View Full Version : Am I the only person who has no problem with paintball today?

12-08-2006, 08:18 AM
Or are there others?
Am I the only person who can still go out to a field, shoot people in the face, and ignore the idiots?

While I can identify and understand alot of the problems people on this board have with how the game is played, is it really worth getting all flustered about anymore?

12-08-2006, 08:31 AM
Or are there others?
Am I the only person who can still go out to a field, shoot people in the face, and ignore the idiots?

While I can identify and understand alot of the problems people on this board have with how the game is played, is it really worth getting all flustered about anymore?

You're not alone.

12-08-2006, 08:35 AM
I have the same problem with paintball as I have playing pick up games in any other sport. (Basketball , Football , etc) Sometimes you get good people , sometimes you get butt heads but I don't blame the sport for the people that show up to play it. When I want to avoid that I go play with people I know already.

Funny how that works every time. ;)

12-08-2006, 08:42 AM
I have the same problem with paintball as I have playing pick up games in any other sport. (Basketball , Football , etc) Sometimes you get good people , sometimes you get butt heads but I don't blame the sport for the people that show up to play it. When I want to avoid that I go play with people I know already.

Funny how that works every time. ;)


12-08-2006, 09:06 AM
You're not alone.

I'm glad.

It just looks and seems like the majority of the people on AO would rather complain about what other people do, instead of actually going out and trying to have a good time while playing.

It's so much easier teo tell myself, 'The guy's an idiot', than it is to get worked up over the fact that he didn't leave when I shot him. So I shoot him again, and get on with the game.

12-08-2006, 09:37 AM
Maybe the other people don't have any friends...to play with.

Alot of the people have a problem with pro and tournament paintball, and if I played in that I'd have a big problem to. But as far as going out and just having fun, I still manage to do that 99% of the time.

So are you coming down to the SoCal AO day or what? :shooting:

turbo chicken
12-08-2006, 09:50 AM
I still have fun every time ... I don't let people ruin it for me... I'm the one who decides my attitude and how other peoples actions effect me.

I'm a strong supporter of leaving it all on the field!!! :shooting:

12-08-2006, 09:52 AM
yeah man socal ao..dont be skerred..

12-08-2006, 10:01 AM
yeah man socal ao..dont be skerred..
When is it?
And where?

12-08-2006, 10:03 AM
When is it?
And where?

SC village in Corona...Jan 20

were do you live anyways? thought you mentioned SD one time

12-08-2006, 10:06 AM
Do not confuse people complaining about different aspects of paintball with them not going out and having a good time with their friends or actually doing something about the negative aspects of the sport/players. Most of the time it is not a one way or the other thing. Yet we see that insinuated (or even outright stated) time and again.

I think there is always room to improve. Just “ignoring” the bad does not help the sport. It actually hurts it IMHO. But of course we must determine what the best way to confront issues are, because being overly aggressive in our wanting to “fix” problems can often times make them (or the situation) worse. So it is a delicate balance.

12-08-2006, 10:10 AM
SC village in Corona...Jan 20

were do you live anyways? thought you mentioned SD one time

San Diego, in particular.

I wish I could go :(

12-08-2006, 10:12 AM
Do not confuse people complaining about different aspects of paintball with them not going out and having a good time with their friends or actually doing something about the negative aspects of the sport/players. Most of the time it is not a one way or the other thing. Yet we see that insinuated (or even outright stated) time and again.

I think there is always room to improve. Just “ignoring” the bad does not help the sport. It actually hurts it IMHO. But of course we must determine what the best way to confront issues are, because being overly aggressive in our wanting to “fix” problems can often times make them (or the situation) worse. So it is a delicate balance.

And there's Sam.

If that's the case, then the people complaining are complaining alot louder than the people who enjoy the GAME are.


12-08-2006, 10:21 AM
I know I don't have any problems with paintball today. But that's only cause I don't play anymore. :D

12-08-2006, 10:22 AM
And there's Sam.

If that's the case, then the people complaining are complaining alot louder than the people who enjoy the GAME are.

LOL This is true. But I will also add that on other forums I frequent the reverse is true. More threads are about how great things were and have side notes about any problems they may have had. It seems to be an AO thing. ;)

12-08-2006, 10:24 AM
LOL This is true. But I will also add that on other forums I frequent the reverse is true. More threads are about how great things were and have side notes about any problems they may have had. It seems to be an AO thing. ;)

A good point on the note of AO users va. Other forum users.
Why do you think AO users have this mentality that the rules, or the way people play needs to be changed?

Alot of the topics here have turned into, ' Hey, the other gun sucks because of this and this', then soon turn into how mags are better, etc etc.

12-08-2006, 10:42 AM
ive gotten away from all the hassel and bull**** of playing at fields with noobs and experienced players talking **** and all that stuff. I play recball with a scenario here or there or a big game like 300+ people and i like playing recball with my 15 buddies just fine

12-08-2006, 10:45 AM
ive gotten away from all the hassel and bull**** of playing at fields with noobs and experienced players talking **** and all that stuff. I play recball with a scenario here or there or a big game like 300+ people and i like playing recball with my 15 buddies just fine

That brings up a pretty interesting topic in my head.
I think I'll go start another thread.


12-08-2006, 10:45 AM
Alot of the topics here have turned into, ' Hey, the other gun sucks because of this and this', then soon turn into how mags are better, etc etc.

I'm always surprised by the number of non-mag owners who come on AO and discover that Mag owners tend to like their markers better than any other marker. Who would have thunk it?

12-08-2006, 10:46 AM
A good point on the note of AO users va. Other forum users.
Why do you think AO users have this mentality that the rules, or the way people play needs to be changed?

Alot of the topics here have turned into, ' Hey, the other gun sucks because of this and this', then soon turn into how mags are better, etc etc.
I don’t think AO members have any different mentality about rules and what needs to change overall VS other forums. I just think the membership goes about things a bit different than some of the other forums’ members do. If you put the same issues up on other forums you will see most probably agree in what is right and what is wrong, only how they deal with it is different; as well as how they state their opinions.

Bad attitudes, cheating, and other issues have been around from the conception of the sport. These things also exist in all styles of play, formats, and equipment use. These are things that must be managed, not ignored. And I find that fields that have these problems (as in become the norm as opposed to just seen from time to time) have simply ignored the issues for the sake of making money. They are afraid to step up and do what is right for fear they may lose a customer (or some players may not like them)… yet in all honesty they probably lost more by allowing it to continue.

As for the “this gun sucks because” and “mags are better”, that is just the way of things on AO. This does not mean all members do it, but enough are vocal enough about it to make it seem as if it is the majority view on how posts should go. I feel it has also gotten worse as time goes by for various reasons. But oh well…..

12-08-2006, 10:48 AM
I think that many of the statements on this forum have become defensive. What I mean by that is simple; many people on this forum and others have bashed mags and "old school" styles so much that the natural reaction is to speak out in defense of the so called "old" parts of paintball. To me, paintball has become very polarized. A style of play or a piece of equipment is termed good or bad indiscriminately in all paintball forums. Users of this "bad, old, etc." gun then feel that they have to defend their purchase against these accusations. Every gun receives these attacks now (Ion, Shocker, Cocker, Mag, whatever,), but since mags are not on the top of the popularity scale anymore, they receive additional attacks from people who either deem them inferior or want them to be on top again. A similar problem occurs with styles of play. The old, "honor-based" system is dying out and many see that as a bad thing so they speak out. Those that like it (or don't care) do not. I do not feel that it is right to criticize others for speaking out. By remaining silent, they abandon all hope of changing the system, gun choice, etc. that is currently in place. This "feel good" attitude is kind of disturbing since many people seem to be happy all of the time and allow problems to continue unchecked for the sake of "happiness." Unfortunately, avoiding or ignoring problems is too common in modern societies on every level from average people to governments. Maybe the problems we see in paintball are not really unique to paintball :spit_take .

12-08-2006, 10:48 AM
I'm always surprised by the number of non-mag owners who come on AO and discover that Mag owners tend to like their markers better than any other marker. Who would have thunk it?

Owning a mag is such a different source of pride.

I've gone though dozens of markers, and I still love my mag. I'm also the biggest critic of said mag.

Of course, when the work on it is completed, it will no longer be an automag, per se.

The mag-ownership pride is a different type of pride all in it's own, and alot of time I think it turns into a snobby sort of pride.

I also think that the same people who have that problem, are just as dangerous/bad as the 'agg kiddies' they so openly pick on.

12-08-2006, 10:52 AM
I don’t think AO members have any different mentality about rules and what needs to change overall VS other forums. I just think the membership goes about things a bit different than some of the other forums’ members do. If you put the same issues up on other forums you will see most probably agree in what is right and what is wrong, only how they deal with it is different; as well as how they state their opinions.

Bad attitudes, cheating, and other issues have been around from the conception of the sport. These things also exist in all styles of play, formats, and equipment use. These are things that must be managed, not ignored. And I find that fields that have these problems (as in become the norm as opposed to just seen from time to time) have simply ignored the issues for the sake of making money. They are afraid to step up and do what is right for fear they may lose a customer (or some players may not like them)… yet in all honesty they probably lost more by allowing it to continue.

As for the “this gun sucks because” and “mags are better”, that is just the way of things on AO. This does not mean all members do it, but enough are vocal enough about it to make it seem as if it is the majority view on how posts should go. I feel it has also gotten worse as time goes by for various reasons. But oh well…..

This is probably the third or fourth time I'll ever really agree with you, Sam.

On that note: What makes paintball....paintball?
I mean, it's always evolving. Some of the people who post here play hardcore tournement ball, they play for keeps. For money, pride. What does 'Paintball' mean to them?

I'm also willing to bet that there are a few people [on this board ] that have never set foot on an actual insured field and played with other people.

Or the weekened warrior who just shows up to play in the spool fields with a bunch of other random people.

I think people play it all so differently now, it's turning into something else-comepletely different.

How about you Sam, what does paintball mean to you?

I know that to me, it means waking up extra early and running to the grocery store down the street to buy more gatorade than we'll drink all day. Calling every single person I know to invite them, and when they can't go, calling them a second time the day after to invite them again. It means never throwing away anything I have that is paintball related--someone else I meet on the field may need it.
It means looking forward to a day of nothing but fun and games after a week, or a month of BS at work.

12-08-2006, 11:08 AM
What does it mean to me? It means a lot, and for different reasons from different perspectives.

It is a hobby and an activity I enjoy a great deal. It allows me to do things with my family as well as with others I like. The game is more than just shooting at people for me, but about the “game” and sharing with others. A day of paintball for me is not just a day of shooting, but a day of chatting, sharing, and being around friends. What happens off the field is as important to me as what happens on the field. And often times it is MORE important since we spend most of our time off the field.

It has also helped pay the bills over the years. And it has been an aggravation as well.

Paintball is like having a child. They can not be described by a few simple words, but has many facets, some good and others not so good. But in the end we still love them. And paintball is one of my babies. Not my only one, but one none the less.

12-08-2006, 11:09 AM
What does it mean to me? It means a lot, and for different reasons from different perspectives.

It is a hobby and an activity I enjoy a great deal. It allows me to do things with my family as well as with others I like. The game is more than just shooting at people for me, but about the “game” and sharing with others. A day of paintball for me is not just a day of shooting, but a day of chatting, sharing, and being around friends. What happens off the field is as important to me as what happens on the field. And often times it is MORE important since we spend most of our time off the field.

It has also helped pay the bills over the years. And it has been an aggravation as well.

Paintball is like having a child. They can not be described by a few simple words, but has many facets, some good and others not so good. But in the end we still love them. And paintball is one of my babies. Not my only one, but one none the less.

I beat my children Sam, so I'm really not seeing your example.


And I will divert you to please post in my other thread on the front page of PBtalk.

12-08-2006, 12:37 PM
I have to most fun when I play with walk-ons with rentals because they have not been contaminated by the bad side of paintball. Plus, they call me a sniper because I play with a Phantom. :)

12-08-2006, 12:45 PM
Yeah, we tend to simply belittle those idiots... At least thats what I noticed when AO-OH got together. It made for a good time sitting and making fun of the AGG kids that were trying to play with us.

When I'm on the field any given weekend, I don't give a damn.

But when you put stakes on the line, I tend to get serious.

12-08-2006, 12:57 PM
I'm glad.

It just looks and seems like the majority of the people on AO would rather complain about what other people do, instead of actually going out and trying to have a good time while playing.

It's so much easier teo tell myself, 'The guy's an idiot', than it is to get worked up over the fact that he didn't leave when I shot him. So I shoot him again, and get on with the game.

Pretty much the same way i think, although i have had my times when i have flipped out on some people... but it takes a lot.

12-08-2006, 01:26 PM
i like paintball....

12-08-2006, 02:03 PM
i like paintball....

I like cheese. But then, who doesn't.

In all seriousness, I see the problems that everyone else sees in paintball. The difference is that i don't see them and then say they are going to cause the apocalypse of the sport. Different eras have different problems. Back in the early 90's everyone was worried about CA thinking it would ruin the sport. Yea that happened. Everyone was worried about Nitro thinking it was unsafe and would ruin the sport. Yea that's why more people have gotten injured through co2 tank related incidents.

The fact is, it's like any other type of history. You always have the older generation saying that the newer generation is causing the end of society. The flappers in the 20's, the street racing craze in the 40's and 50's, the hippies in the 60's and 70's, the Breakfast Club age of the 80's, etc. The point is that it never happens and it's all subjective. The sooner you realize this, the less Weltschmerz you will suffer from.

12-08-2006, 02:46 PM
There is a fairly high percentage of people here on AO that have been playing paintball for quite some time (10+ years). People who have stuck around that long have a personal investment in paintball for them it's not just a passing fancy. They have seen quite a bit of change in the game, some good some bad. The good things like cheap paint prices are just accepted while the negatives such as the glorification of the "gangster life" and cheating are, in their view destroying something they hold quite dear.

In the end we're all just regular people and it's often easier to complain and find fault in others rather than face our own failures. We all give into the temptation of pissing and moaning now and again, especially when we have a sympathetic audience that will agree when we say "the good old days were so much better" when in reality this is only a partial truth.

12-08-2006, 03:06 PM
How old are you/how long have you been playing? I ask because many of the players that have issues with the current state of PB have been playing for 10 or 15 years. Myself being one of them. Plenty enough time for the "sport" to develop and effectively change the face of paintball. I would also go so far as to say there are more Maggers in the woods than on the speedball courses. Many of the negatives associated with speedball are spilling over into woods games. Wiping, overshooting, mode cheats, etc. Its become all about who has the most pimp gear, shoots the most bps and curses the most at the refs. I guess some of us just want to get back to having a good time. I dont have as much beef with the game as some do these days but if you have NO PROBLEMS with where the sport is headed, you arent looking close enough ;)

12-08-2006, 04:30 PM
How old are you/how long have you been playing? I ask because many of the players that have issues with the current state of PB have been playing for 10 or 15 years. Myself being one of them. Plenty enough time for the "sport" to develop and effectively change the face of paintball. I would also go so far as to say there are more Maggers in the woods than on the speedball courses. Many of the negatives associated with speedball are spilling over into woods games. Wiping, overshooting, mode cheats, etc. Its become all about who has the most pimp gear, shoots the most bps and curses the most at the refs. I guess some of us just want to get back to having a good time. I dont have as much beef with the game as some do these days but if you have NO PROBLEMS with where the sport is headed, you arent looking close enough ;)

I'm 20 years old, I've been playing since I was 9 years old.

I have no problems with where the sport is headed. Why am I not looking close enough?

12-08-2006, 04:41 PM
Subjectivity FTL!

12-08-2006, 08:28 PM
Because problems exist. If you cant see them, then you arent looking close enough, dont care, or arent affected by them. Others are.

What he said.

12-08-2006, 11:48 PM
. Scratch that.

12-09-2006, 01:18 AM
Because problems exist. If you cant see them, then you arent looking close enough, dont care, or arent affected by them. Others are.

I think the point was to show that it doesn't bother the majority, but in fact it's the very small minority who have a problem...

We only ever hear the few people complain who had a bad outing, never the hundreds who go out and play every weekend without a problem.

This thread is a nice departure from the usual people with their panties in a bunch complaining about 'cheating' and where the sport is going.

12-09-2006, 02:25 AM
Yeah, we tend to simply belittle those idiots... At least thats what I noticed when AO-OH got together. It made for a good time sitting and making fun of the AGG kids that were trying to play with us...
Yeah, they had a really hard time contending with us, and most of us were playing pump! :ninja:

(Just dawned on me; the majority of us used pumps at an AO day... Is that contradicting?)

We need another one. I say, mid January? Anyone?

There is a fairly high percentage of people here on AO that have been playing paintball for quite some time (10+ years). People who have stuck around that long have a personal investment in paintball for them it's not just a passing fancy. They have seen quite a bit of change in the game, some good some bad. The good things like cheap paint prices are just accepted while the negatives such as the glorification of the "gangster life" and cheating are, in their view destroying something they hold quite dear.
Woohoo! Nine years for me in March! (Been playing since I was ten)
And you're right. I honestly couldn't tell you how important paintball is to me. And I have no way to describe the way I feel when I play, read, or even think about it.

Really, this is a good thread. I'm usually good about keeping my head when it comes to cheaters. It just really bugs me how so many players glorify it and say that it's "part of the game" and such. But even then, I still find a way to have fun. :headbang:

Aggravated Assault
12-09-2006, 11:03 AM
I think a lot of the "discussions" you are refering to in this topic has more to do with the politics surrounding the industry, tournaments, the leauges, rules, etc. How is it any different different than talk radio: Rush bashing the libs and Al Frankin bashing the right....Its kinda like that here on AO. I don't think any "side" loves paintball any less, different people have different ideas on what paintball is, or should be.

I agree its a lot of "subjectivity"

Lest we forget that old black and white clip of a disc jockey smashing records proclaiming rock and roll will never last. :headbang:

12-09-2006, 04:47 PM
Because problems exist. If you cant see them, then you arent looking close enough, dont care, or arent affected by them. Others are.

It seems to me that those who have a "problem" are those who are, for lack of better terms, stuck in the past. Typically, they wish the 90's were back when Semi was still new and apparently there was no cheating.

I go to the local field. I do not see anyone have a bad day over what is happening in the PSP or NXL or NPPL. I see people, at times, get into arguments, which happens in every sport. Nothing is wrong with paintball. It is just evolution.

12-09-2006, 06:39 PM
It seems to me that those who have a "problem" are those who are, for lack of better terms, stuck in the past. Typically, they wish the 90's were back when Semi was still new and apparently there was no cheating.

It may seem that to you, but I know plenty of those that didnt start playing until the new millenium, and still have issues. Hard to be stuck in the past when they dont have a "90's" past in paintball and started playing post-2000.

I go to the local field. I do not see anyone have a bad day over what is happening in the PSP or NXL or NPPL. I see people, at times, get into arguments, which happens in every sport. Nothing is wrong with paintball. It is just evolution.

Ironic. Nothing is wrong with paintball, but evolution implies it changed. If there was nothing wrong with it, it wouldnt have needed to 'evolve'.

One thing for certain, it will evolve again. Because there is something wrong. Its good to know you embrace change, because when it happens and you have an issue, we can all say you are just stuck in the '2000's' :rofl:

You must have missed the part where I said...

Its human nature to avoid confrontation, and rather than voice their negative experience many instead will just avoid exposing themselves to it.

This means that people just stop playing.

Ultimately it also means that fields, shops, and mfr's feel the squeeze before any player trying to observe the status of an industry at their local field would. Lack of attendance, walk-thru traffic, and sales is a better indicator than what someone "sees at the field" on any individual day. Numbers dont lie, something is wrong.

When sales are down, when shops close, when fields close, when tournament series are having issues, when fewer teams attend events, when fewer manufacturers attend events, when fewer events are put on, when sponsorships dry up, when manufacturers consolidate or merge, it means we are not in a growth cycle...and these are all better indicators of the status of the industry than what you might see on any given day.

As previously stated, if your pocketbook or livelihood was effected, you might view things differently. Those who have been in the industry since the 90's have 2 things you dont 1) Experience 2) The ability to have survived.

If they have an issue, its likely for a bigger reason that "being stuck in the past".

It seems to me that those who dont have a "problem" are those who are, for lack of a better term, ignorant. They are just blind to whats going on, and ignore the obvious in hopes it will go away.

12-09-2006, 10:09 PM
It may seem that to you, but I know plenty of those that didnt start playing until the new millenium, and still have issues. Hard to be stuck in the past when they dont have a "90's" past in paintball and started playing post-2000.

I didn't get serious about the sport until post-2000, my livelihood is not affected by it, and I still have issues with the sport. It's not as though I don't like paintballing anymore, I can still go and enjoy myself. But that doesn't mean that I don't see when something doesn't work as it could or should. We're not saying that everyone should stop enjoying paintball. But we ARE saying that there are problems, and they need to be addressed, and we need to improve. To ignore it all and say that nothing is wrong, you can't stop cheating, the current formats are sufficient and there is no other way is just apathy. By all means, talk about the positive sides of paintball and how much you enjoy it, but there's no reason people shouldn't talk about what needs to be improved.

12-09-2006, 11:15 PM
It may seem that to you, but I know plenty of those that didnt start playing until the new millenium, and still have issues. Hard to be stuck in the past when they dont have a "90's" past in paintball and started playing post-2000.

Ok, so all that means is both of our points are moot and mean nothing.

Ironic. Nothing is wrong with paintball, but evolution implies it changed. If there was nothing wrong with it, it wouldnt have needed to 'evolve'.

One thing for certain, it will evolve again. Because there is something wrong. Its good to know you embrace change, because when it happens and you have an issue, we can all say you are just stuck in the '2000's' :rofl:

Evolution in no way implies something is wrong with the sport. Such a statement would imply that pump play was "wrong" or playing with CO2 was "wrong".

Ultimately it also means that fields, shops, and mfr's feel the squeeze before any player trying to observe the status of an industry at their local field would. Lack of attendance, walk-thru traffic, and sales is a better indicator than what someone "sees at the field" on any individual day. Numbers dont lie, something is wrong.

When sales are down, when shops close, when fields close, when tournament series are having issues, when fewer teams attend events, when fewer manufacturers attend events, when fewer events are put on, when sponsorships dry up, when manufacturers consolidate or merge, it means we are not in a growth cycle...and these are all better indicators of the status of the industry than what you might see on any given day.

As previously stated, if your pocketbook or livelihood was effected, you might view things differently. Those who have been in the industry since the 90's have 2 things you dont 1) Experience 2) The ability to have survived.

If they have an issue, its likely for a bigger reason that "being stuck in the past".

It seems to me that those who dont have a "problem" are those who are, for lack of a better term, ignorant. They are just blind to whats going on, and ignore the obvious in hopes it will go away.

Maybe I have missed what this thread is really talking about. I did not mean to imply that the entire industry, relating to lack of sales or what have you, is wrong. I completely agree that sales have dropped and some of your other examples. I was referring more to the tournament scene relating purely to the game. Maybe I am thinking too much about the debate a few weeks back relating to ramping...

I'll make a general statement alittle later, when I can articulate my thought alittle better.

12-10-2006, 02:01 AM
Fact: Rogue is Never wrong.
Fact: Rogue will always win.

12-10-2006, 02:18 AM
Fact: Rogue is Never wrong.
Fact: Rogue will always win.
Fact: Facts are facts.
Fact: Triangle knows the facts.


12-10-2006, 03:12 AM
Another irony. AutoMaggot68, the guy who got perma-banned from AO for creating problems on AO, is here under a new name, and the one talking about "Am I the only person who has no problem
in paintball

Maybe you dont see the problems because you are part of the problem.

So do something about it, friend :)

Ken Majors
12-10-2006, 02:27 PM
Locally, the paintball where I am is suffering. Most all of the fields near me (<50miles) have closed, are closing, or are under new management from a recent sale. There used to be a paintball store in the town I live in, but it closed this past year.
It is not that there is a lack of paintball players, because there are plenty.
Maybe the internet hurt business, maybe it was the fact that the kids that came to the fields/stores stole the guys blind if given half a chance.

The fields would sponsor teams, the teams would work the fields on the weekends as part of the sponsorship. The field owner would run the registration, and store part while the sponsored players worked the field. Common setup.
The problems arise when these "refs" would invite all their buddies to come out and hang out while they worked.
Smoking, cussing, and basically being smacktards. So...fathers would bring their kids out ONCE...and never return. Or a church group would come out ONCE...and never return.
These little hoodlums basically ran off all the self respecting people.
They would steal from the customers while they were playing, break into vehicles, and if the field owner came down to the field to see how things were going, they would go in the back door of the shop and take what they wanted.
This happened at 3 fields. 1 of which is still out of business and will never re-open. The other 2 fields are under new management by some pretty good people and I hope they can manage those issues effectively.
The store in town here suffered similarly. The owner was an older gentleman and was pretty gullible. He would take old beatdown markers in on trade. He would install parts free, he would fill air for nothing if you bought something. Overall a really good guy.
So the kids would come in and while one would distract him, the other kids would steal everything they could.
They broke into his store about twice a month and stole everything. The cops would catch them (sometimes), but the merchandise would have long been traded away on PbNation before they could recover it. He stayed open for 2 years keeping all his inventory in his basement. He finally realized that it was more trouble than it was worth, and closed down after many years of service to the local paintball community. He was an AGD certified airsmith and a certified Tippmann Tech. He was very proud of those certificates hanging on his wall. Probably in his late 60s or early 70s, his knowledge, and wisdom is a great loss to everyone.

These folks are friends of mine. They have talked me out of opening a field more than once. I had dreams of an indoor reball field. The main thing that keeps me from doing it is KNOWING that I will lose more money than I make, just in the reballs that walk out the door.

Paintball is fine. - Just not here.
I'm sure that this situation is unique to where I live. Nowhere else in the world could possibly have these situations. :rolleyes:

12-10-2006, 02:32 PM
I enjoy PB today more than I did 10 yrs ago or even 15 yrs ago when I first started playing. Its a little faster paced, and there are some people that do things a bit odd from time to time, but it has more people and that means more targets which means more to shoot, which means more paint... ok so I have a problem paying for a lot of paint.

Reading the post above mine shows something though....
To make it you need quality people around you, you cant get anywhere by yourself, you need to ensure to surround yourself with quality people. Whether just a player or a owner of a field, if you can not trust the help, then get them out of your way. Find family or friends or mature people to get your work done. Pay them accordingly, you wont make a ton, but you will not have issues such as that.

For a Reball field, I suggest an ID card for ball rental. Then you check their bags before they leave before they get their ID card back.

don miguel
12-10-2006, 03:01 PM
im cool w/ paintball today. it sure brings up alot of conversations. ;)