View Full Version : Binary Explosives in Action

01-10-2007, 04:49 AM
I have always been the guy in line at airports thinking to myself, "What is the point of checking shoes for explosives? Why do we have to go through this stupid system of security to make our travel "safer"? If you really wanted to blow a plane up, you could do it without getting caught. What is the point in wasting our time checking everyone and telling them they can't bring deodorant on a plane?"

To my knowledge, I know there are countless ways of making undetectable bombs to bring onto a plane. Not saying I would ever do such a thing, but there are many loop holes in our security systems and this is a very frightening thought. I found this video tonight about a binary explosive that can be hidden anywhere on the body and is virtually undetectable to our current security systems. As for the compound myself, I have no idea what it could be; my guess is sodium azide and red phosphorus. Anyways, onto the video:

<a href='http://www.holylemon.com/BinaryBomb.html' target='_blank'><img src='http://files.holylemon.com/14566JJx/videos/general/thumbs/BinaryExplosive.jpg' border='0' alt='Binary Bomb'><br>Binary Bomb</a>

01-10-2007, 05:16 AM
that is incredibly insane.

it actually reminds me of something on mythbusters where they make something of the sorts useing sugar and potassium nitrate. it didnt make a bang but it was pretty much like a flare. although im sure sugar is not used in that experiment :p

but what is the added sensitizer for? for the heat sensitivity or for the added bang in the explosion?

01-10-2007, 07:51 AM
Why do you think they are banning large bottles of liquids on planes now? Precicely because of binary explosives.

And as for shoes, they check them because of the Shoe Bomber. It's been done before, and might be done again.

01-10-2007, 08:32 AM
Congratulations Mag you are now on the list and under 24 hour observation. Big brother is watching... :ninja:

01-10-2007, 10:00 AM
note to self, if i see a guy with a box of pens getting on a plane, alert authorities

01-10-2007, 10:36 AM

Amazing and terrifying at the same time.

01-10-2007, 12:08 PM

Amazing and terrifying at the same time.
That's for sure :eek:

01-10-2007, 01:02 PM
note to self, if i see a guy with a box of pens getting on a plane, alert authorities

Or watermelons... :ninja:

01-10-2007, 01:03 PM
Soo... Where can I get this stuff? :cool:

By the way, this thread is almost as cool as the LOX thread. :D

01-10-2007, 02:14 PM
I think I know what this binary is, but dont bother asking I wont tell you. Explosives are my trade, and specific knowledge about them is not something that needs to be spread around on the intarwebs, for the saftey of everyone.

yes it is extremely potent, and used in EOD UXO removal and other Demineing operations.
no you cant buy it, so dont even ask.

having actually contributing nothing absolutley wonderful to this thread I leave you with this quote:

"While you are reading this, your enemies are still training" -Magpul website

01-10-2007, 04:09 PM
I think I know what this binary is, but dont bother asking I wont tell you. Explosives are my trade, and specific knowledge about them is not something that needs to be spread around on the intarwebs, for the saftey of everyone.

yes it is extremely potent, and used in EOD UXO removal and other Demineing operations.
no you cant buy it, so dont even ask.

having actually contributing nothing absolutley wonderful to this thread I leave you with this quote:

"While you are reading this, your enemies are still training" -Magpul website

Well, you can buy binary explosives. Maybe not the ones you are thinking of (I know a bit about explosives myself ;) ) but binary explosives nontheless.


01-10-2007, 04:54 PM
01000010010011110100111101001101001000000100001001 000001010000100101100100100001

Haha, get it, binary?

01-10-2007, 04:54 PM
Well, you can buy binary explosives. Maybe not the ones you are thinking of (I know a bit about explosives myself ;) ) but binary explosives nontheless.

I like the little warning at the bottom.



01-10-2007, 06:02 PM
that is incredibly insane.

it actually reminds me of something on mythbusters where they make something of the sorts useing sugar and potassium nitrate. it didnt make a bang but it was pretty much like a flare. although im sure sugar is not used in that experiment :p

but what is the added sensitizer for? for the heat sensitivity or for the added bang in the explosion?

