View Full Version : Help Me I Have Been Scammed

01-04-2007, 10:29 AM
I cant Believe it has happened to me...Oscarine aka Mark Fanslau was selling a pink lady nexus cocker and I bought it off him with a MO. I shipped it out last week and now when I call his cell phone it has been canceled and the company he had me send it to said he no longer works there and he hasnt responded to anyof my pms as of lately...Is there anything I can do or am I f'd?

01-04-2007, 10:31 AM
I wouldn't get too excited too quickly. Its possible the cell phone was a company phone and the number cancelled off by the company when he quit / was fired. Assuming you saw good feed back and took the normal precautions I'd wait at least three weeks from sending MO to get too concerned

01-04-2007, 10:33 AM
well he never gave me a home address or another phone # and the fact that he always answered my pms with in mins makes me kinda worried

01-04-2007, 10:39 AM
well he never gave me a home address or another phone # and the fact that he always answered my pms with in mins makes me kinda worried

i hope that since you are posting this you've tried pm'ing him since and he has not responded?

Was the address you sent the MO to a work or home addy for the guy?

01-04-2007, 10:48 AM
well he never gave me a home address or another phone # and the fact that he always answered my pms with in mins makes me kinda worried

There is a distinct possibility things have changed on his online times, considering he no longer works where he did. I personally think you are getting worked up far too soon.

01-04-2007, 12:21 PM
Derek? ;)

01-04-2007, 12:26 PM
Derek Rhodes Is A Scammmerrrrrrr !!!!1!!!11!!!!!

01-04-2007, 12:35 PM
Derek Rhodes Is A Scammmerrrrrrr !!!!1!!!11!!!!!

Everybody knows that....

01-04-2007, 12:38 PM
who the heck is derek rhodes

01-04-2007, 12:39 PM
you could always see if he has cashed the money order (which most likely he did) and if some chance he hasnt cancel it

01-04-2007, 12:41 PM
who the heck is derek rhodes

Your Father.

01-04-2007, 12:41 PM
who the heck is derek rhodes

a scammorz!!!

01-04-2007, 12:43 PM
a scammorz!!!

rudz is a scammer.

he stole my brain!

01-04-2007, 12:46 PM
And your virginity.

/Dear 8 pounds 6 ounces baby Jesus, new born, not even spoken a word yet...

01-04-2007, 12:46 PM
wow nice to see everyone can be so mature and stay on topic here... all I wanted was a lil bit of help....

01-04-2007, 12:46 PM
rudz is a scammer.

he stole my brain!
i wouldnt doubt it :rofl:

01-04-2007, 12:48 PM
And your virginity.

ooooooooooooooooh no you didnt!!!!

01-04-2007, 12:52 PM
wow nice to see everyone can be so mature and stay on topic here... all I wanted was a lil bit of help....
i gave you the some help so i figured i could go off topic a little bit
Give it a little more time the company he worked for ma of closed(seems fishy) putting a cripple on his ability to contact you if it goes for a week longer i hope you get it but if not just get ready to file mail fraud and contact the police

01-04-2007, 12:56 PM
did the phone number work before? did you call it to confirm it was his?

01-04-2007, 12:59 PM
did the phone number work before? did you call it to confirm it was his?
Im curious did you send the money without verifying the information he gave you? You must of rushed this deal without looking into the guy you were buying from. I hope you get your gun/money back but you shouldnt rush into a deal without knowing all the information about the guy your doing business with.

01-04-2007, 01:01 PM
Im curious did you send the money without verifying the information he gave you? You must of rushed this deal without looking into the guy you were buying from. I hope you get your gun/money back but you shouldnt rush into a deal without knowing all the information about the guy your doing business with.

tru dat

01-04-2007, 01:02 PM
tru dat
I know my words are golden
so ill sing you a song for your sfl?

chill will
01-04-2007, 01:03 PM
This is what you have to put up with in the AO community. Why, I have no clue but I was in your shoes once before and could not believe the comments I got from some of the guys in this group. Just pay them no mind.

I would wait untill next week and if you dont here from him or get your stuff by then, :mad: blow him up.

01-04-2007, 01:13 PM
Does he live in MI or NJ ??

Here is what I came up with. Just my .02 pm me if you need more help


Edit: you will have to copy and paste ^^

Edit again: I would give it a week or so to see if he responds. Alot of people are busy with work around the new year. (at least where I work)

01-04-2007, 01:17 PM
This is what you have to put up with in the AO community. Why, I have no clue but I was in your shoes once before and could not believe the comments I got from some of the guys in this group. Just pay them no mind.

I would wait untill next week and if you dont here from him or get your stuff by then, :mad: blow him up.

The AO community offered opinion and help before it spiralled downward...

01-04-2007, 01:20 PM
The AO community offered opinion and help before it spiralled downward...

We are the win.

01-04-2007, 01:23 PM

This stuff happens all the time...
I thought I got scammed, turns out the guy sent it to the wrong address...
Be patient for the time being.

01-04-2007, 01:30 PM
P & B Walsh
31 Mary Ann Rd
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438-8821
(973) 208-8918

That may be it ^^^???

01-04-2007, 01:32 PM
u kno zaba search is kinda scary..

01-04-2007, 01:39 PM
u kno zaba search is kinda scary..

My parrents were amazed when I found out through the internetz all of their property (houses/land) , amount of taxes paid/not paid, and their DOB. Its getting kinda hard to hide :ninja:

01-04-2007, 02:58 PM
i am teh scammorz. Im in yo ceiling, watchin you fap

01-04-2007, 03:27 PM
wow nice to see everyone can be so mature and stay on topic here... all I wanted was a lil bit of help....

Bo, bo, bo, bo, no one wants to help me. :cry:
In the short time I have been here I have leaened that the AO community will answer your question with the up-most maturity if your questions deserves it.

01-04-2007, 03:28 PM
My name isn't on the stalker site :D
I are ninja :ninja:


Colin B Moritz (Nov 1977), I are teh stalkerz.

/it's pretty cool Moritz Kernell's road is named after you
// This site is awesomesauce

01-04-2007, 03:30 PM
I cant Believe it has happened to me...Oscarine aka Mark Fanslau was selling a pink lady nexus cocker and I bought it off him with a MO. I shipped it out last week and now when I call his cell phone it has been canceled and the company he had me send it to said he no longer works there and he hasnt responded to anyof my pms as of lately...Is there anything I can do or am I f'd?

Dude... the money order probably never got there yet or just got there. You mailed over new years weekend smart guy.

Give it 2 more weeks, then post back up on the boards for another thread pool party.

01-04-2007, 04:15 PM
Dude... the money order probably never got there yet or just got there. You mailed over new years weekend smart guy.

Give it 2 more weeks, then post back up on the boards for another thread pool party.

But... but... I paid for it 2 hours ago, why don't I have it?

01-04-2007, 04:20 PM
But... but... I paid for it 2 hours ago, why don't I have it?
Cause you got scammed n00b.

01-04-2007, 04:23 PM
But... but... I paid for it 2 hours ago, why don't I have it?

i'm in your mailbox, stealing your packages.

01-04-2007, 06:55 PM
waiting to see if it arrives is fine except for the fact that if the mo didnt arrive yet and he no longer has his job at the location to which I sent the MO to and I have no other way of contacting him other than the company phone which got canceled and the company he no longer works for....I think that might cause a slight problem dont you? God I never knew there to be such antics on AO. Guess Ill just stick to Nation from now on... :mad:

Some mod please close/delete this thread it is no longer of use to anyone.

01-04-2007, 06:57 PM
waiting to see if it arrives is fine except for the fact that if the mo didnt arrive yet and he no longer has his job at the location to which I sent the MO to and I have no other way of contacting him other than the company phone which got canceled and the company he no longer works for....I think that might cause a slight problem dont you? God I never knew there to be such antics on AO. Guess Ill just stick to Nation from now on... :mad:

What are your options right now? Wait, and assume it will come as you have no contact information for him or panic. Which do you think is better?

01-04-2007, 06:58 PM
Bo, bo, bo, bo, no one wants to help me. :cry:
In the short time I have been here I have leaened that the AO community will answer your question with the up-most maturity if your questions deserves it.

We did, the first few answers are intended as helpful, how much information can we give him?

01-04-2007, 07:08 PM
waiting to see if it arrives is fine except for the fact that if the mo didnt arrive yet and he no longer has his job at the location to which I sent the MO to and I have no other way of contacting him other than the company phone which got canceled and the company he no longer works for....I think that might cause a slight problem dont you? God I never knew there to be such antics on AO. Guess Ill just stick to Nation from now on... :mad:

Some mod please close/delete this thread it is no longer of use to anyone.

Oh My Gawd! Here's an idea. http://imgs.pbnation.com/smilies/idea.gif
Call his former work, and talk to his former boss, and get his information.
Your not trying hard enough to start whining like a Dbag.
Delete the thread yourself... and go back to PBN. Our mods have enough to delete as it is.

01-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Yea Already Called his former boss and they said they didnt have his home# or addy so before you call me a douceBag take another mydol and go the F to bed.

Ill be glad I never have to come back here one I get this resolved

01-04-2007, 07:27 PM
Yea Already Called his former boss and they said they didnt have his home# or addy so before you call me a douceBag take another mydol and go the F to bed.

Ill be glad I never have to come back here one I get this resolved
You're doing it wrong.

/and sure... his former EMPLOYER has no contact information. You know it's a required field on 99% of all job applications.
//Work much?

01-04-2007, 07:39 PM
Oh My Gawd! Here's an idea. http://imgs.pbnation.com/smilies/idea.gif
Call his former work, and talk to his former boss, and get his information.
Your not trying hard enough to start whining like a Dbag.
Delete the thread yourself... and go back to PBN. Our mods have enough to delete as it is.

highly doubt a former employer will give out personal information of one of their former employees irregardless of the situation.

01-04-2007, 07:42 PM
Just what kind of help did you expect to get from a bunch of strangers on the internet? :tard:

01-04-2007, 07:52 PM
Just what kind of help did you expect to get from a bunch of strangers on the internet? :tard:

01-04-2007, 08:10 PM
Neppo, please delete your account and never come back for posting such non-sence.

As for the rest of you.... go play paintball

As for poter give it a little more time, you did send the money order on the most busy mailing holiday. If you kept the slip that you tear off the money order, The company does have a thief process you can go through. It might take a few months but you might just get your money back. why would you ship to this guys work?

Another method is going to the place you got your money order from and say you got ripped off is there anything you can do, and see if they can help you out.

Yeah im done

01-04-2007, 08:13 PM
Yea Already Called his former boss and they said they didnt have his home# or addy so before you call me a douceBag take another mydol and go the F to bed.

Ill be glad I never have to come back here one I get this resolved

poter076 I hardly knew ye. I will miss you bud. :(

01-04-2007, 08:34 PM
This forum has become idiotic. All this guy asked for was some help, and almost everyone decided it was a good time to pretend they were the funniest person in the universe.

You aren't. If you don't want to help, don't post. Save your moronic jokes for the pointless threads in friendly corner.

Poter, I understand you getting frustrated, but bear with us and look for the informative posts. While I think the guy may need a bit more time, it's never to early to gather information to protect yourself. Obtain a copy of the cashed money order if you can (let us know where you got it if you need help). Also, use the various internet resources to try to find a home number for this guy.

01-04-2007, 08:35 PM
Just what kind of help did you expect to get from a bunch of strangers on the internet? :tard:

I guess he thought common courtesy still existed. Too bad your parents forgot to teach it to some of you.

01-04-2007, 08:36 PM
Yea Already Called his former boss and they said they didnt have his home# or addy so before you call me a douceBag take another mydol and go the F to bed.

Ill be glad I never have to come back here one I get this resolved


if you wanna be respectful, we will be glad to help.

but, if you dont like what your hearing, you are free to try PBN who have vast resources when it comes to situations like this.

have you tried the stickies?

01-04-2007, 08:38 PM

we aint your parents who are forced to put up with your silly little primadonna whining just because your balls arent being stroked the way you like it.

if you wanna be respectful, we will be glad to help.

but, if you dont like what your hearing, you are free to try PBN who have vast resources when it comes to situations like this.

Glickman, with all due respect, a lot of people acted like tools in this thread. I'm getting pissed off reading them, and I'm not even the one who may have been scammed.

This thread looks EXACTLY like the ones everyone accuses PBN of producing.

01-04-2007, 08:40 PM
Glickman, with all due respect, a lot of people acted like tools in this thread. I'm getting pissed off reading them, and I'm not even the one who may have been scammed.

This thread looks EXACTLY like the ones everyone accuses PBN of producing.

Seriously, aside from the first couple posts, how much better information can we give him? Does it not honestly look like he is jumping the gun?

01-04-2007, 08:41 PM

if you wanna be respectful, we will be glad to help.

but, if you dont like what your hearing, you are free to try PBN who have vast resources when it comes to situations like this.

have you tried the stickies?

(thank you.)

01-04-2007, 08:41 PM
... it's never to early to gather information to protect yourself...

Like before mailing money to a complete stranger :rolleyes:

/seriously, it's a mail order. Give it 3 weeks from the send date before you start calling people scammers all over the internet.
//When the time comes, then take action... like his employers, internet backround checks, and his local police.
///If you don't know at least this much you had no business dealing on the internet. I at least hope you did a US Postal Money Order.

01-04-2007, 08:43 PM
Seriously, aside from the first couple posts, how much better information can we give him? Does it not honestly look like he is jumping the gun?

Like I said, his concerns may be premature, though it never hurts to start gathering information early on. The first few posts were informative, but from there it descended into complete stupidity. It would have been far better to just post the first few responses and left it at that, instead of 2 pages of people trying to be internet comedians. The poor guy sounds concerned, and so people decide to jump in and ridicule him. People complain all the time about PBN, but how is this any different?

01-04-2007, 08:45 PM
Like before mailing money to a complete stranger :rolleyes:

/seriously, it's a mail order. Give it 3 weeks from the send date before you start calling people scammers all over the internet.
//When the time comes, then take action... like his employers, internet backround checks, and his local police.
///If you don't know at least this much you had no business dealing on the internet. I at least hope you did a US Postal Money Order.

So, should we go mock everyone who has ever posted a "help me, i've been scammed" thread?

01-04-2007, 08:53 PM
So, should we go mock everyone who has ever posted a "help me, i've been scammed" thread?

i do see where you were going with the pbn-esqueness of a few members here.

in the best interest of AO, we need a 1 page limit on any topic. any submissions beyond that are just discarded and automatically pm'ed to pneu

anything beyond that turns to unintelligible fecal matter

01-04-2007, 08:53 PM
So, should we go mock everyone who has ever posted a "help me, i've been scammed" thread?

If they post a thread sounding like: "Help I've been scammed because the guy got fired from work and in all likelihood the MO hasn't gotten there yet... I'm screwed. SCAMZORZ"

Then they will be mocked.

Howabout I post... "Oh noes the bank closes early on friday so my computer's gonna crash. What should I do?"

/it's not funny he may be involved a scam. He just seems to be jumping to comclusions about someone who has alot of good feedback. Kinda spazzing out a bit.

01-04-2007, 09:01 PM
If they post a thread sounding like: "Help I've been scammed because the guy got fired from work and in all likelihood the MO hasn't gotten there yet... I'm screwed. SCAMZORZ"

Then they will be mocked.

Howabout I post... "Oh noes the bank closes early on friday so my computer's gonna crash. What should I do?"

/it's not funny he may be involved a scam. He just seems to be jumping to comclusions about someone who has alot of good feedback. Kinda spazzing out a bit.

Or he's just young? Either way, if a person thinks they have been ripped off, they tend to be a bit emotional about it.

If I sent someone some money for an item, and then their phone was disconnected, they were no longer at the address the package was sent to, and they no longer answered PM's, my scam-o-meter would be buzzing.

01-04-2007, 09:10 PM
If he's worried and values not being scammed mor then the nexus cocker, he'll go cancel that MO ASAP. If it cancels... no harm, no foul. If it has been spent, find out by whom, when, and run a backround check.

Not much we can help with... without more info.

01-04-2007, 09:17 PM
poter, did he ever mention that he had any pets or their names?

/serious question... need an answer

01-04-2007, 09:21 PM
Glickman, with all due respect, a lot of people acted like tools in this thread. I'm getting pissed off reading them, and I'm not even the one who may have been scammed.

This thread looks EXACTLY like the ones everyone accuses PBN of producing.

I have a solution to that:
a) Soldering iron to the eyeballs

GAWD, if you read the first post and it sounds like a flaming homos call for help, expect the homos to return that call
/behemoth is homo
// :tard:

01-04-2007, 09:33 PM
poter, did he ever mention that he had any pets or their names?

/serious question... need an answer

Oscarine is a registered user on http://www.paintballforum.com/. Check there.
He is in all probability polish.
Research gathers he may be 25 years old.
His ISP is Comcast.
His logon is Fanslau1. Find out the name of his favorite pet and enter it HERE (https://acctmgt.comcast.net/Comcast/AcctMgt/forgotpwd.cmd) to gain access to his private stuff.

Good luck. Use common sense next time. Don't be such a spaz.

01-04-2007, 10:48 PM
waiting to see if it arrives is fine except for the fact that if the mo didnt arrive yet and he no longer has his job at the location to which I sent the MO to and I have no other way of contacting him other than the company phone which got canceled and the company he no longer works for....I think that might cause a slight problem dont you? God I never knew there to be such antics on AO. Guess Ill just stick to Nation from now on... :mad:

Some mod please close/delete this thread it is no longer of use to anyone.

I actually have to agree that the "antics" on AO are getting more prevalent......

You have the power to delete it yourself. Hit edit, click delete thread, type a reason for courtesy and it will be POOFED.

01-05-2007, 12:49 AM
If he's worried and values not being scammed mor then the nexus cocker, he'll go cancel that MO ASAP. If it cancels... no harm, no foul. If it has been spent, find out by whom, when, and run a backround check.

Not much we can help with... without more info.

You can't cancel most money orders. They're like cash.

01-05-2007, 12:58 AM
I have a solution to that:
a) Soldering iron to the eyeballs

GAWD, if you read the first post and it sounds like a flaming homos call for help, expect the homos to return that call
/behemoth is homo
// :tard:

How does his first post make him sound like a flaming homo? He sounds rational, and is just looking for some advice. Some people think he is jumping the gun. I don't, but even if he is, just mention that and move on. The guy might be out hundreds of dollars, and I don't think he appreciates the "humor" of some of the people who posted. Chances are, if we were out the money, we wouldn't either.

01-05-2007, 01:30 AM
How does his first post make him sound like a flaming homo? He sounds rational, and is just looking for some advice. Some people think he is jumping the gun. I don't, but even if he is, just mention that and move on. The guy might be out hundreds of dollars, and I don't think he appreciates the "humor" of some of the people who posted. Chances are, if we were out the money, we wouldn't either.

I dont take my **** to AO tho. Feel free tho steely dan, bring your **** to AO, lets see how we respond to it... Chances are this things gonna blow over, so a)why panic b)why say you got scammed just yet and c)why post a thread on AO?

01-05-2007, 04:08 AM

Thanks Steelrat for saying everything I wanted to. :cheers:

I dont take my **** to AO tho. Feel free tho steely dan, bring your **** to AO, lets see how we respond to it... Chances are this things gonna blow over, so a)why panic b)why say you got scammed just yet and c)why post a thread on AO?

No filter avoidance there eh? When talking with intelligent people on the web or in real life never cuss, use slang etc, etc. It makes you sound and look as immature as you probably are. At least TRY and use proper grammar also. People might think you are getting or are edjumacated.

If you must dis a respected member at least do it right. Its Steely Dan.
I win the toss and get first pick. I pick Steelrat. :headbang:

01-05-2007, 11:40 AM
People are getting lazy and instead of actuaaly researching a little, like looking at the stickies and such, his questions could have been answered. I used to do it all the time when I first joined but later realized people were getting annoied(sp?) with useless my useless post. Please don't clutter, no one likes a messy forum. :)

01-05-2007, 12:17 PM
Oh my. I agree with Beemer.

'Cept you can't have Steelie, cuz I saw his purty bald head first. :)

01-05-2007, 02:02 PM

Thanks Steelrat for saying everything I wanted to. :cheers:

No filter avoidance there eh? When talking with intelligent people on the web or in real life never cuss, use slang etc, etc. It makes you sound and look as immature as you probably are. At least TRY and use proper grammar also. People might think you are getting or are edjumacated.

If you must dis a respected member at least do it right. Its Steely Dan.
I win the toss and get first pick. I pick Steelrat. :headbang:

why on earth would I want to use good grammar towards someone who is flaming about flaming a dumb subject? Thats just plain dumb, or didn't you learn that?

filter avoidance? no, I let the filter hit the words I wanted it to there. Why would I want to avoid it? He should know what I'm referring to. And cussing? Technically, I didnt cuss and theres no way to prove i did. What you fill into a blank with 4 stars is your mind, not mine. So echnically you are flaming me for flaming steely for flaming pneumaggr/rudz/behemoth for flaming the thread starter.... Yay, a flamefest :clap: :mad: :clap:

01-05-2007, 02:06 PM
This thread should be stickied as the correct way to conduct a successfull flame fest.

And whether he's been banned or not... he's still a master of his own element. You gotta tip your cap to "Derek". This Bud's for you :cheers:
6th Post (http://www.automags.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2283710&postcount=6)

01-05-2007, 03:46 PM
I cant Believe it has happened to me...Oscarine aka Mark Fanslau was selling a pink lady nexus cocker and I bought it off him with a MO. I shipped it out last week and now when I call his cell phone it has been canceled and the company he had me send it to said he no longer works there and he hasnt responded to anyof my pms as of lately...Is there anything I can do or am I f'd?

I would wait, it may be just a bunch of unfortunate circumstances. I doubt a guy would get you to send a mail order to work, recieve it and then quit his job just to steal some money.
Try and track him down and follow up on the situation (but don't be an a//).

If he is ripping you off, you can try to press charges or sue as much as it makes a difference.

01-05-2007, 03:50 PM
This thread should be stickied as the correct way to conduct a successfull flame fest.

And whether he's been banned or not... he's still a master of his own element. You gotta tip your cap to "Derek". This Bud's for you :cheers:
6th Post (http://www.automags.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2283710&postcount=6)

You fail at the internets. ;) Seperate peeps, yo.

don miguel
01-05-2007, 04:28 PM
this "Oscarine" guy only has 9 posts, one of the suggestions in the B/S/T scammer alert thread is to not buy from people w/ a low post count. Plus he joined in 2005, so he is obviously not a very "active" user (bad communication). You should have looked into that. My personal limit is to not even think about buying from people w/ under 50 posts, 100 is even risky in my mind. the post count shows how active a user is, you should have checked that out befor buying.

01-05-2007, 04:33 PM
You fail at the internets. ;) Seperate peeps, yo.
Nono... I know ur not derek. :rofl:

I'm just saying, as a blanket statement, Derek's powers reach beyond the bans. Until the mere mention of your name causes threads to spiral downward into an abyss of flames, you're a nobody. :D

01-05-2007, 04:57 PM
Nono... I know ur not derek. :rofl:

I'm just saying, as a blanket statement, Derek's powers reach beyond the bans. Until the mere mention of your name causes threads to spiral downward into an abyss of flames, you're a nobody. :D

You're still doing it wrong. ;) I think you were around at the time I'm referring to; just under your old (mispelled) screenname.

01-05-2007, 05:29 PM
How does his first post make him sound like a flaming homo? He sounds rational, and is just looking for some advice. Some people think he is jumping the gun. I don't, but even if he is, just mention that and move on. The guy might be out hundreds of dollars, and I don't think he appreciates the "humor" of some of the people who posted. Chances are, if we were out the money, we wouldn't either.


Look, its many of the same knuckle dragging monkeys that were harrasing DM, so they slow down on that, but now they look for somone else to treat like crap. All this under the idiotic idea of "Its a stupid post, so we shall flame him". Why do they think that they are the are the end all, be all of how things should be around here.? Because we have lost alot of Mods attention, and there is no consequences to their actions. Its mob mentality around here these days. Or you caould say its High school all over again, with cliques trying to be superior, and the ones trying to be superior are making themselves look more like a moron than the person they are flaming. It amazes me how a person can make a post, that doesnt break a rule, and these window lickers, are flaming away, because they think they are doing AO a favor, and breaking rules in the meantime. Grow up kiddies, because you will find consequences to your actions, maybe not now, but Karma can be cruel. Treat people like you want to be treated, how hard is that? Dont like their post? Leave it alone....sheesh.


01-05-2007, 05:41 PM

Look, its many of the same knuckle dragging monkeys that were harrasing DM, so they slow down on that, but now they look for somone else to treat like crap. All this under the idiotic idea of "Its a stupid post, so we shall flame him". Why do they think that they are the are the end all, be all of how things should be around here.? Because we have lost alot of Mods attention, and there is no consequences to their actions. Its mob mentality around here these days. Or you caould say its High school all over again, with cliques trying to be superior, and the ones trying to be superior are making themselves look more like a moron than the person they are flaming. It amazes me how a person can make a post, that doesnt break a rule, and these window lickers, are flaming away, because they think they are doing AO a favor, and breaking rules in the meantime. Grow up kiddies, because you will find consequences to your actions, maybe not now, but Karma can be cruel. Treat people like you want to be treated, how hard is that? Dont like their post? Leave it alone....sheesh.


I submit for Rebuttal:


Shane your a crappy judge of character in my opinion and should just shutup.

01-05-2007, 08:08 PM

Look, its many of the same knuckle dragging monkeys that were harrasing DM, so they slow down on that, but now they look for somone else to treat like crap. All this under the idiotic idea of "Its a stupid post, so we shall flame him". Why do they think that they are the are the end all, be all of how things should be around here.? Because we have lost alot of Mods attention, and there is no consequences to their actions. Its mob mentality around here these days. Or you caould say its High school all over again, with cliques trying to be superior, and the ones trying to be superior are making themselves look more like a moron than the person they are flaming. It amazes me how a person can make a post, that doesnt break a rule, and these window lickers, are flaming away, because they think they are doing AO a favor, and breaking rules in the meantime. Grow up kiddies, because you will find consequences to your actions, maybe not now, but Karma can be cruel. Treat people like you want to be treated, how hard is that? Dont like their post? Leave it alone....sheesh.


What highschool did you go to? I was in no way in a "superior clique" but I never had trouble with bullying or them talking smack on me because I did not act like I was an idiot :tard: .

01-05-2007, 08:35 PM

Look, its many of the same knuckle dragging monkeys that were harrasing DM, so they slow down on that, but now they look for somone else to treat like crap. All this under the idiotic idea of "Its a stupid post, so we shall flame him". Why do they think that they are the are the end all, be all of how things should be around here.? Because we have lost alot of Mods attention, and there is no consequences to their actions. Its mob mentality around here these days. Or you caould say its High school all over again, with cliques trying to be superior, and the ones trying to be superior are making themselves look more like a moron than the person they are flaming. It amazes me how a person can make a post, that doesnt break a rule, and these window lickers, are flaming away, because they think they are doing AO a favor, and breaking rules in the meantime. Grow up kiddies, because you will find consequences to your actions, maybe not now, but Karma can be cruel. Treat people like you want to be treated, how hard is that? Dont like their post? Leave it alone....sheesh.

No offense but like DUDE! Aren't you being a little bit of a hypocrit(sp)? I mean seriously, you flame everyone who flames dm even when the facts are against you. Is anyone noticing this?

01-06-2007, 01:16 PM
I submit for Rebuttal:


Shane your a crappy judge of character in my opinion and should just shutup.

Sorry, clicked the link and I dont understand what your getting at, please explain.

I may be a crappy judge of character, and maybe I should shut up. But I will post what I like as everyone else does. I feel that AO isnt past the point of no return. Its close to becoming another PBN. Which is what AO used to not want to be. I judge their character by what they post, as you would do to me also. So please tell me why you feel my character judgement is bad....


01-06-2007, 01:18 PM
What highschool did you go to? I was in no way in a "superior clique" but I never had trouble with bullying or them talking smack on me because I did not act like I was an idiot :tard: .

My point is that some people are TRYING to act like a "Superior" AO member, and becoming the problem, instead of the solution. If you havent posted in this thread flaming this guy, then you fine as far as I am concerned at this point.


01-06-2007, 01:24 PM
No offense but like DUDE! Aren't you being a little bit of a hypocrit(sp)? I mean seriously, you flame everyone who flames dm even when the facts are against you. Is anyone noticing this?

None taken.

Am I being a hypocrite? yea you could say that. But I will admit that, most of the other troublemakers cannot admit that what they are doing may not be the right way to handle things. So unforunatley I have to stoop down to their level, so that hopefully they might get what I am saying (Hasnt really worked yet..lol). Plus, its just plain starting to make me angry. What facts are you talking about? What facts are against me? please explain. As I said before, If your not following the moronic behaviors of some on AO, and posting idiotic things in perfectly proper threads, then my rants dont apply to you.


01-06-2007, 01:44 PM
In spite f all the shenannigans, he did get all the useful responses one could expect to get from the situation. The rest of the posts are clearly OT.

Don't feel so bad. If the kid was really offended and put out by a few OT responses to a question that is pretty dumb (givin it's prematurity), he can just delete the thread.

This is the internet, don't take stuff so seriously.

01-06-2007, 03:19 PM
In spite f all the shenannigans, he did get all the useful responses one could expect to get from the situation. The rest of the posts are clearly OT.

Don't feel so bad. If the kid was really offended and put out by a few OT responses to a question that is pretty dumb (givin it's prematurity), he can just delete the thread.

This is the internet, don't take stuff so seriously.


*points to my personal comment for the last 4 years*

anyway IBTF

01-06-2007, 04:01 PM
In spite f all the shenannigans, he did get all the useful responses one could expect to get from the situation. The rest of the posts are clearly OT.

Don't feel so bad. If the kid was really offended and put out by a few OT responses to a question that is pretty dumb (givin it's prematurity), he can just delete the thread.

This is the internet, don't take stuff so seriously.

True he did get good info if you read in between the crap posts. IMO, I dont think his post was dumb or premature. The way things happened would make me think it is a possible scam. So he asked for advice and help. Sorry that does not make a stupid post. In your opinion he is worrying prematurely, but in others opinion he isnt. So whos right and whos wrong? No one really, just different ways of thinking about it. But just because you may be right does not justify him being flamed. Does that make sense to anyone else?

The only reason I have taken this stuff as seriously as I have, is I see it as the start of the avalanche of PBN type posts, and the overtaking of PBN type attitude, instead of an much better AO attitude. When someone came to AO and asked questions such as this threads, people prided themselves for helping them, and trying to help them become a member of AO caliber, and not PBN caliber. But now with the quick to flame attitude of some AO'ers, its gonna chase people away, very possibly QUALITY members. The flame fest doesnt make people post better, it sends them the message, "Post like I think you should or go away". the problem is, those that act that way are not representives of AO, they are common members. Basicly it just doesnt have to be this way.


don miguel
01-06-2007, 04:56 PM

01-08-2007, 04:15 PM
To all those who have shown genuine concerne and help:

I have just recieved a Pm from another user from nation...

I bought the karni off of him and still have not recieved it... wondering if we got jacked...

This is starting to smell awfully fishy... anyone know where I can find the number for NJ police?

01-08-2007, 04:17 PM
Someone say my name?

01-08-2007, 04:40 PM
This is starting to smell awfully fishy... anyone know where I can find the number for NJ police?

I can understand needing help finding out his personal info, but you should put a little bit of effort in. I mean come on any county's PD # will be very easy to find.

Google __________(insert county) Police Dept.

11 Bravo
01-10-2007, 02:22 AM
To all those who have shown genuine concerne and help:

I have just recieved a Pm from another user from nation...

This is starting to smell awfully fishy... anyone know where I can find the number for NJ police?

Ever heard of 411? :tard: