.

A friend of mine once said that Russian Legion were real stand-up guys who never cheat. A bit skeptical, I mentioned that to a Pro team coach, who laughed at the statement and replied "they are just so good at it, like a magician, nobody sees it".

It took a camera to catch that wipe. Otherwise, nobody would have caught it.

Well, to his credit, they USED to never cheat. They were known for that.

They're not 100% honest any more but in the scheme of things they're still pretty clean.

And all this talk of suspending players for wipes... I've seen people get wrongly called for playing on/wiping as often as the good calls.

12-12-2006, 08:56 AM
If a football player is found to have failed a drug test after the fact the outcome of the games he played in are not alterered. However, they are dealt with.

Yes, but if after the game they find he should have been assessed an in-game penalty for a cheating infraction (holding, etc), nothing happens.

That would be a better analogy. We're not talking about paintballers using drugs; we're talking about them cheating.

Aggravated Assault
12-12-2006, 09:07 PM
Yes, but if after the game they find he should have been assessed an in-game penalty for a cheating infraction (holding, etc), nothing happens. That would be a better analogy. We're not talking about paintballers using drugs; we're talking about them cheating.

In football there are numerous ways to brake many gameplay rules that in the grand scheme of things, generally dosen't affect the outcome. In paintball, argueably, the most important aspect of the game is the ability to shoot someone out. In the current formats that we use, it can affect the outcome of the matches a lot more directly.

It seems we have a game that the best "cheaters" can wipe their way around that important aspect and do it without being caught. So.....what we have is a game where you have to be the best cheater to have the best chance to win.

:confused: Huh???

If there's "no way" to catch and/or stop the cheaters, like many claim, there is no game. If one can excell by learning how to cheat well enough, is there a point to the game? Think about it...If you make games rules irrevelant, you have no game anymore.

Oh, and by the way, reading some of those comments under the video is no suprise.... What a joke these "players" are. Really, in most other sports people generally look down upon the ones who are the rule breakers and the thugs. Here in paintball, we have a new generation of players who idolize them and a legion of others apologizing for them. The sad part is they are learning by example.

This is what happens when the inmates run the asylum.

12-19-2006, 06:44 AM
Yes, but if after the game they find he should have been assessed an in-game penalty for a cheating infraction (holding, etc), nothing happens.

That would be a better analogy. We're not talking about paintballers using drugs; we're talking about them cheating.

The better analogy would be putting a board over the rim in basketball - holding does not make scoring a touchdown or tackling impossible.

Sorry, but wiping takes the main aspect of the game and tosses it out. This is not sneaking a step out before the starting whistle....

12-19-2006, 12:29 PM
Wiping is like moving your ball in golf...

12-19-2006, 12:36 PM
Wiping kills the rainforest... that's why I don't wipe.

/oh... wait :ninja: