View Full Version : Phantom Feed Thoughts

12-31-2006, 02:04 PM
So I'm looking to get a phantom, I'm most likely to go through WWA and get a VSC, the only question I have left is what feed? The standard CCI feed, or the one piece from WWA? Pros and Cons? Thanks!

12-31-2006, 02:10 PM
The stock SC CCI feed is just fine. If you want to go with a fancier SC feed the WW 1 piece is fine. Personally I think they look wierd - to many curvy lines that don't flow well on a phantom.

Personally, I think the http://desertduckdd68.com/38801.html 1 piece feed is much better looking, as well as lighter.

12-31-2006, 04:20 PM
My feed tube occasionally falls off the stock 'stock' one, I would choose the one piece IMHO

12-31-2006, 05:08 PM
one piece is easier to swap out and maintain becasue the stock one can crack off or unthread, but the one piece does not look as good to some people and it does not hold as many balls as the stock ones (if you get the 15 ball one)

it really comes down to preferance, but if you play really hard and smack your gun around go with the one piece (just hopefuly you wont smack it hard enough to rip out the screw)

good luck


01-01-2007, 07:36 PM
The stock SC CCI feed is just fine. If you want to go with a fancier SC feed the WW 1 piece is fine. Personally I think they look wierd - to many curvy lines that don't flow well on a phantom.

Personally, I think the http://desertduckdd68.com/38801.html 1 piece feed is much better looking, as well as lighter.

Wow, Thanks, I really like the look of that.

01-01-2007, 07:38 PM
one piece is easier to swap out and maintain becasue the stock one can crack off or unthread, but the one piece does not look as good to some people and it does not hold as many balls as the stock ones (if you get the 15 ball one)

it really comes down to preferance, but if you play really hard and smack your gun around go with the one piece (just hopefuly you wont smack it hard enough to rip out the screw)

good luck


Thanks for everyones thoughts on this.

01-01-2007, 09:07 PM
I have a phantom VSC and just use the stock feed but always wanted to buy the One piece feed because it just looks nasty. There's gonna be no improvment in performance just looks but i think its still worth it.

01-01-2007, 09:43 PM
Rob, try to catch me on MSN sometime. I know alot about Phantoms, and I would love to help you out sometime. Too bad I didn't get to see you at DBS that day, or I would have let you try my Phantom, which I ALWAYS take with me to the field.

For a bit more info, I have a sticky on PBR for the CCI Phantom FAQ

01-01-2007, 10:46 PM
Rob, try to catch me on MSN sometime. I know alot about Phantoms, and I would love to help you out sometime. Too bad I didn't get to see you at DBS that day, or I would have let you try my Phantom, which I ALWAYS take with me to the field.

For a bit more info, I have a sticky on PBR for the CCI Phantom FAQ

I've been meaning to chat with you, but I've been busy the past few weeks. I'll catch up with you on IM sometime this week before I do anything.