View Full Version : Is there such thing as a goood loader?

01-08-2007, 01:35 PM
I bought Empire loaders as gifts for Christmas. I bought 3 reloader A, 3 reloader 2, and 1 reloader B. Every single one of them broke within the 1st 2 games (mild play) we played. I like the sound activation of Empire loaders, but they just are not built to withstand paintball. I have also been through various Viewloaders and they too are crap. Is there anybody out there that makes decent shells for any of these loaders? I know Viewloader used to make good shells before they sold out to Brass Eagle so I know it can be done. Is there any company out there that makes a durable loader? I am to the point of wanting to make my own. :mad:

By the way, Empire's customer support absolutely sucks. My opinion of this company is that they have good ideas, very poor quality construction, and crappy customer service. It is amazing that a company like this can exist.

Big Boy
01-08-2007, 01:40 PM
The Pulse.

In one of these videos (don't remember which) he uses it to drive in a nail :eek:

VID: http://media.putfile.com/Pulse-Video-1st


(twoards the end of this video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8FDPi4eeC8

01-08-2007, 01:43 PM
I bought Empire loaders as gifts for Christmas. I bought 3 reloader A, 3 reloader 2, and 1 reloader B. Every single one of them broke within the 1st 2 games (mild play) we played. I like the sound activation of Empire loaders, but they just are not built to withstand paintball. I have also been through various Viewloaders and they too are crap. Is there anybody out there that makes decent shells for any of these loaders? I know Viewloader used to make good shells before they sold out to Brass Eagle so I know it can be done. Is there any company out there that makes a durable loader? I am to the point of wanting to make my own. :mad:

By the way, Empire's customer support absolutely sucks. My opinion of this company is that they have good ideas, very poor quality construction, and crappy customer service. It is amazing that a company like this can exist.

Yes the pulse, they hade it with the features that are lacking on any other loader in mind: good quality materials (plolycarbonate, same as what your gogle lenses are made of),

easy to clean

and feeds 40bps (yet to be proven but they claim its feed system is way faster responding that sound activation.

I think it costs about as much as a halo too $150 us.

01-08-2007, 02:01 PM
And you have to buy a $30 board to make it work right in every setting. If you just push the on button when you run to the center and need your marker you have to pause and press it just right to get the red light system on....

Stupid loader.... :cry:

yeh, it works good though....

01-08-2007, 02:19 PM
I was just going to ask for a review on the Pulse since some of the hype has died down, and there have been reports of a bunch breaking over on PeeweeNation.


01-08-2007, 02:29 PM
I've used nothing but Reloader B's and they've been tanks.. Aside from cutting the necks, they've been PERFECT.. When one of them DID act up, I got an RMA from Empire within a day and it was sent in. They fixed it FOR FREE and even rebuilt it for me (cone, springs, etc).

Empire FTW.

01-08-2007, 02:40 PM
Cant beat a Halo with an APE board in it....

01-08-2007, 03:02 PM
i got one thing to add, it starts with a Q and ends with a -LOADER. :p

01-08-2007, 03:04 PM
Yeah, I've never had any problems with my reloader as long as I've owned it...

Bad batches?

Who knows.

Big Boy
01-08-2007, 03:23 PM
My shell broke on my halo when I first got it, but I bought a new shell for it and it's been great since then.

01-08-2007, 03:24 PM
My reloaders tended to crack after a year or so of HARD use. I tend to abuse equipment and never saw a catastrophic failure though

01-08-2007, 03:54 PM
soft shell rvvy's are good. but must say that i've never used nor needed anything faster than a revvy so that's about all that I've used that's anygood.

01-08-2007, 03:58 PM
i got one thing to add, it starts with a Q and ends with a -LOADER. :p

I wasn't such a fan of mine. To much of a hassle IMO.

But my old empire reloader has never given me problems... I've had it for about three or mabye four years and its never once broken (the shell did once, but never the electronics).

If you really want reliability, use a gravity fed hopper. :p

01-08-2007, 04:41 PM
you have broken all of those hoppers the first 2 games you used every one.

first you might be over tightening your feedneck.
second how ahrd are you playing? i had an original reloader (original meaning before the revy style shells had the empire logo on them. they started to ge some stress cracks from using them so much so i epoxied all over the inside where the cracks were and that held for almsot a year longer. the last straw on it was when the battery door grove broke streight out but that was after 3 years of use.

i havent used the stock reloader shells but they are basicaly the same as the halo ones and the most comon reason for any breaks were over tighteing of the feedneck.

i cant believe that you went through all of those hoppers that quickly unless its user error (no offfence)


01-08-2007, 04:55 PM
What I've learned is when dealing with Revvies (my personal favorite), ALWAYS buy a soft shell for it (if you can find them). They last a helluva lot longer than the stock shells.

