View Full Version : Is paintball better suited to WWE style promotion

12-22-2006, 01:55 PM
Remember the XFL - where it was the show around the game as much as the game that was the show. I'm not talking "set" winners here, I'm talking making the drama that is paintball as much of the show as paintball...


12-22-2006, 02:13 PM
Lol woulnd't need much playacting for the drama, as there is plenty of actual drama surrounding actual tournaments.

12-22-2006, 02:20 PM
Im not talking necessarily play acting

The XFL was just supposed to be about the game and allowing (encouraging) the actual drama around it. Not acting

12-22-2006, 02:32 PM
Yes but wwe was purely playacting even the 'wrestling' itself.

12-22-2006, 02:35 PM
Yes but wwe was purely playacting even the 'wrestling' itself.

But the XFL (Xtreme Football League) which was a WWE attempt, was not. Im talking the promotion, the show around the "match" etc. Team entrance music, smoke, theatrical flairs, whining off the field (already there). etc.

12-22-2006, 02:37 PM
If you beleive that I feel sorry for ya :ninja:

Not really I just dont know enough really about the xfl, I would have a hard time beleiving it was actual football due to who was setting it up and promoting it. Which is probably why it failed.

12-22-2006, 02:39 PM
If you beleive that I feel sorry for ya :ninja:

Not really I just dont know enough really about the xfl, I would have a hard time beleiving it was actual football due to who was setting it up and promoting it. Which is probably why it failed.

Fine.. the assume someone else. The style of promotion is what matters - over the top

12-22-2006, 02:46 PM
Wrestling isn't fake :ninja:

12-22-2006, 02:59 PM
So kind of American Gladiator ..with markers?

I think it would be kind of to much for paintball.
We dont have as many of the OUTSTANDING athletes that a team needs to get the headlines.
We have a bunch of Social misfits, Drug addled machines, and Emotional Cripples.
Wait...MAYBE a soap opera..not a sport? :cheers:

12-22-2006, 03:02 PM
The XFL was a legit football league. I know people who played in it.

12-22-2006, 03:05 PM
So kind of American Gladiator ..with markers?

I think it would be kind of to much for paintball.
We dont have as many of the OUTSTANDING athletes that a team needs to get the headlines.
We have a bunch of Social misfits, Drug addled machines, and Emotional Cripples.
Wait...MAYBE a soap opera..not a sport? :cheers:

The WWE get headlines outside of the WWE? Or is all there fantasticalism self-induced. There profitable

Make the sport apart of it. But make all this nonsense that goes on around the game a part of it too.. maybe even hype that up a bit. How much more fun would I have if instructed to "play to the camera"? A lot

12-22-2006, 03:57 PM
You would turn off a lot of the "older " players who think that paintball is a joke already.
Why highlight all the bad stuff tourney ball experiences now.

12-22-2006, 03:59 PM
You would turn off a lot of the "older " players who think that paintball is a joke already.
Why highlight all the bad stuff tourney ball experiences now.

The older players are generally turned off already. Play to the demographic you have

12-22-2006, 04:00 PM
Interesting idea, but the XFL failed. Why wouldn't paintball? What would be different that might make it fly?

12-22-2006, 04:04 PM
Interesting idea, but the XFL failed. Why wouldn't paintball? What would be different that might make it fly?

The Agg kids would just love it!!! :rolleyes:

12-22-2006, 04:05 PM
Interesting idea, but the XFL failed. Why wouldn't paintball? What would be different that might make it fly?

The XFL tried to target a demographic that was not going to go with it frankly. They had too high of expectations and tried to compete with an estalished entity.

12-22-2006, 04:08 PM
No. Let me rephrase, hell no! Watching whiney little kids alternating explitives and slang to form some kind of background story would get really really old really really fast regardless of what demographic was being targetted. And, personally <explitive> I <explitive> want to <explitive> distance my <explitive> self from those <explitive> types of <explitive> people, the whiney explitive alternating kids that is.

<explitive> A right!

12-22-2006, 04:20 PM
If guys like John Cena played paintball then it would be big.

12-22-2006, 04:25 PM
No. Let me rephrase, hell no! Watching whiney little kids alternating explitives and slang to form some kind of background story would get really really old really really fast regardless of what demographic was being targetted. And, personally <explitive> I <explitive> want to <explitive> distance my <explitive> self from those <explitive> types of <explitive> people, the whiney explitive alternating kids that is.

<explitive> A right!

Im not even considering forming a backstory. WWE style promotion - XFL - over the top, stage lights, entrance music, smoke, etc. Not necessarily in the game. Stories where they are, showboating - we have it all already, rather than trying to pretend we are a proper sport, lets.... well make use of the reasons we are not.

12-22-2006, 04:56 PM
Paintball the game sucks to watch. I suppose maybe if you could see what is going on, but you never can. I watched the Packers and the Vikings duke it out last night. The coverage was excellant. One can really see what is going on. I've never saw a single PB video or ESPN with remotely close to the coverage of an NFL game. The game is fun, but coverage sucks so bad no one can stand to watch or understand what is going on. The best PB I ever saw on TV was a skit on Blue Colar TV. That was at least entertaining.

12-22-2006, 08:49 PM
It would be kind of cool.

And in keeping with the WWE style, some players already have a WWE compatible gimmick.

Jeremy Salm - He does outside interference, just like when WWE guys come down to ringside and screw with the current match. Even better, they can stick Jeremy in the crowd and have him shoot from there. It can be like a running gimmick where every week he's in a different disguise. One week he's the hotdog vendor, next week he's the time keeper, next week he's a camera man, etc.

Chris Lasoya - Has a patented finisher. He can end a match by his bunkering his opponent in the back of the head multiple times until that person passes out. Kids really love to see finishers in WWE, so I think this would be a big hit in paintball.

Even with just those two players above, we could have some memorable matches. As a hypthetical example:

Jeremy Salm is with the Thugz. Chris Lasoya is with the Razorz.

In the match, it comes down to a one on one with CL and a Thugz player. CL paints the Thugz player, but the Thugz player continues to play. The crowd boos and the announcers decry the action, but play continues.

(It's a tourney, remember? In a tourney, it's okay to play on until a ref pulls you out. There's just too much on the line. And besides, WWE wrestlers break rules all the time.)

CL calls for a paintcheck. A ref goes to check the Thugz player, but before he can get to him JS springs out from the crowd and gogs CL.

The Thugz player then points to CL and jumps up and down, emphatically stating that he shot CL first. The ref turns and sees CL wiping the gog hit and calls him out.

Team Thugz is declared the winner. As the lone Thugz player raises his arms in victory, CL rushes in behind him and empties his hopper into the back of the Thugz player's head. The Thugz player crumples to the ground as the crowd erupts and the announcer yells out: "Baw gawd! Baw gawd! Lasoya just turned him into Lasoy sauce! Baw gawd!"

CL's music then blares out over the PA system as he glares at JS. The crowd chants "La Soy Uh! La Soy Uh!"

We get a close camera shot of JS glaring back at CL. Cut to closeup of CL as he says some words to JS. (The words are inaudible as they are drowned out by the crowd.) And that's how that show ends.

Right away, we've given the viewers a reason to tune in for next week's show as a grudge match, or at least the announcement of such a match, is sure to be broadcast.

Now, the above scenario sounds scripted, but I don't mean for the real show to have predetermined match results. However, with the right management and promotion I'm sure that one could create an atmosphere where scenarios like the one presented above would be possible.

Money is always a good motivator. Dangle enough money in their faces and I bet we could get most of the agg types to do just about anything.

12-22-2006, 09:08 PM
^^^^lol...the only thing you forgot is taking the folding chair and using it on someone.

12-22-2006, 09:21 PM
So we're going for the "This is us, we're bad, and we like it that way" approach.

Eh, so long as it gets ratings. Actually hasn't this already been given a shot with the Ultimate Arena Paintball League (UAPL)?

12-22-2006, 09:49 PM
lohman, soo the league should be basicly for fun/jokes/ratings/self popularity growth?

if you reffering to a real paintball type of thing, then where to cut the line and people acting for the camera(showboating), making scenes etc etc

sure some teams do it, infact alot of teams do it(some more than others)
but the extent is fairly minimal

12-22-2006, 09:51 PM
the announcer yells out: "Baw gawd! Baw gawd!

that made me laugh

12-22-2006, 11:05 PM
lohman, soo the league should be basicly for fun/jokes/ratings/self popularity growth?

if you reffering to a real paintball type of thing, then where to cut the line and people acting for the camera(showboating), making scenes etc etc

sure some teams do it, infact alot of teams do it(some more than others)
but the extent is fairly minimal

Celebrate a little more, trash talk a little more, cover all of this - and the game is still real. Im not suggesting the outragous WWE things, Im thinking the promotions...

12-23-2006, 12:07 AM
rather than trying to pretend we are a proper sport, lets.... well make use of the reasons we are not.

Well you do have a point. They cant make, get, do it right, might as well capitalize on it being all wrong.

12-23-2006, 01:49 AM
I actually hate wrestling because of the fake-ness of it and the drama they boast.

Now, maybe something along the lines of UFC type advertising...

12-23-2006, 03:40 AM
all they really need to do is get more audio/video footage of the pit area pre/post and during the game you'll get all the drama you can stomach. :argh:

Aggravated Assault
12-28-2006, 08:48 AM
I don't think the idea is far fetched at all. In fact I think it really has merit. I see not too many think that way, but the over the top style would be playing right to the demographic it would want. To attract someone to sponsor, or invest, you have to be able to sell to somebody.

A lot of our "real" sports create story lines now. Don't think the NFL dosent have a team of people who sit around trying to figure out how to create drama and interest with their games? Or NA$CAR?

Of course there is some problems with Painbtballs gameplay itself, but thats abother story. Anyway, I like the idea. :D

12-28-2006, 10:50 AM
You can look at the scheduled "big" games. TO going back to Philly, Harrington going back to Detroit on Thanksgiving, etc. to show that they try to boost the drama just by scheduling.

The problem is I said WWE and too many instantly assumed I meant fake matches... not at all

12-28-2006, 01:21 PM
so what you were really trying to spin is the "rivalry" matches, try to show the bad blood between certain teams, and push the arguments within teams as well as with the refs or opposing teams both on and off the field? Most sports do try to angle some games like that alot, it could work, and they already have that in paintball too.

12-28-2006, 01:31 PM
so what you were really trying to spin is the "rivalry" matches, try to show the bad blood between certain teams, and push the arguments within teams as well as with the refs or opposing teams both on and off the field? Most sports do try to angle some games like that alot, it could work, and they already have that in paintball too.

Exactly, promote the drama that is already so prevelant in paintball.

12-28-2006, 01:34 PM
Exactly, promote the drama that is already so prevelant in paintball.

I can see it now
UL's broken in half....Dm's and Egos ripped in two because someone got mad and threw it at the wall....laying the smackdown with your hybrid suicide halo on someone in the snake from above...taunting, name calling and acting like a martial arts black belt/"I've got REAL guns at home, I dont need to prove anything paintball..." :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

12-28-2006, 01:52 PM
I can see it now
UL's broken in half....Dm's and Egos ripped in two because someone got mad and threw it at the wall....laying the smackdown with your hybrid suicide halo on someone in the snake from above...taunting, name calling and acting like a martial arts black belt/"I've got REAL guns at home, I dont need to prove anything paintball..." :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

Isn't that how it is now?

turbo chicken
12-28-2006, 01:53 PM
I can see some of the WWE type of elements beng usefull ... it also needs to be promoted more like football/basketball/baseball ... 1 governing body for all the leagues ... each team belongs to 1 league with a team owner and a roster of people to pick from. Tournaments being played like today but a ranking system keeping track of the top teams ... there would be a regular season of several tourneys, play off season with teams with the best season record/score, and then the superbowl type tournament pitting the best team from the leages against eachother...

12-28-2006, 01:56 PM
I think that would be taking it a bit far mmm? but still I know that that "SP World Championship" (If it can actually be called that) called the Atlanta/ jacksonville game was supposed to be a "rivalry" match. But I still say they should've bought up more air time and done a pre- and post- game show, to really delve into the history of the teams and their playing styles. you could even get into a "halftime report" with game making and breaking moves, and # of penalties per half, instead of trying to cram a game into forty minutes and skimming over every point you can in that time, like they're doing know. I say Screw it! allow the time to run on and build up the competetion, give a look at the field from both teams perspectives, what they consider to be their points to take.and key players to eliminate.

Aggravated Assault
12-28-2006, 08:07 PM
I can see some of the WWE type of elements beng usefull ... it also needs to be promoted more like football/basketball/baseball ... 1 governing body for all the leagues ... each team belongs to 1 league with a team owner and a roster of people to pick from. Tournaments being played like today but a ranking system keeping track of the top teams ... there would be a regular season of several tourneys, play off season with teams with the best season record/score, and then the superbowl type tournament pitting the best team from the leages against eachother...

Yes, the one govering "leauge" Idea is a good one, in fact, it seems many feel the same way. This whole idea of over the top promotion could be something that could set a series apart from the others. With how we do tournaments now, generally speaking, what things would we have to add to exploit a XFL style promotion?

Example: The XFL introduced that sky-cam deal on a cable that later the NFL incorporated. The whole idea was to literally see the game in a different way... Which brings up the use of a jumbo-tron or something to be able to see replays, up close stuff, etc.

12-28-2006, 08:31 PM
Isn't that how it is now?

Did you not see the direct reference to you in there Lohman?

12-28-2006, 08:45 PM
Did you not see the direct reference to you in there Lohman?

I'm always a bit over the top :) I enjoy it

/Yeh, I got that
//Guns normally in the car though :p

Aggravated Assault
12-29-2006, 08:18 AM
I'm always a bit over the top :) I enjoy it

/Yeh, I got that
//Guns normally in the car though :p


/now I get it