View Full Version : Trilogy Fine Tuning

12-29-2006, 02:22 AM
So, how can I fine tune my Trilogy? It is converted to a pump right now and I would like the lightest springs and the best performance (and efficiency) on CO2. I know they have they're own specific parts and upgrades, so what is good to get?

P.S. - It will be pneu-assist. I already have most of the parts. ;)

12-29-2006, 03:10 AM
You can have faster cycle speeds(performance) at the expense of efficiency. Or greater efficiency at the expense of cycle speed.

No matter how you set up the springs, you wont get the best of both. Youll have to choose which is more important to you, and tune it accordingly.
I understand that, but it can be balanced. Being pneu-assist, I won't be shooting faster than a Revvie, so I shouldn't be hindering efficiency much.

I just want the smootest operation I can get out of this thing.

12-29-2006, 11:42 AM
well im going to go agaisnt what most peopel are going to tell you and say to use the same springs as a rat vavle, get a gas through grip and a palmers female stab.

on my sniper 2 i have all shocktech internals, gas through grip, female stab running is the 230psi range shooting a consistant 277 FPS and getting 40-50 shots per ounce of co2 (kind of hard to tell exactly how many shots because most places around here dont fill co2 correctly and i havent getten a chance to get a scale for my self to correct their mistakes after they fill them to much)

but IMHO if you do low pressure correctly it will give better preformance and just as if not mroe efficent.

12-29-2006, 01:34 PM
I'll look into that, Matt.

So, what parts does this thing take? I know it's not standard 'Cocker parts.

12-29-2006, 01:37 PM
As far as I know the only change made to the Trilogy vs its predecessors was the integrated 3 way. I thik it takes standard valves, springs and bolts.

12-29-2006, 02:52 PM
i think the vavle is a slightly different size but i am not sure (i pretty much stoped paying attention to WGP once the trilogies came out and then i stoped working at a field so even more reason to not be up to date on everything)

the hammer i think might also be slightly different but yet agian i cant remember.

if you have acess to a drill press and taps the hammer issue would be no problem, just be careful to not hit the jam nut threading.

good luck with this project but IMHO i dont think you will get the preformance you want, and the price to do all you want will not be was good as if you built a sniper up from the ground.

its kind of the same thing as building a spimmy or an extreamly upgraded spyder, ya it works well but its still not as good as the timmy it is like, unique yes but meh all personal preferance.

if you want any help with LP stuff let me know ill do my best to help


12-29-2006, 04:57 PM
I don't necessarily(sp?) want LP operation, I just want the lightest operation I can get out of it. Light springs, light and smooth hammer, smooth bolt, etc. I just want the pump action to be as light as possible.

12-29-2006, 05:09 PM
well if you spring it well LP can give uber soft pump. if i jerk my gun back i can cock it by jsut the ccm kits weight pushing back.

the higher the psi holding the vavle shut the harder the main spring must be to open it but the shorter it must stay open. viasa versa for LP