Acutally they do use sugar. They use salt peter and sugar to make smoke bombs, which is what they were making on mythbusters.

01-10-2007, 06:06 PM
Why do you think they are banning large bottles of liquids on planes now? Precicely because of binary explosives.

And as for shoes, they check them because of the Shoe Bomber. It's been done before, and might be done again.

Yes, and I agree on some parts of checking for these substances. If I remember right, the shoe bomber was atempting to light his shoe, which contained a bomb. Would that kind of bomb even be detectable in x-ray machines? Out in the Denver Airport, they have a machine that shoots a burst of air at the person that goes through it. The machine then processes the airborne materials that come off the person, and it looks to see if there are illegal compounds on the person. This is the kind of system we need in airports. The problem now is how long it takes, it takes around 15-30 seconds to go through it. This would upset a lot of people because a mere 10 people in front of you would mean atleast 5 minutes wait time.

If they could make this type of machine and make it detect faster, then security would be more secure. Using both x-ray machine and these "sniffing machines" would definately make people feel a lot safer during travel.

01-11-2007, 04:47 AM

yep shoot the stuff all the time, I have this group of localish(Tucson) gun nuts(from another forum a few of you know about) I like to go shooting with every few months.

Anyhow the math of existance is easy...


01-11-2007, 06:08 AM
i love tannerite. i still havent bought any yet but my friends and i ran into some fellas shootin it out at a local range and they let us blow up a statue we brought to shoot. awesome stuff. anyone got any cool tannerite videos? lets see em

01-11-2007, 09:24 AM
Acutally they do use sugar. They use salt peter and sugar to make smoke bombs, which is what they were making on mythbusters.
I did my own mythbusting when I was about twelve. Turns out the solid formed after the mixture dries is hard to ignite. We couldn't get it going with a butane lighter anyway. The liquid on the other hand goes right up. I had the liquid ignite on me twice once while being heated, once after being heated. Both times a smoke show ensued.

01-11-2007, 11:21 PM
Only thing I don't agree with is when they say the watermelon was "vaporized." It wasn't. It was just blown off screen. I have a feeling it would take a much larger explosion to vaporize a watermelon completely. That said, it's never really bothered me getting on an airplane. Sure, there have been hijackings, but the overall chance of someone picking <i>your</i> flight is so low... Also, a bomb is only good if you're trying to destroy an airplane and kill its passengers. It's alot easier(and you don't have to commit suicide) to blow up other stuff. I mean hey, just take your bomb and go to a mall. Most of them don't have security at all, and far far more people.
If you're trying to intimidate the people into giving you control of the plane. Sorry, but after 9/11, I don't think it's happening.

(Not condoning bomb-building or the killing of hundreds of people. Just trying to point out that it's not that smart to be worried about bombs on airplanes.

01-12-2007, 04:46 PM
binary explosives? what do you do, accidentally divide by one of the 0s?

01-12-2007, 04:59 PM
binary explosives? what do you do, accidentally divide by one of the 0s?

binary explosive or two-component explosive is an explosive consisting of two elements, neither of which is dangerous of itself, and have to be mixed in order to become explosive. ANFO is an example of a binary explosive.

I think your confused on what Binary means.. Basically means two components. Like Binary Language is just 1s and 0s...So two letters to the language = binary.

01-12-2007, 05:03 PM
binary explosives? what do you do, accidentally divide by one of the 0s?

One of my instructors said that when approaching zero a function blows up. That made me LOL.

I have an explosive function here!!!

I can take out an airplane with a mere thought of division by zero :ninja:

01-12-2007, 05:18 PM
(Not condoning bomb-building or the killing of hundreds of people. Just trying to point out that it's not that smart to be worried about bombs on airplanes.

I haven't heard of a single hijacking since 9/11. Before that every once in a while some whack-job would claim to have a bomb. Prior to 9/11 it was standard practice to give the hijacker whatever they wanted, usually five million dollars and a helicopter, and it was rare for someone to be injured. Now that airliners have been used as a weapon, control of the plane is not to be handed over under any circumstances and their are reinforced cockpits to ensure that. While they may still blow a plane out of the air it's only going to kill a couple hundred people.

