View Full Version : Valve tools?

12-31-2001, 10:13 AM
Hey,i'm gunna replace all the o-rings in my RT PRO valve just to make sure that this lil tourney that me and my freinds r u gunna be in.If u haven't heard of it,its prob cuz we're in the middle of no where and our feild does things like every once in a while.ANY WAZE i'm wondering what tools i'll need to make sure i do this properly.Hey and thanks.

12-31-2001, 11:09 AM
You don't need any tools for that, although a dental pick or something similar would make it easier to remove the old seals. Maybie an 1/16 allen key to take out the field stip screw, and a nickle to take off the PT, other than that you don't need any tools.

12-31-2001, 11:27 AM
thanks,yea i knew sumthing was needed to take the old seald out but i didn't know what.

12-31-2001, 02:17 PM
just one more quetion,where can i find a dental pick or what ever and what should i ask for if i cant find it?

The Mag Man
12-31-2001, 06:48 PM
There are other options to using a dental pick. You can use a hard wood toothpick, or you can take a fork, and bend down the other three spikes so only one is left, or you could use a nail fial from a pair of toe nail clippers (thats what I use), or a small pocket knife blade, or a skinny screwdriver, tons of things you can use besides a dental pick. Just offered some incase if you can't find a ental pick. Hope I helped ya out. Bye.

12-31-2001, 08:00 PM
Go to a Dentist and ask for his old and ready to be thrown away tools. Assure him you have no plans to do any bathroom dentistry! Tell him/her that you need the picks to reach into tight recesses to remove machine parts and O-rings. No need to mention paintball at all, unless you think he may play himself!

01-01-2002, 07:17 AM
alright,that'll help.

01-01-2002, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
You don't need any tools for that, although a dental pick or something similar would make it easier to remove the old seals. Maybie an 1/16 allen key to take out the field stip screw, and a nickle to take off the PT, other than that you don't need any tools. I believe the allen wrench you will need is 1/8".