View Full Version : Best Paintball Stories, V3.14159.....

12-09-2006, 04:03 AM
Guys and gals, I know we've done these before, and had some great stories. However, those threads all seem to have died off a while ago and I thought that some new stories would have cropped up since then.<BR>

Can't start one of these threads without a story, so I'll put mine up. I'm not normally a very vengeful person, but I was booted from a tournament team earlier this summer in favor of a kid with little to no actual skill, rather he had a dad that had money to throw around on paint, jerseys, you name it. Several weeks after this I had my new team out at the field for some practice, and who should we run into but those other guys. We set it up so that we could get a 3 vs. 3 speedball game without walk-ons, and I benched my Viking and busted out the classic mag, nothing on it but it a nice barrel, not even a double trigger or X-valve. <BR>
The game started like it normally did, I took a back standup while my teammates took mid and front positions, and once I had seen where the other team broke to and relayed that to my guys, I moved upfield. My buddies got too aggressive and were shot as they made moves, and I was left in a 3 vs. 1. I won't lie, I got very lucky. Their far upfield player, the new kid, made a move for the flag and as he slid into the center he left his foot hanging out. The mag made it's unmistakeable "Thunk" noise as I put one shot right on the tip of his cleat. I moved into a bunker that gave me a better look at the field and saw my old teammate Alex playing a dorito. The nice thing about playing againt guys you know is that you know the mistakes they make. Alex never did learn to wrap a bunker, he just leaned way out the side before he ever started shooting. I posted on his bunker and kept looking for Matt, their back player. I saw Alex start to come out, the mag made a couple of "Thunk" noises, and the paintballs made a couple of marks right on Alex's new jersey. Matt saw Alex walk off and decided to make a break for the snake. He didn't see my shots, he had no idea I was already in the snake and waiting for him. As I heard him run towards me I got my gun up, and as he slid into his end I got around one of the bends and gogged him. <BR>
They were so mad when I came out to the staging area, they couldn't believe that their entire team was just bested by the person they let go, with what they deemed an inferior gun. Shows them.

12-09-2006, 04:28 AM
if its on tape why is there no video posted?

12-09-2006, 10:46 PM
they couldn't believe that their entire team was just bested by the person they let go, with what they deemed an inferior gun. Shows them.

:rofl: I guess you are probably glad to be off of that team after all then :P It's not so much the gun as knowing how to shoot. Just because 99% of all (speedball) players think $$$$$=more gun= more skil doesn't make it true :nono:

12-09-2006, 11:04 PM
:rofl: I guess you are probably glad to be off of that team after all then :P It's not so much the gun as knowing how to shoot. Just because 99% of all (speedball) players think $$$$$=more gun= more skil doesn't make it true :nono:


try proving that with a poorly honed barrel and a crappy blowback that sputters....

Adequate equipment helps a great deal. Notice i said Adequate tho, not AGGequate. No need for the bling bling flash. A good barrel never hurt anyone

12-09-2006, 11:06 PM

try proving that with a poorly honed barrel and a crappy blowback that sputters....

Adequate equipment helps a great deal. Notice i said Adequate tho, not AGGequate. No need for the bling bling flash. A good barrel never hurt anyone

Agreed. First thing I look for in a marker is reliability and ease of maintenance. After that, feel, speed(tho everything is fine these days), and appearance last.

12-09-2006, 11:46 PM
Ok, I guess I'll tell a story... It seems that most stories end with one eliminating all kinds of ppl and winning it for the team. This story is a bit different in that I got shot out. But a good story nonetheless.

Me and my best buddy, Erik, used to play rec ball ALL the time. It seemed like every time we played together, things just clicked. We nearly had an intuition, no joking. We could tell what the other wanted to do, and we'd simply do it, and it just clicked. We pulled off a 12 on 2 in his woods once...

However, when we were on opposite teams, we were ALWAYS the one to eliminate the other. This story takes place in a field in front of another friend's house. The field is swampy most of the year, except for about one month in the summer, so it's completely filled with REALLY tall grass and cattails. We made a huge maze in the thing, and paintballed in it. It was insane, because it was fairly close range, and the grass was packed so close together that you couldn't shoot through it at all, and you couldn't see over it. It really was like playing in a maze.

Anyway, I came to an intersection (after a couple of eliminations), and I see him run past as I come up to it. He saw me, too. So now, we're both on opposite sides of the same corner trying to figure how to get the other out. We tried trading fire through the grass, but it wasn't working at all, there wasn't even splatter getting through. I was getting fed up with the whole thing, cuz it would be suicide to just run around it, and there wasn't another way...he was sitting in a dead-end. Finally, I get sick of it and run to the corner, diving out into the open. He had gotten sick of waiting and started running around the corner at the exact same time. We literally dove past each other shooting, almost colliding. I ended up with a hit in the gogs, 2 in the chest, and 2 in the leg. He got 2 in the face and 2 in the chest. We just lay on the ground laughing, it was the craziest thing ever.

12-10-2006, 12:03 AM
I was playing paintball with some of my friends and my brothers friends in the woods. I think I must have been out, because I saw the whole thing very clearly. So my brother is the last on his team and he's up against two. He shoots one. After a moment of searching he yells "Where's Joe?". Right then, I hear one shot fired, and my brother falls to the ground.

Joe was hiding. My brother got a shot right in the package.

It was the best day of paintballing I can remember.

12-10-2006, 12:54 AM
The best story was one of my earliest experiences...

Myself and a few buddies went to SC Village. I had my VM-68, they had rental cockers. And, this was their first time playing.

First game out 30 vs 30...my buddy runs out of paint. But he wont give up. He runs across a large field, shooting blanks and everyone is ducking. He dives, low crawls for the flag. And gets it. Makes it back and wins the damn game.

Unbelievable. Never played before, runs out of paint, shoot blanks, pulls and hangs the flag. Against all odds.

Wow, usually the first thing you have to wack out of a noob is the fact that when he runs out of paint, gas, or his gun breaks, HE IS STILL A VITAL PART OF THE TEAM!!!

12-10-2006, 09:57 AM
Well, I know I'll have more today. I'm just about to leave for the field and I'm shooting my VSC phantom (THANKS CLIPPER) and my warp x-mag. Yeah, today is going to be interesting.

12-10-2006, 12:31 PM
Brought some buddies out for their first time and they had all the milsim stuff in their heads (with rental tippmans mind you) so they were talking all the way there about stuff and had a billion questions...The day it's self I don't remember much of but the car ride up was fun.

12-10-2006, 11:58 PM
Well, I know I'll have more today. I'm just about to leave for the field and I'm shooting my VSC phantom (THANKS CLIPPER) and my warp x-mag. Yeah, today is going to be interesting.

It was pretty cool of you to help my nephew hold off the other team for the last few minutes of the game this morning. It was hist first day of playing and he had a blast, its good to see there are still good people out there :clap: .

12-11-2006, 09:41 AM
behemoth shot me once. It hurt alot.

12-11-2006, 11:37 AM
Over the summer PBC ran a "pickup X-ball league" where whoever showed up (mostly local cfoa teams, gridlock and trauma) would be split into squads of 5, and play untill everyone was exhausted/out of paint (typically 2-3 full xball matches).