They know they're not going to get control of a plane and the effort necessary to blow one up just isn't worth it. Like someone else said why bother when they can go drop a bomb in the garbage can at a parade and achieve the same results with a fraction of the effort.

01-12-2007, 05:25 PM
One of my instructors said that when approaching zero a function blows up. That made me LOL.

I have an explosive function here!!!

I can take out an airplane with a mere thought of division by zero :ninja:

Wow. who would have thought AO would discover something that has stared mathematicians in the face for thousands of years without ever being noticed.
Any number divided by zero equals B*M!
* represents the number of capitalized O's and * is directly proportional to the dividend.

01-12-2007, 05:31 PM
binary explosive or two-component explosive is an explosive consisting of two elements, neither of which is dangerous of itself, and have to be mixed in order to become explosive. ANFO is an example of a binary explosive.

I think your confused on what Binary means.. Basically means two components. Like Binary Language is just 1s and 0s...So two letters to the language = binary.
your internets missed my vague attempt at humor.

/a math teacher came into school one day a while ago with a huge bump on her forehead.
//whenever someone asked her what happened, she said she was working out an equation and accidentally divided by 0.

01-12-2007, 05:36 PM
Yeah sorry I are mathtarded. :tard:

01-13-2007, 03:35 AM
Divison by zero... Its 2 in the morning and this crap still has me going from earlier. thanks AO.

Thus solve the equation for the speed of light...

That would mean that the speed of light would become infinite in magnitude in both the positive and negative value, in the absence of matter.

But I guess it makes sense when you think velocity is relative, and how can you be relative to something if there is nothing (no matter) to be relative to its just what it is… infinite.


And thats why you cant reach the speed of light!


Because If you are going the speed of light... thus you relative motion with the speed of light is zero, that as you approach the equivalent to the speed of light your mass would increase infinitely until it is equivalent to an infinite amount of energy... which is impossible.

Hopefully someone will prove that equation wrong. Division by zero :cuss:

Im going to sleep now.

EDIT 2:!!!

The speed of light is distance/time!!!


Thats how time gets stuck in all of this!

A spacecraft (implying that the mass is constant) is approaching the speed for a specific frame of reference... then you don’t want your energy to change thus making a matter to energy reaction (nuclear reaction) cause that tends to make things explode... that only leaves us with distance and time being variable.
If distance becomes variable, then that means we have star trek style warp drive cause we would be warping space out of shape. Then if time becomes variable, well you sure don’t want that going negative so everything around you would begin to go faster from your frame of ref!

Cool. This is the first time I actually put that all together.
Thanks div by zero.
Now I really want to go to sleep, before I think of something else.

01-13-2007, 04:30 AM
Divison by zero... Its 2 in the morning and this crap still has me going from earlier. thanks AO.

Thus solve the equation for the speed of light...

That would mean that the speed of light would become infinite in magnitude in both the positive and negative value, in the absence of matter.

But I guess it makes sense when you think velocity is relative, and how can you be relative to something if there is nothing (no matter) to be relative to its just what it is… infinite.


And thats why you cant reach the speed of light!


Because If you are going the speed of light... thus you relative motion with the speed of light is zero, that as you approach the equivalent to the speed of light your mass would increase infinitely until it is equivalent to an infinite amount of energy... which is impossible.

Hopefully someone will prove that equation wrong. Division by zero :cuss:

Im going to sleep now.

EDIT 2:!!!

The speed of light is distance/time!!!


Thats how time gets stuck in all of this!

A spacecraft (implying that the mass is constant) is approaching the speed for a specific frame of reference... then you don’t want your energy to change thus making a matter to energy reaction (nuclear reaction) cause that tends to make things explode... that only leaves us with distance and time being variable.
If distance becomes variable, then that means we have star trek style warp drive cause we would be warping space out of shape. Then if time becomes variable, well you sure don’t want that going negative so everything around you would begin to go faster from your frame of ref!

Cool. This is the first time I actually put that all together.
Thanks div by zero.
Now I really want to go to sleep, before I think of something else.

01-13-2007, 10:58 AM
The mathing . . . it . . . burns! :eek: