View Full Version : pulse loader?

01-09-2007, 08:22 PM
has any one tried one of the new pulse loaders yet? i've read that there is a transmitter that has to be installed into the gun in order for the hopper to feed. how could this loader have an addantage over a B2 or a halo B.

01-09-2007, 09:13 PM
has any one tried one of the new pulse loaders yet? i've read that there is a transmitter that has to be installed into the gun in order for the hopper to feed. how could this loader have an addantage over a B2 or a halo B.
I Don't own one, and i wont. It is meant to have an rf transmitter that bridges off your solenoid wires so it will tell the hopper to spin whenever your solenoid is activated. If you dont ahve the chip, it uses 'pulse' mode which is just the motor pulsing at certain intervals. Both modes are faster than you'll ever need. It supposedly has stronger shells, videos of people standing on them or throwing them with no damage. it also is easeir to clean with a pull out tray for all the internals. They are semi-problematic, some people report seamless operation, some have problems with it randomly turning off and such, standard new product kinks in operation.

01-09-2007, 10:29 PM
I Don't own one, and i wont. It is meant to have an rf transmitter that bridges off your solenoid wires so it will tell the hopper to spin whenever your solenoid is activated. If you dont ahve the chip, it uses 'pulse' mode which is just the motor pulsing at certain intervals. Both modes are faster than you'll ever need. It supposedly has stronger shells, videos of people standing on them or throwing them with no damage. it also is easeir to clean with a pull out tray for all the internals. They are semi-problematic, some people report seamless operation, some have problems with it randomly turning off and such, standard new product kinks in operation.

qft-except the owning one part :D

i have one, mine works great as well as 3 of my buddies.

however one person did show up with a brand new one that stopped working halfway thru the day for an unkown reason.

i suggest reading the very large thread in PBN news about the pulse, lota of comments and reviews there


01-10-2007, 01:06 AM
qft-except the owning one part :D

i have one, mine works great as well as 3 of my buddies.

however one person did show up with a brand new one that stopped working halfway thru the day for an unkown reason.

i suggest reading the very large thread in PBN news about the pulse, lota of comments and reviews there


You know that is the most pointless thread I have ever read. Sure I bet there are some great constructive post, but man I feel dumber trying to read a few pages (out of 100) oh pure little kid antics.
No offence to you intended, but a warning to any other who atempts to read a pb nation post. :bounce:

01-10-2007, 01:13 AM
I just picked one up and heres my review post using it

Craftmanship-> Top notch. The shell is strong, and although it can be a little hard to pull the tray out in the beginning, you feel how sturdy it is

Speed-> Too fast worry about. definitely faster than a halo B but not fast as a qloader.

regardless of what people tell you. you do NOT need the RF chip. Ive only been using pulse mode which gently pulsates the balls, and if it feels a jam, it will automatically fix it. Also a nice feature is the little switch on the bottom that will manually feed/fix a jam.

i did notice that pulling the tray out in the beginning was hard. as in pulling as hard as you can. it did not flex or feel like it was gonna break or anything though, after oiling the inside plastic, it became much easier.

the cover for it is a little hard to use at first. its just like a halo but with a magnetic catch as well. after being broken in (ie. flipping it up and down like 100 times) it was fine.

it requires to be broken in somewhat, but its a solid loader, and im very pleased with it. expecially the pulse mode which is the lesser of the feeding modes

01-10-2007, 02:29 AM
I agree very much with what glickman has said above. I got one for xmas.
I <i>do</i> have the rf chip, mainly because I like the idea, it's not all that much extra money, and it was fun for my dad and me to solder in. Plus it saves battery life and it's easier on paint. :)

01-10-2007, 06:05 PM
it sounds like a really cool hopper, and if they were not soo expansive i would maybe own one myself but what would i do with my halo which has a new hybrid shell on it?

01-10-2007, 06:42 PM
Sell the hybrid halo for like 80-100 bucks and put it twords the Pulse

I do suggest using one first..or atleast putting it on your gun..I was all about getting a pulse untill I played with one..it obstructed my view to much because of how big they are in the back...

Another thing..well its picky, but alot of time the way i remeber to reload is when i hear my halo spinning non stop, i still have some balls in the feedneck so i can shoot,but it reminds me to reload...of course Empires dont do this..and it's probably just me.

Other then that they seem very well maid..and they will keep up no problem.

01-11-2007, 10:03 AM
...which gently pulsates the balls...

Hur-hur :rofl: :spit_take

I may pick up a pulse since all I have on the X-Mag right now is an EggII that keeps breaking. I bought it because it was inexpensive and all I need it to do is give me 13BPS reliably but 1) it won't give me 13BPS reliably and 2) replacement parts have made it more expensive than a Halo at this point. I remembered ViewLoader fondly from the 'old days' and decided to give them another try. All I can say at this point is "oops!"

Does anyone know if the Pulse RF harness will connect to the E-/X-Mag warp socket?


01-11-2007, 12:18 PM
Hur-hur :rofl: :spit_take

I may pick up a pulse since all I have on the X-Mag right now is an EggII that keeps breaking. I bought it because it was inexpensive and all I need it to do is give me 13BPS reliably but 1) it won't give me 13BPS reliably and 2) replacement parts have made it more expensive than a Halo at this point. I remembered ViewLoader fondly from the 'old days' and decided to give them another try. All I can say at this point is "oops!"

Does anyone know if the Pulse RF harness will connect to the E-/X-Mag warp socket?


Judging from the pictures,.. no. It seems that it needs some type of direct solder connection which explains why it does not come marker specific on the RF Modual side. You probley could just use snap connectors on the noids leads and be done installing before the iron ever got hot.

Ive been trying to get my hands on one to see what it does as far as the emag,... but I have so much other work going on its not too important. I think the idea is nice about the RF,... but seriously,... the loaders are so fast anyways and they force a ball stack to begin with. if the loader and player needs the RF, that means that the player is outgrowing gun and loader technology by reaching over 35BPS manually (yeah right) or that the loader sucks as a indicate system and needs to have the RF to reach its market valued BPS.

Nice loader,... dont get me wrong,... but its an investment,.. just like any other loader.

01-11-2007, 12:35 PM
question: Does anyone know if the Pulse RF harness will connect to the E-/X-Mag warp socket?

I don’t see why not. You would just have to make a plug for it. Soldering it to the solenoid leads though isn’t that hard and is the best way to do it.

I got one.
Best loader I have used yet... next to my vlrevvy (serious that thing doesn’t break, and hasn’t in over 5 years)

RF mod is on my 06 Ego. It’s fun. Functional... meh I do think its a little faster on the get go, but I could be imagining things.

Faster than stock halo, empire. B2 is a little faster but not as consistent feed.

Polycarbonate FTW. AKA no more broken shells!!! That right there makes it worth it :bounce:

01-11-2007, 01:26 PM
I want one but I can't afford one on $80 a month :(

01-11-2007, 02:31 PM
Ok. Here's how i run things.

1) get a pulse / rf chip

2) take a warp feed interface cable and solder it to the rf harness (match red to red / blk to blk)

3) enjoy

I mean you could just solder the rf to the noid connections, but the warp socket is just pure genius and has much class. Plus if you have xmod, you can be hot and do a manual warp advance. :clap: for xmag + xmod + pulse.

edit: hehe lol, and YES the RF works in the WARP SOCKET.

01-11-2007, 02:46 PM
Ok. Here's how i run things.

1) get a pulse / rf chip

2) take a warp feed interface cable and solder it to the rf harness (match red to red / blk to blk)

3) enjoy

I mean you could just solder the rf to the noid connections, but the warp socket is just pure genius and has much class. Plus if you have xmod, you can be hot and do a manual warp advance. :clap: for xmag + xmod + pulse.

edit: hehe lol, and YES the RF works in the WARP SOCKET.

Thats a great idea I never thought of that. However if you do that I would not be surprised if the Pulse would feed faster than the warp anyway (someone needs to test this).

Speaking of the warp interface, why don't more marker companies do this??? Or better yet why don't they ALL do this? :bounce:
I guess we will have to chalk up that feature as still way to advanced for everyone else, along with mechanical overide.

01-12-2007, 02:36 AM
I think the idea is nice about the RF,... but seriously,... the loaders are so fast anyways and they force a ball stack to begin with. if the loader and player needs the RF, that means that the player is outgrowing gun and loader technology by reaching over 35BPS manually (yeah right) or that the loader sucks as a indicate system and needs to have the RF to reach its market valued BPS.

In my opinion, the rf is for reduced battery life, and the "pulse" function is to make it easier on paint. I really prefer it over the constant spring tension on my old halo(which is now sold off btw...). It's nice when you take the hopper off your gun too, not to have 6 balls shoot out. The point of the system is to make a loader that only turns when you need it, and so cuts back on other things(drive cones breaking, crushing paint, etc.). The intellefeed is a great idea, but now it's wireless. The pulse is meant to be used in green mode. They put the red mode on just to increase their target audience.

The highlight of the system though(for me) is the removable breech, lowered drive cone, and overall better layout of the interior. I'm a big low-maintenence guy. I take my stuff apart and clean it after every play, but I like it to be as short a job as possible. I really like it that I'll be able to clean my hopper without having to split it down the middle.

Plus, the pulse just looks cooler. You might not think so from pictures, but after having the pulse for only a few days, the halo started to look bloated and ugly. Just my $.02.

01-14-2007, 08:54 PM
I have one, and I have to say I like it so far. I don't have the rf transmitter installed yet, but I can see the advantages of the loader being easy on paint and batteries while still feeding reliably. For what it is worth, it continues to spin until it encounters pressure, so if you were waiting for that Halo to keep spinning before reloading, you can do the same with the Pulse as it will spin if there are only enough balls to fill the feed tube. Looking at new prices, it is only $10.00 more expensive than a V35/rip drive Halo for similar performance. The ease of cleaning/maintenance was worth that to me. An extra $35 for the RF feature is a little rough, but pulse mode only will probably be enough for most players anyway.