View Full Version : Strange automag mainbody

12-29-2006, 11:02 PM
This kid on PBN claims that he "built" his own custom automag mainbody... but he doesn't go into any detail on how he did it. I've never seen another body like before. A hacked up sluggo perhaps?

Here's a link to his thread in the custom markers section- here (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=1922239)

And here's his forsale link with a better picture (scroll down)- here (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=1922152)

What do you think it could possibly be?

12-29-2006, 11:08 PM
I remember that gun.
A few guys have cut their bodies from slugs. Some look good, others dont.
What about it is hard to believe?

12-29-2006, 11:09 PM
this is my pride and joy. This gun is an automag but instead of those goofy looking things that you usually see this is pure beauty. this body is 1 of 1 custom made and thats how i like it nobody has anything like this at your field and i will garantee that. it has an x valve that cost me 350(bought it new from actionvillage.com) that i decided to throw on that makes this gun absolutely rips. if you know automags check this out im asking
$500obo its hot and you know it

WTF?!?!? :wow: Thats a pretty big blanket statement...... I have actually never seen a GOOFY automag..........

12-29-2006, 11:12 PM
Not hard to believe... just not something you see every day.

12-29-2006, 11:16 PM
Not hard to believe... just not something you see every day.


12-29-2006, 11:21 PM
I considered replying to that thread, but didnt.

I *believe* that is the FESTUS body. When the SLUGG bodies first came out, a machinisht here on AO did that body on his manual mill. It has some simple cuts, but looks pretty good in person.

He only did 1 as I recall(maybe 2), so it is definitly unique.

There's another one a guy has that looks similar to it. He's one of the Dallara guys in the MOTM every month. I dont recall his name.

12-29-2006, 11:23 PM
I considered replying to that thread, but didnt.

I *believe* that is the FESTUS body. When the SLUGG bodies first came out, a machinisht here on AO did that body on his manual mill. It has some simple cuts, but looks pretty good in person.

He only did 1 as I recall(maybe 2), so it is definitly unique.

I do recall it looking similar to that too.

12-29-2006, 11:38 PM
I considered replying to that thread, but didnt.

I *believe* that is the FESTUS body. When the SLUGG bodies first came out, a machinist here on AO did that body on his manual mill. It has some simple cuts, but looks pretty good in person.

He only did 1 as I recall(maybe 2), so it is definitly unique.



they look different to me

oh and rogue, its FETUS not festus... :ninja:

12-29-2006, 11:44 PM
1st one is very nicely done.

The one from pbn......not bad, not my taste, but not bad.

12-29-2006, 11:46 PM
oh yea i just bought something off that guy, and he said that he came up with the design and had to pay for someone to mill it.
Dont know if thats true but its what he told me

12-30-2006, 12:54 AM
That Festus body looks sick! I wish I had one...

12-30-2006, 01:23 AM
I *believe* that is the FESTUS body. When the SLUGG bodies first came out, a machinist here on AO did that body on his manual mill. It has some simple cuts, but looks pretty good in person.

He only did 1 as I recall(maybe 2), so it is definitly unique.

yeah thats a festus body, and if i recall correctly there are around 5-10. ALMOST POSITIVE its not a 1 of 1 though

12-30-2006, 01:29 AM
a little anno goes a long way, someone shoudl tell him that

Gruntbull to the rescue

12-30-2006, 01:32 AM
He said he had it custom done by a machine shop... I don't remember where he posted that, but it was somewere on PBN

12-30-2006, 02:57 AM
i dont remember who, but i uploaded pics for that body. obviously its seen better days.




12-30-2006, 03:41 AM
/rogue in with da ballgag

12-30-2006, 05:39 AM
i dont remember who, but i uploaded pics for that body. obviously its seen better days.




I could have sworn I saw that body go for like 165.00-175.00 on Ebay about a year ago.
I bid on it but I didnt like it enough for the price it went for.
It didnt have a feedneck or detents.

12-30-2006, 09:38 AM
I remember seeing this Emag hanging from a peg board next to a silver to green fade XMag here on AO a year and a half ago or so.

http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/1000/emag_festus33_19163.jpg (http://www.jayloo.com/photo_gallery/show_pic/401.html)

12-30-2006, 12:15 PM
Geeze this blows... Thought I was trading into a one off mag and then someone has to break out the harsh truth on me. :shooting:

Man, never good business to tell someone that you made a body then have them get busted like this. Also, in one of the threads, he said a local mech. shop made it, in another, he said he himself made it...

I just posted in the PBN thread playing devils advocate to see his response...

12-30-2006, 12:54 PM
Well in all truth, it is a one off, I only made two of those bodies.
One for Wallace9111, and one for Myself (it's pretty obvious which one was Mine)
Wallace's had the scallop's cut with a ball end mill on the top facet's, and the chrome No-Rise centerfeed. Mine had clean facet's all around and the black No-Rise.
Yes the body shown in the PBNation for sale thread Definetly is the one that I machined for Wallace9111.
My personal gun was traded to SteveD from Aerostar, then sold I believe on EBay.
I semi-retired from paintball about 2yr's ago, then pretty much completely retired this past year. I still have My System X black to blue fade NMe, but have'nt played in about a year and a half. The Wallace9111 body can easily be brought back up to the high polish it had when I shipped it to him originally, with the use of a buffing wheel and some jewelers rouge.
It's kind of interesting to see that some folk's still remember where those came from :clap:

12-30-2006, 12:58 PM
Well in all truth, it is a one off, I only made two of those bodies.
One for Wallace9111, and one for Myself (it's pretty obvious which one was Mine)
Wallace's had the scallop's cut with a ball end mill on the top facet's, and the chrome No-Rise centerfeed. Mine had clean facet's all around and the black No-Rise.
Yes the body shown in the PBNation for sale thread Definetly is the one that I machined for Wallace9111.
My personal gun was traded to SteveD from Aerostar, then sold I believe on EBay.
I semi-retired from paintball about 2yr's ago, then pretty much completely retired this past year. I still have My System X black to blue fade NMe, but have'nt played in about a year and a half. The Wallace9111 body can easily be brought back up to the high polish it had when I shipped it to him originally, with the use of a buffing wheel and some jewelers rouge.
It's kind of interesting to see that some folk's still remember where those came from :clap:

Thanks a ton for replying to my PM/email I sent this morning - Came back from the dead all for lil' ole me. :D

12-30-2006, 02:05 PM
You did a great job with it. Pics dont do it justice. And your original thread that walked us through the process made it hard to forget.

Wallace was local to me, and seeing the body in person made it worth remembering. Glad to see you still lurk around here. Hope you get back into the scene someday.

i guess a few of us will have to go pester him at Paintball Sams :D

Rick hows it going man?

12-30-2006, 06:12 PM
Hey Rogue
It's Great to see someone's got My back, even if I have'nt been around here in a long while :cheers:
I even went back into the archive's to look at My OLD :wow: thread's Myself, good link's can answer a lot of question's :headbang: I agree I wished A.O. still hosted the pic's,then 99GenX could see Exactly how his slug body was made!

Hey Trevor
I'm doing fine, have'nt really been around Sam's that much this past year,except for Big Game's.
My life lately has been taken up by work, and Snowmobile's. Now if I could just get some snow to fall in this state, I'd be a truly Happy Camper.
Still Gunsmithing and My Brother and Myself bought a new lathe last year.
Rick :cheers:

12-30-2006, 08:10 PM
Hey Rogue
It's Great to see someone's got My back, even if I have'nt been around here in a long while :cheers:
I even went back into the archive's to look at My OLD :wow: thread's Myself, good link's can answer a lot of question's :headbang: I agree I wished A.O. still hosted the pic's,then 99GenX could see Exactly how his slug body was made!

Hey Trevor
I'm doing fine, have'nt really been around Sam's that much this past year,except for Big Game's.
My life lately has been taken up by work, and Snowmobile's. Now if I could just get some snow to fall in this state, I'd be a truly Happy Camper.
Still Gunsmithing and My Brother and Myself bought a new lathe last year.
Rick :cheers:

well we ALMOST got snow... but alas its raining again :p i almost feel sorry for you snowmobilers.... but then again no snow means no salt on the roads wich means more motorcycle for me :D

are you going to be at valentines day massacre? looks like ill be rounding up a few just to get out and play. you should come out

12-30-2006, 11:27 PM
I PM'd VENNY asking if he would care to explain the issue in his thread - he promptly deleted the thread and then PM'd me asking which thread I was talking about.

I assume he realized he had been backed into a corner; I will just reply to the PM refrencing this thread to him.

None the less, I am excited to be getting this marker even if he didn't build it (honestly I'm even more excited knowing that a respected member of AO crafted it from his work bench) - I've got a very unique ano planned for her!


i didn't delete the thread i couldn't find it myself....and no i wasn't lying the guy i got it from was he said it was custom milled at his machine shop i am sorry for my confusion on this issue......to shorten the story i said i got the milling done, because the person i purchased this from he lives about 5 miles from me told me that it was a 1 of 1 mill he had done...

Sounds good to me.

12-31-2006, 11:22 AM
Hey Rogue
It's Great to see someone's got My back, even if I have'nt been around here in a long while :cheers:
I even went back into the archive's to look at My OLD :wow: thread's Myself, good link's can answer a lot of question's :headbang: I agree I wished A.O. still hosted the pic's,then 99GenX could see Exactly how his slug body was made!

Hey Trevor
I'm doing fine, have'nt really been around Sam's that much this past year,except for Big Game's.
My life lately has been taken up by work, and Snowmobile's. Now if I could just get some snow to fall in this state, I'd be a truly Happy Camper.
Still Gunsmithing and My Brother and Myself bought a new lathe last year.
Rick :cheers:

Do you have anymore slugs left laying around?

12-31-2006, 11:36 AM
Do you have anymore slugs left laying around?

I was wondering the same thing.

01-01-2007, 06:04 PM
i dont remember who, but i uploaded pics for that body. obviously its seen better days.




I have that exact body right now actually. I got it off Ebay probably a year ago. It's a nice body actually, but the front overhangs any rail you can find I think....Oh, and I can't remove the feedneck to save my life :dance: