View Full Version : Anyone ever shoot a "Type X" 'Cocker?

01-04-2007, 02:57 AM
I just picked one up BNIB on eBay. I used the buy it now because I thought it was too good of a deal to pass up. PB Review says it's pretty good.

If the pneumatics end up being [poopy], I could always turn it into a decent pump. :rolleyes:
But I'd like to keep it semi.

Any thoughts? Opinions?

LINKY (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230073284551&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fse arch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26satitle%3D230073284551%26f vi%3D1)

P.S. - Sorry if any of you bid. I just need a new toy to tide me over until Pneumagger is finished with my frame. ;) (Joe, call me and we'll meet up. I want to see this thing in person!)

01-04-2007, 03:13 AM
From what I recall some synonyms of 'trash' come to mind.

01-04-2007, 03:27 AM
System X Cockers from what I saw were probably one of the poorer examples of a house brand 'Cocker. Better examples came from Free Flow, ShockTech, CCM, even DYE. All in all though, for $100 it really isn't all that bad a deal if only for the custom body. There's little on a Cocker that can't be fixed with a few ups if the price is right for the base gun.

01-04-2007, 04:33 AM
Well, I have an extra set of pneumatics, so I'll have to see about those.

How's the valve? Bolt (appears to be delrin)? Hammer assembly? What is the springin like?
Hopefully it'll be better than expected.

01-04-2007, 05:05 AM
Well, I have an extra set of pneumatics, so I'll have to see about those.

How's the valve? Bolt (appears to be delrin)? Hammer assembly? What is the springin like?
Hopefully it'll be better than expected.

just pic up a WWA pump kit in ALL black on ebay for $50-60 and you have a STORMTROOPER! :p

01-04-2007, 07:32 AM
Yeah I kinda agree...It will make a NICE sniper

01-04-2007, 08:58 AM
Sniper, definitely...boost your M Carter Brown street cred :)

01-04-2007, 04:10 PM
there is a reason system x as been dubed sissy x.

system x cockers are not made to the same specs the good older WGP cockers were. the pneumatics are sub par IMHO and meh they just arent great, the pneus on that one luckly are adjustable w/o adjusting the actuating rod and the trigger frames are pretty snappy and light.

100 bucks isnt bad for that but i would not buy it personaly but not bad.


01-04-2007, 05:21 PM
Yeah I kinda agree...It will make a NICE sniper
QFT. It wouldn't make a bad sniper. Now on to your next question; WWA or CCM?

01-04-2007, 05:46 PM
Like I said (for all you pump enthusiasts), I'd like to keep it mech. I already have a Trilogy converted to a pump. Or, I may pick up a CCM pump kit just so I can lend the Trilogy out... :rolleyes: But it's going to stay mostly semi.

Jaan, I've got a P68 on hold for me, plus I already own a Splatmaser, Sniper, and a few other goodies. I think I'm good on MCB points. ;)

I have enough parts to replace the pneumatics, so I guess I'll be doing that.
So then I'll ask again. How are the guts?

And thanks for all of your input.

01-04-2007, 05:56 PM
I've heard that System X Cockers are semi-beginner markers and also, that some of them do have pneumatics problems. Honestly, I've always though that they don't look to bad. That's all I got for you.

01-04-2007, 06:30 PM
i havent heard anything to bad about the sys x cockers internaly, the only thing i might be worried about would be the springs being set not how i like and maybe the flow on the valve (you cant really mess up a hammer).

even if you replace the pneumatics and internals you still will probably come up ahead since even a body is worth more than 100 bucks
