View Full Version : cold/frozen paintballs

01-06-2007, 03:03 PM
i know freezing paintballs wont make them hard, it will make them very brittle.
well i live in canada and winter gets cold and i had about 2000rds of paintballs in my garage in freezing temperatures each night since november so finally i got around to bringing them inside and they are very brittle. so will my paint go back to normal as they warm up? or are they a lost cause and should i get rid of them? thanks

01-06-2007, 03:58 PM
They'll recover well enough. Paintballs in storage are usually kept in relatively cool climate controlled conditions.. Bring'em inside and stick them in a closet or something, turn them over every week or so and they should be fine.

And paintballs will get solid when you freeze them, solid enough anyway to punch a hole through 18 ga. Aluminum at 20' :eek:

01-06-2007, 04:44 PM
^paintballs don't freeze

I hate when the same exact threads are made here and at pbn.

Edit; http://youtube.com/watch?v=sKWxv6u1FIM

don miguel
01-06-2007, 04:50 PM
^paintballs don't freeze

I hate when the same exact threads are made here and at pbn.

Edit; http://youtube.com/watch?v=sKWxv6u1FIM

how many times have we seen this thread?

01-06-2007, 04:52 PM
paint wont freez un less its very very low grade crap. you can though get the fill to become like icecream on some paints.

punching through 18 ga al sheeting isnt that impressive seeing as al is very soft and that shee is only .06 ish inches thick.


01-06-2007, 04:57 PM
^paintballs don't freeze

I hate when the same exact threads are made here and at pbn.

Edit; http://youtube.com/watch?v=sKWxv6u1FIM

Anything will freeze....at the right temperature :P (and we usually have plenty of right temperatures in Canada :P )

01-06-2007, 05:08 PM
try liquid N2 :headbang:

01-06-2007, 05:28 PM
A friends brother used to freeze powerball to shoot at squirrels. I assure you that those paintballs WOULD in fact freeze. Downside was that about half of them developed severe humps and defects rendering them unshootable or at least unable to hit what you were aiming for.

01-06-2007, 09:35 PM
paintballs wont freeze in a freezer they get brittle and ok i hope the paintballs will be ok

01-06-2007, 09:39 PM
how many times have we seen this thread?
i dont know, i was the one who made the thread on pbn and after 1 hour of no posts i made it here i wanted to know before i went to town cause i would have picked up another case if they were gonna be bad

and as far as i know there hasnt been a thread on if they will go back to normal i searched google, AO, and pbn

so as for your question TWICE

:shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: :cry: < < YOU

01-06-2007, 09:42 PM
its one of the urban ledgends of paintball. there are the rare case some one talks about where it can happen under normal circums tances but no real proof of it, same as with chainmaille being bullet proof, no real proff of it but people always talk about it

01-07-2007, 06:21 PM
The very first tourney I ever played in (canada) had frozen balls. This was in 1987.
The organiser left the paint in his van the night before.
First game, first shot, was from about 30' and hit a guy in the temple. :wow:
The weapon? A mighty Nelspot. :shooting:
He dropped like a bag of dirt. Fortunately he was alright. :clap:

Tourny was postponed.

01-07-2007, 07:42 PM
i know freezing paintballs wont make them hard, it will make them very brittle.
well i live in canada and winter gets cold and i had about 2000rds of paintballs in my garage in freezing temperatures each night since november so finally i got around to bringing them inside and they are very brittle. so will my paint go back to normal as they warm up? or are they a lost cause and should i get rid of them? thanks

I've been trying to decipher the same and I found some, but not all of my answers at http://www.draxxus.com/TradeSecrets/BarrelFit_e.asp. Seems as if storing them to original form can be aquired by putting them in a bathroom when a hot shower is running in order to put some humidity back into the paint cells. Haven't tried it, maybe it works?