View Full Version : So the Democratic primaries are approaching... We need your VOTE

12-20-2006, 02:52 PM
So as the primaries approach we have some choices to make.

The republican ticket seems pretty normal.

However the Democrats have two very interesting front runners:
Hilary Clinton (would be the first female president or vice president)
Barack Obama (would b the first non-white president or vice president)

Between the allotted choices, who do feel should be on the democratic ticket and why? And keep in mind, they could be on the Democratic ballot as the President or Vice-President. ;)

PLEASE NOTE: This is AO and I feel it can be an interesting ADULT conversation about a potentially historical American event. This thread has politics involved so be mature with yoru views and posts. If your views are offensive in anyway, simply voting in the poll should be enough for you. Do not flame or bait persons in here into flaming or I'll delete the thread myself.

12-20-2006, 02:58 PM
I'll start it off I guess...

Although Clinton has a much more infamous political career, I voted for Obama because I feel he has a larger positive following versus Clinton in the US.

12-20-2006, 03:03 PM
i vote for hilary even though there is a higher chance of getting a male president in than female
and we definitely need a democrat who new clitons secret to get us out of debt

12-20-2006, 03:11 PM
I really feel that if either of them are put on the ballot, it will be in the vice-presidential spot. I think the thought of electing a minority president might be a little too ambitious for the democratic Party. With the public's opinion being anti-republican lately, they won't want to be too risky with the HUGE advantage they'll have.

Personally, I think as a woman president - Condoleeza Rice would beat the crap out of Hillary Clinton at the polls.

12-20-2006, 03:26 PM
I really feel that if either of them are put on the ballot, it will be in the vice-presidential spot. I think the thought of electing a minority president might be a little too ambitious for the democratic Party. With the public's opinion being anti-republican lately, they won't want to be too risky with the HUGE advantage they'll have.

Personally, I think as a woman president - Condoleeza Rice would beat the crap out of Hillary Clinton at the polls.

I think that may have been true a year or two ago, but I think right now people are just so disillusioned with the current administration that seeing Rice's name would be a huge turnoff.

Sometimes I feel like having a minority or female as a president/vp would happen, and sometimes, I just get the feeling that it will never happen. Hell, we haven't even had a non-Christian as a president yet, how are we going to manage to pull a female or a minority through?

As for me, I'd vote Obama in a hot second. I've been watching his campaign(s) since day one and I really like what he stands for. I dont know how I feel about Clinton, I've never been a very big fan. Any woman who stays with her husband after he so publicly humiliates her makes me kind of suspicious. I lost a lot of respect for her (even though I was only like... hm, 10 or 11? at the time and had no idea what a blowjob was, or why anyone would give one...)

I've seen so much racism and sexism that I really think it's too early for a minority or a female to be elected. But that's not to say they shouldn't try. And a minority female, like Rice? Not a chance.

12-20-2006, 03:39 PM
Right with ya fishy!

I am a registered republican and generally agree with all their stands. However... If Obama is on the ballot I will be voting for him. He states his stands on issues and sticks with them. Very up front and professional. When you see him speak - he really puts out an honest vibe. He reminds me of a well educated Bush - same determination and integrity with intelligence +1.

-Stament below is not meant as an insult-
In addition to haing been humiliated by Bill Clinton, women generally tend to be at odds with one another. Men get along, women don't. Not quite like jealousy but just sorta catty - as opposed to men who would definately be more comfortable voting for a man.

Minorities gennerally tend to support one another. Barack Obama will get a large number of racial minority votes, for obvious reason. I don't think Hillary will get the female support of her demographic like Barack Obama will.

12-20-2006, 03:44 PM
I heard hillary was polling horrible with both dems(just under 50% for dems) and reps. I think there is to much actual hatred of her by the right. And if she can't pull the support from her own party? although I guess we're just talking the primaries, and not the pres race.

who the heck are the rep going to put up, havent really been following politics lately.

12-20-2006, 03:48 PM
they're are both too far left. Obama is running the most vague campain ever. I still have no clue what the guy is FOR or AGAINST.
And hilary is about as fake as her hubby....oh wait that's a coinkidink.

In the end it doesn't matter. Americans are so fikle and the party lines are so blurred that for the next few elections the votes are going to go back and forth. This time the dems with have it, the next term the republicans will have it. And so on....

oh and this thread is in clear violation of the AO rules, but like anything democratic, it's ok to bend the rules for them.

12-20-2006, 03:55 PM
I dont think either of them will be on the ballot. Clinton is way to far left and flaky for most people including a lot of the democrats. And obama doesn't have the experience to run for president yet, in 2012 he might have a chance but not now.

And for what they are For or against doesnt really matter since most politician dont follow what they say anyways.

12-20-2006, 04:00 PM
And for what they are For or against doesn't really matter since most politician dont follow what they say anyways.
which is why it's going to go back and forth for a while. Not because of what we like but because we just won't like who's in office and so we are going to go no where for a while.

12-20-2006, 04:17 PM
which is why it's going to go back and forth for a while. Not because of what we like but because we just won't like who's in office and so we are going to go no where for a while.

Thats because most people dont know what they want. The majority of people get their news from TV and its not really a viable source. And they are too lazy to look into issues so they vote for who ever appears better. Hence the advent of the smear ads, make the other person look bad without having to tackle any real issues.