View Full Version : EMAG=Paint Blender

12-30-2001, 08:42 PM
The past 2 weeks I have been having the worst problems ever, breaking paint. I went out and bought 3 different paints to shoot through my gun and NONE of them worked. I got Marb, SLAM, and Team Colors(w/ winter fill). I shot all of these paints through my Ultralite and my Emag with the plastic nubbings and the Superbolt. I have a warp set up on my gun and i was still was breaking a lot of paint. I have been told that the superbolts are to long for the gun and thats why i am chopping. I was also breaking paint all down my barrel, and all the paint fit through my barrel perfectly. It was about 50 degrees outside and almost no humidity. The first couple weeked that i played with my gun it worked really well shooting the same paint and now i dont kno what happened to it. I do not have any idea what is wrong with my gun and it is very annoying to have such an expensive paint blender!!! Please halp me out and give some suggestions on how to fix this problem. Thank you!


12-30-2001, 08:50 PM
Dude, have you seen the recall notice for the SuperBolt? That is most likely the problem.

12-30-2001, 09:08 PM
your superbolt is too long. people have been trimming them down, but now there is a recall. send it in immedietely.

12-30-2001, 09:32 PM
Try the regular bolt. If that doesn't fix it, slow down on the shooting. If its still breaking paint constantly while your single shoting it, make sure there's nothing in the barrel. Sometimes crap gets stuck in there and chops paint left and right. If that don't work buy fresher paint. If the paint is older it will explode in the chamber. By older i mean 3 months or longer.

In some cases don't trust who you buy your paint from unless you have known them for awhile. Some places claim to be selling fresh stuff, like a local mini shop here is selling non advantage stuff not even knowing PMI quit making the shiny shelled paint many months ago. I asked them how fresh there paint was... They said they got it in last week. lol

If none of that fixes it, send to AGD.

01-01-2002, 06:19 PM
Thanks alot guys. Im g0onna put in my stock bolt and see if that helps at all.


01-01-2002, 06:23 PM
PLEASE, return your SuperBolt ASAP :eek:

01-01-2002, 09:32 PM
dont send ur bolt in theres no recall

01-02-2002, 12:03 AM
You can ask Rob to shave some of the delrin off of the front of the bolt or you can do it yourself if you own a micrometer. That will not fix the barrel breaking problem though, which was the problem with my E-Mag.

01-02-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by DYE-BaLLeR
dont send ur bolt in theres no recall

Tom Recalled them a few days ago, all of them are going back broken or not.

Thats what I originally thought... Yeah its just an update now... shame on you hoaxers...

I knew somthing was fishy when he said the tip of the plastic part went out with the bolt. That part isnt even attached to the core.

01-02-2002, 08:41 AM
First a couple questions:

1.) Did it chop BEFORE you put the superbolt in? If not then you know your problem.

2.) whats your setup? Vert feed? Warp Feed? If its warp feed you could have the problem I had where the timing of the Warp was wrong.

And SEND that superbolt back. ASAP. :) hope this helps.

01-02-2002, 01:41 PM
I have a warp left body with warp, and what do you mean that the timing of your warp was off? I have intelefeed hooked up to my gun so every time i pull the trigger the warp spins. And i am going to send my bolt in soon.
