View Full Version : GA Devil

01-03-2007, 12:27 AM
Is GA Devil a criminal?

Think of this as a PSA.

01-03-2007, 12:37 AM
First and only warning, new guy. We do not cuss here on AO. Do it again, and you'll visit Ban Land for a while. Army

01-03-2007, 12:42 AM
That's a little vague isn't it?

Does this also inclue TAG Sportz with the E-Mag Predator Board?

I can appreciate the frustration of paying for D-Mags and not seeing them, or even sending off your own gear to be made into a D-Mag/Frame.

Are these actions criminal? Possibly. Has he kept open lines of communication with those who've place orders with him? I'd guess not since people seem to be a little miffed about the whole thing. Failure to deliver a product "in a timely manner" perhaps? Seriously. The biggest problem with Vaporware is having things go badly while trying to get the product to production. In the span of time that it has taken so far, one might assume that completion of these guns/frames would be reasonably even if each gun needed to be hand assembled from various parts.

What's the hold up? Who knows. Last know it was a board component or some such, wasn't it?

Maybe a monthly/semi-weekly update news letter would be good, yeah?

I dunno, it's all gone wrong. :tard:

01-03-2007, 03:16 AM
I would say that his refusal to answer questions or return guns/cash constitutes an illegal act(theft). It's fairly obvious that he's biding his time hoping legal action is not taken.

I beleive this constitutes a written contract, and there are actualy laws about time of fullfilment in written(and oral) contracts when no date is specified. I have a hunch that has passed or is passing quickly.

I realise the gentleman is having issues, but you do not (as someone whos only jobs have been doing private contract work in some form or another) withhold information, money, and/or products from a customer for indefinet periods of time and expect to ever have buisness again. If I took someones money to network there home, then spent the next year not responding to there phone calls and not coming out to do it, I would be in court in short order. I feel like this is the sameway.

These frames are not overtly complicate to assemble once milled, it's quite obvious to me he is not working on them until he's threatend. Proper buisness practice is to return and refund customers money when your unable/willing to complete your services, plus repair any damages made in the process.

I have a feeling this joker will hide behind bankruptcy law at somepoint, wich will be bad for those who payed. On the other hand, if he continues to refuse return of individual guns, criminal charges will be a viable, and recomendable, option.

I have watched this drama from the begining(almost bought one myself), and it is outrageous. I will happily do buisness with rogue, RR, tuna, Gruntbull, coolhand, etc., even though it might cost me a little more, these men have valid good reputations and produce quality work with realistic production times. Ga Devil, and TAG in general, have lost my respect , and buisness, never having seen there work.

Thanks and Gig'em

01-03-2007, 10:06 AM
Well the entire reason for this thread is to see whats up with the whole Devil mag thing and why people aren't getting theit mags back. If he is a crook then I'd like everyone to know it because I'm that kind of guy. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

01-03-2007, 12:02 PM
Well the entire reason for this thread is to see whats up with the whole Devil mag thing and why people aren't getting theit mags back. If he is a crook then I'd like everyone to know it because I'm that kind of guy. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

Does the whole Devilmag thing concern you? Other words do you or did you have one on preorder?

If you want to know the deal go read the Devilmag Thread....makes sense to me..

01-03-2007, 02:07 PM
Well, im not trying to defend anyone here, but I dont think the guy can make them if he doesnt have the parts. There are no boards. NONE. He was using Predator Morlocks, which the supply has long ago dried up (Still waiting over a year for one I paid for from KM2) - and the new replacement for them, the Micro Morlock, is sittiing somewhere right next to the emag predator boards, which is GOD-KNOWS-WHERE.

This is just a real bad situation for everyone and it looks like its going to get ugly. GADevil doesnt help his case by disapearing for months. He needs to communicate with his customers and keep them informed at the very least IMO.

Is there even any avenue of recourse or has this become a lost cause?

01-03-2007, 02:27 PM
Well, im not trying to defend anyone here, but I dont think the guy can make them if he doesnt have the parts. There are no boards. NONE. He was using Predator Morlocks, which the supply has long ago dried up (Still waiting over a year for one I paid for from KM2) - and the new replacement for them, the Micro Morlock, is sittiing somewhere right next to the emag predator boards, which is GOD-KNOWS-WHERE.

This is just a real bad situation for everyone and it looks like its going to get ugly. GADevil doesnt help his case by disapearing for months. He needs to communicate with his customers and keep them informed at the very least IMO.

Is there even any avenue of recourse or has this become a lost cause?

Isn't Coolhand suffering the same issues with his frame due to a lack of boards?

01-03-2007, 02:31 PM
Isn't Coolhand suffering the same issues with his frame due to a lack of boards?

I think he got some in from somewhere, im not 100% sure. Coolhand however keeps everyone up to date.

01-03-2007, 02:44 PM
I think he got some in from somewhere, im not 100% sure. Coolhand however keeps everyone up to date.

yes he does. not to mention, he told everyone ordering that these would take a WHILE.

01-03-2007, 03:24 PM
Why have replacement boards not been found or refunds/ boardless frames offered as options?

I beleive Big Evil has used an NME boards, I fully intended to use a slightly modified t-board in the pancake noid frame I was building(and managed to destroy....long story), I'm shure some viable alternative could be engineered. If it can't, he needs to offer the option to get out now due to his inability to deliver the product. That inability is a breach of contract as I said....

01-03-2007, 08:58 PM
Why have replacement boards not been found or refunds/ boardless frames offered as options?

I beleive Big Evil has used an NME boards, I fully intended to use a slightly modified t-board in the pancake noid frame I was building(and managed to destroy....long story), I'm shure some viable alternative could be engineered. If it can't, he needs to offer the option to get out now due to his inability to deliver the product. That inability is a breach of contract as I said....

You just dont want an 'alternative'. I hate the NME board. I had to make a bunch of changes to the frame, and once I get something smaller im ditching it. It is unsuitable, well, actually 'not ideal' for my application. (Although it works, and works well).

If you are going to spend the money on something like this, you should get the best board for your needs. I was very close to offering this as a service (Like Pneumagger with the pframes) but the lack of boards killed the idea. (Ok put the idea on life support).

FYI for anyone waiting for a board to use - I have been told by Jim at APE that their uniboards are well in the works and will be going into production this month. If you are like me and anxiously awaiting something like it. it wont be too much longer.

01-03-2007, 09:04 PM
ok, so he cant get the boards or whatever parts. email the people whose guns he has, offer them a refund, and send them their guns back.

oh wait, he probably spent all the money, and can only give the guns back...oh wait, he doesn't care.....

01-03-2007, 09:05 PM
I do not beleive that GADevil set out with the intent to defraud anyone in any way shape or form. I do beleive that this project snowballed on him, has been handled in a totally inappropriate way, and he has not offered alternative solutions to those who have sought them. His lack of communication it would seem, and lack of "letting people out" have caused this situation to be worse than it could be. That being said, well its dealing with an ultra small business. I doubt he could refund people there money and just be done with it - because I beleive if he could he would have. Why he does not just send back the markers in whatever state they are in now and work out a solution with the owners I don't know.

The unfortunate thing about it now, is I beleive the solutions for solving this that the owners have are not simple and may require use of "the system". That being said, I would not be surprised if massive pushing by multiple owners pushed him over the edge, a declaration of bankruptcy and returning of your products would leave you all little legal recourse (I think, nto a lawyer).

Chris Nearchos
01-03-2007, 09:12 PM
Well, im not trying to defend anyone here, but I dont think the guy can make them if he doesnt have the parts. There are no boards. NONE. He was using Predator Morlocks, which the supply has long ago dried up (Still waiting over a year for one I paid for from KM2) - and the new replacement for them, the Micro Morlock, is sittiing somewhere right next to the emag predator boards, which is GOD-KNOWS-WHERE.

okay, if the boards are the problem then whats up with my order. i ordered a bolt on frame WITH NO BOARD (cause i already had a brand new board in hand ready to go for it)....but yet iam still going on this wait with everyone. about 2 years now.

01-03-2007, 09:18 PM
okay, if the boards are the problem then whats up with my order. i ordered a bolt on frame WITH NO BOARD (cause i already had a brand new board in hand ready to go for it)....but yet iam still going on this wait with everyone. about 2 years now.

really?!!! he's had the frames done for months now...and really, with the frame done, you could do the rest yourself in under an hour. wow....you guys are alot more patient than I would be.

01-03-2007, 09:19 PM
okay, if the boards are the problem then whats up with my order. i ordered a bolt on frame WITH NO BOARD (cause i already had a brand new board in hand ready to go for it)....but yet iam still going on this wait with everyone. about 2 years now.

Yeah I wish I could even guess at that one bro.