Ricochets are good, too. Probably my second favorite loader.

But then, I've never had problems with a QLoader before...

Or a Halo...

There are lots of good loaders out there.

01-08-2007, 05:02 PM
i have a soft shell revy and i love that thing

the apaches from richochet are decent but i had problems with the feed activator (replaced for free though)

every loaders have problems but most of them are user error or just bad combinations of paint and loaders and speed trying to shoot

01-08-2007, 07:13 PM
There is no better loader than the old pre BE/K2 Revi.

There are FASTER loaders....but not better.

01-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Basically..NO ..i hate loaders..which reminds me the two i own suck and i have to buy another..hmm making the grand total for loaders 450...well i take that back my halo is good just needs some more beads..but i still hate it.

01-08-2007, 07:54 PM
^^ ive noticed that halos dont preform as well as the relaoder b's do. ive also swaped out teh battery for a rechargable pack, got the suicide shells, and swaped the drive cone assembly, only problems ive had is the shells cause i have the first gen shells but they are gona get swaped soon.


01-08-2007, 08:03 PM
My halo was is much better then my reloader-b..well the my gun isnt loud enough for it..but even with a gun that is , it still doesn't work for me...but it will work for anyone else..my halo works(ed) great ,but it is getting old..I thought i heard some chatter at the field this past weekend about halo making there shells out of a more durable material..i dont know when this will start but ehh ye..maybe just rumor.

Pulse looks promosing, BUT after playing with one..it obstructs my view down the barrel..VLocity does the same but it is also too tall...so halo for now..maybe ill try a B2 since you can set the mic sensitivity to your gun.

01-08-2007, 08:10 PM
My halo was is much better then my reloader-b..well the my gun isnt loud enough for it..but even with a gun that is , it still doesn't work for me...but it will work for anyone else..my halo works(ed) great ,but it is getting old..I thought i heard some chatter at the field this past weekend about halo making there shells out of a more durable material..i dont know when this will start but ehh ye..maybe just rumor.

Pulse looks promosing, BUT after playing with one..it obstructs my view down the barrel..VLocity does the same but it is also too tall...so halo for now..maybe ill try a B2 since you can set the mic sensitivity to your gun.

My B2 with a speed wheel on the gear is by far the fastest thing i've ever witnessed.

01-08-2007, 08:16 PM
There is no better loader than the old pre BE/K2 Revi.

There are FASTER loaders....but not better.

agreed, however ive had the cracking problems with the halos/reloaders. and theyr great hoppers but the shells crack easier than they should..

i mean if i can attempt to murder a nalgene bottle and be unsuccesful why dont we have an uncrackable loader....

im very happy with my new pulse, the shells seem as strong as advertised, though some people are saying theyve broken feednecks or cracked the shell i cant imagine how.

01-08-2007, 08:22 PM
^^^^^ thats a great idea to make shells out of the same material as nalgeenes, idk if the shaped adds to the strength but that woudl work well... niot sure on weight but id be willing to take the extra weight


01-08-2007, 08:33 PM
agreed, however ive had the cracking problems with the halos/reloaders. and theyr great hoppers but the shells crack easier than they should..

i mean if i can attempt to murder a nalgene bottle and be unsuccesful why dont we have an uncrackable loader....

im very happy with my new pulse, the shells seem as strong as advertised, though some people are saying theyve broken feednecks or cracked the shell i cant imagine how.

They don't want them to be too reliable...People buy shells more regularly then they do hoppers so they probably make a pretty good bit of profit off the shells...

As for speed...as long as it feeds about 17 bps then im good...i would rather have reliability then speed.

01-08-2007, 08:39 PM
^^ that is one reason the newer 2nd gen hybrid shells have taken off so well (thes done have the random cracks as much)


01-08-2007, 08:43 PM
^^ that is one reason the newer 2nd gen hybrid shells have taken off so well (thes done have the random cracks as much)


Do they still have a lifetime warrenty?

turbo chicken
01-08-2007, 08:56 PM
i'm looking for an old black revvy shell to put my internals in those things were real tough... i should have never sold the thing ... but if you got the bucks the pulse is great ... there's some videos on you tube with them being abused and they hold up pretty well

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
01-08-2007, 08:57 PM
then all shell making companies would be losing product sales if they made something to last :cool:

01-08-2007, 09:02 PM
if you make strong shells you can still make $ by offering differnt colors/color combos etc, not to mention different boards or gear setups, then different battery packs or lids and whatnot, differnet size versions like the pulse is planning on doing as well...the list doesnt end

then you also get the prestige(spl) as a company as having the most reliable loader on the market, which wouldnt hurt

01-08-2007, 09:02 PM
Cant beat a Halo with an APE board in it....

the APE board isen't even out yet -_-

01-08-2007, 09:52 PM
Basically..NO ..i hate loaders..which reminds me the two i own suck and i have to buy another..hmm making the grand total for loaders 450...well i take that back my halo is good just needs some more beads..but i still hate it.
Well, then, just slap a stock class feed on yer gun and be done with it! :p

11 Bravo
01-09-2007, 12:48 PM
I love my Pulse loader. I think its the best loader I have had and the Shell does seem to be stronger than the shells on my Reloader B2 and my Halo. I still cracked the feedneck the first weekend I used it though. :mad: I used a clamping feedneck and must have had it too tight. :tard: Other than that it is a great loader. I would recommend them.

don miguel
01-09-2007, 05:30 PM
ya, ther's the halo, I just gotz one! For my SS25 :p

01-09-2007, 05:43 PM
ya, ther's the halo, I just gotz one! For my SS25 :p

Because.... you're a moron?

....still searching the rules for abnormally annoying stupidity.....


01-09-2007, 06:07 PM
why not use a force feed for a pump? its jstu as logical as any other hopper, ya you dont need to shoot the speed but they are more consistant on feeding than other loaders.


don miguel
01-09-2007, 08:04 PM
Because.... you're a moron?

....still searching the rules for abnormally annoying stupidity.....


yeah go to ccmowners.com and look in the action pics, quite a few people use halos on thier pumps. W/ my stock springs on my ss25, w/ autotrigger and i goldwaved at around 7-8 bps, it was pretty fast for a pump. Try one yourself. my halo has a V35 too, I hope that makes you happier. peace, mabe someday you'll understand, and not be a jerk.

01-09-2007, 08:27 PM
yeah go to ccmowners.com and look in the action pics, quite a few people use halos on thier pumps. W/ my stock springs on my ss25, w/ autotrigger and i goldwaved at around 7-8 bps, it was pretty fast for a pump. Try one yourself. my halo has a V35 too, I hope that makes you happier. peace, mabe someday you'll understand, and not be a jerk.

No no, Styg was on the ball when he said you're a moron.

01-09-2007, 08:50 PM
ok now yall are jsut being retarded. using a forcce feed hopper on a pump is in no way shape or form stupid, i know guys that have played pump for years and have used force feed hoppers on them. their reasoning is that when you need to have a ball in your gun with a halo/reloader b you will have that ball, ya its rare that any other electronic hopper wont keep up but ti happens.

pumps can be very fast with auto triggers so 7-8 is not un heard of. either yall have never played pump and have no idea what you are talking about or are jsut trying to be a-holes.


01-09-2007, 09:00 PM
Neh, I appologize, I think I have overdosed on DM's post whoring... and I have been playing pump for 15 years+, and use a revvy on my pump normally...

Back to the topic at hand, and trying not to let DM and crew ruin another good thread.

The ONLY loader I have had luck with on the shells is my pre-BE revvy, it has a softer plastic, that has withstood about 8 years of punishment now, and it is still ticking. I managed to get my hands on 2 of them, and the shells are scratched and marred, but never cracked. They are not force feed, and they max out at about 12bps, but in rec or pump play, it's not an issue.

I have broke 2 HALO TSA ( about 6-8 games each ) , a barrowed halo ( in 2-3 games ), a brand new halo ( in my gear bag, never even put it on a gun, and it was in a padded bag ) 3 post BE revvys ( at least 20 games each until they took a hit to a seam ). NONE of these were feed neck breaks either. I have one of Louie VI's warrior shells to try out now for my halo that fell apart in my gear bag, we will see if that lasts any longer than that one did.

01-09-2007, 09:41 PM
one thing i noticed with the old soft shells was that the clear shells were more brittle than the black onees (like the black ones were brittle at all)

01-09-2007, 09:42 PM
PRE-BE - they came in all sorts of colors, as long as you wanted BLACK.

Clear/Colored ones were when BE took over I believe


01-09-2007, 09:44 PM
there were clear/smokish and solid teal in soft shell. teal is very hard to find but they exist

01-09-2007, 09:59 PM
ahhh dont rememeber those at all, guess they weren't big in Michigan, because the only smoke, clear, teal, colors I ever saw were after BE took over things.

Are you talking the Gem Series? As far as I know, those were after BE took over manufacturing of the Revvy loader. ( although searching PBN there are kids over there saying they have Pre-BE loaders with "X-Board" on the mold .... hrrrmmm.... )


01-09-2007, 10:23 PM
Ricochet, Ill never use anyone's loader again. I love these, I think I have used every loader out there except the brand new stuff and a Q loader. Customer service from Ricochet is off the charts good.

01-09-2007, 11:07 PM
I still have and use a clear VL2000 and VL3000. I love 'em. No cracks yet...(knocks on wood)

Also, the new manufacturers love to see people buying new shells. They typically only cost about $.07 to make, do the math.