View Full Version : Post Something about paintball that you enjoy.

12-08-2006, 10:43 AM
Lets see how many people here actually still enjoy shooting other people in the face.

I'll start.

Paintball is still fun for me, because I can get to the field an hour ahead of time, and enjoy the electricity in the air.

Paintball is still fun for me, because I still love the feeling of hitting my primary after the break, knowing I'll probably be gogged in the next fifteen seconds.

Paintball is still fun for me because I can compliment someone on whatever gun they're shooting, and end up playing with them the entire day, regardless of what they look like, race, gender, or religious sect.

Your turn.

12-08-2006, 10:48 AM
As a fat kid, paintball is the only place I can slide, although sometimes my belly can get in the way :D
I like that my fellow ballers think my lime green hair is funny (the folks didn't at first :p )
I like hangin at the field (I work there too though)
I like talking to everyone (mix of old schoolers and agg kids at my field. Oddly enough, we all get along, great group of people at my field)
I like taking the snake.
I just like paintball.
I like hangin the flag :cool:

Great thread! :headbang:

12-08-2006, 10:55 AM
Paintball (or pin ball as my coworker calls it) is fun because:

collecting and tinkering with guns by itself is fun

its about the only gun you can still own and shoot in CA anymore

relieves the stress built up from the week

get to hang out with friends

is the ony exercise I get any more for my office lazy butt

I still feel the rush every game

I enjoy teaching new people and showing them the ropes

and what triangle said: To SHOOT PEOPLE IN THE FACE

EDIT: and because without paintball we would have no Don Miguel :dance:

12-08-2006, 10:55 AM
As a fat kid, paintball is the only place I can slide, although sometimes my belly can get in the way :D
I like that my fellow ballers think my lime green hair is funny (the folks didn't at first :p )
I like hangin at the field (I work there too though)
I like talking to everyone (mix of old schoolers and agg kids at my field. Oddly enough, we all get along, great group of people at my field)
I like taking the snake.
I just like paintball.
I like hangin the flag :cool:

Great thread! :headbang:

Great post!

12-08-2006, 10:56 AM
I like paintball because......

It’s still new to me and every aspect of it is very enjoyable.

How can you not find enjoyment from shooting your fellow man in the face.

It’s a great place to find new friends and new sources of knowledge.

And last but not least I have 4 fields in my area no more then 40 min away. :dance:

12-08-2006, 11:00 AM

But more over, guns in general.

Seriously, thats why I work at a paintball shop, I just like working on these techno toys.

12-08-2006, 11:36 AM
I like the camaraderie between friends in good friendly competition.

I like the stories we can tell about our failures on the field as much (if not more so than) as our “victories”. Think about how much more exciting and happy we seem to be after trying our best only to get lit up? Those stories are often times better than the ones where we wiped out an entire other team.

I like the quiet times between rushes of adrenalin.

I like the adrenalin rushes.

I like the time right before the adrenalin rush where all you can hear is your breath and the beating of you heart.

I like the idea of the GAME vs winning or losing. To me you only truly lose if you don’t give it your best, or you don’t play.

I like the look on a new player’s face when you get back from a good game. I also like prodding them into telling me how it went from their perspective.

I like the teamwork that happens when you get a few seasoned players together and things just click.

I like how it feels the next day after playing hard.

I like how the kids (as in my children) and my wife laugh when I come off the field covered in paint. Not because I got hit, but because they know I did something bold or silly and have a good story to tell.

I am sure there is more, but that should do for now….

12-08-2006, 11:44 AM
I like the camaraderie between friends in good friendly competition.

I like the stories we can tell about our failures on the field as much (if not more so than) as our “victories”. Think about how much more exciting and happy we seem to be after trying our best only to get lit up? Those stories are often times better than the ones where we wiped out an entire other team..

Yes! More often than not our failures are more entertaining than our victories.

I like the teamwork that happens when you get a few seasoned players together and things just click.

I know exactly what you mean.
It's one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had.

12-08-2006, 12:00 PM
Paintball (or pin ball as my coworker calls it) is fun because:

collecting and tinkering with guns by itself is fun

its about the only gun you can still own and shoot in CA anymore

relieves the stress built up from the week

get to hang out with friends

is the ony exercise I get any more for my office lazy butt

I still feel the rush every game

I enjoy teaching new people and showing them the ropes

and what triangle said: To SHOOT PEOPLE IN THE FACE

EDIT: and because without paintball we would have no Don Miguel :dance:

About the same for me, except the gun law in CA. In the netherlands it's very hard to own even more than one firearm, and you have to be using it for sport. You have to join a shooters club, and after a year of membership and proving you have no criminal record or other things that would speak against you, you may purchase one firearm. After 2 years you are allowed to own up to 5 guns that have to be locked away at all times, same goes with the ammo.

But the strange thing is, there is no real law for paintball. By law they fall under airguns that you can legally own without permit from 18 years or older unless they look like a firearm. And airguns are permit free of any caliber, from .117, .22 up to .50 that can easily kill somebody at 100 yards. Replica's and such are not allowed, but the single parts to make an A5 look like a M4 or AK47 are legal as long you don't mount them to your marker.. :confused:

Now i don't really care about firearms, i have no need for them and i don't want one in my house. Many people think i'm some war freak that plays to simulate war situations. Too bad i can't get it into their heads that paintball is a fun way to spend a sunday (we play here on sundays mostly)

Ow well, everybody is a possible terrorist these days.. :mad:

12-08-2006, 12:19 PM
Heres my reasons for still playing.

-Paintball is still fun for me, because I've made more lasting friends through paintball than any other sport.

-Paintball is still fun for me, because there's no better feeling than pulling off a 1 vs 4, 3, 2.

-Paintball is still fun for me, because I like playing pump Vs. Semi.

-Paintball is still fun for me, because I can bring my best (girl) friend to play.

-Paintball is still fun for me, because there is no other sport that still gives me such a rush of excitement

Triangle, nice thread.

12-08-2006, 12:30 PM
The reasons I love paintball are

Good friends (whether you've known them for years or minutes)

Good attitudes on and off the field

Being that guy that fixes a newbies gun with a half piece of pizza in their mouth

The break.

Fabbing upgrades for your marker

Showing them off

Sliding into and wrapping bunkers

The ability of a large part of players to accept anyone regardless of skill level, marker choice, style of play, area of play (speed or woods), race, religion, ect.

12-08-2006, 12:33 PM
I enjoy paintball because....
I get to shot people
I spend hours cleaning, fixing, tickering with my guns
I get to spend money of stuff other people think is stupid
I feel like a kid again
I have never felt the same rush before in my life
I get to customize my gear/gun how I want it
I can be fat and still play

12-08-2006, 12:33 PM
I like that I'm a remarkable player in my stories after the game.

For me, I enjoy the game itself. I enjoy the nuance of the game, the little things that seem insignficant at the time but have a huge effect on the outcome of the game. I like hearing 15 people all claiming that they are the one that shot someone, when in reality it was me that shot the person. :rofl:

I like that when I played tournament ball that you could be friends with the opposition before the game and after the game, but not during the game. I like that you would loan an opponent a part or a marker before your game with them. I like that people can shoot the crap out of each other :shooting: and joke about it after the game. :clap:

12-08-2006, 12:38 PM
cbldawg, Steelrat, Indignant, Carbon, Mighty Mike, EatemAlive, stondroopy, MiketheMarine, Z-Man, Army, Target Practice, tsc, Miscue, that gaggle of high school kids, and all the other Nor-Cal/So-Cal folks I can't remember at the moment.

12-08-2006, 12:42 PM
cbldawg, Steelrat, Indignant, Carbon, Mighty Mike, EatemAlive, stondroopy, MiketheMarine, Z-Man, Army, Target Practice, tsc, Miscue, that gaggle of high school kids, and all the other Nor-Cal/So-Cal folks I can't remember at the moment.

Aint that the truth, Rick?

I'm coming up to visit you next year, so get a room ready, sucker.

12-08-2006, 12:47 PM
"It happens on a random Monday coming back form an event, or late on a sunday night right before you get on a plane and you're about to be frisked for the third time. You're driving, you're flying, you're sitting in an airport seat with boys from the team. You're drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake you're explaining the fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best friend. You're coming back to the other life; the one without paintball, where no one understands why you do it. You're tired, you're working off little sleep, the question creeps up and you try to ignore it. Why do I do this? Why the travel, why the losses, the missed work, and missed school, hours of practice, and the complaining girlfriend?

Because the lore of living a paintball life is just too potent and the products of the road, the travel; are memories for ever and trips in strange lands, with stranger people. At tournaments it feels like for once you actually get to live as loud as you want. It's worth the sacrifices, it's worth all the bull****. Because if you work hard enough, a Sunday will roll around and you'll be in the huddle screaming with your hand in, one among ten, playing for the world title. Suddenly all those cliches that you've ever heard make sense, and you are defined. You say it to yourself, and it means everything. I am a paintball player, and this moment, right here, is my life"

Sunday Drivers, Monkey With a Gun Productions.

12-08-2006, 12:54 PM
Why i enjoy paintball:

The mix of morning air, dew, and old paint..fields just have their own smell, it's the one thing worth waking up for.

The closeness of my team, seems like no matter how bad of a day we still manage to have fun.

Waking up at 3 A.M. after 2 hours of sleep and working all night, to meet your team by the interstate then 6 peoples gear and them into an area that was not meant to hold that much stuff, Then driving 3 hours to play our hearts out.

Playing with everythign left in me, after very few hours of sleep if any at all.'

Pullin all nighters in the hotel the night before the tournament.

Struggling to become the best, so when you do get a victory it the best feeling

Watching the paint break on the guy at the other end of the field, that i dont know, then shaking his hand and getting along like we have known each other forever.

The adrenaline rush of the game.

Being able to get redemption on the team or guy that destroyed you the last game/event.

So many apsect of the game i still enjoy,they out weigh the negative things Greatly

12-08-2006, 12:54 PM
"It happens on a random Monday coming back form an event, or late on a sunday night right before you get on a plane and you're about to be frisked for the third time. You're driving, you're flying, you're sitting in an airport seat with boys from the team. You're drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake you're explaining the fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best friend. You're coming back to the other life; the one without paintball, where no one understands why you do it. You're tired, you're working off little sleep, the question creeps up and you try to ignore it. Why do I do this? Why the travel, why the losses, the missed work, and missed school, hours of practice, and the complaining girlfriend?

Because the lore of living a paintball life is just too potent and the products of the road, the travel; are memories for ever and trips in strange lands, with stranger people. At tournaments it feels like for once you actually get to live as loud as you want. It's worth the sacrifices, it's worth all the bull****. Because if you work hard enough, a Sunday will roll around and you'll be in the huddle screaming with your hand in, one among ten, playing for the world title. Suddenly all those cliches that you've ever heard make sense, and you are defined. You say it to yourself, and it means everything. I am a paintball player, and this moment, right here, is my life"

Sunday Drivers, Monkey With a Gun Productions.

That explains it, such a good quote.

12-08-2006, 12:55 PM
good sportsmanship, thats really about it, good friends and good beers :cheers:

if your over 21 that is. :spit_take

12-08-2006, 12:58 PM
Aint that the truth, Rick?

I'm coming up to visit you next year, so get a room ready, sucker.

I don't live in the 3 bedroom at the moment, but we'll figure something out.

chemical x
12-08-2006, 01:00 PM
My absolute favorite thing is when you know the position of someone but they have no idea you are watching them, Setting up aim on them and fire. Only to see the ball exit from your barrel and drop your target right where you were aiming for.

Probly the only way to make that one hit any better would be to stalk for a bit before you set up aim.

12-08-2006, 03:48 PM
I enjoy waking up earlier than I do for school, and wanting to wake up.

I enjoy scrounging lunch together, 5 minutes before I leave in the morning.

I enjoy cleaning my gear the night before I play, because I was too tired/sore/lazy to do it when I came home last time.

I enjoy the drive to the paintball field, thinking about the all the stupid things I'm going to try, listening to music with my friends in the back seat.

I enjoy driving home, exhausted, and content.

I enjoy waking myself up that night, because I'm ducking back behind a bunker in my dream.

I enjoy setting up my marker, pulling out my toolbox, loading my hopper and pods.

I enjoy sitting in the chilly morning air, waiting impatiently for the field manager to "orient" us.

I enjoy turning the knob on my tank, pressing the button on my hopper, and flipping the switch on my marker.

I enjoy putting those first 6 paintballs over the chrono, and seeing it set exactly where I left it.

I enjoy taking the trek across the field, to the starting point.

I enjoy sprinting, trying to get to the farthest bunker I can off of the break, and making it.

I enjoy not making it.

I enjoy shaking the hand of the guy who shot me out.

I enjoy talking to the first-time rec players, thinking of buying their first markers, seeing their excitement when they get their first "kill"

I enjoy talking to the field owner, when he's doing a good job.

I enjoy bantering with the refs, and screaming at/to them to check the other player.

I enjoy it when the refs check the other player.

I enjoy the feeling of a bounce, knowing you <i>almost</i> lost it, but got another chance.

I enjoy building a gun stand out of pvc pipe, because buying them is too expensive.

I enjoy buying paintball stuff, and agonizing over the $500+ purchase I'm thinking of making.

I enjoy spending the time I'm not actually paintballing, connected to paintball through AO.

12-08-2006, 04:11 PM
I like the camaraderie between friends in good friendly competition.

I like the stories we can tell about our failures on the field as much (if not more so than) as our “victories”. Think about how much more exciting and happy we seem to be after trying our best only to get lit up? Those stories are often times better than the ones where we wiped out an entire other team.

I like the quiet times between rushes of adrenalin.

I like the adrenalin rushes.

I like the time right before the adrenalin rush where all you can hear is your breath and the beating of you heart.

I like the idea of the GAME vs winning or losing. To me you only truly lose if you don’t give it your best, or you don’t play.

I like the look on a new player’s face when you get back from a good game. I also like prodding them into telling me how it went from their perspective.

I like the teamwork that happens when you get a few seasoned players together and things just click.

I like how it feels the next day after playing hard.

I like how the kids (as in my children) and my wife laugh when I come off the field covered in paint. Not because I got hit, but because they know I did something bold or silly and have a good story to tell.

I am sure there is more, but that should do for now….

I also like when I just pop of a shot, not really aiming, just kind of a "This could hit them" shot and you see them, hand up, and walking off the field.

I like taking new people and teaming up with them for the day.

I like pushing my personal limits.

I also enjoy the "getting outside" since I now have an office job...


12-08-2006, 04:14 PM
^ shooting the guy that posted above me at a local field :D

oh and fast things and bright colors

12-08-2006, 04:19 PM
I like one balling people with a phantom :ninja:
I like shooting excessive paint at those same people with a viking next game. :shooting:

I love when they come to the conclusion: It don't really matter what he's got... he's better than me. :cool:

12-08-2006, 05:41 PM
One word:
Seriously though, this is my only tie to the sport over summer and deep winter. But in the game of PB I like a lot of things such as comradery, tinkering, adrenaline, setting up the field and analyzing it(saddly that is a big rush to me), playing against people I don't like and crushing them and it gives me something cool to do when I visit my friends out of state.

12-08-2006, 06:14 PM
I've hunted animals since I was eight. The thrill left awhile ago with all the restrictions and controls. Now I like to hunt humans that can hunt back plus when I shoot them I don't have to field dress and clean them.

12-08-2006, 06:41 PM
cbldawg, Steelrat, Indignant, Carbon, Mighty Mike, EatemAlive, stondroopy, MiketheMarine, Z-Man, Army, Target Practice, tsc, Miscue, that gaggle of high school kids, and all the other Nor-Cal/So-Cal folks I can't remember at the moment.

-Paintball is still fun for me because i can be bros with someone i've never met before, if only for a day.
-Paintball is still fun for me because it is one place where most new people will really listen to the tips you give them
-Paintball is still fun for me because of the community

12-08-2006, 06:56 PM
Good friends getting together to have a good time.

The rush when you see the paintball coming and barely get out of the way.

Pulling one shot, getting one kill.

Tinkering with all my, and anyone else who will let me, equipment.

Getting new players in the game, and re-inviting old ones.

Planning a game weekend.

Making a bunker way up the field under fire.

Sneaking up behind someone and getting the surrender.

A good snap shooting contest, win or lose.

Getting hosed during a run through.

12-08-2006, 08:34 PM
The look of envy on the faces of my co-workers when I tell them how much fun it was on Monday mornings :D

I am also an equal opportunity pballer. Men, women, and childern are all acceptable targets :shooting:

12-08-2006, 08:46 PM
playing with old freinds and making new ones. automags.org, telling tales, and having beautiful guns..

12-08-2006, 10:52 PM
seems as thouhg i inspred this tread id like to say

i like recball not anyother kind, and i mean the kind of rec ball at one of the 15 guys farms and we have are own co2 tank and we dont have to deal with noobs and people who think they are the best because they can shoot 10000000000bps its all a bunch of buds a case of beer and fun :cheers:

12-09-2006, 01:33 AM
seems as thouhg i inspred this tread id like to say

i like recball not anyother kind, and i mean the kind of rec ball at one of the 15 guys farms and we have are own co2 tank and we dont have to deal with noobs and people who think they are the best because they can shoot 10000000000bps its all a bunch of buds a case of beer and fun :cheers:

You inspired another thread I was going to post, but I figured two were already enough ;)

12-09-2006, 02:29 AM

Having met great friends that after all these years still play paintball.

Making new friends.

Returning to the game after a couple of years and finding out that paint costs less and so many new products to choose from.

Buying my first pump marker and getting hooked on pump because it really is fun, which really got me back into paintball.

Playing with my PumpMag which always gets positive comments and inquiries.

Playing pump tournaments because of the great comraderie of opposing players that play with honor and share that unique brotherhood of friendship before and after the game.

and of course ..........Automags.org


12-09-2006, 03:09 AM

I can tell people that they are "wasting our air"

and have them pay for it

12-09-2006, 05:35 PM
I like sharing the experience with my friends.

I like being able to shoot one of my buddies in the *** and then laugh about it in five minutes.

I love the look on a skinny 14 yr old agg kids face after this fat old guy pulls off a move or a running shot that he thought was impossible.

I like fixing markers declared "beyond repair" by the pro shop tech.

I like watching people who are better than me play, and stealing their knowledge. lol

I like knowing that where ever I walk onto the field, no matter who ever I am playing, that I stand a pretty good chance.

I love the inside jokes that appear out of thin air during the course of a day.

I like the meal at the restaurant and the drive back home at the end of the day, rehashing war stories from all the different angles.

I love the first day on the field with a brand new marker that I just built (either from parts or from scratch).

That's enough for now.

12-09-2006, 05:44 PM
I like being able to shoot one of my buddies in the *** and then laugh about it in five minutes.

I did that very thing last weekend, lol :shooting: (of course he promptly shot me in the grill on our next game.)

12-09-2006, 05:45 PM
Shooting people.

12-09-2006, 05:57 PM
where to start...

i still ike paintball because it is my sanctuary. the night before i get my friends together and we pack the car in anticipation. then often times we wake up in the wee hours in the morning to go walk the fields before the tourney starts..the only time im awake and pumped by 5:30 in the morning...then the ride there is just funa nd the car is filled with excitement
finally at the field-- here it doesnt matter that i failed the test on friday or i have a project due on monday that i havent started. all that matters here is having fun and playing paintball. This is the first time i have actually found it so true about how it doesnt matter whether you win or lose but its that you have fun in the process.
the tired ride home-- half of us fall asleep in the car then we go to some restaraunt all dirty and smelly with paint in our hair and get some food...this is usually really fun because somehow we seem to cause some sort of mischeif.

then in a week or so we do it all again

paintball is such a great sport, i go to the field and everytime i make some new friends for the day adn it just seems that we all respect and accept one another

//sorry for poor grammer- i often dont think things though when i type on forums

12-10-2006, 09:35 AM
Waking up early on my day off, to drive a long way to go shoot stuff. Not to mention hang out with people that I appreciate. I’m off to go play! Hurrah!

don miguel
12-10-2006, 03:06 PM
scenario games
free stuff from scenario games
as once said by TYGER (a paintball god :hail: ) "it's rewarding to shoot someone that has a 1000$ marker, when youv'e only got 10 rounds"
one shot kills
bunkering people

12-10-2006, 06:33 PM
Shooting people.

You should work for the Post Office :shooting:

12-10-2006, 08:47 PM
as once said by TYGER (a paintball god :hail: ) "it's rewarding to shoot someone that has a 1000$ marker, when youv'e only got 10 rounds"

You know,
You'd be amazed the amount of people who would disagree with your views on Tyger.

12-10-2006, 08:49 PM
You know,
You'd be amazed the amount of people who would disagree with your views on Tyger.
:rofl: QFT. Although I don't really mind him. He was nice when I met him at PB Sams, but I didn't really talk to him all that much. I know some people that really hate him. I really don't care one way or the other though.

don miguel
12-10-2006, 09:12 PM
:rofl: QFT. Although I don't really mind him. He was nice when I met him at PB Sams, but I didn't really talk to him all that much. I know some people that really hate him. I really don't care one way or the other though.
why do people hate him? i love webdog radio.

12-10-2006, 09:15 PM
why do people hate him? i love webdog radio.

Because we're all entitled to our own opinions, that's why.

I like paintball because I can play any time of day, at time of year.
When it's cold, when it's hot.

12-10-2006, 09:23 PM
Because we're all entitled to our own opinions, that's why.

I like paintball because I can play any time of day, at time of year.
When it's cold, when it's hot.
Along those lines, I love nightgames on a summer night. It just doesn't get better than that. :)

12-10-2006, 10:33 PM
Along those lines, I love nightgames on a summer night. It just doesn't get better than that. :)

I can totally agree with you on that.

12-11-2006, 06:10 AM
I love the feeling of winning with my best friends.
I love traveling the country with my best friends.
and most of all, I love making paintball not fun for others.

12-11-2006, 11:18 AM
I love the feeling of winning with my best friends.
I love traveling the country with my best friends.
and most of all, I love making paintball not fun for others.

Is that sarcasm, or are you really that big of a tool box?


12-11-2006, 11:23 AM
I just like shooting @ people.

I also like complaining about how paintball has changed and reminiscing. :rolleyes:

12-11-2006, 11:39 AM
why do people hate him? i love webdog radio.
^^Because he made a death threat and completely belittled someone here on AO a while ago.

Anyway, I like paintball because:

-Automags :D

-Sheridans :D

-Being able to hang out with my dad (because sometimes it's the only time I get to)

-Rec play (where I get a good taste of every style)

-The glorious victories (especially when I'm the "under dog." And by "under dog" I mean playing speedball with a pump)

-The highly comedic failures :p

-The rush

-Old school tech and flipping through old magazines.

-My new AO-OH friends

-My new MCB-OH friends

-My new non-forum friends

-Making friends with my local pro shop owner (he let's me in the back where we just joke around with his other employees and customers, and break out some of his old guns just to mess around with. Great guy.)

...And finally, the thing I like most about paintball is:
-Just being able to play

12-11-2006, 04:59 PM
i enjoy the friends, the adrenalin rush, the sport in general...enjoy when my kids play, not with me, but against me (3 sons, youngest 30)...my wife thinks this as a second childhood, lolololo...its great, my 2 cents worth...thegrayghost...

12-11-2006, 08:16 PM
I've been paintballing for two years now and instead of shooting deer, I get the chance to shoot human varmin instead! Seriously, it is always the thrill of the hunt, adrenaline rush when either varmin comes into view and you raise the barrel and fire that first shot off when they have no clue of what is about to rock their world.

Getting my gear ready the night before the hunt. Being apart of the advancing team and the thrill of throwing down suppressing fire to advance the team closer to the flag and then hearing the flag is ours as your breath is fogging your mask and we all rush back to claim victory.

The thrill of not always winning, but giving it your all and having a story to chat about over lunch with your buddies. Learning about new gear and strategies from being in the field of play and here on the boards. Listening to the comaraderie of my team players and those on the opposing team about their own field experiences and new found lessons learned. No longer feeling like a newbie in paintball. Feeling my Automag in my hand and knowing that it will deliver performance when the game play is retched up and everything is on the line for that "one" kill which turns the flank favorable for our advancement to the flag and ultimate game victory!

12-11-2006, 08:49 PM
-The thrill of showing up for a big game/scenario.
-The pre-game jitters.
-The feeling you get when you go on a bunker run with a pump on a hyperball field against guys using electros, any suceeding.
-Being known at one of the fields I frequent as the "shot-gun guy" because of the KP-3 pump i use.

don miguel
12-11-2006, 08:52 PM
^^Because he made a death threat and completely belittled someone here on AO a while ago.

:eek: o my god! what did he say? did he get banned? (i still love webdog radio, he seemed so nice on that show :cry: ). at least i don't make death threats .

12-13-2006, 01:36 AM
150 males to every 1 female...

yea that about sums it up :clap:

turbo chicken
12-13-2006, 11:23 AM
the rush i get when everyone is gunning for the guy with the pump ... then they are shot by one of the hosers/paint slingers on my team cause I'm the focal point.

the "good game" when switching sides...

the adreline rush as the ref counts down the start of the game...

because I can leave all agression, frustration, and "urrrrgggh" feelings on the field and feel rejuvinated the next day.

using my paintball-ninjs-fu tactics and getting barrel tags.

oneballing the guy that shoots half a case every game.

Guess the biggest thing i enjoy is the fact that all of the above is fun!!!!