View Full Version : Cup Seal?

12-16-2006, 05:40 PM
I have an idea of what this is but was looking for someones explanation of it before I decide whether it is worth replacing.

12-16-2006, 06:04 PM
A cupseal is the seal on the main vavle of pop-it style valve guns. Different materials are used, most spyder and low end blow backs use a plastic, delrin or similar material. Brass and other soft metals may be used in some older models. For the most part, unless it leaks dont bother replacing it. There is some parts that claim to be an upgrade, but If the one you have is functioning correctly, I fail to see the upgrade..

Bottom line, if its broke fix it, if its not dont.

12-16-2006, 09:22 PM
A cupseal is the seal on the main vavle of pop-it style valve guns. Different materials are used, most spyder and low end blow backs use a plastic, delrin or similar material. Brass and other soft metals may be used in some older models. For the most part, unless it leaks dont bother replacing it. There is some parts that claim to be an upgrade, but If the one you have is functioning correctly, I fail to see the upgrade..

Bottom line, if its broke fix it, if its not dont.
It's "poppet"

But other than that, he's right.

12-16-2006, 11:18 PM
is this for a spyder?

i got a bag of like 50, il send ya one if you pay shipping. installation is fairly easy

12-17-2006, 11:15 AM
No, I was thinking on getting an old taso spartan cheap but decided against it