Anyway, I had come out to take pictures/film. The majority of the people that showed up for these "pick up Xball games" were pretty expericened players, but, there was one three man team, that only played little local rookie events, and were really.....not talented in the least, just had daddies buy them every piece of blue dye gear on the market. I ended up playing a game against this 3 man team+2 other players assigned to play with them, but, I played markerless, just bunker tagging people. Anyway, I end up in the 40 dorito, in a 3v2 (im on the 2 side). My teammate is in the snake, and my oppoenets are in their 40 dorito, their 20 dorio, and the snake side corner. They have no idea I am there, but, I am in no position to make a move without a marker. Anyway, all my opponents evenetually start shooting at my teammate in the snake. As soon as I realize they are all shooting that way, the eliminate my teammate, and I take off, run past the first guy in their 40 dorito and tap him on the shoulder with a "your out", Run past the second and smacked him on the back with another "your done". Their snake side corner player sees me, starts shooting, and I dive into their back center bunker for cover. So, here I am, no marker in hand, in a 1v1, my opponent knows just where I am, and is probably no more than 20 ft away in the corner bunker. What do I do? What else, I scream "surrender!" and, well, he does. Everyone erupted in laughter, and this kid ended up getting pretty upset once he figured out what had happened.

12-11-2006, 12:10 PM
behemoth shot me once. It hurt alot.

Behemoth punched me in the kidney after a snide remark. It hurt a lot. I deserved it.

12-11-2006, 01:11 PM
Behemoth punched me in the kidney after a snide remark. It hurt a lot. I deserved it.

dont kiss behemoths ex...

12-11-2006, 01:17 PM
Hey now, if shes an Ex shes fair game :ninja:

12-11-2006, 10:42 PM
Hey now, if shes an Ex shes fair game :ninja:

trust me on this one, dont do it

12-11-2006, 10:42 PM
Hey now, if shes an Ex shes fair game :ninja:

Youre right, go ahead.

12-11-2006, 11:21 PM
Youre right, go ahead.

(I'm going to regret that sooner or later...)

12-11-2006, 11:24 PM

(I'm going to regret that sooner or later...)


as in I'd rather kiss a baby whale...

12-11-2006, 11:34 PM
Lenny, I'm going to stich 'baby whale' up your back in PSP uncapped.

12-11-2006, 11:58 PM
Lenny, I'm going to stich 'baby whale' up your back in PSP uncapped.
How? You play pump!

Just wait 'till I get my 'Mag back from Joe! (Whom I still have to pay...)


12-11-2006, 11:59 PM

as in I'd rather kiss a baby whale...
Huh? You're wierd. Why would you want to do that?

12-12-2006, 12:20 AM
hah, i got a story. some friends and i were playin at a local field, on this one course...i think it's called 'the fort'. anyways, my two best friends are the only guys left (on opposite teams) on the far right side of the field. one of my friends, anthony, is at the bottom of a very mildly steep hill behind a bunker.

the other, bryce, was on the top of the small hill behind a bunker, he starts to make a run for it, but just on the other side of his bunker was a small log that had fallen. lol, he didnt see it. so he trips, right as he was starting to build speed, then does some sort of uncoordinated superman dive and falls on his face, throwing his gun immediately. here lies my busted friend, gun about 15 feet away from him, kinda moaning in pain, and laughing a little bit.

backtrack a bit, the other guy, a little fearful from seeing his friend starting to rush him, takes cover behind his bunker. then he peeks out and sees my friend, immediately lets out a 5-8 round burst without a seconds hesitation. all of the shots land on his mask and the top of his head. once he realizes he just shot a hurt, unarmed....and now pissed off player....oh man it was soo funny. we were cryin on the sidelines. heh, we never let him live that down. lol, nice shooting though, i'll give him that

12-12-2006, 10:20 PM
Huh? You're wierd. Why would you want to do that?

Theres a story so gruesome that it makes me wince at thinking someone else would go after his girlfriend.

Oh, and 06 Borg FTW, so think again about just pump...

12-12-2006, 11:10 PM
Agreed. First thing I look for in a marker is reliability and ease of maintenance. After that, feel, speed(tho everything is fine these days), and appearance last.

You have a good theory. Try to make it work when jonny has mommy with $$$$ in the proshop.

12-13-2006, 12:36 PM
It was pretty cool of you to help my nephew hold off the other team for the last few minutes of the game this morning. It was hist first day of playing and he had a blast, its good to see there are still good people out there :clap: .

Thanks :) He's a cool little guy. Hopefully he develops a love for the sport :shooting: